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Intellectual Whore


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9 minutes ago, George FmplesdaCosteedback said:

But you ARE talking about equality. In reality it is not happening. Quotas do not take into account ability. I believe in a meritorious system. I was a single male parent and raised my son from 3 months by myself when my wife died. I worked too.

I have been abused several times for what I thought was common courtesy, not just opening doors, but no: "don't patronize me" was the retort. And then I have had: "Ignorant prat" delivered when I have not....

Make up your minds ladies. And drop the seat without moaning about it.



Well if you have worked at a place that practiced an affirmative action program than I can see that you would not like that. However there are reasons for it to address historical inequalities.  I will not write an essay about it here. If you don't know what those are you should read about it. I could list for you several times in my life that I have suffered from gender discrimination and I have never been the beneficiary of any affirmative action program.  Most women have not.  Yet we have almost all suffered from discrimination and most of us aren't even aware of the extent.  When your boss will never promote a woman to certain positions, he doesn't exactly tell you that.


I am sorry that some women also were not nice to you about the door.  Would you like me to list for you the many, many times men have said disgusting and inappropriate things to me over my lifetime?  How about the times that total strangers have touched me in ways that are sexual assaults? What about the time that my raise was late, and when I asked my boss where was it, he took me for a dive and said that instead of my raise, he would like to set me up in a nice condo, buy me a new car, give me a monthly allowance, and that I could keep my job and he would just come by for sex once a week?  He owned half the company. 


I could write you a list that would fill up pages and pages and pages!    Do you think your list would bigger or more significant than mine?


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32 minutes ago, George FmplesdaCosteedback said:

I would say that simply you didn't explain your situation in any way that people can understand enough to give you a positive reply.

I say again, I think you need to reassess why you have come to Thailand and what you really want.

If you don't know and are not happy here maybe you should consider somewhere else that would provide what you need.

I said it might be your own attitude, if that is the case then you will find it difficult to be happy wherever you go....

Take a step back and look at the situation, consider the options and then maybe you will see for yourself what you need to do.

Don't just blame others....


Are you aware that I am NOT the OP??

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50 minutes ago, amykat said:


Well if you have worked at a place that practiced an affirmative action program than I can see that you would not like that. However there are reasons for it to address historical inequalities.  I will not write an essay about it here. If you don't know what those are you should read about it. I could list for you several times in my life that I have suffered from gender discrimination and I have never been the beneficiary of any affirmative action program.  Most women have not.  Yet we have almost all suffered from discrimination and most of us aren't even aware of the extent.  When your boss will never promote a woman to certain positions, he doesn't exactly tell you that.


I am sorry that some women also were not nice to you about the door.  Would you like me to list for you the many, many times men have said disgusting and inappropriate things to me over my lifetime?  How about the times that total strangers have touched me in ways that are sexual assaults? What about the time that my raise was late, and when I asked my boss where was it, he took me for a dive and said that instead of my raise, he would like to set me up in a nice condo, buy me a new car, give me a monthly allowance, and that I could keep my job and he would just come by for sex once a week?  He owned half the company. 


I could write you a list that would fill up pages and pages and pages!    Do you think your list would bigger or more significant than mine?


So you want to swap stories? I have seen women promoted because they had big tits, but no ability. You can blame that on men but women play on that. Breast enhancement is the most common cosmetic operation.

I have not been guilty of making "inappropriate touching" without being encouraged first, which made it okay as it was condoned by the recipient as the first move was hers. If a secretary flung her arms round you and kissed your cheek in the lift what do you do? Claim sexual harassment? A pat on the bum, and " the wife's down stairs to pick me up" was as far as it ever went.

I am not against equality, I have to say yet again, but maybe you didn't have the necessary real qualifications to get the job in the first place.

The boss was indeed WRONG in offering such a deal. It is true however many would have taken it.

The world has changed since then of course.

It might change again with the rise of muslin radicalism...

But I'm not racist either.



