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Trump takes credit for 8,000 jobs from Japanese mogul


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Trump takes credit for 8,000 jobs from Japanese mogul


PALM BEACH, Fla. (AP) — Donald Trump on Wednesday touted plans by a Japanese mogul to bring 8,000 jobs to the United States.


They could be the first of the 50,000 jobs tech billionaire Masayoshi Son promised to create after meeting with the president-elect earlier in December.


In the grand scheme of the economy, the jobs announcement is unlikely to have a major impact. Still, it's another example of how Trump is trying to stoke voters' belief that he is actively fighting for their well-being.


The announcement came during a whirlwind day in which Trump accused President Barack Obama of throwing up "inflammatory" roadblocks during the transition of power and said his administration was treating Israel with "total disdain."


Son is the founder and chief executive of SoftBank, one of Japan's largest technology outfits. He owns the U.S. mobile carrier Sprint, which Trump said Wednesday would be moving 5,000 jobs "back" to the United States. Son also controls OneWeb, which Trump said would hire 3,000 workers.


It was unclear whether the president-elect was referencing the Dec. 6 commitment by Son to invest $50 billion in the United States and create 50,000 jobs.


Trump said the addition of 8,000 jobs was "because of what's happening and the spirit and the hope."


Still, the U.S. job market has been robust for much of 2016. Employers have added more than 2.2 million jobs over the past 12 months — a sign of economic health that pre-dates Trump's presidential victory.


Sprint has struggled since its 2013 acquisition by SoftBank. The carrier shed roughly 9,000 workers between 2012 and 2016, reducing its staff to 30,000, according to annual reports.


Sprint's attempt to join with rival T-Mobile failed in 2014 after regulators objected to combining two of the four largest mobile telecom companies in the United States. Analysts say a Trump administration would be more likely to approve telecom mergers, including a deal between Sprint and T-Mobile.


Sprint Chief Executive Marcelo Claure said in a statement that the company is "excited" to work with Trump.


"We believe it is critical for business and government to partner together to create more job opportunities in the U.S. and ensure prosperity for all Americans," Claure said.


The Sprint jobs announcement came after tensions rose and fell Wednesday between Trump and Obama. Trump has made it clear that it didn't sit well with him when Obama recently boasted that he would have won the election if he'd been running.


"Doing my best to disregard the many inflammatory President O statements and roadblocks," Trump tweeted Wednesday morning. "Thought it was going to be a smooth transition — NOT!"


Later, however, journalists at Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida asked him about the tweet and how he thought the transition was going.


He said: "I think very, very smoothly. It's very good. You don't think so?"


Even later Wednesday, Trump told reporters he had spoken by phone with Obama and said the two "had a very nice conversation."


Trump also took direct issue with the Obama administration's decision to let a United Nations Security Council resolution critical of Israel pass.


"We cannot continue to let Israel be treated with such total disdain and disrespect," he said in a two-part tweet. "They used to have a great friend in the U.S., but ... not anymore. The beginning of the end was the horrible Iran deal, and now this (U.N.)! Stay strong Israel, January 20th is fast approaching!"


The president-elect's complaints about the treatment of Israel came a few hours before John Kerry made his final speech about Mideast peace as secretary of state. Kerry criticized Israel for settlement-building and accused Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of dragging Israel away from democracy.


Trump resumed his busy schedule of meetings following a brief lull for the holidays. He first met with David Rubenstein, head of the Carlyle Group investment firm. He also met former California Lt. Gov. Abel Maldonado and former Texas A&M president Elsa Murano — two candidates for agriculture secretary.


Maldonado was chairman of the California Senate's agriculture committee; Cuban-born Murano was an agriculture undersecretary in George W. Bush's administration.


Trump also held meetings with a number of medical executives, likely for discussions about Obama's signature heath care plan, which Trump has called a "total disaster."


They include Mayo Clinic chief executive John Noseworthy; the head of Johns Hopkins medical center, Paul Rothman; the head of the Cleveland Clinic, Toby Cosgrove; and Partners Healthcare chief executive David Torchiana. Spicer said Trump would also discuss Obamacare in a meeting with former Wisconsin Gov. Tommy Thompson.


Associated Press writer Cal Woodward contributed to this report from Washington.

-- © Associated Press 2016-12-29
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2 hours ago, webfact said:

It was unclear whether the president-elect was referencing the Dec. 6 commitment by Son to invest $50 billion in the United States and create 50,000 jobs.


Trump said the addition of 8,000 jobs was "because of what's happening and the spirit and the hope."


While it is a good thing that some jobs are coming back to the US from SoftBank, the con-man POTUS-elect likes to pad his numbers a little bit by double counting. 


