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Trump's team in disarray, U.S. Senator McCain tells Europe


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Trump's team in disarray, U.S. Senator McCain tells Europe

By Phil Stewart and Robin Emmott


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U.S. Senator John McCain adjusts the microphones before delivering his speech at the opening of the 53rd Munich Security Conference in Munich, Germany, February 17, 2017. REUTERS/Michael Dalder


MUNICH, Germany (Reuters) - Republican Senator John McCain broke with the reassuring message that U.S. officials visiting Germany have sought to convey on their debut trip to Europe, saying on Friday that the administration of President Donald Trump was in "disarray".

McCain, a known Trump critic, told the Munich Security Conference that the resignation of the new president's security adviser Michael Flynn over his contacts with Russia reflected deep problems in Washington.

"I think that the Flynn issue obviously is something that shows that in many respects this administration is in disarray and they've got a lot of work to do," said McCain, even as he praised Trump's defence secretary.

"The president, I think, makes statements (and) on other occasions contradicts himself. So we've learned to watch what the president does as opposed to what he says," he said.

European governments have been unsettled by the signals sent by Trump on a range of foreign policy issues ranging from NATO and Russia to Iran, Israel and European integration.

The debut trip to Europe of Trump's Defence Secretary Jim Mattis and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, to a meeting of G20 counterparts in Bonn, went some way to assuaging concerns as they both took a more traditional U.S. position.

But Trump is wrestling with a growing controversy at home about potential ties between his aides and Russia, which he dismissed on Thursday as a "ruse" and "scam" perpetrated by a hostile news media.

Mattis made clear to allies, both at NATO in Brussels and in Munich, that the United States would not retreat from leadership as the European continent grapples with an assertive Russia, wars in eastern and southern Mediterranean countries and attacks by Islamist militants.

U.S. Vice President Mike Pence will address the Munich conference on Saturday with a similar message of reassurance.

Pence will say that Europe is an "indispensable partner" for the United States, a senior White House foreign policy adviser told reporters.

Mattis told a crowd that included heads of state and more than 70 defence ministers that Trump backed NATO.

"President Trump came into office and has thrown now his full support to NATO. He too espouses NATO's need to adapt to today's strategic situation for it to remain credible, capable and relevant," Mattis said.

Mattis said the United States and its European allies had a shared understanding of the challenges ahead. Trump has alarmed allies by expressing admiration for Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Mattis, however, has spoken out strongly against Russia while in Europe. After talks with NATO allies in Brussels on Thursday, he said that he did not believe it would be possible to collaborate militarily with Moscow, at least for now.

The Europeans may need more convincing that Washington stands with it on a range of security issues.

"There is still a lot of uncertainty," Sebastian Kurz, Austria's foreign minister, told reporters. "The big topic in Munich is looking to the USA to see which developments to expect next."


European intelligence agencies have warned that Russia is also seeking to destabilise governments and influence elections across Europe with cyber attacks, fake news and propaganda and by funding far-right political parties.

"We should be under no illusions about the step-change in Russian behaviour over the last couple of years, even after Crimea," British Defence Minister Michael Fallon said, referring to Moscow's 2014 annexation of the Ukrainian peninsula.

"We have seen a step-change in Russian military aggression, but also in propaganda, in misinformation and a succession of persistent attacks on Western democracies, interference in a whole series of elections including ... the United States."

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg held talks with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in Munich, seeing progress on encouraging Moscow to be more open about its military exercises that the alliance says are unpredictable.

Russia says it is the Western alliance, not Moscow, that is destabilising Europe by sending troops to its western borders.

"We have different views," Stoltenberg said of the crisis in Ukraine, where the West accuses the Kremlin of arming separatist rebels in a conflict that has killed 10,000 people since April 2014. Russia says the conflict is a civil war.

In the latest incident, Lithuanian prosecutors have opened a criminal investigation into a false report of rape by German soldiers stationed there on a NATO mission to deter Russia.

Mattis, without explicitly citing the case, rallied to the defence of German forces as he spoke in the German city of Munich. "I have great respect for Germany's leadership in Europe – and for the ethical performance of your troops on the battlefield," he said.

U.S. intelligence agencies concluded last year that Russia hacked and leaked Democratic emails during the election campaign as part of an effort to tilt the vote in Trump's favour.

McCain acknowledged concern in Europe and beyond that America was "laying down the mantle of global leadership" and cited global trends he found disturbing, including hardening resentment toward immigrants and an unwillingness to separate truth from lies.

McCain urged the forum not to give up on the United States.

"Make no mistake, my friends: These are dangerous times, but you should not count America out, and we should not count each other out," McCain said.

-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-02-18
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The president, I think, makes statements (and) on other occasions contradicts himself.

The president acts on reflex without reflecting. It goes like this: Something happens, Trumps mouth opens and stuff comes out, a while later his aides come to clean up. The problem is that the President of the United States can't help himself but to use his brain stem only (the reptile brain which regulates reflexes) for immediate statements. In other words, he doesn't think things through. A fairly common trait for people who didn't have to face the consequences of their actions and who are surrounded by yes-men.

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McCain; sir, you're getting old and dotty.  You have the guts to speak out against Trump, but not forcefully enough.  It's like, if there was a razor blade in your soup, and you sucked it down and it slashed your throat, you might say, "that soup had something in it which irritated my throat."


The US needs people with backbones.  People who can stand up to Trump in tangible ways.  Be real.  

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13 minutes ago, xylophone said:

Trump is the Clown in Chief in an administration full of them............

Except that clowns are usually funny.   Trump and his sheeple are dangerous.


