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What do you like most about Thai girls?


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5 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

IMO, Vietnamese women have better bodies, but Thai women have prettier faces. Of course, I am generalizing.

Yes!! And the Vietnamese women don't have this obsession of shaving their legs and arm pits.

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8 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

In my experience, northern Thai girls are the best looking ( the Chinese genes ) and the Issan refugees in Pattaya are least attractive, IMO, but of course it's all in the eye of the beholder.

Many a time I've been following a divine body only to be sadly disillusioned when they turn around, but have to say the quality of all over loveliness in the totty up in Chiang Mai exceeds Pattaya without a doubt.

However, whenever I go to Bkk I can't get over just how much DDG totty is in the malls. It must be true that wealth creates beauty.


PS. Before anyone jumps up and down, I'm not saying Issan girls are ugly, just less attractive than Chiang Mai girls.

you made me want to spend a weekend in Chiang Mai:cheesy:

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5 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Don't bother. Few if any of the totty work in the pathetic excuses for barbeers up here. The DDG totty I'm talking about are only in the malls.

Well in that case you made me want to go over there for shopping!!!

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18 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Don't bother. Few if any of the totty work in the pathetic excuses for barbeers up here. The DDG totty I'm talking about are only in the malls.

Yes - it's like a beauty pageant wandering around CM....The amount of beauty on display is amazing.....

Most of it very light complected, which is a shame because I'm attracted to the dark skinned gals....


But somehow didn't end up with one.....

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5 hours ago, Shiver said:

Here's my version (or my s/o version from earlier this week).

Me: "I want to find a shop to change everything on the PCX that is colour brown to something else as it is ugly"

Her: "You want new bike?"
Me: "No, this one runs as sweet as the day it was new, I just want to make it look fresh that's all.  Why... do you want a new bike?".

Her: "....yes"
Me: "But I thought you wanted a new car!?"
Her:  "Yes, I'd like a car, a New car". (she can't drive btw)
Me:  "So if you have a new bike and a new car, will that create happiness in your life?  What would you want then?"
Her: "...New house...?"

Me: "So let's say you had a new bike, new car, new house, new everything, what do you want then?"
Her: "Salary ... and money, and securiteee".



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6 hours ago, Shiver said:

Here's my version (or my s/o version from earlier this week).

Me: "I want to find a shop to change everything on the PCX that is colour brown to something else as it is ugly"

Her: "You want new bike?"
Me: "No, this one runs as sweet as the day it was new, I just want to make it look fresh that's all.  Why... do you want a new bike?".

Her: "....yes"
Me: "But I thought you wanted a new car!?"
Her:  "Yes, I'd like a car, a New car". (she can't drive btw)
Me:  "So if you have a new bike and a new car, will that create happiness in your life?  What would you want then?"
Her: "...New house...?"

Me: "So let's say you had a new bike, new car, new house, new everything, what do you want then?"
Her: "Salary ... and money, and securiteee".
Me:  "What would you do with your salary if not buy what you'd already have by then?  You already have everything you think you want and it's all wrapped up in a farang right in front of you.  You cannot want something that you already have.  You really need to go and think this one through".
Her:  "You hungry yet?"

So, I don't know if that is an answer to your question, but you can see from the above example that in this particular case she didn't really think/like/dislike anything about us.  They appear to be in a divergently not quite parallel universe, so I would conclude that we should just choose whether to play the game, there maybe trouble ahead, but enjoy the now (I'm always living in the future and too busy to just stop and enjoy the now, so please understand that what I talk isn't always my walk).

Luckily the "baby/clock ticking thing" didn't get mentioned in this particular encounter, though I do find it a little disturbing that she talks to the dog as "my son, my son..." (Hierarchically I've been leap frogged again :passifier:)

Laugh or cry?
Captain Kirk "Should I bleach my hair or hold my stomach in.  Dammit I'll do both".

So did u repaint the bike yet or bought a house?

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1 hour ago, Destiny1990 said:

So did u repaint the bike yet or bought a house?

No not yet.  It'll happen, just as soon as she gets serious about it.  The resources are there and she can have 100% ownership and walk away if she likes.


She's too busy working to make any money herself.  I'm fine with all of the above, she pretty much saved me from myself, and nurtured and supported me when the chips were down healthwise, so she can take it.  My only reservation I've stated is that the majority of my cash will go to my sisters and a nephew since both of sisters are heavily mortgaged up (and will have to hope the pension system doesn't fail them) and living in what was England.


I don't much care for having assets in this country that just tolerates me for the moment.  My assets stay in my brain and the financial assets I have multi-signature redundancy of several trusted parties away from banks that don't need her to participate, but she would be a recipient after I pop my clogs.  She's not a money grabber though, and that's weird. 100 baht shoes or new clothes seem to be her level (inexpensive, but frequent, and she enjoys spending more on taking friends to the BBQ down the road or something.


