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Impatience (and idiot) with a capital "I"


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4 hours ago, cooked said:

I have the impression, in Bangkok at least, that ambulances automatically turn on sirens and lights when going anywhere. No wonder they are disrespected.

That's the RTP. And not just in Bangkok. Nor just in Thailand. But the fact remains that Thai drivers all too often don't move out of the way for an ambulance, even though the law states they should.

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3 hours ago, bkkcanuck8 said:


I was thinking the same thing.  Whether the ambulance is on the way to or on the way back to the hospital with a patient.... they should have the right of way and .... respect.   Anyone purposely impeding the ambulance should be at a minimum severely fined, with potential to rise to the level of manslaughter or criminal negligence.  

Given the "fine" job the Police are doing enforcing current traffic laws I'm sure they would again do a "fine" job enforcing this law!


We are not in the west, ambulances have only appeared on the roads in very recent times, Thai's knowing their ilk have no road sense or training to let the body snatchers  take their spot in the traffic jams! :shock1:

Edited by CGW
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5 hours ago, cooked said:

I have the impression, in Bangkok at least, that ambulances automatically turn on sirens and lights when going anywhere. No wonder they are disrespected.


That is exactly what the a##hole in the pickup thought.  Reflect on that for a moment.

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6 hours ago, cooked said:

I have the impression, in Bangkok at least, that ambulances automatically turn on sirens and lights when going anywhere. No wonder they are disrespected.

I was at the scene of a minor accident which had just happened, and in a short time there were six ambulances there, each one with there emergency lights on, trying to get there first to get any business.

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6 hours ago, cooked said:

I have the impression, in Bangkok at least, that ambulances automatically turn on sirens and lights when going anywhere. No wonder they are disrespected.

Unfortunately that is true. I saw it once up in Isaan, I was driving along and suddenly an ambulance came flying past with lights flashing & siren blazing away, I moved aside and allowed it to pass, but a few minutes later I passed the same ambulance pulled up outside a restaurant, and the driver was outside talking to some mates, and had a big fat ear-to-ear smile on his dumb face.

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In "developed" countries it is clearly mandated by law that drivers must give way to emergency vehicles. Drivers obey the law because it is policed and very expensive if you don't.

I presume that in Thailand it is clearly mandated also. Although I have seen many ambulances on Thai roads with signals going, I've never yet seen a Thai driver make any attempt to get out of the way.

Why would that be? The usual answer - total lack of policing of drivers actual behaviour on the road. Until that happens, then no behavioural change will take place.

Clearly that's never gonna happen, so the moral of the story is: stay out of Thai ambulances!

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8 hours ago, cooked said:

I have the impression, in Bangkok at least, that ambulances automatically turn on sirens and lights when going anywhere. No wonder they are disrespected.

What an insensitive remark! So you justify any one blocking an ambulance?

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1 hour ago, bheard said:

In "developed" countries it is clearly mandated by law that drivers must give way to emergency vehicles. Drivers obey the law because it is policed and very expensive if you don't.

I presume that in Thailand it is clearly mandated also. Although I have seen many ambulances on Thai roads with signals going, I've never yet seen a Thai driver make any attempt to get out of the way.

Why would that be? The usual answer - total lack of policing of drivers actual behaviour on the road. Until that happens, then no behavioural change will take place.

Clearly that's never gonna happen, so the moral of the story is: stay out of Thai ambulances!

Developed countries not only have developed traffic laws and awareness, but due to social education, human values (more respect for fellow humans in need) we make way for ambulances.

I don't agree that a law only makes people realize that ambulances are to save lives. Fortunately there's also something called compassion, empathy and respect, which in Thailand is hard to find when it comes down to traffic rules and -behavior. I have experienced numerous times cars not budging with an ambulance behind. I've tried many times (in my car and  on my motorbike) to make way by using my claxon. 

Ambulance drivers are also to blame. Most of them are too "kriengChai" or just bad drivers, no special training nor driving skills.

It will take decades for Thailand to change this behavior and has all to do with education, social awareness and real (non-Thai Buddhist) compassion.