Edited by George FmplesdaCosteedback
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4 minutes ago, amykat said:


Well if you have worked at a place that practiced an affirmative action program than I can see that you would not like that. However there are reasons for it to address historical inequalities.  I will not write an essay about it here. If you don't know what those are you should read about it. I could list for you several times in my life that I have suffered from gender discrimination and I have never been the beneficiary of any affirmative action program.  Most women have not.  Yet we have almost all suffered from discrimination and most of us aren't even aware of the extent.  When your boss will never promote a woman to certain positions, he doesn't exactly tell you that.


I am sorry that some women also were not nice to you about the door.  Would you like me to list for you the many, many times men have said disgusting and inappropriate things to me over my lifetime?  How about the times that total strangers have touched me in ways that are sexual assaults? What about the time that my raise was late, and when I asked my boss where was it, he took me for a dive and said that instead of my raise, he would like to set me up in a nice condo, buy me a new car, give me a monthly allowance, and that I could keep my job and he would just come by for sex once a week?  He owned half the company. 


I could write you a list that would fill up pages and pages and pages!    Do you think your list would bigger or more significant than mine?


The essays have been written, the videos produced and a toxic underbelly of "feminist" ideology exposed.

For openers https://www.avoiceformen.com/feminism/did-feminists-really-win-the-vote-for-women/ &


Neither will be on the curriculum of gender studies 101.

Further material on the site deals with articles such as debunking wage gap myth, privilege v responsibility, etc.

With awareness, realization that oppression is not singly dished out to gender female but to the vast majority of people.

And will continue to do so, therefore egalitarianism has my subscription.

As an aside, my view, after children with parents along with the infirm received their seats on Titanic lifeboats, remaining passengers line up and draw straws. :smile:

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16 minutes ago, George FmplesdaCosteedback said:

So you want to swap stories? I have seen women promoted because they had big tits, but no ability. You can blame that on men but women play on that. Breast enhancement is the most common cosmetic operation.

I have not been guilty of making inappropriate touching without being encouraged first. If a secretary flung here arms round you and kissed your cheek in the lift what do you do? Claim sexual harassment?

I am not against equality, I have to say yet again, but maybe you didn't have the necessary qualifications to get the job in the first place.

The boss was indeed WRONG in offering such a deal. It is true however many would have taken it.

The world has changed since then of course.

It might change again with the rise of muslin radicalism...

But I'm not racist either.




I want to say that no woman can get promoted for her looks, if some jackass in charge, doesn't let it happen by using his job and power inappropriately.  You need to put the blame where it belongs ..with the person in power.


Your story of inappropriate touching ..while maybe not meant to, somehow does imply that maybe I was asking for it.  I wrote nothing of my stories ..purposely ..so that I wouldn't have to sit here for the next 5 days and explain things.  There is more than ONE story in my life. They include more than touching.  They are crimes ..they did not happen in an office.   One happened when I was 12, in McDonalds, during the day as I was leaving ...I don't think you will find a way to say it was me, or the way I was dressed, or that I lead the guy on, or any crap ..okay so let's just drop it!  You guys really go out of your way to blame the woman like you have never heard of these things before.


What about my 35 y/o gym teacher who invited me over to his house several times to jacuzzi with him and flirted with me nonstop for the whole semester and then gave me a bad grade because I never accepted his kind offer when I was 13?


Shall I go on??


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20 minutes ago, amykat said:


I want to say that no woman can get promoted for her looks, if some jackass in charge, doesn't let it happen by using his job and power inappropriately.  You need to put the blame where it belongs ..with the person in power.


Your story of inappropriate touching ..while maybe not meant to, somehow does imply that maybe I was asking for it.  I wrote nothing of my stories ..purposely ..so that I wouldn't have to sit here for the next 5 days and explain things.  There is more than ONE story in my life. They include more than touching.  They are crimes ..they did not happen in an office.   One happened when I was 12, in McDonalds, during the day as I was leaving ...I don't think you will find a way to say it was me, or the way I was dressed, or that I lead the guy on, or any crap ..okay so let's just drop it!  You guys really go out of your way to blame the woman like you have never heard of these things before.


What about my 35 y/o gym teacher who invited me over to his house several times to jacuzzi with him and flirted with me nonstop for the whole semester and then gave me a bad grade because I never accepted his kind offer when I was 13?


