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Trump decides to skip White House press dinner


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1 hour ago, JHolmesJr said:


That's because he has a whole bunch of adorables from his own country who mean him physical harm….apart from the usual international threats.


If hillarys mad dogs in the populace calm down, he might be able to lead a more normal life.


I love the message he's sending to the media….they have behaved like dirt for the large par and they need a wake up call.


Anyone who wants to give trump a chance tunes out their nonsense anyways.

You see you are completely fabricating stuff.............AGAIN!


The reason for Trumps huge security expense is nothing to do with any US citizen wishing to do him harm. It is because 3 weekends out of 5 have been spent at Mara largo because Trumps Wife insists on staying in New York, so a full time team must be positioned in New York at Trump Tower (Where they have to pay office rent to Trump for using offices in Trump tower!!), and because Trump wants his 3 little piggies to have a full security team wherever they go, and as they are all going around the world to different locations (doing business for the Trump brandname) the cost is extraordinarily high. One years worth for Obama spent in one month by Trump !!

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No surprise though is it?  We all know that Trump can't take criticism or have fun poked at him.  He is far too spoiled child like for any of that.  He is ridiculed daily but to actually have to stand there and face his tormentors is way too much for his fragile ego.  What a pathetic excuse of a man he really is.

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5 hours ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

President George Bush did not like broccolli , and Donald Trump does not like some of the press, guess everyone has their own opinions of what they do not like.    Maybe shunning this tradition will save some money, after all the secret service won't have to send so many members. Geezer

                   Secret Service?!   Trump's children are ramping up SS costs daily - while flying around the world peddling Trump products.  Guess who pays for that?  Yup, taxpayers.  Guess you doesn't pay taxes?  Yup; Trump.


              Trump is avoiding the WH Press dinner because he only wants praise.  

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Another irony.

Normally, trump really loves SHOW business.

But he DEMANDS to be the star ... not the TARGET. 




President Trump wants to put on a show. Governing matters less.

The product may change, but the star is always the same.
 “If you’re ever confused about Trump’s motives, go to showman first.”




Edited by Jingthing
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35 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

You see you are completely fabricating stuff.............AGAIN!


The reason for Trumps huge security expense is nothing to do with any US citizen wishing to do him harm. It is because 3 weekends out of 5 have been spent at Mara largo because Trumps Wife insists on staying in New York, so a full time team must be positioned in New York at Trump Tower (Where they have to pay office rent to Trump for using offices in Trump tower!!), and because Trump wants his 3 little piggies to have a full security team wherever they go, and as they are all going around the world to different locations (doing business for the Trump brandname) the cost is extraordinarily high. One years worth for Obama spent in one month by Trump !!

Is what he is doing illegal?


Yes or no question.

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4 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

Actually, I've always thought that this dinner was a bad idea.  Anything that encourages the press and the president to be chummy is not a good thing. And we had a clear demonstration of how chummy they were when Steven Colbert hosted the event. He roasted both the president and the press.  And both clearly were not pleased.


               I've watched about 8 WH Press dinners and their venues with speakers.  They're enjoyable events for everyone in attendance.  Lots of good cheer.   The only person I've ever seen pissed off and offended at a WH Press dinner was, .....wait for it, .......Donald Trump. 


             When Seth Meyers was guest speaker, about 5 years ago, he shot some verbal zingers at Trump. The camera showed Trump sitting upright, not smiling, looking like he was carved out of wood the entire monologue.   Everyone else who is roasted at those events, can grin and take the jokes.   Trump is the only person in recent history who got livid.    And that all happened before the 2016 campaign started.  For that, and many other reasons, I've known for at least 20 years that Trump has a flawed personality, bordering on (or actually) mentally ill.  


               It's a sad time for America.

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8 hours ago, Grouse said:

Trump has neither the intellect nor the wit to give a speech at the event.

Especially when following a Grand Master of Timing like Obama. There are successful comedians that aren't as good as him. 

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3 hours ago, Jingthing said:

The way to punk him now is to book top celebs and make it the best and highest ratings correspondents dinner ever.

Produced by Lorne Micheals. Prime time on all the non-FOX networks. Alec Baldwin plays the Donald. It would have SuperBowl numbers.