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When I see ambulances in my province most drivers, including me, move out of the way for them. I have to admit though, I've regularly had to re-overtake ambulances with their lights on as they've only been going 100kph in the fast lane when the flow of traffic is going 120-130.

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"The incident happened in Chiang Mai on Sunday evening. Netizens who viewed the story in their thousands roundly condemned the attitude of the rude pick-up driver. "


So why don't the Netizens make an effort to find out who this idiot was and report him to the police?
Do that in my home-country and you'll be punished accordingly.

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9 hours ago, cooked said:

I have the impression, in Bangkok at least, that ambulances automatically turn on sirens and lights when going anywhere. No wonder they are disrespected.

Well considering that usually they are attending medical incidents, I don't think that's at all surprised.

They are disrespected because of idiots who don't give a toss because it isn't them or one of their loved ones.

I hope this bloke has a heart attack and gets stuck behind a like-minded cretin.

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1 hour ago, alien365 said:

When I see ambulances in my province most drivers, including me, move out of the way for them. I have to admit though, I've regularly had to re-overtake ambulances with their lights on as they've only been going 100kph in the fast lane when the flow of traffic is going 120-130.

The faster the ambulances travel, the harder it is for a patient to be treated in the back.

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It lets the world see what a high standard of education and intellectual understanding an average Thai driver has; if it was his son or daughter dying in the ambulance would he apply the same logic to his actions.   

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52 minutes ago, Bantex said:

The faster the ambulances travel, the harder it is for a patient to be treated in the back.

Quite often the treatment has been applied on scene and they are just in a hurry to get them on an operating table.

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2 hours ago, BsBs said:

Wish his full family to die in an ambulance or in a van accident !

If they could burn alive it would be the best !



Grow up. read the posts before knee jerking like that. I never said that.

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11 hours ago, robertthesculptor said:

As an old EMT, I would like to point out to some of the responders here, you are jerks

Ambulance should ALWAYS have right of way, in fact you should pull over even if it is coming from the opposite direction....

Remember, likely one day it Will be your sorry patute on the gurney....

Anyone who obstructs an ambulance should be jailed and car impounded for a good long stretch


I agree ,,..all emergency vehicles should be given right of way!

Not all drivers are selfish and ignorant,....some are just totally unaware of surrounding traffic ,..and their mirrors are just for decoration!,.....really some drivers just don't have the brain cells to figure it out!

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11 hours ago, robertthesculptor said:

As an old EMT, I would like to point out to some of the responders here, you are jerks

Ambulance should ALWAYS have right of way, in fact you should pull over even if it is coming from the opposite direction....

Remember, likely one day it Will be your sorry patute on the gurney....

Anyone who obstructs an ambulance should be jailed and car impounded for a good long stretch


I agree ,,..all emergency vehicles should be given right of way!

Not all drivers are selfish and ignorant,....some are just totally unaware of surrounding traffic ,..and their mirrors are just for decoration!,.....really some drivers just don't have the brain cells to figure it out!

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11 hours ago, robertthesculptor said:

As an old EMT, I would like to point out to some of the responders here, you are jerks

Ambulance should ALWAYS have right of way, in fact you should pull over even if it is coming from the opposite direction....

Remember, likely one day it Will be your sorry patute on the gurney....

Anyone who obstructs an ambulance should be jailed and car impounded for a good long stretch


I agree ,,..all emergency vehicles should be given right of way!

Not all drivers are selfish and ignorant,....some are just totally unaware of surrounding traffic ,..and their mirrors are just for decoration!,.....really some drivers just don't have the brain cells to figure it out!

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11 hours ago, robertthesculptor said:

As an old EMT, I would like to point out to some of the responders here, you are jerks

Ambulance should ALWAYS have right of way, in fact you should pull over even if it is coming from the opposite direction....

Remember, likely one day it Will be your sorry patute on the gurney....

Anyone who obstructs an ambulance should be jailed and car impounded for a good long stretch


I agree ,,..all emergency vehicles should be given right of way!

Not all drivers are selfish and ignorant,....some are just totally unaware of surrounding traffic ,..and their mirrors are just for decoration!,.....really some drivers just don't have the brain cells to figure it out!

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