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Turkey's Erdogan compares German behaviour with Nazi period


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Turkey's Erdogan compares German behaviour with Nazi period

By Ralph Boulton, Ece Toksabay and Andrea Shalal




Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan greets the audience during a conference in Istanbul, Turkey, March 3, 2017. Yasin Bulbul/Presidential Palace/Handout via REUTERS


ISTANBUL/ANKARA/BERLIN (Reuters) - Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan accused Germany on Sunday of "fascist actions" reminiscent of Nazi times in a growing row over the cancellation of political rallies aimed at drumming up support for him among 1.5 million Turkish citizens in Germany.


German politicians reacted with shock and anger. German Justice Minister Heiko Maas told broadcaster ARD that Erdogan's comments were "absurd, disgraceful and outlandish" and designed to provoke a reaction from Berlin.


But he cautioned against banning Erdogan from visiting Germany or breaking off diplomatic ties, saying that such moves would push Ankara "straight into the arms of (Russian President Vladmir) Putin, which no one wants".


The deputy leader of Chancellor Angela Merkel's Christian Democratic Union (CDU) party said the Turkish president was "reacting like a wilful child that cannot have his way", while a top leader of the CDU's Bavarian sister party described Erdogan as the "despot of the Bosphorus" and demanded an apology.


German authorities withdrew permission last week for two rallies by Turkish citizens in German cities at which Turkish ministers were to urge a "Yes" vote in a referendum next month on granting Erdogan sweeping new presidential powers. Berlin says the rallies were cancelled on security grounds.


However, Turkish Economy Minister Nihat Zeybekci spoke at large events in Leverkusen and Cologne on Sunday while protesters stood outside.


The row has further soured relations between the two NATO members amid mounting public outrage in Germany over the arrest in Turkey of a Turkish-German journalist. It has also spurred growing demands for Merkel to produce a more forceful response to Erdogan's words and actions.


A poll conducted for the Bild am Sonntag newspaper showed that 81 percent of Germans believe that Merkel’s government has been too accommodating with Ankara. Germany, under an agreement signed last year, relies on Turkey to prevent a further flood of migrants from pouring into Europe.




The lead article in German news magazine Der Spiegel on Sunday urged Merkel to free herself from the “handcuffs of the migrant deal”.


A defiant Erdogan said he could travel to Germany himself to rally support for the constitutional changes to grant him greater power.

"Germany, you have no relation whatsoever to democracy and you should know that your current actions are no different to those of the Nazi period," Erdogan said at a rally in Istanbul.


"If I want to come to Germany, I will, and if you don't let me in through your doors, if you don't let me speak, then I will make the world rise to its feet," he told a separate event.


Neither Merkel's office nor the foreign ministry had any immediate comment.


Erdogan says he needs the proposed new powers to tackle Kurdish rebels, Islamist militants and other political enemies in a land with a history of unstable coalition governments.


Critics, meanwhile, argue that a "yes" vote in the April 16 referendum would abolish checks and balances that have already been eroded over 15 years of his rule.


Germany and other European countries have grown increasingly concerned about mass arrests and dismissals in the army, judiciary and civil service across Turkey after a failed attempt to topple the president in July.




The remarks by Erdogan - a man admired by many for his rhetorical flourishes - could win support among those who see Turkey threatened by militant attacks and abandoned by putative allies, but they could damage economic ties at a time when Turkey faces rising unemployment and inflation.


Ten percent of Turkish exports go to Germany, while Germany accounts for about 11 percent of Turkish imports.


The confrontation has also fanned anger across the European Union, which Turkey had aspired to join but with increasingly subdued conviction of late.


Austrian Chancellor Christian Kern called for an EU-wide ban on campaign appearances by Turkish politicians to avoid member countries such as Germany coming under pressure from Ankara.


Dutch nationalist Geert Wilders, expected to make huge gains in a March 15 election, said on Sunday that he would declare "the whole cabinet of Turkey persona non grata" and described Erdogan an "Islamo-fascist".


Julia Kloeckner, deputy leader of Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union, told Bild newspaper: "The Nazi comparison is a new high point of intemperance.”