Trump touts new Sprint jobs that he already touted as SoftBank jobs



But wait, why is Son being so generous with jobs and investment? Hmm...how about trying to revive his stalled attempt to buy out U.S. telecoms T-Mobile. A little quid pro quo?


Why did Japan’s SoftBank pledge $50 billion for U.S. investment?



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2 hours ago, webfact said:

Trump would also discuss Obamacare in a meeting with former Wisconsin Gov. Tommy Thompson.

You can be sure that Trump will not discuss ACA with former Governor Romney who devised a successful state healthcare program that became the basis for ACA.

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16 minutes ago, Silurian said:


While it is a good thing that some jobs are coming back to the US from SoftBank, the con-man POTUS-elect likes to pad his numbers a little bit by double counting. 


Trump touts new Sprint jobs that he already touted as SoftBank jobs



But wait, why is Son being so generous with jobs and investment? Hmm...how about trying to revive his stalled attempt to buy out U.S. telecoms T-Mobile. A little quid pro quo?


Why did Japan’s SoftBank pledge $50 billion for U.S. investment?



I also read somewhere that Sprint had shed thousands of jobs the past few years.  Perhaps the economy is just getting a bit better and can re-hire some back?  Looks like a spin here to me....

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" Still, the U.S. job market has been robust for much of 2016. Employers have added more than 2.2 million jobs over the past 12 months — a sign of economic health that pre-dates Trump's presidential victory. "

 But hey, didn't Trump say US economy was a disaster? But now takes credit for what he had no part in? Does anyone else see some sort of post truth fog here?

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1 hour ago, Emster23 said:

" Still, the U.S. job market has been robust for much of 2016. Employers have added more than 2.2 million jobs over the past 12 months — a sign of economic health that pre-dates Trump's presidential victory. "

 But hey, didn't Trump say US economy was a disaster? But now takes credit for what he had no part in? Does anyone else see some sort of post truth fog here?


2.2M McDonalds, Burger King and Starbucks jobs created





A new study by economists from Harvard and Princeton indicates that 94% of the 10 million new jobs created during the Obama era were temporary positions.

The study shows that the jobs were temporary, contract positions, or part-time "gig" jobs in a variety of fields.



The disappearance of conventional full-time work, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. work, has hit every demographic. “Workers seeking full-time, steady work have lost,” said Krueger.

Under Obama, 1 million fewer workers, overall, are working than before the beginning of the Great Recession.



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Those number don't jive with with I've read here?  But easy to spin stats.  Depends on what you want to hear! lOL





This shows 8.6MM jobs created during Obama's last term. 


Barack Obama D 2013–2016 135,266 143,915 + 8,649[3]



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3 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Those number don't jive with with I've read here?  But easy to spin stats.  Depends on what you want to hear! lOL





This shows 8.6MM jobs created during Obama's last term. 


Barack Obama D 2013–2016 135,266 143,915 + 8,649[3]



When Obama took over, in 2008 the USA lost millions of jobs, not his fault; but part of the economic fall out from the wall street think. In the coming years after spending 2 trillion dollars the jobs returned.

Trumps jobs is to continue the growth the States has had over the past four years.

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50 minutes ago, deathmule said:

I went to the article you linked to and I noticed that it wasn't linked to the Krueger Katz paper. Just assertions.  I did find that Krueger Katz paper and noticed that neither in its abstract or in its conclusion did it cite the numbers alleged by the www.investing.com article. I did a word search for 95 percent, 94 percent 95% or 94% and nothing came up.  This is just more fake news.

Here's a link to the Krueger Katz research.



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Sprint has 30,000 employees and does not have any outside of the United States.

So the 5,000 jobs for Sprint will be "repatriated" from nowhere ...
Moreover, in a statement from Sprint's management, the company is talking about creating these jobs on the basis of a decision made several months BEFORE the elections and finalized in recent weeks.
And in return for the creation of these jobs considered costly, the company expects reductions in costs (and jobs) not yet quantified in other professions
Finally, through this communication coordinated with Trump, Sprint hopes that the purchase of its competitor T-Mobile will finally be authorized through the deregulations announced by the president-elect.
Indeed, the American regulator of Telecoms refused it in 2014 to prevent too much concentration in the sector (less competition would be unfavorable to consumers) ...



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2 hours ago, louse1953 said:

Trump has alzemeirs.

Coincidentally, this from George P. Lakoff, an American cognitive linguist. who addressed the comments that Trump has early alzheimers - Understanding Trump's Use of Language, https://georgelakoff.com/2016/08/19/understanding-trumps-use-of-language/



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