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Iran ready to give U.S. 'slap in the face' - commander


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14 minutes ago, whatawonderfulday said:

Just like Afghanistan , Vietnam and Iraq - All success stories for the corrupt US military supply companies but an abysmal political failure for everyone else.

I never realized the world was that simple.  What's your source?  Iron Man?

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Yep. As long as the US allow them to engage in a terrorist type guerrilla war they may well do some slapping. If the US decided to go on, full out real war - give them about 5 minutes.
Be like a light weight ladyboy slapping with her heals fighting the Hulk in a bad mood.

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4 hours ago, ocddave said:

Where did I suggest the use of Nukes?!

Well I'm not sure how you would turn a country into a "parking lot" without nukes, but ok fine.  So assuming a conventional invasion--with many dead Americans as a result--how will Iran's allies such as a Russia react?  Not to mention the entire Arab world?  That's the worry that many Americans have, that Trump will make the world a much more dangerous place for Americans...and all farangs for that matter.  

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5 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Here's something.

Have a look at all the wars the U.S. has been in since WW2 and post a chart of how many were clearly wins.






Here's something else: how did things work out for all them other sides on these non-wins?

Modern wars are rarely "won", especially if one of the sides adheres (more or less) to certain rules.

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8 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

Are they impervious to modern ordnance?

Hard to say how things would unfold.  Certainly the Vietnamese did better than hold their own against modern ordinance as did the mischief makers in Afghanistan more recently.  The nightmare of war is that it can only be won by 'boots on the ground'.

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15 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


Saddam Hussein and his forces more than held their own in a war against the military might of Iran. In the fist and second Gulf war the Iraqi military crumbled against Western forces. 


Fighting a conventional war is not the same as trying to police a civil war riddles with terrorists, insurgents and disparate factions.


This is a commander of a vaunted part of the Iranian military.  His force have never been tested other than against unarmed civilians for considerable time. 


Many Iranians are unhappy with the way things are in Iran - that's why they operate and oppressive regime.

800,000 Iraqis dead verses 4,500 Americans yes a win I guess but I am not sure the US achieved its goals in spite of George W. celebrating his mission accomplished party. Certainly no moral high ground can be claimed by the US.  Looking at Libya, and Syria, the US and the west  have learned nothing. Supporting the Assad opposition when they tell you the people will rise up in support and we will depose that dictator is foolish. Just civil war now with both sides fighting proxy wars for other countries/religious groups. The west needs to learn to stay out of the middle east in its entirety. Arm both sides if you must but let them fight it out amongst themselves.

Millions of Syrian  refugees, Libya a failed dysfunctional state. How much more stable would the world be if Saddam,  Assad, and Khadafy were in power and no western interference had occurred. Fewer deaths, no ISIS, greater stability in the middle east.  For some reason we never learn from our mistakes. Oh well. The only winner I see is the military industrial complex. :coffee1:


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