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World scorns Thai lies on rights, democracy


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World scorns Thai lies on rights, democracy
By The Nation


BANGKOK: -- The US State Department’s latest report on our post-coup backsliding adds to a gathering storm of condemnation


The unending litany of negative assessments from overseas regarding rights violations and the suppression of democracy in Thailand leaves no doubt that the military-led government has failed abjectly in its efforts to explain or justify what’s happening here. It has tried formally on several occasions to alter foreign perceptions. It has changed no one’s mind. Thailand’s fumbling excuses make it an international laughing stock.


Under the signature of new Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, the United States has just issued its 2016 report measuring the quality of democracy and rights in regions and countries around the world. In Thailand’s case it offers little that hasn’t already appeared in the countless evaluations previously offered by the United Nations and non-governmental watchdogs.


What this tells us is that the Foreign Affairs Ministry has wasted all those millions baht of taxpayers’ money in dispatching its senior diplomats abroad to try and clarify, justify and otherwise explain away the grievous situation here. Its efforts to demonstrate that the post-coup junta has made significant inroads against rights and is steering the country back towards full democracy haven’t made the slightest dent in international opinion. 


Full story: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/news/opinion/today_editorial/30308126

-- © Copyright The Nation 2017-03-07
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I thought the world supported Prayuth, his junta and the road map?  I think this is why Prayuth should release statements on behalf of others without speaking to them first, you get smacked in the face and found to be feeding nothing but lies and propoganda 

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Guess it's only individuals that are bothered about losing face not a country!! 

It would have been unbelievable if the report had said anything but this.  And the usual defense has started !! Delusional ! All they need now is the Aviation report 

to be damming . 

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I thought the world supported Prayuth, his junta and the road map?  I think this is why Prayuth should release statements on behalf of others without speaking to them first, you get smacked in the face and found to be feeding nothing but lies and propoganda 

Oh don't worry worry, in a few days, after a few phone calls, the Government will be able to state that they have been assured that everyone understands the roadmap and are impressed by the herculean efforts to follow it...
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This roadmap is just a circle drawn on a scrap bit of paper ...

Not a lot has been achieved to date besides less free opinion and more social clsss devision .

Bu11sh1t stinks weather puathai or junta, may the farce continue !

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Wow! This is an unexpectedly powerful and hard-hitting piece from The Nation - all credit to them. 


The article also notes what many of us here have often said: that the Authorities just deny, deny, deny everything unpalatable, even though not a single person (except perhaps one or two on Thaivisa!) actually believes them!

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"The report puts forth a damning list – “arbitrary arrests and detention; poor, overcrowded and unsanitary prison and detention facilities; insufficient protection for vulnerable populations, including refugees; corruption; violence and discrimination against women; sex tourism; sexual exploitation of children; trafficking in persons; discrimination against persons with disabilities, minorities, hilltribe members, and foreign migrant workers; child labour; and some limitations on worker rights”.

Ouch! I doubt even Donald Trump could create enough lies to wriggle out from under that lot.

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Prayuth and his henchmen think nothing of bad reports about them....they are the centre of everything Thai.

Foreign governments will not change the way this administration thinks and goes about it's fraudulent business..... and they obviously believe all things foreign are irrelevant.



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3 minutes ago, ChrisY1 said:

Prayuth and his henchmen think nothing of bad reports about them....they are the centre of everything Thai.

Foreign governments will not change the way this administration thinks and goes about it's fraudulent business..... and they obviously believe all things foreign are irrelevant.



The Foreign Ministry has already denied this report and will undoubtedly keep on trying to peddle their garbage about respecting and protecting human rights.

But the list of respected naysayers is getting very long. The US, The UN, Amnesty, Human Rights Watch, just to start with.

The truth can only be ignored for so long, and I think those days are growing shorter.

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O)ne thing I have learnt in my many years here is that Thais don't give a damn what the outside world thinks. Thailand is the centre of the universe and everyone else is wrong. So they will continue to keep the masses stupid and ignorant, keep telling everyone that Thailand is the hub of hubs and has the best of everything. Then continue on what they have been doing for decades.

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he US the United Nations, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and any one with half a brain is very openly and publicly telling the junta just what they think, And The junta will have their spin doctors in overdrive telling the people of Thailand that every one understands the junta and what they are doing and fully support them.  


The really funny thing is that there are just a few fruit cake junta fan club that will buy the junta's cock n bull stories yet again and criticize any and all that speak out against their hero of the nation...

