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Trump attacks civil rights leader who questioned his election win


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Trump attacks civil rights leader who questioned his election win

By Timothy Gardner


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WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump began a long holiday weekend that honors slain black civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. by attacking another rights activist and politician who had said he doesn't see Trump as a "legitimate president".

Democratic Representative John Lewis, of Georgia, said on a segment of "Meet the Press" released by NBC on Friday he thought hacking by Russians had helped Trump, a Republican, get elected in November. Lewis said he does not plan to attend Trump's Jan. 20 inauguration, the first time he would miss such an event since being elected to the House in 1986.

On Saturday Trump tweeted that Lewis had falsely complained about the election results and instead "should spend more time on fixing and helping his district, which is in horrible shape and falling apart (not to mention crime infested)."

"All talk, talk, talk - no action or results. Sad!" Trump tweeted.

During the campaign, Trump said Democrats had failed African-Americans and Hispanics. "What the hell do you have to lose? Give me a chance," he said at a rally last year in Ohio.

Trump won the presidency with less support from black and Hispanic voters than any president in the last 40 years, only 8 percent and 28 percent respectively, polling data showed.

Lewis, who has been a civil rights leader for more than half a century, was beaten by police during a march he helped lead in 1965 in Selma, Alabama, drawing attention to hurdles for blacks to vote. He protested alongside King that day and on other occasions.

"I believe in forgiveness," Lewis said in the NBC segment about Trump. "I believe in trying to work with people," he said. "It’s going to be very difficult. I don’t see this president-elect as a legitimate president."

At least 10 other Democratic U.S. politicians have also said they plan to skip the inauguration including Representatives Raul Grijalva, Lacy Clay and Mark Takano.

Supporters of Trump see him as a brash person who tells things as they are. His comments about Lewis came ahead of an anti-Trump march in Washington headed by the Rev. Al Sharpton. The protest by about 2,000 marchers kicked off a week of rallies planned by dozens of groups against Trump before, during and after the inauguration.

DisruptJ20, which is working with Black Lives Matter and other protest groups, said they are planning to disrupt balls celebrating the inauguration in Washington.


Several of Trump's fellow Republicans also criticized the president-elect's tweets.

Michael Steele, who served as the first black chairman of the Republican National Committee until 2011, said Trump's tweets were unfortunate.

"John Lewis has a walk that very few people in this country, least of all Donald Trump, have ever walked, so you have to respect that," Steele said on MSNBC.

If Trump is looking to fix a bridge to black voters, their expectation is he "will do so in a way that shows respect for our leadership," Steele said.

Senator Ben Sasse of Nebraska tweeted that "John Lewis and his 'talk' have changed the world."

Conservative critic Bill Kristol tweeted "It's telling, I'm afraid, that Donald Trump treats (Russian President) Vladimir Putin with more respect than he does John Lewis."

-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-01-15
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17 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:

Respecting an individuals right to chose his preferred presidential candidate 


Agreed, except for individuals like V. Putin.

 Respecting an individuals right to chose his preferred presidential candidate so long as mtls2005b approves of the choice is not civil rights, it is outright bigotry. The individual should be able to freely choose whomsoever he wants and whether mtls2005 or Mr King jr approves is totally irrelevant.

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37 minutes ago, TankerWeams said:

A real civil rights leader would be campaigning for the public to respect the democratic process. Respecting an individuals right to chose his preferred presidential candidate is after all an important civil right.

and that's why he disputes the legitimacy of Trump's presidency, because in his opinion and the opinion of many , " an individual's right to chose his preferred presidential candidate " was circumvented by external enemies of democracy as in the Russians. and internal as in the case of the FBI director.   

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Can you imagine if these results had been reversed. If Hilary had won the electoral college and Trump led by nearly 3 million in the popular vote. 


Four years ago, the political landscape was just a little different. At one point during election night, it looked like Mitt Romney might win the popular vote, but lose the Electoral College and presidency to Obama.
At the time, politician-in-waiting Donald Trump took to Twitter to express his displeasure with that democratic result. Given what happened last night in the popular vote and Electoral College, these tweets are probably worth revisiting.


