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Woman claims rape at Bangkok massage parlor and says police refused to prosecute


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28 minutes ago, The Dancer said:

Not really. Read the OP. Of all the oddities, and there are a few, the one that sticks out most:


"I  was in the police station with a room full of hostile male police until after midnight.

The man that raped me was laughing and making "you're dead" throat gesticulations at my boyfriend", she alleged."


Now, if you've ever witnessed a situation with Thais and the police, Thais are always very deferential and respectful when dealing with law enforcement. That the guy was making merry when hauled into a PS is pretty much unthinkable, unless he had already explained to the BIB what had happened and they were all might amused at the ass the woman was making of herself while embarrassing her clueless bf at the same time.


I'll stick by my narrative. I think it explains the whole sequence of events.


Unless he was well connected of course, either personally or by virtue of his employer.

I don't think you've actually witnessed many situations with Thais and police, especially in dodgy areas like Patpong.

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20 minutes ago, rwdrwdrwd said:


Unless he was well connected of course, either personally or by virtue of his employer.

I don't think you've actually witnessed many situations with Thais and police, especially in dodgy areas like Patpong.

Well connected?  A masseur? You sound dumb enough to be the gal's brother.


Thai Ways 101: do not mess with the Police.

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25 minutes ago, rwdrwdrwd said:


Unless he was well connected of course, either personally or by virtue of his employer.


Was what I said.


I've personally seen Thais acting in an extremely belligerent manner around Thai police, basically acting like a bunch of lad mates with them and acting in an untouchable manner  - especially in areas where there is ongoing activity that requires a certain amount of palm greasing.

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1 minute ago, rwdrwdrwd said:

Unless he was well connected of course, either personally or by virtue of his employer.

First rule when in a hole: stop digging.  The employer was a parlor owner, not someone to do with the Central Group or King Power.

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And you think it would require a Thai with personal connections with senior members of the RTP to feel confident and comfortable that they have a level of support among the officers that would be on a shift at the local station?

You don't think motorbike taxi drivers, for example, have very familiar connections with the police in the local area? Drink with them, play cards with them, etc?

I've sat drinking together with Thai police officers and local workers before in less salubrious parts of town - you're mistaken if you think these relationships have no sway.

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5 hours ago, Senior Player said:

Sorry, nuak, but I feel compelled to comment on your post. You yourself have made a big assumption after declaring the OP has stepped over the line by making one themselves. Especially on the matter of "getting a massage from a guy isn't unheard of in the west" and "she might not know the ins and out of the red light district."


Firstly, she's not in the west so any correlation to what goes on back home in one's own home country should never be nonchalantly imposed on your host country, especially when visiting a developing country like one such as Thailand. It's up to the individual to educate themselves on crime, no-go-areas, scams, customs, the dos-and-don'ts, and to be fully aware of recent news stories whereby a serious crime has befallen a previous unlucky tourist. Forewarned is forearmed and all that.


As for "not knowing the ins and outs of a red light district", what's there to know? It's a district that is nefarious and is mostly run by criminal gangs or their syndicate families, whilst tending to attract the worst the city has to offer in terms of nefarious business practices. It's the same the world over. Going into any country or city's red light district is risky, and should not be treated as a tourist-friendly attraction, which I know many travellers add to their must-see list like it's Times Square or Regent Street. Now, I'm aware that Patpong has cleaned itself up a bit, it's less shabby than it was 20 years ago.... but.... it's still a red light district. Don't matter how you dress it up, put a gloss on it, it's still a notorious and worldwide-renown sex district. Safety is not guaranteed. Other such places are Soi Cowboy and the Nana Plaza. It's advisable to any newcomers to always have ones wits about them and their guard up when visiting these areas, and it's up to the traveller to be aware of what's going on around them. Sadly, we don't live in a perfect world. Same happens to countless female backpackers when trekking across India. It seems many young females are either ignorant or under the belief it won't happen to them. It does, it will and it'll happen again and again. Not everyone, because not every girl will put themselves in harms way. I just hope this particular girl can get over this terrible crime against her.


Yes she isn't in the west, but many people who come to Thailand don't bother to grasp an understanding local knowledge,  and lots of people do not know the ins and outs of the red light district, beyond the fact they exist.  Why would somebody, if its not something they go seeking out or want to have any knowledge of? 


Beside which its still no excuse. rape is rape whether it happens in the red light district or not.

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Can I ask why not?
Maybe she likes a strong hand giving her massage, obviously male masseurs might be stronger as female masseuses.
So by choosing a male masseur she invited to be raped?

And who chooses who's going to massage you if there no sex involved. I never been in a Thai legitimate massage shop where they give you a choice anyway. So I doubt they asked her to choose anyway. Its hard for me to answer this question because I am not a woman, but wouldn't it be bad manners to ask for a different person to massage you? When you are assuming it's a normal respectable place.

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

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7 hours ago, nuakmuaynina said:


Well as another female I don't call BS.


