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Woman claims rape at Bangkok massage parlor and says police refused to prosecute


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44 minutes ago, SiamBeast said:

The problem is that Thai police is fed up with female tourists crying rape when it's false or unjustified most of the time - this is really unfortunate for genuine victims who have difficulty seeking justice from the attacker. I don't know if this situation is real or not, I wasn't there, but IMO she should have chosen a female employee.


Whatever happens, a man never has the right to rape a woman, but women should also take necessary precautions to not put themselves in situations where they could be vulnerable. Both sides have an equal share of responsibility.

It's false or unjustified most of the time?


Yeah right...


Good grief

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3 minutes ago, cheechee said:

Ive seen many a Japanese video.  Male guys always end up having sex with female clients....................lol.    What does a girl think when they have to strip buck naked for a massage is going to happen.



PS im not a fan of RAPE.

I assume they think they are going to get a massage.

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1 hour ago, brewsterbudgen said:

That said..... it might be that the victim was understandably confused in her original Facebook post when she stated "Patong". Subsequent comments all relate to Phuket but it does seem possible she meant Patpong! Maybe ThaiVisa know best!!

Good to know there is a Surawong Road in Patpong Phuket which features a Tarntawan Massage opposite the Meridien, world is full of coincidences, typos and also people chomping at the bit to nit pick. Or in my case people having a laugh at those that dive in two footed into a subject where their comment or thought is way off tangent and totally irrelevant. By the way who cares what it said on her FB account, you really felt the need to check that out - sorry bud you are way to interested which is a bit creepy.

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5 hours ago, colinneil said:

Rape is a terrible crime, and should never go unpunished.

Reading this thread, something not quite correct.

She went for a massage ok, but females available to provide the service and she chose male. WHY?

It’s perfectly normal to want a massage from a member of the opposite sex!


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4 hours ago, The Dancer said:

Probably a communication issue. If she went to a happy-ending place for men and women and chose a male masseur then, unless she had the Thai to make clear she just wanted a man's touch but nothing more, the expectation would have been she wanted "full service".


I know it's not PC to say this but it's pretty stupid to go into a massage place in a country known for pay for pleasure, disrobe and ask for a man to knead your body in a closed room. Unless ... Nah, I don't think she was entirely innocent. My guess is she started out wanting full monty but got cold feet at some point.

Did you actually read the report and not just the headline? What part of 'She said that despite shouting "no" in Thai and English she was held down and raped' didn't you understand?

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...ho hum... another chapter in the land of smiles... not to belittle the seriousness of rape and violation, but a) did the woman kick, yell, scratch, fight back, and scream before and perhaps especially after to raise attention, or did she just lie there then walk out the door to the police station? If I was raped I would raise holy hell. Even I know how to kill a person in about 15 seconds in the event I get raped by a masseur - but that'll never happen of course. I wish her all the best. The world can be an evil place.

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3 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:

Did you actually read the report and not just the headline? What part of 'She said that despite shouting "no" in Thai and English she was held down and raped' didn't you understand?

I just don't know. There had been so many abuse of making claims of being "raped" in the past. I wonder if there is any real hard "physical" evidence....such as....you know what.

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what a crowd of misguided lowlifes we have posting on this thread


This girl went for a massage - that is all


This lowlife scumbag took advantage of her - pinned her down and raped her, she fought back and managed to get out of the room and reported it to the police, unfortunately the moral standards and understanding of rape are very primitive in Thailand, what you will find is that the police she was complaining too were likely thinking - I would have done the same if it had been me, men in this primitive country are just that - primitive

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36 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:

If you know her, it might be wise to get her to amend her post on Richard Barrow's widely read Facebook page as it still says "Patong".


Should we tell every member of this forum who spells baht as bath to correct their spelling?

What about the people who write Falang, instead of Farang?   

It doesn't matter where the rape happened, a woman was sexually assaulted and the masseur should be charged with rape and imprisoned and the business should be paying compensation.


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1 hour ago, spidermike007 said:

In general, if a foreigner goes to the RTP (Royal Toy Police) it rarely ends well here. They are really not much of a law enforcement agency. More of a revenue collection agency. So, where is the money in this case? And how often do you think Thai men get charged with rape, and serve prison terms for it? Would a foreign woman have any credibility here, with regard to her claim of rape? 


I have heard of very few cases, where a foreigner ended up satisfied, after involving these fabulously incompetent, poorly trained, and indifferent police. 

You're kinda on the right track but wrong, it's got nothing to do with being Thai or foreign.


It's all about status and influence, and therefore money. Some foreigners have a lot, many Thais have none. 


Too many people look on it as a Thai - Foreign thing, which it's not.


Tourists and retirees who marry farmers daughters generally have none.

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3 hours ago, Kasset Tak said:

Hmm most massage parlors around BKK and especially around Patpong and lower Sukhumwit are not really massage centered...
If you want a professional massage then either go to a spa for oil massage or somewhere where the local Thais goes for Thai massage.
Thai massage:

On Khao Sarn road 350-500B/Hour (if you go for the places that really focus on massage and not the ending...)

At Watpo 260B/Hour

Around On Nut 100-200B/Hour (last time I was there I was the only foreigner and there were more than 10 Thais getting massage in the shop at the same time)


Today, living outside BKK I have 2 choices in the city... 100 B/hour for Thai massage with no option of a happy ending or 150 B/Hour for Thai massage with no option of a happy ending... AC or no AC that's the difference :)

Well,  you know this but you can not expect every tourist to know this to !?

