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"Mummy when I grow up can I organize a coup?"


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4 minutes ago, thai3 said:

Not sure if this can be posted or not, spot on though




Each are entitled to their own views. I thought that article load of cobblers. Written by another liberal left PC journalist with his head so far up his own arse he believes reality is his imagination.



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20 minutes ago, thai3 said:


Yeah the isis kids have a great day as well and child soldiers in Africa, this is just one step behind and has the same motivation. Guns are not fun, they are for killing.




Nothing even close.


Do you complain when the British Army, Navy and Airforce attend various shows, visit schools and universities,  run fun recruiting weekends etc etc? And yes, they do attract young children too.

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What a load of Effen B.S.   For God's sake, has everyone in the world lost their marbles???  I'd venture to say most of on Thai Visa are in or approaching our seventies.  We were brought up with WWI, WWII, the Korean War, the Viet Nam War, the Falklands War etc, etc,  Then there was Kruschev,  the Iron Curtain, Cuba, wars of all kinds in South America and Africa.


As kids we played cops and robbers or cowboys and indians......every kid I knew had a fake six shooter by the time he was six years old, and a BB gun by the time he was twelve.  We were taught GUN SAFETY. CAR SAFETY, SEX SAFETY.


We were also taught how to read and write, how to add and subtract, history, how to write....not Print!  We were taught that by the time you were 18 you had better learn to be a man and take care of yourself.  Girls were taught you got married by the time you were thirty, and how to have and take care of babies, how to cook, sew and clean house.  


If you really lucky and your parents had money you could go to college until you were in your mid twenties.   If you didn't have any way to go to college you could enlist in the Armed Services and find your way to a college education that way.  College students worked to earn money to live on and to help pay for college.  There were Trade schools for Electricians and Plumbers etc.


Personally I vote to quit whining about all this pansy crap and realize the world is going to hell in a handbasket precisely because half of everyone now seems to believe in Socialism (that would be the Democrats in America).  

Let's get back to being realistic in our everyday lives instead of:


"On a children's day we could familiarise the future society with environmental issues, sharing happiness, enjoying art and so many other virtues rather than violent shows, hatred and military. That goes a long way in shaping the future."    (from Veeke post #53).......this will get your ass kicked in the future and you'll be lucky to be living in a free society.



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33 minutes ago, thai3 said:

Saw loads of Schoolkids today marching up and down the road in scouts and guides costumes, what has that got to do with education any more than tanks and machine guns have to do with kids day? All this militarization and glorification of armed forces, that have never actually won a war, is verging on child abuse. It's the sort of indoctrination the Soviets and Chinese used to do, these days only N Korea do it better, or worse depending on your viewpoint.The Thai elite want kids submissive, blindly loyal and to do what they are told, but what will they do about the internet?


What a nonsense statement.


Scouts are part of school life here.  


If you think Thailand and the Thai military are remotely like the North Koreans or former Soviets then your're deluded. 



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It encourages the use of force. Lol. Why do you think they came up with the idea to do it? To instill it in the kids early on. 

Too bad it's not going to work since the world doesn't need governments anymore. 

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2 minutes ago, A1Str8 said:

It encourages the use of force. Lol. Why do you think they came up with the idea to do it? To instill it in the kids early on. 

Too bad it's not going to work since the world doesn't need governments anymore. 



Are you actually serious?

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6 minutes ago, A1Str8 said:

It encourages the use of force. Lol. Why do you think they came up with the idea to do it? To instill it in the kids early on. 

Too bad it's not going to work since the world doesn't need governments anymore. 

3 minutes ago, TGIR said:



Are you actually serious?


4 minutes ago, A1Str8 said:

actually yes


Snowflake alert!



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Surprised no one here seems to remember this little ditty from a few weeks back:




Systematic military indoctrination of Thai kindergarteners advances police state

That the Royal Thai Military is instituting a programme for the systematic military indoctrination of schoolchildren should fill every thinking Thai citizen and foreigner with children in Thai schools with great disquiet.

Perhaps inspired by an earlier programme praised by the Secretary-General of the Basic Education Commission whereby kindergarteners in military uniforms were trained to perform Nazi salutes and march in formation in a Khon Kaen province community school, the Prayut administration is taking the next step towards a police state: a national programme of military indoctrination at boot camps for kindergarteners.


I'd feel better if the local authorities for Children's Day were also having the kids tour fire houses, government offices, other places -- not just guns and tanks and military stuff.
It does begin to feel like it's all part of a broader plan to bring everyone in line with you know who, and make everyone one big happy tow-the-line spouting party.
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3 hours ago, wakeupplease said:


Why not let children be children for a few years they do not need this crap at this age as in later life its day after day crap like this by writers that are colour blind and Junta mad

In the mid 50,s i went to a display and show by the royal navy( I was six or seven) and in the late 50,s i was playing cowboys and Indians using toy guns, non of that has made me want to use guns in later life or organise a coup in the UK.                    let children be children for a few years yes i agree, but what is wrong with allowing children to visit attractions 

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36 minutes ago, thai3 said:


Yeah the isis kids have a great day as well and child soldiers in Africa, this is just one step behind and has the same motivation. Guns are not fun, they are for killing.

The kids from Thailand had a day out with the Military.  I actually like this.  It is an honor to have kids admire the people who will defend their country. Should we teach the children that their military is a bad thing? Should we teach the kids to rebel against their goverment institutions? NO! That is the wrong way!


The kids in Africa and "others" you have mentioned are trained to shoot at targets with live rounds,  most do not have a choice,  so does the women - you fight or you die. The lines between right and wrong are very thick in such situations, it is difficult to comprehend if you were not there.


As Ret. myself, from africa and 4 tours in and around central africa, believe me, Thailand is not doing too bad.


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Almost same like letting your children play with fire crackers and believe that they make bombs when they get bigger. Just nonsense!
Every country in the world show weapons and let both grown ups and children sit and hold them. It´s just called an attraction. Still up to sensible and clever parenting about moral and the right way of living that is important. On the other hand, maybe the rest of the world traveled to Thailand already, and know about that situation.

Edited by Get Real
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This really is idiocy.Imagine if this were done in America? The howls of anguish. The fact that it has been going on for some time does not make it good. We had bonfire night in the UK every November 5th and thousands of kids got burned. Someone had the good sense to organise community fireworks so the bonfire in the garden is simply a bad a thing of the past.

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1 hour ago, rijb said:


What American movies do Thai kids watch?

Are you in Thailand? Have a Television? Switch it on, take your time, scroll the channels. Farangs speaking fluently thai running around shooting people blood and shit flying everywhere is definitely not a local production!

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3 hours ago, Regyai said:

Media people piffle as always


As a child in the UK all those years back I can still recall clambering on artilery pieces and handling army weapons at every local fair.


In AUS being part of the school cadet corp and firing a .303 was great fun.

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5 minutes ago, douglasspade said:

Are you in Thailand? Have a Television? Switch it on, take your time, scroll the channels. Farangs speaking fluently thai running around shooting people blood and shit flying everywhere is definitely not a local production!


Answer the question.

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I appreciate the idea to show little kids the weapons they might use later. Also it's good to show them in Thai soaps the way to kill and stab.

And this year they got very excited even. A jet crashed just near to them. Maybe they could smell the burned flesh of the pilot? Next they can have a try with their class mate or mother or sister. It's a life full of fun. Congrats PM.

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