We can't let this happen. We should march on Washington and stop this travesty. Our nation is totally divided!

Lets fight like hell and stop this great and disgusting injustice! The world is laughing at us.

This election is a total sham and a travesty. We are not a democracy!

Our country is now in serious and unprecedented trouble...like never before.

and my favourite of all:

The electoral college is a disaster for a democracy.


In fact Obama won the electoral college and the popular vote.

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1 hour ago, pitrevie said:

Can you imagine if these results had been reversed. If Hilary had won the electoral college and Trump led by nearly 3 million in the popular vote. 


Four years ago, the political landscape was just a little different. At one point during election night, it looked like Mitt Romney might win the popular vote, but lose the Electoral College and presidency to Obama.
At the time, politician-in-waiting Donald Trump took to Twitter to express his displeasure with that democratic result. Given what happened last night in the popular vote and Electoral College, these tweets are probably worth revisiting.


We can't let this happen. We should march on Washington and stop this travesty. Our nation is totally divided!

Lets fight like hell and stop this great and disgusting injustice! The world is laughing at us.

This election is a total sham and a travesty. We are not a democracy!

Our country is now in serious and unprecedented trouble...like never before.

and my favourite of all:

The electoral college is a disaster for a democracy.


In fact Obama won the electoral college and the popular vote.

We are a republic not a democracy and everyone understood the rules and how the system is organized with the electorial college. When voting fraud is factored into the popular vote it is questionable that Clinton won the popular vote but it really does not matter. She had far more money and media behind her but she lost in a close election. Get over it. Americans are tired of Republican NeoCons and democrats. 

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In 1965 John Lewis was getting his head bashed by state troopers, while marching for equal rights.


In 1965 Donald Trump was lining up the first of many draft deferments.


Trump's tweet also said that Mr. Lewis's district is "crime infested" - of course it is not - in an attempt to use his favorite racially charged "code words".





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In this case, the reputation of the person who said this is not important. It's the statement that should be listened to. Frankly, he should have kept his mouth shut.

So far, there is no proof that the Russians gave him the presidency. For myself, I believe the Russians were involved in hacking, but, it made no difference to the outcome.


What is increasingly disturbing is the un-presidential behaviour exhibited by Donald Trump. So thin-skinned. Seems he's going to spend the next four years with ripostes on Twitter to his many detractors. This is what ALL Americans should be worried about.

Once he's in power and has real power, let's hope these "push-backs" don't escalate beyond just childish Tweets.

Edited by KarenBravo
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8 minutes ago, KarenBravo said:

In this case, the reputation of the person who said this is not important. It's the statement that should be listened to. Frankly, he should have kept his mouth shut.

So far, there is no proof that the Russians gave him the presidency. For myself, I believe the Russians were involved in hacking, but, it made no difference to the outcome.



We agree on this. Lewis was out of line.

I do wish Trump wouldn't respond to every insult, but, on the other hand, president elect has ever been treated anything like this before. I can understand the frustration.

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2 hours ago, pitrevie said:

Can you imagine if these results had been reversed. If Hilary had won the electoral college and Trump led by nearly 3 million in the popular vote. 


Four years ago, the political landscape was just a little different. At one point during election night, it looked like Mitt Romney might win the popular vote, but lose the Electoral College and presidency to Obama.
At the time, politician-in-waiting Donald Trump took to Twitter to express his displeasure with that democratic result. Given what happened last night in the popular vote and Electoral College, these tweets are probably worth revisiting.


We can't let this happen. We should march on Washington and stop this travesty. Our nation is totally divided!

Lets fight like hell and stop this great and disgusting injustice! The world is laughing at us.

This election is a total sham and a travesty. We are not a democracy!

Our country is now in serious and unprecedented trouble...like never before.

and my favourite of all:

The electoral college is a disaster for a democracy.


In fact Obama won the electoral college and the popular vote.


What a diatribe. Why not just say you don't like the result, it's so unfair on poor Hilary who thought it was her turn, so the rules and result should be ignored?