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It looks as though all is going to plan for grumpy junta leader.  Usurping power from an elected government, install elites an entitled in government would of course draw condemnation from somewhat freer societies.  Sadly, the Thai people are either not educated enough to care or are too terrified to say anything.    

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A typical anti-Thai report from the US, they along with the UN (who are not Thailands uncle), Amnesty International, et al appear to fail to understand Thainess.


They have conveniently neglected to mention the sterling work done in relation to the price control of lottery tickets, introduction of bike lanes and the forthcoming submarine purchases. All of which have/will enhance the human rights of the Thai population.

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That's seems to be President Trumps view on Thailand , this report would have had to cross his desk , so welcome Thailand to what the Trump era thinks of Thailand , honestly Thailand is a basket case , to gain proper Democracy you need to piss the military right out of the scene, then you hand the place back to mainly a  mob of self centered corrupt incompetents gangsters, bearing in mind that there are some very good capable people in the Thai government , they also know they are beating their heads against a brick wall, since 1999 Thailand has been in a balancing act between catch 22 and nothing , in 2017 nothing is winning....................................................:coffee1:.  

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7 minutes ago, chainarong said:

this report would have had to cross his desk

Seriously ?   He has enough problems, self made or otherwise.   Unless the report has the word "Shina" or "China" in it, doubt he gave it a minute's thought, barring the possibility he cannot differentiate between Taiwan and Thailand. 

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3 hours ago, webfact said:

the post-coup junta has made significant inroads against rights

Actually isn't that true?

The junta has been very aggressive and successful in suppression of Thai rights and liberties. Let's give credit where it's deserved.

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2 hours ago, JAG said:

Oh don't worry worry, in a few days, after a few phone calls, the Government will be able to state that they have been assured that everyone understands the roadmap and are impressed by the herculean efforts to follow it...

Get the guy who came to Pattaya. He walked from one end of the beach to the other and proclaimed all was now well.

A miracle worker like this, is exactly what the Government needs to dig them out of this one.

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The US is still supporting the status here, as is the EU, Russia, China, Australia. Basically everyone. A report is not action, until there is action the Thai government has every right to maintain that the world approves of how it is running Thailand.

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Yesterday's Bangkok Post reported the CDC has now said that elections will not take place before the end of 2018 at the earliest and that any further constitutional or 'organic law' changes will delay it even further.

If I were the Junta I'd just keep quiet, say nothing because every time they open their mouths it shows them for the liars they are on any claim they have for wanting a swift return to democracy.

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29 minutes ago, alant said:

The US is still supporting the status here, as is the EU, Russia, China, Australia. Basically everyone. A report is not action, until there is action the Thai government has every right to maintain that the world approves of how it is running Thailand.

That is sadly true. The free world needs to 'grow a pair' and start acting against this regime, not just uttering empty words and phrases. Actions (refusing to share platforms with the great Leader, hitting the regime in the pocket, in whatever way possible) speak much louder than mere words ...

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3 hours ago, Nigeone said:

Guess it's only individuals that are bothered about losing face not a country!! 

It would have been unbelievable if the report had said anything but this.  And the usual defense has started !! Delusional ! All they need now is the Aviation report 

to be damming . 

Aviation, human rights and trafficking, child labor, seafood industry, democracy and human rights, etc, etc, etc,etc,etc,


But it will all become better and clearer once the Thai language replaces English as the most globally recognized/used language. They will NEVER leave the confines of third world status.. No matter who and how they try to fool.


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i wonder what the rest of the world thinks about

Thai becoming the worlds dominant language

as this is in the roadmap, no ?

or was at least announced on childrens day by PM to encourage kids to keep embracing Thainess

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44 minutes ago, alant said:

The US is still supporting the status here, as is the EU, Russia, China, Australia. Basically everyone. A report is not action, until there is action the Thai government has every right to maintain that the world approves of how it is running Thailand.

problem is there are little resources here for western countries to care about, why spend money taking control of a country if there are no resources to exploit in the process.

The world only see Thailand a tourist destination, not much more, so they simply dont care how things are run here as it has little importance to other western countries.

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20 minutes ago, NCC1701A said:



go to the pull down tab and select Thailand.

I don't think they missed very much.


they even knew about my latest trip to Pattaya.

Section 1. Respect for the Integrity of the Person, Including Freedom from:

c. Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman, or Degrading Treatment or Punishment

Very good, honest, and accurate report. Though Mr P will hate it and start spewing any moment.

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