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Trump bars door to refugees, visitors from seven nations


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Funny to hear the CNN reporters complain about this because they are coming under scrutiny too. Just saw Nic Robertson and Ben Wedeman whining about how it inconveniences them. Lots of rocks being lifted and lots of media grub worms being exposed to daylight. Hard to understand what Wedeman is yelping about, since he is a US citizen, but maybe it has something to do with his foreign born wife, Yasmine, and her PLO activism.

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1 minute ago, zydeco said:

Funny to hear the CNN reporters complain about this because they are coming under scrutiny too. Just saw Nic Robertson and Ben Wedeman whining about how it inconveniences them. Lots of rocks being lifted and lots of media grub worms being exposed to daylight. Hard to understand what Wedeman is yelping about, since he is a US citizen, but maybe it has something to do with his foreign born wife, Yasmine, and her PLO activism.

Making America grate again

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10 minutes ago, daveAustin said:

Dear me, change the tune, it's getting really boring. If the bloke were racist he wouldn't hire black people or have married his immigrant wife. At least he is doing something tangible to try to throttle ISLAMIC terrorism to his country. It might have the opposite effect and inconvenience some, but it was a campaign pledge and is worth a try. Should probably have included Saudi and Pakistan though. The likes of Jeremy Corbyn and their dainty left tripe (when is his party going to boot him out!) are sickening to listen to.

Now I wonder why he left out Saudi Arabia,  financial supporter of Isis and home of 15 of the 19 terrorists of 9-11.

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8 minutes ago, daveAustin said:

Dear me, change the tune, it's getting really boring. If the bloke were racist he wouldn't hire black people or have married his immigrant wife. At least he is doing something tangible to try to throttle ISLAMIC terrorism to his country. It might have the opposite effect and inconvenience some, but it was a campaign pledge and is worth a try. Should probably have included Saudi and Pakistan though. The likes of Jeremy Corbyn and their dainty left tripe (when is his party going to boot him out!) are sickening to listen to.

You really need to expand your knowledge. Trump IS a racist - it is documented that he had black dealers removed from card tables when high rollers came to town, and specifically banned blacks from working in the counting rooms of his casinos.


This order will do very little to "throttle ISLAMIC terrorism in his country". The largest number of terrorist incidents in the US since 9/11 have been committed by Americans. Not one single incident has ever been committed by a Syrian refugee, yet they are in first place on his ban list. Not Saudis, Pakistanis, Chechnyans, etc., who actually have been involved in such acts.


Inconvenience? An Afghan who worked for the US military, thereby risking his life and those of his family when the Taliban vowed retaliation, is detained at JFK after a two year vetting to get visas, and is released only through the intervention of a US Congressman who was there to meet the family. Inconvenience? How about the 77 year old grandmother who is currently sitting in detention  at DFW because the order went into effect while she was in the air to come to the US to visit her grandchildren. 


Yup, he sure is doing a lot to prevent terrorism.

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Riots  Riots!! all day long at JFK and Chicago.  Federal Judge rules in favor of a Stay of this new EO.   All detainees  can not be sent back to their home country..    this ruling protects everyone who had already been approved to enter the country. 


Huge and ginormous win. and Setback to T Tump

Edited by Elkski
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59 minutes ago, F4UCorsair said:

You condemn him, but are reading a second book, Trump Revealed??


Are you sure It's not a man crush??

Trump Revealed is a book compiled by a team of dozens of journalists at the Washington Post who investigated Trump's background going right back to childhood.


The results are not pretty...what you see in his petty conduct now is no different that his conduct as a teenager and young adult - an insecure individual who hides it behind a wall of narcissism.


You should read it some time...might open your eyes...

Edited by WaywardWind
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2 minutes ago, WaywardWind said:

Trump Revealed is a book compiled by a team of dozens of journalists at the Washington Post who investigated Trump's background going right back to childhood.


The results are not pretty...what you see in his petty conduct now is no different that his conduct as a teenager and young adult - an insecure individual who hides it behind a wall of narcissism.


You should read it some time...might open your eyes...

You don't need a book to "read"  DT  and whatever people see in him, the USA elected him POTUS for the next 4 years.  That's the greatness of democracy. 

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2 minutes ago, WaywardWind said:

You should read it some time...might open your eyes...

Will not for those of us already apprised of those facts, most of which any intelligent person could work out from watching a few minutes of The Apprentice. But even if it does for the others, what practical difference will it make right now? 

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The executive order has been stayed:


Judge Ann Donnelly of the US District Court in Brooklyn granted a request from the ACLU to stay deportations of those detained on entry to the United States following President Trump's executive order. 

After a brief hearing in front of a small audience that filtered in from a crowd of hundreds outside, Donnelly determined that the risk of injury to those detained by being returned to their home countries necessitated the decision. She seemed to have little patience for the arguments presented by the government, which focused heavily on the fact that the two defendants named in the lawsuit had already been released. At one point, she visibly lost patience with a government attorney who was participating by phone.

Donnelly noted that those detained were suffering mostly from the bad fortune of traveling while the ban went into effect. "Our own government presumably approved their entry to the country," she said at one point, noting that, had it been two days prior, those detained would have been granted admission without question.



The Judge cited 4 factors in rendering the decision: irreparable harm established, likelihood of success on merits, no harm to government, and likelihood of class certification.

