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A million baht dowry and a hundred foreign guests as gay British tour boss ties the knot with Thai man


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just a mock up not a legal marriage, try getting him to the UK on a settlement visa.

He obviously has the cash to meet the financial requirements. Plus i expect his partner speaks very good English and they are together.

That's the 3 main requirements met.

Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk

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13 hours ago, wotsdermatter said:

Why can't people use homosexual instead of gay?  Such "partnerships" are against what we are taught in the Holy Bible by God.  Do I wish them well in their future life as many others do?  No way, but rather the opposite.     


Now whose God would that be? An imaginary person that many believe in but many more do not.


Would that be a Christian god, or perhaps Hindu, Muslim, Greek, Jewish, Norse or any of the thousands of other gods that at one time or another were present or not in the world?


If it is a Christian God would that be a Catholic, Protestant, Russian or Greek Orthodox, One of the over 800 churches Gods from PNG or what.


Who or what gives your "God" and Bible the right to criticise other people because they don't conform to what your bible says?


You chose your way of life and beliefs as they have chosen theirs. Does "your" bible not say live and let live?


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At least, the Thai government is going in the right direction with its program to encourage couples to have children. Kudos for that.


I'll tell my kids, "son, you are free to do whatever you want in life. I'll respect any career you will choose, any friends you will make, any place you will live. There is ONE thing I expect from you. Only one. And it's simple. Continue the family free. For the rest, it's your life and you're free to do whatver you wish".


I've posted my views several times on this forum and it is obvious that I am extremely conservative. I don't believe in that "born gay" thing, because if it was true, we would have a way to select "gay foetuses" for termination. Since doctors have found no evidence of a gay gene, we can assume that homosexuality is (at least partially) determined by the education we receive at a young age, the things we are exposed to, and the relationship we have with our father (stats show a higher proportion of gays among broken homes). This means that there is a problem in the education that the kids receive. It might be on TV, in public schools, etc. it's pretty hard to determine, but there's something wrong with the way a lot of kids are raised.


I know that my views might seem utopic but I believe in "nuclear families", i.e. a father married to a mother, who stay together, and have children who in return do the same thing. If you have noticed, we had the same thing in the Western world around 50-60 years ago - but many "social cancers" have plagued the society: extreme capitalism, feminism, mass immigration, etc. and that affected the world in the wrong way.


So, gays do not affect my life in any way so there's no reason to hold anything personal against them - but perhaps we should question what we are exposing the young generation to. Look what happens when people don't make children anymore: we have to open the floodgates and let hordes of unskilled third-world migrants in, because governments and businesses still need money despite the shrinking population.


Thailand's ancestors spent centuries propagating a very good and peaceful culture, let's not let that go to waste.


We often get taught "homophobia is  bad", "women have the same rights", "equality for everyone", and often accept it without questionning because it "sounds" good. But when you start using critical thinking and start looking at the effects of this, you then realize that, actually, conservatism is the way forward if we want a healthy society.

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26 minutes ago, SiamBeast said:

At least, the Thai government is going in the right direction with its program to encourage couples to have children. Kudos for that.


I'll tell my kids, "son, you are free to do whatever you want in life. I'll respect any career you will choose, any friends you will make, any place you will live. There is ONE thing I expect from you. Only one. And it's simple. Continue the family free. For the rest, it's your life and you're free to do whatver you wish".


I've posted my views several times on this forum and it is obvious that I am extremely conservative. I don't believe in that "born gay" thing, because if it was true, we would have a way to select "gay foetuses" for termination. Since doctors have found no evidence of a gay gene, we can assume that homosexuality is (at least partially) determined by the education we receive at a young age, the things we are exposed to, and the relationship we have with our father (stats show a higher proportion of gays among broken homes). This means that there is a problem in the education that the kids receive. It might be on TV, in public schools, etc. it's pretty hard to determine, but there's something wrong with the way a lot of kids are raised.


I know that my views might seem utopic but I believe in "nuclear families", i.e. a father married to a mother, who stay together, and have children who in return do the same thing. If you have noticed, we had the same thing in the Western world around 50-60 years ago - but many "social cancers" have plagued the society: extreme capitalism, feminism, mass immigration, etc. and that affected the world in the wrong way.