Andreas Scheuer, general secretary of the Bavarian CSU party, said that Erdogan's remarks marked a new low point in ties between the two allies and demanded an apology.


"This was a monstrous gaffe by the despot of the Bosphorus," Scheuer told the Passauer Neue Presse. "The Nazi comparison is outrageous and preposterous. An apology is in order."


(Editing by David Goodman)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-03-06
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That's rich. Coming from the man that is trying to change Turkey from a secular democracy into an Islamic state with himself as the "ruler for life". He is still using the "fake coup" that he arranged last summer as grounds to arrest and detain thousands of people (that had nothing to do with the coup) and clean house on those that may oppose him.


And when the West tries to criticize his heavy-handed tactics and complete disregard for the rights of those detained, Erdogan threatens to unleash a flood of refugees into Europe.


But he compares modern Germany to the Nazi-era Germany.

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Have you ever noticed that the madmen, always call out other people as being madmen? This creep is one of the great despots of his region. He is considerably more authoritarian than the little guy we have locally. Total censorship, and they are locking up journalists as fast as they can round them up. For him to criticize Germany is ridiculous. Merkel called him out on this, and she is right.


It does remind me a bit of the charade Trump is presently engaged in. Let us distract from the problems we have caused by trying to distract. Fake media nonsense, conspiracies, blame, blame, blame. Never take responsibility is the motto of these small men. 

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What an ignorant evil despot. Bad move to attack the Germans in this manner. 

Although, it is  rather ironic that  countries who were once so closely allied have come to this.

Erdogan  is playing with fire and if he believes that near bankrupt  Russia is a suitable economic replacement for the EU, he is deluded.


Greece is laughing at this. Laughing so hard, it may wet its collective knickers.  

I expect that Turkey will not be a member of Nato much longer.

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Germany is probably the most un-Nazi like country in the world. Strict laws prohibit use of Nazi symbols and regalia; and the political system is designed to stop any extreme parties gaining control of the government.


But Erdogan, trying to give himself dictatorial powers and change the constitution of this once pleasant and friendly secular country to a more aggressive Muslim nation is far more reminiscent of Hitler or Stalin. 


Pity the Turkish people who could get lumbered with this guy for a long time.

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I agree Baerboxer. Erdogans rhetoric is a disgrace. He has imprisoned tens of thousands, for often spurious logic, to stop them criticising him.

People in Turkey might see him as standing up for the country, but the rest of the world sees it for what it is, pathetic, disgraceful and utterly wrong aspersions, that are light years from the truth.

We should start a sweepstake, to see who out of him and Donald can distort the truth the most.

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4 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

What an ignorant evil despot. Bad move to attack the Germans in this manner. 

Although, it is  rather ironic that  countries who were once so closely allied have come to this.

Erdogan  is playing with fire and if he believes that near bankrupt  Russia is a suitable economic replacement for the EU, he is deluded.


Greece is laughing at this. Laughing so hard, it may wet its collective knickers.  

I expect that Turkey will not be a member of Nato much longer.

"I expect that Turkey will not be a member of Nato much longer."

Must disagree with you on this, unfortunately. The European politicians are too afraid to take any action, and Trump will want a vis-a-vis with Erdogan and see if he can learn how to get away with silencing the media.

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23 minutes ago, Grouse said:

When are Turkey going to be admitted into the EU? I forgot?

They have been trying since 1987. There are more than a few leaders in the EU who have welcomed them with open arms. To answer your obvious sarcastic question. I don't care anytime after the UK leaves the EU:tongue:

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What an idea - honestly. A Turkish campaign trail in Germany? A South Korean campaign trail in North Korea?

The Germans need to learn that kicking that d"*ç%head's bottom properly and not becoming a victim of political correctness is the path. Should he turn around to Russia - so be it. Russia never invaded Europe aggressively; they defensed their territory only. And trust me, Putin will get to terms with this little stomping child called Erdogan - what a disgrace for Turkey. Orchestrated a putsch against himself, locking and shooting people at random and expecting the German-residing Turks to be able to listen to campaign crap on German soil.

The German-Turkish fellow in jail might be collateral damage; he know before what he was in for - and now he is in for. 