I was eyeing up a 'modest' island in the British Virgin Islands and mulling over transport and internet solutions, but didn't think she'd want to move there, so I found a small island in Thailand (much less beautiful but in her own back yard.  You'd think anyone would snatch your hand off when offered so much land/trees/fruit/solitude or party island or whatever you wanted to do.  I showed her the picture.  Her take? "But where friends? Not interesting".  I suggested she could invite her friends, but if fell on deaf ears as she'd already gone back to doing the ironing. [shrugs].


She's looking into how to get the keys to view a house in Udon near one of the lakes.  It's alright, but it's the usual single skin concrete stuff.  I wanted to secure a piece of land that had potential to architect something unique and heat/cold efficient with space to grow vegetables and somewhere to put my 'man cave' for tool storage, testing out crazy ideas rather than a series of concrete boxes with a roof slapped on top and enough space between neighbours that you don't have to pretend not to notice each other when brushing your teeth if the door isn't closed.

It's a work in progress...

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15 hours ago, The manic said:

availability and sexual skill

As they get older other things come into play. The ability to manage the joint bank account and make a nice cup of tea. Letting their underarm air grow. Stuff like that.

Edited by owl sees all
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53 minutes ago, Nook225 said:

The answer is very simple: men prefer (for the rest of his days) to couple with innocent and not very smart women, thats it. 

Sure you are right.  I seek out these type but it takes work.

You will not find them on WS or Insomnia.....

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On 8/28/2017 at 9:40 AM, Shiver said:

Here's my version (or my s/o version from earlier this week).

Me: "I want to find a shop to change everything on the PCX that is colour brown to something else as it is ugly"

Her: "You want new bike?"
Me: "No, this one runs as sweet as the day it was new, I just want to make it look fresh that's all.  Why... do you want a new bike?".

Her: "....yes"
Me: "But I thought you wanted a new car!?"
Her:  "Yes, I'd like a car, a New car". (she can't drive btw)
Me:  "So if you have a new bike and a new car, will that create happiness in your life?  What would you want then?"
Her: "...New house...?"

Me: "So let's say you had a new bike, new car, new house, new everything, what do you want then?"
Her: "Salary ... and money, and securiteee".
Me:  "What would you do with your salary if not buy what you'd already have by then?  You already have everything you think you want and it's all wrapped up in a farang right in front of you.  You cannot want something that you already have.  You really need to go and think this one through".
Her:  "You hungry yet?"

So, I don't know if that is an answer to your question, but you can see from the above example that in this particular case she didn't really think/like/dislike anything about us.  They appear to be in a divergently not quite parallel universe, so I would conclude that we should just choose whether to play the game, there maybe trouble ahead, but enjoy the now (I'm always living in the future and too busy to just stop and enjoy the now, so please understand that what I talk isn't always my walk).

Luckily the "baby/clock ticking thing" didn't get mentioned in this particular encounter, though I do find it a little disturbing that she talks to the dog as "my son, my son..." (Hierarchically I've been leap frogged again :passifier:)

Laugh or cry?
Captain Kirk "Should I bleach my hair or hold my stomach in.  Dammit I'll do both".

Parallel universe is true keep your wallet under your control no matter what. Thais respect spending money to show off something , anything no matter what from having faring who throw money around not faring chi nook while on holidays here to building something or power to nga  or anything that can be seen,  money in bank can't be seen and only those Thai who do have big bank accounts get respect for their assets. Gifts to schools or wat too. 

and be wary of social status of wife's family throwing money around May bring hatred some times disguised LOS from those who have always considered themselves above them in wealth and intellect.

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Another phenomenon: a decent man in his 40s, married(or divorced), a father of 2, well educated, practicing specialist - everyhting looks well in his life, getting coupled with an ex-bar girl, arrogant, predictably uneducated, daughter of a rice farmer who is out for a white pray.

Despite of the obvious difference in all the possible parameters of their personalities - they are together. The question: what can be common between them?

The answer looms: she is not as smart as foreign woman (I mean, percieves the reality in a completely different way), which is overwheight all the rest shortcomings(which may not even really be shortcomings in someone's eyes); therefore could be treated alike pet. 

Thai language, its structure and how it functions is another insight....:smile: Im sure a lot of people who ever learned it noticed some link between the way Thais think&do and the language (which is naturally)


@pgrahmm, those are pretty cool moms to me.

Edited by Nook225
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1 hour ago, LannaGuy said:

No like this instead

images (3).jpg

Maybe in your family - not mine.....My MIL & FIL have 17 siblings between them - none look that worse for wear when the family gets together...


The ladies in the original pic, one hasn't seen 40 yet - average weight of a US woman 168#....

1-&2/3 of most Thai women....


It was more the "heft" I was trying to convey....

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