So, gays do not affect my life in any way so there's no reason to hold anything personal against them - but perhaps we should question what we are exposing the young generation to. Look what happens when people don't make children anymore: we have to open the floodgates and let hordes of unskilled third-world migrants in, because governments and businesses still need money despite the shrinking population.


Thailand's ancestors spent centuries propagating a very good and peaceful culture, let's not let that go to waste.


We often get taught "homophobia is  bad", "women have the same rights", "equality for everyone", and often accept it without questionning because it "sounds" good. But when you start using critical thinking and start looking at the effects of this, you then realize that, actually, conservatism is the way forward if we want a healthy society.

Your views do not seem utopic. Your views seem HORRIFIC. God help a child of yours if he turns out to be gay. 


Your brand of conservatism is about hatred, ignorance, and intolerance. Not all conservatives are disgusting in that way. It's interesting to learn about which famous American lawyers that were key historic figures in arguing for marriage equality in the U.S. supreme court. Very, very, conservative men, in the best possible way. 

Edited by Jingthing
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1 minute ago, Jingthing said:

Your views do not seem utopic. Your views seem HORRIFIC. God help a child of yours if he turns out to be gay. 


If that's your opinion, then you are assuming that you are the result of an horrific relationship - a man and a woman - OMG, where's the LGBT factor?


I'll accept whatever he will be and treat him the same - but he will know what I think of it.

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9 minutes ago, SiamBeast said:


If that's your opinion, then you are assuming that you are the result of an horrific relationship - a man and a woman - OMG, where's the LGBT factor?


I'll accept whatever he will be and treat him the same - but he will know what I think of it.

Nobody believes that, dude. Not from a person waxing poetic about genocide of gay fetuses. 

Your post is total inflammatory garbage. I never said heterosexuality was horrific. You don't get to put words in my mouth. Your words and your views are disgusting enough without hearing such sleazy games. 

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1 hour ago, Mosha said:

Because it's not Amphur wedding, no KR2 or KR3.

Sent from my iris 505 using Tapatalk

Yes I do appreciate that Mosha, Perhaps I should have added, 'once they were legally married'.


But it's irrelevant anyway, because the couple plant to marry in the UK . See the last para of the lead article.


Have a nice day.

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1 minute ago, Moonlover said:

Yes I do appreciate that Mosha, Perhaps I should have added, 'once they were legally married'.


But it's irrelevant anyway, because the couple plant to marry in the UK . See the last para of the lead article.


Have a nice day.

Yes of course to legalize their marriage in the UK, they would need a UK marriage. 

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8 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Nobody believes that, dude. Not from a person waxing poetic about genocide of gay babies. 

Your post is total garbage. I never said heterosexuality was horrific. I said your flavor of bigotry is. 


A bigot for expressing my view that a family is a man and a woman? I assume you must be a Hillary supporter, believing in ponies and open borders, with a feminist wife and embracing all meaning of "equality". If that's your view then there's nothing I can do to change it, but in the meantime, there's a big problem that we didn't have 50 years ago: people aren't able to make a "family"anymore, divorce rates are skyrocketing, the number of bastards is increasing, and the "Facebook generation" of kids are smartphone zombies. To push the idiocy further, some people do not even know their gender, because of all that mess.


Nevertheless, I respect your views, but I don't share them.

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4 minutes ago, SiamBeast said:


A bigot for expressing my view that a family is a man and a woman? I assume you must be a Hillary supporter, believing in ponies and open borders, with a feminist wife and embracing all meaning of "equality". If that's your view then there's nothing I can do to change it, but in the meantime, there's a big problem that we didn't have 50 years ago: people aren't able to make a "family"anymore, divorce rates are skyrocketing, the number of bastards is increasing, and the "Facebook generation" of kids are smartphone zombies. To push the idiocy further, some people do not even know their gender, because of all that mess.

Like I implied, your own words are more than enough to damn the poisonous place that inhabits your regressive world view. They truly stand alone in all their glorious rant-a-rificness (sic). 

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If he doesn't get the "dowry" ( is it called sin sod if for a man? ) back he must be an right idiot, and I don't say that just because it's for his boyfriend and not a woman; I say it because IMO ( and that of many posters on TVF ) it's barking for a farang to pay sin sod, especially for a woman that has children, and that is the case for many farang/ Thai marriages.

Did the guy do ANY research on Thai customs?