        Here's an image:   After being impeached, Trump is forcefully removed from the Oval Office.  Bannon, Miller, Conway, Priebus are resisting the uniformed officers who have come to physically haul Trump off the White House compound.  


                     As he's being hauled away, Trump squeals, "I won the election by a landslide.  Unhand me, you brute.  I'll sue you and your entire illegal brown family.  I won New Hampshire, if you don't count the thousands of dead people who drove up there to vote from other states.  I won California if you don't count the three million Mexicans who jumped the fence to vote for Hillary.  Don't squeeze my arm, I'm getting a red mark.  I'll sue you.  Security people are the worst people in the world!"

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15 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

Except that clowns are usually funny.   Trump and his sheeple are dangerous.

True enough and this particular clown is dangerous and a problem being is that he doesn't know how stupid he is...........he has the IQ of a pickled squid.


To the folk who voted for him, "forgive them lord for they know not what they do".

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55 minutes ago, Tug said:

Of course he hates  Mcaine  he is the man trump can never be he is the bonified real deal trump is a lier and a predator of the highest order

What has Mcaine ever done apart form carving out a career because he was captured by the VC?

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59 minutes ago, xylophone said:

Trump is the Clown in Chief in an administration full of them............

By naming Trump a clown you insult the professional honour of a real clown.


Judging his character and his uncontrolled behavior - he should be passed on to a psychologist, far away of his current job as POTUS. My deep respect to Mr. McCain for not going with the (sheepish Rep) flow.

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52 minutes ago, thai3 said:

What has Mcaine ever done apart form carving out a career because he was captured by the VC?

He turned down getting released early while being tortured in captivity.  So others who had been there longer could go home.  An incredibly amazing thing to do.  Right?


Plus, he's had a very good political career.  And has achieved more in his life than almost anybody else.  An amazing man.




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He turned down getting released early while being tortured in captivity.  So others who had been there longer could go home.  An incredibly amazing thing to do.  Right?


Plus, he's had a very good political career.  And has achieved more in his life than almost anybody else.  An amazing man.




Well, Mc Cain reminds me a certain character named Pyle from Graham Greene's novel 'The Quiet American'.

He always had doubtful ties with local warlords in Iraq, Lybia and Syria.

You will find his name numerous times if you try to understand why Syrian Rebels sponsored by the Pentagon are fighting Syrian CIA sponsored troops...

He was previously completely wrong on his 'analysis' or 'expertise' on Iraq, Lybia and Syria. He is actually a member of the same war corporate clubhouse of Hillary Clinton.

Not surprisingly, he is making nowadays hot air against Trump...like in OP...

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

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18 minutes ago, Thorgal said:

Well, Mc Cain reminds me a certain character named Pyle from Graham Greene's novel 'The Quiet American'.

He always had doubtful ties with local warlords in Iraq, Lybia and Syria.

You will find his name numerous times if you try to understand why Syrian Rebels sponsored by the Pentagon are fighting Syrian CIA sponsored troops...

He was previously completely wrong on his 'analysis' or 'expertise' on Iraq, Lybia and Syria. He is actually a member of the same war corporate clubhouse of Hillary Clinton.

Not surprisingly, he is making nowadays hot air against Trump...like in OP...

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

You'll have to provide some credible links for that.

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5 hours ago, evadgib said:

I can't see this train wreck lasting four years ?

       I wish it were a train wreck:  When a train wrecks, it usually lasts a few minutes, and then the train stops moving.  Trump and Bannon's business is more like a long drawn out infestation by carpenter ants and mold.  They're weakening the foundations of Democracy and decency.  Their house will fall, but it will be a long ugly process.  They will do a lot of damage in the mean time, and I do mean 'mean.'

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8 hours ago, klauskunkel said:

The president acts on reflex without reflecting. It goes like this: Something happens, Trumps mouth opens and stuff comes out, a while later his aides come to clean up. The problem is that the President of the United States can't help himself but to use his brain stem only (the reptile brain which regulates reflexes) for immediate statements. In other words, he doesn't think things through. A fairly common trait for people who didn't have to face the consequences of their actions and who are surrounded by yes-men.

With a tendency to take back the ideas of journalists and guests of FoxNews, while he criticizes CNN live, which is generally less favorable to him.

"A lot of Trump’s talking points are dictated by cable news

Trump’s television habits have become so familiar and trackable that morning cable news anchors have begun to acknowledge his viewership live on air. Every Trump tweet has an origin story — and the ones that seem most random typically have cable news beginnings:"



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13 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

Trump must hate McCain :cheesy:

I think it is the other way around, McCain hates trump for saying he's not a war hero.


I think trump is far too smart to "hate" anyone, as hate does shape ones behaviour.

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this McCain complains and whines about EVERYTHING, nothing but problems! For once McCain try to bring solutions to problems instead of complaining so much. Who the hell do you think you're fooling?


Pack it in Mccain....go home and stay home....play with your grandkids...USA needs problem solvers ....not whiners!

Edited by bangkok101
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30 minutes ago, bangkok101 said:

this McCain complains and whines about EVERYTHING, nothing but problems! For once McCain try to bring solutions to problems instead of complaining so much. Who the hell do you think you're fooling?


Pack it in Mccain....go home and stay home....play with your grandkids...USA needs problem solvers ....not whiners!

Easy..... your fired!!!

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19 hours ago, Tug said:

Of course he hates  Mcaine  he is the man trump can never be he is the bonified real deal trump is a lier and a predator of the highest order

Note: Draft Dodger Trump. It might be genetic b/c his Father was also a draft dodger.


I hope the lunatic Trump spends the rest of his life in a "padded cell." 

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