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The fact is, you are seven times as likely to be killed by a right wing extremist than by a Muslim terrorist.




On the other hand, being killed by a Muslim, makes you seven times deader.

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7 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

If Trump really had balls as some of his supporters mistakenly believe, he would have added Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and a few others to the exclusion list. They're not covered by the exclusion order he signed, but they certainly deserve to be as major country sponsors and supporters of Islamic extremism/terrorism.


Because this isn't about protecting Americans. It's all theater; just throwing read meat to the bigots who voted for him. And they're lapping it up, the fools.

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In 2011, the Obama administration did this:


As a result of the Kentucky case, the State Department stopped processing Iraq refugees for six months in 2011, federal officials told ABC News – even for many who had heroically helped U.S. forces as interpreters and intelligence assets. One Iraqi who had aided American troops was assassinated before his refugee application could be processed, because of the immigration delays, two U.S. officials said. In 2011, fewer than 10,000 Iraqis were resettled as refugees in the U.S., half the number from the year before, State Department statistics show.



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11 minutes ago, zydeco said:

So Trump is applying stricter standards to countries where the USA has biometric databases and lots of intelligence info than to those countries for which it doesn't have such databases.  And you think that makes sense?  

It does make sense if you consider where Trump's financial interests lie.

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5 hours ago, WaywardWind said:

Of the 22 years I spent living and working abroad, more than half were predominantly Muslim countries, some extreme, some more moderate. I never felt remotely endangered, other than late night incidents with drunken police in Tajikistan.


Unlike most people here, I have been reading about Trump for over 30 years; if you lived in NY, it was impossible to avoid the barrage of news about him. That continues: I just finished reading David Cay Johnston's book "The Making of Donald Trump", and am in the middle of the Karnish book "Trump Revealed."


So let me give you my thoughts: if you had spent any time learning about Donald Trump, you would be condemning Donald Trump with all of your might.



Thanks. I bought Trump Revealed on my Knidle earlier today. It's fascinating. Trump supporters should really read it, so they know the man they're supporting. It's regrettable that reporters are only now doing the jobs they should've been doing during the primaries and the election. But I guess email server management stories were more important.

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The US has to realize that all the problems stemming from Illegal Immigration are due to their own policies. The War on Drugs being first and foremost. A most Racist Policy and about nothing but money for those fighting it. As an example - MS13 started in LA, moved to the jails, where they were deported to El Salvador. Islamic Terrorism - look where the US poured its money - and continues to do so - and invaded. Leader of the Free World ?  Not by a long shot. Fascists first and Foremost. Want to lead - become a leader. Not the Worlds Bully.

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12 minutes ago, Thakkar said:

Thanks. I bought Trump Revealed on my Knidle earlier today. It's fascinating. Trump supporters should really read it, so they know the man they're supporting. It's regrettable that reporters are only now doing the jobs they should've been doing during the primaries and the election. But I guess email server management stories were more important.

Of the two books, I think that "The Making of Donald Trump" is the better one, simply because the author has spent over thirty years investigating and writing about Trump. Both are worth reading though, and Kindle makes it easy....


Even with everything that I had read about Trump before, there were things I hadn't known and which surprised me - not in a good way.

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1 minute ago, howto said:

Yep, Soros again...


George Soros-Financed Groups Scheme to Stop Trump’s Temporary Refugee Halt Order




George Soros has been supporting immigration groups for years, which is not surprising given his background.


The ACLU is the lead organization in securing the habeas corpus order, and Soros have donated to them many times, (as have I and millions of other Americans), and Soros has been supporting the other organizations as well.


But don't let the facts get in the way of Breitbart's stretching of the truth.



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6 minutes ago, Pimay1 said:

I doubt you will get any discussion from the lefties on this post .

Europe has the same problem, which is one of the main reasons UK is leaving it.  USA is in a state of "soft" civil war it seems, and internal enemies are really hard to identify.

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2 hours ago, WaywardWind said:

TrumpinRevealed is a book compiled by a teaip of dozens of journalists at the Washington Post who investigated Trump's background going right back to childhood.


The results are not pretty...what you see in his petty conduct now is no different that his conduct as a teenager and young adult - an insecure individual who hides it behind a wall of narcissism.


You should read it some time...might open your eyes...

I 'd  prefer to have my eyes opened by his performance over 4 years than by reading a book written by journalists from the leftist Washington Post, PRIOR to being elected President, Including back as far as his childhood!!!.

Journalists' conduct during his campaign was scandalous, so holding them Up as people who may give a half decent or balanced view Is naive at best.

See me In a few years when an assessment can be reliably made.


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30 minutes ago, Pimay1 said:

I doubt you will get any discussion from the lefties on this post .

OK, here is some discussion and a query.


In 2009, the FBI received a tip about one Iraqi guy who had previously slipped through the refugee process, and opened an investigation; that investigation led to the second Iraqi guy living in the same area; both had been involved in attacks on US soldiers in 2005 and 2006. In 2011, the FBI completed their investigation and brought their findings to the President, who started a revamp of the vetting processes and halted refugees from Iraq for six months until the upgrade to the vetting process could be completed.


There was no broad-based ban of Muslims from Iraq or any other country, and no other refugee in the US faced any legal action.


Now if you would kindly point me to the source which demonstrates that a Syrian refugee currently living in the US was previously involved in attacks on US personnel in Syria and managed to scam the refugee process.


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