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6 minutes ago, SiamBeast said:


A bigot for expressing my view that a family is a man and a woman? I assume you must be a Hillary supporter, believing in ponies and open borders, with a feminist wife and embracing all meaning of "equality". If that's your view then there's nothing I can do to change it, but in the meantime, there's a big problem that we didn't have 50 years ago: people aren't able to make a "family"anymore, divorce rates are skyrocketing, the number of bastards is increasing, and the "Facebook generation" of kids are smartphone zombies. To push the idiocy further, some people do not even know their gender, because of all that mess.


Nevertheless, I respect your views, but I don't share them.

We won't need families soon, once AI is combined with androids. Just order up whatever takes your fancy from a catalogue. Good thing too, as men won't keep getting taken in the long con.

As for bastards, they are probably the norm now. I wouldn't care, but the government kept taking my money to pay the girls to keep them, which offended me mightily.

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14 minutes ago, Moonlover said:

Yes I do appreciate that Mosha, Perhaps I should have added, 'once they were legally married'.


But it's irrelevant anyway, because the couple plant to marry in the UK . See the last para of the lead article.


Have a nice day.

Oh happy days for the young Thai man. After whatever number of years is required in the UK, he'll be able to take him for ?half of everything he's got.

Am I cynical? Absolutely. Marriage is an obsolete ceremony that should be done away with, given the divorce rate is 50% and probably climbing.

In New Zealand, of course, they made it so even if you just live together ( without a legal ceremony ) the woman can still take the man for half of everything after the requisite number of years cohabiting. No wonder I'm cynical.

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39 minutes ago, AGareth2 said:

No it doesn't

In fact the Bible says homosexuals and many other sort of people should be killed or treated badly. The Bible is actually very, very bloodthirsty. It also tells everyone how to live, and not living in the prescribed way is looked on very harshly.

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4 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Oh happy days for the young Thai man. After whatever number of years is required in the UK, he'll be able to take him for ?half of everything he's got.

Am I cynical? Absolutely. Marriage is an obsolete ceremony that should be done away with, given the divorce rate is 50% and probably climbing.

In New Zealand, of course, they made it so even if you just live together ( without a legal ceremony ) the woman can still take the man for half of everything after the requisite number of years cohabiting. No wonder I'm cynical.

Been through 2 divorces myself. Tell me about it! Anyway I'm off the topic now.

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15 hours ago, wotsdermatter said:

Why can't people use homosexual instead of gay?  Such "partnerships" are against what we are taught in the Holy Bible by God.  Do I wish them well in their future life as many others do?  No way, but rather the opposite.     

I don't care about what is in the Bible re homosexuals, but I agree about them comandeering "gay" to mean homosexual. It was a lovely word when it meant being happy etc, and now I can't use it at all, as it would be misunderstood.


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15 hours ago, TheLobster said:

the world needs more gays - Why is that ?

I think we should stop making such a big deal about all of it. Let people do whatever they want as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else. If we could do that the world would be a much happier and better place.


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54 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

If he doesn't get the "dowry" ( is it called sin sod if for a man? ) back he must be an right idiot, and I don't say that just because it's for his boyfriend and not a woman; I say it because IMO ( and that of many posters on TVF ) it's barking for a farang to pay sin sod, especially for a woman that has children, and that is the case for many farang/ Thai marriages.

Did the guy do ANY research on Thai customs?

And what if he did it for the pleasure of it? the pleasure of giving to his partner's family, supporting people much poorer than himself ...

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Just now, mfd101 said:

And what if he did it for the pleasure of it? the pleasure of giving to his partner's family, supporting people much poorer than himself ...

LOL. If that was the reason for giving the money he could have just given it to them without making headlines ( eg this thread ) about it.


How do you know they were poor? They could be rich.

My Thai family were richer than me, but they still expected me to shell out the readies to them, not that I ever gave them any, though I did buy them a fridge. It's crap like this million baht dowry that makes Thais think all farangs are minted.

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1 hour ago, SiamBeast said:

At least, the Thai government is going in the right direction with its program to encourage couples to have children. Kudos for that.


I'll tell my kids, "son, you are free to do whatever you want in life. I'll respect any career you will choose, any friends you will make, any place you will live. There is ONE thing I expect from you. Only one. And it's simple. Continue the family free. For the rest, it's your life and you're free to do whatver you wish".


