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Prawit defends PM’s brother’s ‘frequent leave’ from legislative meetings


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Preecha has been criticised widely online for taking frequent leave from the NLA despite receiving more than Bt100,000 monthly for serving in the position.

The only way for a parasite to be of service is not to do anything at all. Commending Prawith for recognizing this.

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22 hours ago, rkidlad said:

To be fair - Gen Preecha taking frequent leave from meetings isn't a problem at all. The only problem is that he's being paid anything at all. 

Thats how politics works a little bit here and a Beer company donation there 50,000 bahts a month it all adds up in the end. 

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1 hour ago, tomacht8 said:

Preecha has been criticised widely online for taking frequent leave from the NLA despite receiving more than Bt100,000 monthly for serving in the position.


Or it is:

receiving more than Bt100,000 monthly for not serving in the position.

It represents around 600,000 for each day of presence. :smile:

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6 hours ago, Lupatria said:

Why attend a meeting if the outcome is already fixed before it begins?

This is the exact same argument as was used ( explained to me) concerning the lack of voter turnout in the US elections.


lol.... now I understand the argument all the better!

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11 hours ago, robblok said:

Not true all the corruption the Shins did never got them voted out.. corruption should not be combated by elections but by tough laws and enforcement. The law is not a popularity contest. 

Yet you know full well that whatever law is in place will only be selectively enforced. That problem will NEVER be resolved under a regime commited to maintaining , indeed strengthening the status quo.

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On 2/17/2017 at 3:49 PM, fruitman said:

Why does he work at all?? Isn't he as rich as his big brother?

"You can never be too rich or too thin".

(Wallace Simpson)


"You do not imagine, I hope, that we pigs are doing this in a spirit of selfishness and privilege? ... The whole management and organization of this farm depend on us. Day and night we are watching over your welfare. It is for YOUR sake that we drink (all the) milk and eat (all the) apples."

(Squealer the pig - Animal Farm by George Orwell)

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17 hours ago, bangkok101 said:

"shin" was convicted and sentenced to a jail term of 2 years. He IS a criminal, as well as dishonest, and currently a fugitive from justice.

Well then that solves it, it's Thaksin fault.  Carry on feeding Chan-o-cha's, would you like desert.

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20 hours ago, bangkok101 said:

"shin" was convicted and sentenced to a jail term of 2 years. He IS a criminal, as well as dishonest, and currently a fugitive from justice.

Shin was convicted because his wife bought land at a lower price. 

Hardly catergorized as corruption. 

 the outcome of a prison sentence was necessary  because  it would be the end of his political career , followed hopefully  by the end of his party popularity without his leadership. 

The assumption was wrong.?

Hence a different tactic was needed and here we are today. 

No corruption, no nepotism, a transparent and fair government in shins place. ?

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On 2/17/2017 at 3:35 PM, webfact said:

Preecha took leave under normal regulations of the National Legislative Assembly (NLA), Prawit said.

Obviously considerably looser than they should be, then. Though I suppose that would depend on one's view of the term 'normal'. Frankly, for B100,000, he should be there for EVERY meeting, which probably averages no more than a couple per month.

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On 18/02/2017 at 2:46 AM, bangkok101 said:

"shin" was convicted and sentenced to a jail term of 2 years. He IS a criminal, as well as dishonest, and currently a fugitive from justice.

Shin would have been convicted of F>arting  in this climate and justice, not here my friend

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On 2/19/2017 at 6:17 AM, greenchair said:

Shin was convicted because his wife bought land at a lower price. 

The crime was conflict of interest by a government official. So yes, not in the same category as corruption. In fact charges against his wife for corruption were dropped which indicated that the land transaction itself was valid.

Compare Thaksin's single conviction to the Prayut regime that has for almost three years been unabashedly known for its conflict of interest with the RTM, RTP, NLA, NAAC, other independent organizations, civil service, etc. - about what one might expect when a country is ruled by absolute power.

If one demonizes Thaksin as a lawbreaker, one must also view the Prayut regime as no less.

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