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3 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

When Seth Meyers was guest speaker, about 5 years ago, he shot some verbal zingers at Trump. The camera showed Trump sitting upright, not smiling, looking like he was carved out of wood the entire monologue.   Everyone else who is roasted at those events, can grin and take the jokes.   Trump is the only person in recent history who got livid.


Ive watched The Comedy Central Roast of Donald Trump and he took a shellacking of the most brutal kind. He has no problem as long as it's just jokes.


This dinner is not a comedy show….it's a forum for bunch of news organisations that have made it their mission to discredit an elected president, to shower him with their invective. Just because they don't agree with his policies. Who cares what these losers think anyway, trump clearly said what he was going to do….not like he just started throwing curve balls now. I really hope they do get alec baldwin to show up and continue with his nonsense. It will prove how dumb they really are.

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5 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

The list is long.  It's tiresome to trot out fact for people who don't want to hear (or contest) anything non-praising about their hero.   


Your Q doesn't logically ask for a yes or no response. 

Of course it doesn't….cos you know what the answer is.

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I am not a supporter of Trump, I am not from the USA, I have no skin in this game. I am just an observer.


The TV and press are enemies of Trump. They are opposed to him and his presidency. They have shown that there is no trace of neutrality in the media. Why should he give the media the time of day?


Trump does not need the media anyway, he has no need to give time to his enemies who will merely paint him in the worst possible light. His Twitter account is more important, he has 25 million followers. His Twitter account is growing rapidly, in mid-January, it was 20 million people. Trump is going to by-pass the media.


Maybe Trump and his advisers are not so dumb as some people think.

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2 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

You see you are completely fabricating stuff.............AGAIN!


The reason for Trumps huge security expense is nothing to do with any US citizen wishing to do him harm. It is because 3 weekends out of 5 have been spent at Mara largo because Trumps Wife insists on staying in New York, so a full time team must be positioned in New York at Trump Tower (Where they have to pay office rent to Trump for using offices in Trump tower!!), and because Trump wants his 3 little piggies to have a full security team wherever they go, and as they are all going around the world to different locations (doing business for the Trump brandname) the cost is extraordinarily high. One years worth for Obama spent in one month by Trump !!


1 hour ago, JHolmesJr said:

Is what he is doing illegal?


Yes or no question.

Probably no, but when it comes to using elected office to benefit your family it gets murky.


Is what he is doing in the best interest of the taxpayers?  Definitely not!

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54 minutes ago, Mises said:

I am not a supporter of Trump, I am not from the USA, I have no skin in this game. I am just an observer.


The TV and press are enemies of Trump. They are opposed to him and his presidency. They have shown that there is no trace of neutrality in the media. Why should he give the media the time of day?


Trump does not need the media anyway, he has no need to give time to his enemies who will merely paint him in the worst possible light. His Twitter account is more important, he has 25 million followers. His Twitter account is growing rapidly, in mid-January, it was 20 million people. Trump is going to by-pass the media.


Maybe Trump and his advisers are not so dumb as some people think.

Well first of all Trump only really corresponds by twitter so of course everyone follows him there including all the news agencies, political figures worldwide, people who like a good laugh with their breakfast and also all of us who think he is a moron.  Following somebody on twitter doesn't mean you agree with what they say, it is just a communication devise.


Secondly if you stop to think for a second... Why is it the press and all forms of the media hate him so much?  Not just one political colour but all of them.  He is ridiculed by the worlds press.  Why would that be, do you think? 

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59 minutes ago, Mises said:

I am not a supporter of Trump, I am not from the USA, I have no skin in this game. I am just an observer.


The TV and press are enemies of Trump. They are opposed to him and his presidency. They have shown that there is no trace of neutrality in the media. Why should he give the media the time of day?


Trump does not need the media anyway, he has no need to give time to his enemies who will merely paint him in the worst possible light. His Twitter account is more important, he has 25 million followers. His Twitter account is growing rapidly, in mid-January, it was 20 million people. Trump is going to by-pass the media.


Maybe Trump and his advisers are not so dumb as some people think.