Shall I go on??


We are way off topic for a start and you don't want to tell your life story on TV posts.

Sorry to hear about the abuse you have suffered, it has happened to boys too don't forget.

Maybe you are just the person to give constructive advice to Simbya, the OP in this thread,

I wish you all the best for 2017.

I'm going to bed.


PS. Have you ever watched "Fatal Attraction"?


Edited by George FmplesdaCosteedback
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Feminism... The good, the bad, and the ugly.

There is no doubt that women have been subjugated by a male-dominated western society. No doubt what so ever. The accomplishments of the Feminist Movement have done quite a lot to equalize women's standings, and there are still many areas that need improvement. We can hope that these changes continue to be made. The improvements are obvious to even the casual viewer. It's a pendulum swing. The pendulum swings both ways.


Just as obvious, though, are some of the negative issues developing from that swinging pendulum... In the 80's, women all across America were taking "Assertiveness Training" classes. This was a wonderful concept, enabling more women to have their voices heard. But while women were being taught how to 'be' assertive, they didn't learn 'when' to be assertive, and in fact, many became the bullies that so many men now identify as the 'Feminist Movement.'


Language was changed to satisfy gender equality. Chairman became Chairperson. Mailman became Letter Carrier. Stewardess morphed into Flight Attendant. All well and good, but not really world shaking in the grand scheme of things... except that these were seen as victories by the Movement. But to an army, any victory is a step in the right direction.


Except it shouldn't be an 'army' in the first place. As soon as you set up a "We vs Them" situation, you are losing the concept of equality. You are setting up an oppositional force. For many, the assertiveness turned into aggression. Aggression that springs forth in times when aggression isn't called for... Negotiation might work better. If you push, someone is going to push back. That's human nature.


When I was in college, there was a group of women who wanted to change the word "History." They wanted it to become "Herstory" so that it would have a feminine connotation. They said that since that subject is the study of birth and growth of actions, the name should be changed. This 'almost' makes sense. Unfortunately, they were so engrossed in  establishing their brand on the world, they never realized that the word 'History' already IS a feminine word, with its Latin root word "Historia" which was from the Greek root "Hystorus,".......... Uterus or womb... from which all life springs forth.  These women, in their zeal to make their mark, over-reacted. They were being assertive at the wrong time in the wrong place. This happens more often than we would like. And results in red-faced embarrassment.


Take a stand. But please be sure of your footing. I don't get the feeling that the OP knew which foot she was standing on.  I've asked her twice for clarification. The only ones who answered were other people with "their interpretation" of what "they think" she meant. Interesting "opinions," but only that... "opinions."  26 pages later and we still don't know how we can make her stay here in Thailand more comfortable for her.



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I think this thread has probably run its course. The interesting part was discussing the female expat experience. But there are just too many guys out there who are just too bitter. Of course the OP was like chum to sharks. And the male feminists are just here to dance on the moral high ground. They are so well trained after their nuts came off.  But I can't understand all the negativity to Amycat, she has done great job of trying to bring some perspective.

I understand why men are upset with western culture, I am upset with western culture. I am angry at the constant erosion of traditional values and the feminization of everything. I am tired of the victim cards and everybody needing to walk on eggshells about everything.

 But I am not angry at individual people I meet. In fact I really enjoy talking to western women. Through my college years the majority of my friends were intellectual females. A couple of them were some of the smartest people I have ever met.  

Perhaps we can dial back some of the venom and bring the discussion back to something less personal.

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12 minutes ago, canuckamuck said:

I think this thread has probably run its course. The interesting part was discussing the female expat experience. But there are just too many guys out there who are just too bitter. Of course the OP was like chum to sharks. And the male feminists are just here to dance on the moral high ground. They are so well trained after their nuts came off.  But I can't understand all the negativity to Amycat, she has done great job of trying to bring some perspective.

I understand why men are upset with western culture, I am upset with western culture. I am angry at the constant erosion of traditional values and the feminization of everything. I am tired of the victim cards and everybody needing to walk on eggshells about everything.