I've posted my views several times on this forum and it is obvious that I am extremely conservative. I don't believe in that "born gay" thing, because if it was true, we would have a way to select "gay foetuses" for termination. Since doctors have found no evidence of a gay gene, we can assume that homosexuality is (at least partially) determined by the education we receive at a young age, the things we are exposed to, and the relationship we have with our father (stats show a higher proportion of gays among broken homes). This means that there is a problem in the education that the kids receive. It might be on TV, in public schools, etc. it's pretty hard to determine, but there's something wrong with the way a lot of kids are raised.


I know that my views might seem utopic but I believe in "nuclear families", i.e. a father married to a mother, who stay together, and have children who in return do the same thing. If you have noticed, we had the same thing in the Western world around 50-60 years ago - but many "social cancers" have plagued the society: extreme capitalism, feminism, mass immigration, etc. and that affected the world in the wrong way.


So, gays do not affect my life in any way so there's no reason to hold anything personal against them - but perhaps we should question what we are exposing the young generation to. Look what happens when people don't make children anymore: we have to open the floodgates and let hordes of unskilled third-world migrants in, because governments and businesses still need money despite the shrinking population.


Thailand's ancestors spent centuries propagating a very good and peaceful culture, let's not let that go to waste.


We often get taught "homophobia is  bad", "women have the same rights", "equality for everyone", and often accept it without questionning because it "sounds" good. But when you start using critical thinking and start looking at the effects of this, you then realize that, actually, conservatism is the way forward if we want a healthy society.

You talk about "critical thinking" but that is exactly what your post lacks.I counted several non sequiturs and other examples of flawed logic before giving up.On top of your pitiful ignorance (your laughable reference to Thailand's "ancestors") there seems to be a turbo charged sanctimoniousness which is deeply unattractive.

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On 10/04/2017 at 0:01 PM, SiamBeast said:

^ I wish no harm to anyone, but I'm not a politically correct guy. Which means, if I meet them, I'll treat them like any other human being, but I am expressing my view on the effects of this on society in general.

Careful, the snowflakes will be triggered and will cry for their safe space





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7 hours ago, SiamBeast said:

At least, the Thai government is going in the right direction with its program to encourage couples to have children. Kudos for that.


I'll tell my kids, "son, you are free to do whatever you want in life. I'll respect any career you will choose, any friends you will make, any place you will live. There is ONE thing I expect from you. Only one. And it's simple. Continue the family free. For the rest, it's your life and you're free to do whatver you wish".


I've posted my views several times on this forum and it is obvious that I am extremely conservative. I don't believe in that "born gay" thing, because if it was true, we would have a way to select "gay foetuses" for termination. Since doctors have found no evidence of a gay gene, we can assume that homosexuality is (at least partially) determined by the education we receive at a young age, the things we are exposed to, and the relationship we have with our father (stats show a higher proportion of gays among broken homes). This means that there is a problem in the education that the kids receive. It might be on TV, in public schools, etc. it's pretty hard to determine, but there's something wrong with the way a lot of kids are raised.


I know that my views might seem utopic but I believe in "nuclear families", i.e. a father married to a mother, who stay together, and have children who in return do the same thing. If you have noticed, we had the same thing in the Western world around 50-60 years ago - but many "social cancers" have plagued the society: extreme capitalism, feminism, mass immigration, etc. and that affected the world in the wrong way.


So, gays do not affect my life in any way so there's no reason to hold anything personal against them - but perhaps we should question what we are exposing the young generation to. Look what happens when people don't make children anymore: we have to open the floodgates and let hordes of unskilled third-world migrants in, because governments and businesses still need money despite the shrinking population.


Thailand's ancestors spent centuries propagating a very good and peaceful culture, let's not let that go to waste.


We often get taught "homophobia is  bad", "women have the same rights", "equality for everyone", and often accept it without questionning because it "sounds" good. But when you start using critical thinking and start looking at the effects of this, you then realize that, actually, conservatism is the way forward if we want a healthy society.


I wouldn't want to be part of your so-called 'healthy society' ... we are all different, I've no issue with LGBT, each to their own. I think people have a right to find their own version of happiness, as long as that does not prejudice the rights of others, like for example, men who prey on little girls. 


I just watched a documentary that included a South Korean girl who was adopted into a "Christian" US family. When she came out as gay they turned their back on her, as no doubt you would have done, as she failed to live up to your sad version of a healthy society. 




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