 A tweet may be more appealing to people who lack critical thinking skills and don't want to be confused by facts and analysis. However some people prefer the deluge of facts and analysis that a robust free press provides.


Regarding the lack of neutrality in the press, do you think facts are biased?  Do you think Trump's tweets are well informed and unbiased?


BTW, the press should be a rational skeptic of all that a national leader promotes.  It's what keeps a free society free.  That's why dictators and would-be dictators hate a free press.

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9 hours ago, al007 said:

I am a mere retired Englishman, who is also lucky enough to be very happy with my lot


I have lived and worked and been retired in the USA for some considerable periods, one of my many wives was even American, got married at UN in Manhattan 


I have many good American Friends


I find it very hard reading some of the views and vitriolic opinions by some on this forum on Donald Trump, a man I may not necessarily like but the more I see the more I admire the Gentleman


Remember anger will generally eat at the hearts and souls of those expelling it, what goes around comes around

"Remember anger will generally eat at the hearts and souls of those expelling it, what goes around comes around."


As can be seen on this forum there is so much anger and vitriol when it comes to Trump.  I am enjoying the fact that he is upsetting the status quo. It was not Trump who divided the American people it was Obama and the left with their eight years of taking the Democratic party too far to the left.  It is now unrecognizable to Democrats of the 70's and 80's. The loses of Democrats in the Congress and State legislatures, etc. started long before Trump came along.  The people who elected Trump are fed up and rightly so. The pendulum needs to swing back a notch or two if the Democrats expect some gains in the future.

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Only a crazy person would attend an event where he is forced to mingle and break bread with hostile people who hate him.


Since it's not a business or political event, does it even matter?


Im sure he's missing nothing. And without him there, no one is gonna watch it anyway. 


So the ratings will go down the toilet.

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41 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

Only a crazy person would attend an event where he is forced to mingle and break bread with hostile people who hate him.


Since it's not a business or political event, does it even matter?


Im sure he's missing nothing. And without him there, no one is gonna watch it anyway. 


So the ratings will go down the toilet.

The ratings will be through the roof.   They will be higher without Trump.   I think the majority of people are tired of listening to him even though the man is the biggest joke around.   


For the first time in his life, he is now an employee.   He is employed by the American people and there are certain things they expect.    Will he next decide not have leaders to state functions?   Decide not to meet with leaders?   


He is without a doubt way too thin skinned to be a leader.   

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6 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

Is what he is doing illegal?


Yes or no question.

Being rude, insensitive and narcissistic is not illegal.

But as POTUS Trump brings discredit and shame to the office of the US President.

After only a month in office.

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7 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

Is what he is doing illegal?


Yes or no question.

what dos that have to do with it? YOU are claiming that Trumps huge security bills are a result of Hillary supporters trying to do him harm. That is a blatant lie. You have had it pointed out to you the REAL reason for Trumps excessive security costs and now, knowing you are wrong you try and spin your position. Just post something like - "oh I didn't know that, I was wrong, thanks for the info". Could a Trump supporter ever do that? -  Is the Pop Muslim? Do bears crap in fully automated sanitised portable toilets?

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1 hour ago, Srikcir said:

Being rude, insensitive and narcissistic is not illegal.

But as POTUS Trump brings discredit and shame to the office of the US President.

After only a month in office.

This says he won't be around in 12 months to snub them again:


"POLITICS  FEB 25 2017, 7:24 PM ET
GOP Rep. Darrell Issa Says Special Prosecutor Needed in Russia Probe"


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Trump is a good man on some things.

fake news.

of course it is! 

example.  we have not seen Noam Chomsky on TV or cable since he was on The Firing Line in the 1960's.  and he is still as beloved and healthy in his 90's today, this very day.  but you have to stick with Youtube, or order something from Amazon, to hear the real take on the "news". 

on this, Trump is 1000% correcto mundo.


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18 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Someone brings me a closed box and asks me to tell what's inside. I say open the box. He refuses unless I tell him what's in the box first.  

This is exactly analagous to what you are asking. What I'm asking for is transparency from Trump.

There is 100% transparency, most people can see through the BS, see beyond the simplistic rhetoric. 

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