 But I am not angry at individual people I meet. In fact I really enjoy talking to western women. Through my college years the majority of my friends were intellectual females. A couple of them were some of the smartest people I have ever met.  

Perhaps we can dial back some of the venom and bring the discussion back to something less personal.


Maybe you could start by not accusing people off having their nuts cut off just because their attitudes date to somewhere past 1955?

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13 hours ago, smotherb said:

Those farangs who may not be openly hostile to white women may seek female conversation from a woman who can speak English. I would hesitate call it using her as a whore, but that was your term.


Often, farang friends here enjoy talking to my wife. However, she is not white, she is a Filipina, but she went to high school and college in the states. She speaks English fluently, is intelligent and outgoing; so, she is easy to talk with and can carry on a conversation on almost any topic.


I also know several older English-speaking unattached white women here who get along well with the farangs. However, those women too are friendly, approachable and not uptight about being ‘intellectual whores.’


Those farangs who are openly hostile to you may not be the same ones who seek conversation.



And what exactly is wrong with that ?? 


How did having a friendly conversation about something turn into being classed as some kind of cheapened 'whore' ?? 

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9 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


That chatting up issue wasn't THE topic of this thread. That aspect was one of two related issues the OP raised in her post, as I've quoted her above.


But still, you can't understand the disconnect/discomfort you might feel if one group of people were repeatedly being personally offensive/dismissive to you, and then at the same time, members of that same group at times wanted to chat you up socially??? [Since I'm putting the shoes on your feet, I'm leaving out of the comparative equation the OP's added issues about married farangs with Thai wives].


No because later the initial OP was adapted to admit these are people of different groups. That this as outlined had never happened. 


I have zero mental issues with realizing that one group may not wish to engage with me, and a different group may wish to engage with me. I think it would take a certain kind of special to find that confusing. In fact I think you would need to be actively seeking for an issue for that to even be one. 

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5 hours ago, amykat said:

Please specify.


Also please answer the questions in my post. Not one person has ever done that in this ENTIRE THREAD. I wonder WHY??


Divorce payments from successful millionaire wives to lower earning husbands v millionaire husbands to lower or non earning wives. 


I mean, equality and all.. 

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5 hours ago, F4UCorsair said:


I read It too, before It was edited.

The OP realized she went a little too hard with  her post.



I also read the anti Thainess in the OP which set the tone for the responses.. 


I am curious how it was edited without the edit stamp, as it was much later than that.. 

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36 minutes ago, SoiBiker said:


That doesn't make it any less childish or insulting. If you're going to appeal to make the discussion more civil, you need to look in the mirror first.

If you read my post you will see it lists the things I hate about western culture. In my view it is the male feminist who is the enabler of all the disfunction and angst. The enemy of balance. So my jibe may have been harsh, but true to my opinion. It's already out there, so I'll own it.

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36 minutes ago, LivinLOS said:



I also read the anti Thainess in the OP which set the tone for the responses.. 


I am curious how it was edited without the edit stamp, as it was much later than that.. 

As i said in #600  ,so many things that are out of the ordinary lately on this forum and especially on this thread.

PS reading the true definition of clickbait as below, it is probably not the correct term, but i figure you know what i'm implying..its rather obvious that all attempts are/have been made to keep the interest up on a thread the previously would have been closed down a long time ago.

                     Image result for clickbait

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A common trait among sexist and dare I say, misogynistic men, is that they would like their daughters to have certain rights and privileges but not their wives. They would like their daughters to be well educated and work for example. 


Word;  why would anyone NOT want their wife to be educated and bring in money?   When my wife landed a good job I had loads more budget to hit the bars (and other fun, optional spending).   If anything this may be the main thing that Western expats (m/f) who are in a relationship with below-middle-class Thai people (m/f) find challenging: a complete inability to manage money and budgets. For that alone it's worth finding someone who's been to uni and has a career of any kind.