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Erdogan break the complete country and all his followers don't check it. More and more companies and families have financial problems and with this statements they ruin their complete summer holiday saison again. No bombs needed this year. This statements are do the same that the tourist go otherwhere..

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11 hours ago, Kerryd said:

That's rich. Coming from the man that is trying to change Turkey from a secular democracy into an Islamic state with himself as the "ruler for life". He is still using the "fake coup" that he arranged last summer as grounds to arrest and detain thousands of people (that had nothing to do with the coup) and clean house on those that may oppose him.


And when the West tries to criticize his heavy-handed tactics and complete disregard for the rights of those detained, Erdogan threatens to unleash a flood of refugees into Europe.


But he compares modern Germany to the Nazi-era Germany.


such a nonsense. fake coupe? were you there?

sorry but that is a lie, and a big one. i am person against islam and fascists liek Erdogan all my life.

this coup attempt was planned by an islamic cleric as worse as ISIS whose aim is making everyone muslim in this world (and even all cosmos needs to be muslim according to this guy!). please check your facts and never post here like you have diarrhea.

and anyone believing this is an ignorant person who does not read or no idea about this world apart form some brainwashing cliche comments.


anyway, Erdogan is a fascist which is an alleged fact.

but Europe? banning turkish politicians but kurdish ones can go there freely and do their politics? 

yes, this means you dont allow freedom of speech of one group means you discriminate them but you allow the freedom of speech of another group and we see this in Nazi times of Germany.

so kurds can go do a protest in the middle of Germany but turks cannot?


so Erdogan cannot speak in Germany but 15,000 kurds can go march for a resistance to Erdogan? so what we call this? being double faced and applying double standards.
http:// https://eblnews.com/news/europe/kurds-protesting-germany-call-resistance-erdogan-43142


although i hate Erdogan and all his politics and allies, i believe Europe is applying double standards for their political agenda.


this is the problem. classic hypocrisy of europe. ok for kurds but not ok for turks. ok for Christians but not ok for muslim and this goes on for millenniums there.



Edited by Galactus
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13 minutes ago, Galactus said:

i am person against islam and fascists liek Erdogan all my life.

what is the definition of a "person against Islam and fascists" and what exactly does this person all his/her life? :unsure:

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such a nonsense. fake coupe? were you there?
sorry but that is a lie, and a big one. i am person against islam and fascists liek Erdogan all my life.
this coup attempt was planned by an islamic cleric as worse as ISIS whose aim is making everyone muslim in this world (and even all cosmos needs to be muslim according to this guy!). please check your facts and never post here like you have diarrhea.
and anyone believing this is an ignorant person who does not read or no idea about this world apart form some brainwashing cliche comments.
anyway, Erdogan is a fascist which is an alleged fact.
but Europe? banning turkish politicians but kurdish ones can go there freely and do their politics? 
yes, this means you dont allow freedom of speech of one group means you discriminate them but you allow the freedom of speech of another group and we see this in Nazi times of Germany.
so kurds can go do a protest in the middle of Germany but turks cannot?
so Erdogan cannot speak in Germany but 15,000 kurds can go march for a resistance to Erdogan? so what we call this? being double faced and applying double standards.
[url=]http:// https://eblnews.com/news/europe/kurds-protesting-germany-call-resistance-erdogan-43142[/url]
although i hate Erdogan and all his politics and allies, i believe Europe is applying double standards for their political agenda.
this is the problem. classic hypocrisy of europe. ok for kurds but not ok for turks. ok for Christians but not ok for muslim and this goes on for millenniums there.

Only Erdogan claims that cleric was responsible, and your claims about his goals are simply ludicrous. You listen to Erdogan too much.

sent using Tapatalk

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7 minutes ago, Naam said:

what is the definition of a "person against Islam and fascists" and what exactly does this person all his/her life? :unsure:

I'm afraid that description applies to me


What do I do all my life?


Strive for peace and tranquility


Do engineering stuff


Love my kids and grand kids 


Spend too much time on TV


Listen to electric blues


Play electric blues badly


Drink too much beer and Famous Grouse (together) ?


You did ask.....