Would you have said the same if Trump had won the popular vote - and what was the difference in % and % of population terms, and Hilary have won the EC vote?



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It seems the minority democrats. who lost the POTUS, the Senate and the Congress still believe it's their birthright to rule. The will of the people is irrelevant to the PC liberals. They can only keep saying they won't accept this and that, demand this and that, through their sympathetic medias  and more worryingly stir up civil arrest by actually inflaming racial divides. Oh and of course lying, hypocrisy and their usual take on their reality.

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35 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


We agree on this. Lewis was out of line.

I do wish Trump wouldn't respond to every insult, but, on the other hand, president elect has ever been treated anything like this before. I can understand the frustration.


Trump is fighting back against the Deep State and MSM.  No Republican has ever done that before.  And look at where it has got them: cowering fearful that some 25 year old CNN producer will call them a "racist" or a "homophobe."  I hope Trump tweets from now until the day he leaves office. Fight. Fight. Fight.

Edited by zydeco
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27 minutes ago, zydeco said:


Trump is fighting back against the Deep State and MSM.  No Republican has ever done that before.  And look at where it has got them: cowering fearful that some 25 year old CNN producer will call them a "racist" or a "homophobe."  I hope Trump tweets from now until the day he leaves office. Fight. Fight. Fight.


Pee. Pee. Pee.

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42 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


It seems the minority democrats. who lost the POTUS, the Senate and the Congress still believe it's their birthright to rule. The will of the people is irrelevant to the PC liberals. They can only keep saying they won't accept this and that, demand this and that, through their sympathetic medias  and more worryingly stir up civil arrest by actually inflaming racial divides. Oh and of course lying, hypocrisy and their usual take on their reality.


Lying? Hypocrisy? Usual take on reality?

You could be describing Donald Trump. His reality is certainly different from normal people (climate change a hoax by the Chinese to hurt the US economically).

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I am divided on this one. While I can certainly see how some politicians on one side may have deep seated distrust/animosity with the >person
So... skipping the transfer of power event I think is something I wouldn't agree with.. but skipping attending any post-inauguration "balls" or parties I think would be more than appropriate.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

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5 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

He just can't let anything go.


The obvious thing would have been to reach out personally, in attempt to heal, but no, he's just gotta tweet stoopid stuff.

It is the other way around, "democrats" don't respect the  elected president, who won with the same system used to elect their president. I don't like Trump but the democrats are just sore losers. 

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Trump said Lewis is "All talk, no action"?


Wasn't Representative Lewis almost murdered marching for Civil Rights on the Edmund Petis bridge?


What action has Trump done? Trump was born of 3rd base and thinks he hit a homerun.

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4 hours ago, TankerWeams said:

A real civil rights leader would be campaigning for the public to respect the democratic process. Respecting an individuals right to chose his preferred presidential candidate is after all an important civil right.

The process whereby a candidate getting nearly 3 million votes countrywide more than her/his rival, who still gets elected, is not a democratic one and if one really considers this carefully, one may consider the President elect not as a "legitimate president"

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John Lewis is a hero.:clap2:

donald "j":stoner: trump is a villain.

Thank you to John Lewis for speaking truth to power once again. 


Hey, Trump: John Lewis Is a Real Hero



Yes, trump will be president soon, and it's silly if you're American to say he's not my president. You have to be honest about the problem to have any hope of solving it. Like with a hemorrhoid ... if you have one, it's yours. 

Edited by Jingthing
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58 minutes ago, KarenBravo said:


Well, he'll certainly have the time as we all know that Pence will actually be running the country.


58 minutes ago, KarenBravo said:


Well, he'll certainly have the time as we all know that Pence will actually be running the country.


Finally somebody telling the future, but.... Pence will be the President after Trump resignation for "personal reasons"... very soon... but not before him becoming a REAL billionaire with People's tax money plus money from Republican sponsors + Putin + Corporations + Military contractors.... After all... Trump is a Cheney's Apprentice! .... The only people not learning......are the Americans. 

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