6 hours ago, cyberfarang said:

Are you seriously suggesting that Farlang men should stick by only getting into conversations with male companions and ignore western women as if they are invisible or out of bounds? Sorry, but you come across as sexist, or maybe you think it`s better to converse with Thai women because they are easy? I would much rather sit have a good conversation, a coffee and form a friendship with a western lady, even if she were 90 than a bargirl anytime.


The main reason Thai women are easy is because very few have trouble with promiscuity.   Thai men have the bad rap in this regard but the women are completely the same:  absolutely every woman in the world who you tell you're married with two kids will instantly abandon romantic interest.   Thais however turn it up a notch or two.  Even among other Asians, after touching on marital status in a chat, women then tend to keep distance.  That's when it occurred to me that this may be why some men lie about being married, to the point of taking off their wedding band when going to Thailand which seems ludicrous to men here, but in many countries of the world that seems to be a thing?   In Thailand you can be so much truthier in this regard, it's a very liberating feeling.


5 hours ago, balo said:

Maybe we can all meet and have a coffee meeting with Simbaya and enjoy the moment ? :partytime2: 



Hmmm.. would organizing that make you her intellectual pimp I wonder...  :)


And, all of us.. not sure I'm ready for an intellectual gang bang.


1 hour ago, canuckamuck said:

But I can't understand all the negativity to Amycat, she has done great job of trying to bring some perspective.


Hear hear!

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First, let me speak of open hostility.  I have had Western men tell me I should not be entitled to a retirement visa, as Thailand is "for them."  I have also been called a "fat cow," which is laughable.


For all the self-professed feminist bashers here, FWIW, I don't think anything the OP posted in her start to this thread was anything remotely related to a feminist agenda. Hey, no need to pay any heed to that.


But, for those of you who think that way, I guess when some men apparently told her she didn't belong in Thailand, that guy was actually just saying "Good Morning, How are you!"   But it was feminism that made her hear instead, "you don't belong here."


Or when some guy called her a "fat cow", the guy was really saying, "Looking very nice today."  But that darned feminism somehow translated that into the cow epithet.


Now I'm understanding you. It would seem there are quite a few others here who likewise would benefit from some psychiatric help...


If you want to debate with Amy about feminism, that's fine. But that wasn't the OP's agenda.

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1 hour ago, FolkGuitar said:

Take a stand. But please be sure of your footing. I don't get the feeling that the OP knew which foot she was standing on.  I've asked her twice for clarification. The only ones who answered were other people with "their interpretation" of what "they think" she meant. Interesting "opinions," but only that... "opinions."  26 pages later and we still don't know how we can make her stay here in Thailand more comfortable for her.


How to make her stay here more comfortable ....smile at her, talk to her, reassure her she's valued as part of the human race, etc, etc, etc. Yesterday in BigC  I attempted my own straw poll on male farangs....every time I walked past one, I smiled and nodded. Guess what - stony-faced rejection of even a smile. Says it all, as far as I'm concerned. Must admit it was a very small poll at only five guys, all of whom were unaccompanied, but sadly it was more or less what I expected.


Moving on :-


Soi Biker, I'm as upset at Western culture as are you, have been for years , but it's not feminization that's destroyed it even although Theresa May is doing her best via Brexit. Trump gives the perfect excuse for guys who think the way many posters here seem to, and he's about to be the leader of the so-called free world! The humans who chart the way the West  moves are, almost without exception, male, and they will deserve exactly what they get , although it's us females who will suffer more because of it.




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I read the OP's 'complaint' but i'm not sure that i understand the reasoning behind it, is she complaining about men starting a conversation with her in a neutral sort of way,ie politics etc. and even mention that they are married so that their motives are clear ie. they are conversing in a friendly non sexual way ? Is this what is annoying her ? She is annoyed that they don't consider her sexually attractive enough to 'hit' on her but as a native English speaker she is OK for a conversation perhaps.

She mentions her figure and the way she dresses as if that would be important ( for a conversation?) I have read that a woman over 50 is virtually invisible to most men so maybe she should be grateful for such attention as she does get. Men cant get it right, 'hit' on them, you are a creep, be nice and have a simple conversation you are treating them like an intellectual whore. I would start a conversation with any English native speaker, man or woman, obviously it is better to remain silent and ignore them. 