You are assuming way too much here. 

From the story she was told no females were available, and getting massage from a guy isn't unheard of in the west.  


She might not know the ins and out of the red light district.


Even if she did, no still is no. 


From my own experience in Thailand, sometimes it is hard to tell if a place is legit or not, sometimes its obvious but not always. 






exactly, very good post


the important thing is that even if you get into something that was not intended you can politely say no thanks ......................... this girl was subjected to an assault which she managed to fight her way out of....had there been a gun then she would have had very few options


Thailand  is not the west, it is a lawless society, I would go as far as saying that incest and rape are common and largely unreported, couple that mentality into the reported incident and it is not hard to figure, the fact the girl escaped means this Thai <deleted> actually lost face, this could easily have ended much worse than it did. but hey here we are at the police station and the cops are looking and listening - I wish it had been me with this pretty but she turned me down in front of my mates - how dare she do that farang trash after all the drinks I bought her  .....I'll teach her a lesson she won't forget .....anyone got a hoe handy


It is not just Thailand that has attitudes similar to this, Muslims at the very extreme scale of things won't allow women to be educated - I could make a very long post about that but the point I am making is that there are various stages of morality in society and Thailand is way down the scale, to a point they might be a single notch above India and Pakistan and way beyond many in the middle east and africa but they are still on the scale and that is a serious problem


Try and stop me.........................................well she did, pity the she didn't kick harder


Oh and BTW - I have also seen many Farang assoles treat women like dirt here in Thailand....not rape as such but equally degrading, I have had a few situations were I let it get to me and acted on it

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17 hours ago, colinneil said:

Rape is a terrible crime, and should never go unpunished.

Reading this thread, something not quite correct.

She went for a massage ok, but females available to provide the service and she chose male. WHY?

Maybe she likes the firmness of a males technique ? I know in my case I much prefer a very strong and firm process that a lot of the females masseuses cannot provide.

Some people just don't feel comfortable being touched intimately, for want of a better word, by someone of the same sex either.

That and I'm guessing being violated and raped by someone in that kind of environment would have been the last thing on her mind.

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12 hours ago, TheFishman1 said:

If she would of given brown envelope then maybe the cops would have been more helpful TIT

You would put her in a bidding war..

To me the issue is the apparent attitude of the police here, but is anyone surprised?

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18 hours ago, colinneil said:

Rape is a terrible crime, and should never go unpunished.

Reading this thread, something not quite correct.

She went for a massage ok, but females available to provide the service and she chose male. WHY?

It doesn't matter why. Picking a male masseur is NOT an invitation to be raped.

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5 hours ago, smedly said:

exactly, very good post


the important thing is that even if you get into something that was not intended you can politely say no thanks ......................... this girl was subjected to an assault which she managed to fight her way out of....had there been a gun then she would have had very few options


Thailand  is not the west, it is a lawless society, I would go as far as saying that incest and rape are common and largely unreported, couple that mentality into the reported incident and it is not hard to figure, the fact the girl escaped means this Thai <deleted> actually lost face, this could easily have ended much worse than it did. but hey here we are at the police station and the cops are looking and listening - I wish it had been me with this pretty but she turned me down in front of my mates - how dare she do that farang trash after all the drinks I bought her  .....I'll teach her a lesson she won't forget .....anyone got a hoe handy


It is not just Thailand that has attitudes similar to this, Muslims at the very extreme scale of things won't allow women to be educated - I could make a very long post about that but the point I am making is that there are various stages of morality in society and Thailand is way down the scale, to a point they might be a single notch above India and Pakistan and way beyond many in the middle east and africa but they are still on the scale and that is a serious problem


Try and stop me.........................................well she did, pity the she didn't kick harder


Oh and BTW - I have also seen many Farang assoles treat women like dirt here in Thailand....not rape as such but equally degrading, I have had a few situations were I let it get to me and acted on it

I read that this AM and thought I would clarify lol


My point is that not all countries in our so called modern world treat women as equals, there are still quite a few were the males want to dominate and have control - remember there was a time not so long ago when women couldn't vote in the UK and the man was always the boss, there are still countries were gender abuse is written into law.


Thailand although maybe not quite as bad as some are still not there yet, there is still a primitive mentality here that men have towards women and young western girls visiting here on holiday should be very careful



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9 hours ago, redwinecheese said:

I am a man and if a lady wants me to do her oil massage I think that is a good sign to do her all the way unless I am blind :sorry:

beats watching porn all day on your computer - right ? it won't say no

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She went to a massage parlor with male staff who give me the impression that it is a gay "friendly" establishment, with a gay clientele. For additional reference, a quick look up will show  how this massage shop is classified and it isn't where one goes to meet women. The hotel that shares the same name is a noted gay friendly establishment.  It is smack dab in the middle of the  sex for sale district with the gay clubs and brothels within spitting distance.  One of the reasons I have never used the place is that  I had  the impression that the male staff offered more than a massage to the clientele.  It is not unreasonable for a woman to assume that  a masseur would not be interested in her and would be a safe shot. When I go to a massage shop it is for a massage, not boom boom short time. I have no idea what happened, but this  story seems odd.