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1 hour ago, Galactus said:


such a nonsense. fake coupe? were you there?

sorry but that is a lie, and a big one. i am person against islam and fascists liek Erdogan all my life.

this coup attempt was planned by an islamic cleric as worse as ISIS whose aim is making everyone muslim in this world (and even all cosmos needs to be muslim according to this guy!). please check your facts and never post here like you have diarrhea.

and anyone believing this is an ignorant person who does not read or no idea about this world apart form some brainwashing cliche comments.


anyway, Erdogan is a fascist which is an alleged fact.

but Europe? banning turkish politicians but kurdish ones can go there freely and do their politics? 

yes, this means you dont allow freedom of speech of one group means you discriminate them but you allow the freedom of speech of another group and we see this in Nazi times of Germany.

so kurds can go do a protest in the middle of Germany but turks cannot?


so Erdogan cannot speak in Germany but 15,000 kurds can go march for a resistance to Erdogan? so what we call this? being double faced and applying double standards.
http:// https://eblnews.com/news/europe/kurds-protesting-germany-call-resistance-erdogan-43142


although i hate Erdogan and all his politics and allies, i believe Europe is applying double standards for their political agenda.


this is the problem. classic hypocrisy of europe. ok for kurds but not ok for turks. ok for Christians but not ok for muslim and this goes on for millenniums there.



I think you misunderstand here something or you like to tell fakes. There is NO double standard. What kurdish politican come to germany and speak about his agenda for the next voting? NO ONE!!!


The Turks self demonstrate in germany too. Not only the Kurds. If you write something than the true please!!!


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Just now, Galactus said:
16 hours ago, Naam said:

what is the definition of a "person against Islam and fascists" and what exactly does this person all his/her life? :unsure:

does whatever needed including quoting to nonsense replies:)

does most probably nothing except talking.

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15 hours ago, snowgard said:

I think you misunderstand here something or you like to tell fakes. There is NO double standard. What kurdish politican come to germany and speak about his agenda for the next voting? NO ONE!!!


The Turks self demonstrate in germany too. Not only the Kurds. If you write something than the true please!!!



oh my...i think you dont understand the whole thing.

so kurds speak about what? of course about their agenda! 

who organizes their march and protests or meetings? kurdish politicians.

so just bc kurds dont speak about voting, are the fine to do mass events and meetings? funny!

if you allow a group of people to their events and their freedom of speech like Kurds and if you say no to Turks, we call is double standards and germans being double faced one more time as usual.

what a nonsense. if you are this ignorant on what is going on, please dont post.


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16 hours ago, stevenl said:

Only Erdogan claims that cleric was responsible, and your claims about his goals are simply ludicrous. You listen to Erdogan too much.

sent using Tapatalk

it is clear. that bigot cleric Fethullah Gulen is responsible from that coupe attempt in turkey.

Fethullah Gulen and his sect is full islamo fascist and their aim is bringing Sharia law to this world through their connections at most governments, schools and foundations.

i never listen to Erdogan.

but facts are facts.

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as I don't know much of the Kurds, I reserve my opinion about them, but one thing I know for sure: I don't like Erdogan.


Erdogan is an ISLAMIST.

In 1997, it was no secret, he was even sentenced to prison for "inciting hatred based on religious differences".


He should never have been able to run for any public office, as this conviction should have banned him from doing so, but his cronies did change the Law in his favor.




Erdogan needs to be shown his place, urgently.

Edited by manarak
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10 minutes ago, Galactus said:

it is clear. that bigot cleric Fethullah Gulen is responsible from that coupe attempt in turkey.

Fethullah Gulen and his sect is full islamo fascist and their aim is bringing Sharia law to this world through their connections at most governments, schools and foundations.

i never listen to Erdogan.

but facts are facts.

Yes, facts are facts. Unfortunately none of your claims are facts, just opinions coming from the present Turkish government. 'Opinions' could also be replaced with 'rhetoric'.

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Just now, Naam said:

by whom?

I didn't specifiy, because I don't know.

But if he irritates enough powerful people at the same time, it will happen. Putin, Trump... unfortunately I can't count Merkel among these.

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