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5 minutes ago, buddhalady said:


How to make her stay here more comfortable ....smile at her, talk to her, reassure her she's valued as part of the human race, etc, etc, etc. Yesterday in BigC  I attempted my own straw poll on male farangs....every time I walked past one, I smiled and nodded. Guess what - stony-faced rejection of even a smile. Says it all, as far as I'm concerned. Must admit it was a very small poll at only five guys, all of whom were unaccompanied, but sadly it was more or less what I expected.


Moving on :-


Soi Biker, I'm as upset at Western culture as are you, have been for years , but it's not feminization that's destroyed it even although Theresa May is doing her best via Brexit. Trump gives the perfect excuse for guys who think the way many posters here seem to, and he's about to be the leader of the so-called free world! The humans who chart the way the West  moves are, almost without exception, male, and they will deserve exactly what they get , although it's us females who will suffer more because of it.




That's some poll!!  Try doing that in a western country and see what responses you get. 

As for soibiker - the one who injected the phrase about disliking into a quoted post and never responding when challenged.  Sounds a bit like the OP who managed to edit the post when her original terminology cause the thread to get a bit heated.

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7 hours ago, amykat said:


I just want to define this for everyone. It seems to be a dirty word and I wonder why? Do you even know what it means? Can you tell me what things you are against that are on the following list:



The feminist movement (also known as the women's liberation movement, the women's movement, or simply feminism) refers to a series of political campaigns for reforms on issues such as reproductive rights, domestic violence, maternity leave, equal pay, women's suffrage, sexual harassment, and sexual violence, all of which fall under the label of feminism and the feminist movement. The movement's priorities vary among nations and communities, and range from opposition to female genital mutilation in one country, to opposition to the glass ceiling in another.

Feminism in parts of the western world has gone through three waves. First-wave feminism was oriented around the station of middle- or upper-class white women and involved suffrage and political equality. Second-wave feminism attempted to further combat social and cultural inequalities. Third-wave feminism is continuing to address the financial, social and cultural inequalities and includes renewed campaigning for greater influence of women in politics and media. In reaction to political activism, feminists have also had to maintain focus on women's reproductive rights, such as the right to abortion.



Can you tell me what kind of ATTITUDE would be displayed by someone who believed in such things, while talking with them in line at Rimping?  Could you explain the difference in attitude that a man would display who believes these things vs a woman??


A common trait among sexist and dare I say, misogynistic men, is that they would like their daughters to have certain rights and privileges but not their wives. They would like their daughters to be well educated and work for example.  You can see this with a man like Trump.  See how he treats Ivanka as compared to his wife. This is not just my opinion, although I did recognize it, the NY Times did a piece on it (if I remember correctly ..if not, it was some other major publication.)


Some of you throw these words around willy-nilly. They are meaningless except to be pejorative to a certain class of people. Feminism has no negative meaning in today's society.   It is like racism ..that is negative.  Feminism is being against inequality ..if you are against Feminism you are FOR INEQUALITY ..are you FOR RACISM??


Amycat, that's brilliant - you are a star! Hitting the like button wasn't enough.....

7 hours ago, amykat said:






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6 minutes ago, buddhalady said:


How to make her stay here more comfortable ....smile at her, talk to her, reassure her she's valued as part of the human race, etc, etc, etc. Yesterday in BigC  I attempted my own straw poll on male farangs....every time I walked past one, I smiled and nodded. Guess what - stony-faced rejection of even a smile. Says it all, as far as I'm concerned. Must admit it was a very small poll at only five guys, all of whom were unaccompanied, but sadly it was more or less what I expected.


Moving on :-


Soi Biker, I'm as upset at Western culture as are you, have been for years , but it's not feminization that's destroyed it even although Theresa May is doing her best via Brexit. Trump gives the perfect excuse for guys who think the way many posters here seem to, and he's about to be the leader of the so-called free world! The humans who chart the way the West  moves are, almost without exception, male, and they will deserve exactly what they get , although it's us females who will suffer more because of it.





When did I say I was upset with western culture?

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