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Well she could have made the mistake of assuming the massage in a massage parlour was going to be just that.  I would think that she was an expat as she posted on the expat facebook page.  In which case she should have known to make it clear that she only wanted a massage and no hanky panky!  However if she clearly said no then the masseur was guilty of rape and should be charged and punished accordingly. 

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5 hours ago, colinneil said:

Rape is a terrible crime, and should never go unpunished.

Reading this thread, something not quite correct.

She went for a massage ok, but females available to provide the service and she chose male. WHY?

ok mr. smart...why NOT...what is wrong choosing a male masseur ....????

why to blame this awful crime on the woman ???? and worst why did the police not act on her claims.... ????apologise what a joke...???...go to tourist police, activate the press, make it a big public event,....bring it up to the tourist ministry ...same as with this jet ski fraud...bring it to the internet big very big ...make them loose face and international reputation....

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10 minutes ago, smedly said:

what a crowd of misguided lowlifes we have posting on this thread


This girl went for a massage - that is all


This lowlife scumbag took advantage of her - pinned her down and raped her, she fought back and managed to get out of the room and reported it to the police, unfortunately the moral standards and understanding of rape are very primitive in Thailand, what you will find is that the police she was complaining too were likely thinking - I would have done the same if it had been me, men in this primitive country are just that - primitive

No, I think many on here may be smart enough to question the story.  Have you seen the guy?  Maybe he is some young stud an d she had other motives.  I have not seen the post but if a woman was screaming loud enough even in a massage room, wouldn't someone else hear her? Any defensive wounds? Semen or evidence collected? Video of her running out of the room? Is she going to the US embassy to report it? I can go on and on.

Guys go into these places all the time for.....  So, I would not put it past an occasional lady to do the same.  

Edited by bkk6060
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6 minutes ago, off road pat said:
3 hours ago, Kasset Tak said:

Hmm most massage parlors around BKK and especially around Patpong and lower Sukhumwit are not really massage centered...
If you want a professional massage then either go to a spa for oil massage or somewhere where the local Thais goes for Thai massage.
Thai massage:

On Khao Sarn road 350-500B/Hour (if you go for the places that really focus on massage and not the ending...)

At Watpo 260B/Hour

Around On Nut 100-200B/Hour (last time I was there I was the only foreigner and there were more than 10 Thais getting massage in the shop at the same time)


Today, living outside BKK I have 2 choices in the city... 100 B/hour for Thai massage with no option of a happy ending or 150 B/Hour for Thai massage with no option of a happy ending... AC or no AC that's the difference :)

Well,  you know this but you can not expect every tourist to know this to !?


Hopefully the authorities will crackdown on these fake massage parlours next.

It would be ncie to be able to go for a massage without the risk of being sexually assaulted.

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What is wrong with some of you? I understand that TV does attract more than its fair share of men who have been disenfranchised by Western feminism but give this lady a break.


The woman reported it as a rape. I would think in this day and age we would assume she was telling the truth first and take things at face value and stop adding your own narrative to promote some bitter misogynistic agenda. It's not like this guy is some famous athlete or celebrity ;)


Patpong is a very touristy location now and most of the massage shops on Silom Rd and Surawong are not rub and tugs. I frequent them for a foot massage or an oil and the majority do not try anything. Some will provide extra services but you usually have to prod them for it. Since certain events, they have become even more conservative about it as police are seemingly cracking down on this sort of thing.


I also often see foreigners, mostly backpackers stopping in for a foot, Thai or oil massage with no desire for anything sexual. 


And regardless of what services she did ask for, if it got to a point where she didn't want things to go any further and said 'stop' or 'no' than it ends there. Anything the guy does after that is rape and I typically don't find that being held down against your will as part of a typical massage even in this area of the city.







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1 minute ago, thenoilif said:

What is wrong with some of you? I understand that TV does attract more than its fair share of men who have been disenfranchised by Western feminism but give this lady a break.


The woman reported it as a rape. I would think in this day and age we would assume she was telling the truth first and take things at face value and stop adding your own narrative to promote some bitter misogynistic agenda. It's not like this guy is some famous athlete or celebrity ;)


Patpong is a very touristy location now and most of the massage shops on Silom Rd and Surawong are not rub and tugs. I frequent them for a foot massage or an oil and the majority do not try anything. Some will provide extra services but you usually have to prod them for it. Since certain events, they have become even more conservative about it as police are seemingly cracking down on this sort of thing.


I also often see foreigners, mostly backpackers stopping in for a foot, Thai or oil massage with no desire for anything sexual. 


And regardless of what services she did ask for, if it got to a point where she didn't want things to go any further and said 'stop' or 'no' than it ends there. Anything the guy does after that is rape and I typically don't find that being held down against your will as part of a typical massage even in this area of the city.








Well said.

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Other than her words, is there any hard physical evidence to show? Any witness? Any marks or signs of resisting on any part of her body at all? If there is no evidence at all, how do you expect any lawn enforcement of any country to prosecute the accused.


I'm not taking sides, just standing in the middle and questioning her claim.


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I have taken many ladies for massage over the years.  Not once has one of them asked for a male.  Some dude in a private room feeling her naked body, touching and rubbing her all over.  So, why would a female want some dude to do that???  Maybe we should ask her BF.

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