How do I know this? Because I have stayed at a couple of hotels near this massage parlor and to be  honest, there was a  Carl's Jr. nearby. They offered chicken strips superior to KFC  plus real milkshakes. Yes, some people go for sex and crappy dance clubs, but this homeboy  went to Patpong for Carl's Jr. and I lament it's closure.


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20 hours ago, Kasset Tak said:

Hmm most massage parlors around BKK and especially around Patpong and lower Sukhumwit are not really massage centered...
If you want a professional massage then either go to a spa for oil massage or somewhere where the local Thais goes for Thai massage.
Thai massage:

On Khao Sarn road 350-500B/Hour (if you go for the places that really focus on massage and not the ending...)

At Watpo 260B/Hour

Around On Nut 100-200B/Hour (last time I was there I was the only foreigner and there were more than 10 Thais getting massage in the shop at the same time)


Today, living outside BKK I have 2 choices in the city... 100 B/hour for Thai massage with no option of a happy ending or 150 B/Hour for Thai massage with no option of a happy ending... AC or no AC that's the difference :)

Thanks for the catalogue.


You did not include the sad ending though.....:shock1:

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Unfortunately she chose the wrong place to have a "real" massage.  I don't think its our job to second guess her judgement other then when you go to the trouble of laying a complaint to the police, its their job to take everything seriously (if it breaks the laws and in this case attempted rape cannot be taken lightly) until proven otherwise.  I'm sure a lot of foreign women, (I doubt men) are naive to what desires may lurk in many a Thai male's mind concocted from watching too many Hollywood movies and porn.  Tread carefully white females, though Thailand is a relatively safe country, if you put yourself in certain situations it can turn bad really quickly.



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55 minutes ago, smedly said:

no it is what the police said to a newspaper which of course is highly reliable, wouldn't want to give Thailand a bad name now would we 

It is also a report that appears consistent, with no errors or ambiguity about the location, which is something that cannot be applied to the original version and gives it much more credibility when the full version of events is considered. 


I wonder why the woman didn't mention her assaulting the hotel restaurant staff when disputing the bill for a meal she had after allegedly being raped but before reporting it to the police?

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49 minutes ago, gdgbb said:

It is also a report that appears consistent, with no errors or ambiguity about the location, which is something that cannot be applied to the original version and gives it much more credibility when the full version of events is considered. 


I wonder why the woman didn't mention her assaulting the hotel restaurant staff when disputing the bill for a meal she had after allegedly being raped but before reporting it to the police?

were you there ?

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British woman's rape claim: She's just a con artist says Patpong massage parlor



Picture: Thairath


BANGKOK: -- The massage parlor at the center of a Facebook claim by a British woman claiming rape has said she is a con artist.


Full story: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/973508-british-womans-rape-claim-shes-just-a-con-artist-says-patpong-massage-parlor/


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A con artist who goes around getting oily massages and claims sexual assault for 5,000 baht and a night of intense scrutiny by police. Makes perfect sense. /s


I guess she was assaulted (due to misunderstanding? simple rapey guy?) and now regrets ever setting foot in Thailand. 


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This will sound weird but i always wonder how men rape women? Especially lone rapists with a single female.. 

I cannot comprehend being able to hold down a struggling woman and doing the deed... 


1. She'd be giving every ounce of fight.. punching kicking wiggling 

2. Surely she'd be screaming like crazy and other staff and customers at the establishment would hear and investigate

3. It takes some sheer audacity for a guy to even do it at his place of work surround by colleges.. even for a chickenhead


Now you hear about her accepting money and wanting more.. now that doesn't seem right either.. a British woman accepting £100 for getting raped.. surely she'd be traumatized and want justice instead of a measly 100 quid?



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18 hours ago, Toshiba66 said:

I agree with Senior Player above about the spelling mistakes. Even the Hotel Name is spelt wrong. Takes the edge of the facts.


Haha, typical internet "you spelt something wrong therefore everything is a LIE"

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20 minutes ago, cheapskatesam said:

This will sound weird but i always wonder how men rape women? Especially lone rapists with a single female.. 

I cannot comprehend being able to hold down a struggling woman and doing the deed... 


1. She'd be giving every ounce of fight.. punching kicking wiggling 

2. Surely she'd be screaming like crazy and other staff and customers at the establishment would hear and investigate

3. It takes some sheer audacity for a guy to even do it at his place of work surround by colleges.. even for a chickenhead


Now you hear about her accepting money and wanting more.. now that doesn't seem right either.. a British woman accepting £100 for getting raped.. surely she'd be traumatized and want justice instead of a measly 100 quid?



What absolute <deleted> is this?

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