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Motorbike accident deaths: Thailand number one in the world


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Good grief!

The 2nd photo in the OP.

So called "experts" do not have a clue about motorcycles.

Those type of people only have ever known the inside of an air conditioned car.

To sort out the safety and training aspect of all things two wheeled over here, they need to have motorcyclists on board for their input.
Much as the new breed of big bike riders over here are killing themselves and need greater training and awareness, the vast majority of deaths are still in the 100-150cc range and young kids.

It does need sorting out, but sensibly with the correct people on board.

I've been riding large motorcycles for 40 years...

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4 hours ago, SiamBeast said:

Charles Darwin explained this in a very long but simple therory about natural selection.


The problem isn't the enforcement, the speed, the booze, etc. the problem is just stupidity.

"The problem isn't the enforcement, the speed, the booze, etc. the problem is just stupidity".  Well this is Thailand, what else do you expect.

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42 minutes ago, jerojero said:

I'm continuously amazed at how many motorcyclists will enter a main street from a side street without looking right. They somehow assume no traffic will be coming along the main street. Slammed on my truck brakes more than once because of this stupidity exhibited by idiot motorcyclists!

Noted! for years I thought they had a genetic problem with their necks not being able to turn, then I realised that they are just too lazy too look!


Many cities in China ban motorcycles outright, they are only allowed to ride electric bikes, which aren't quite as deadly due to the reduced speed! but at least they are quite!!

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Let's take a look at the problems. 

1. Anyone can buy a motorbike without having a license.

2. Underage youths 3 or 4 up riding at speed in the sois and recklessly .

3. Everyone speeds , passes on the underside, ignores red lights.

4. Helmets ? Enough said. 

5. Drink drivers. 

6. No law enforcement. 


And thats  just for starters. But hey blame the manufacturers. That is surely the main problem !!!! 

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4 hours ago, akirasan said:

Speed kills?

Pulling out of an intersection onto a main road without looking or stopping kills

Riding with no lights at night kills

Riding the wrong side of the road into oncoming traffic kills

Not wearing a helmet kills

Get all these sorted out first then start worrying about what speed people are doing...I've never seen such moronic behaviour anywhere in the world as I've experienced on the roads here. 

Yep, going down 2nd Road the wrong way, against the traffic, expecting any pedestrians to get out the way when they're trying to cross the road, then turning into side roads the wrong way..with no helmet..etc etc. 

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Typical to shift the  responsibility on to manufacturers, rather than man up and enforce existing laws. The last year I lived back home, there were 200 deaths of children falling off their bicycles due to head injuries. None of those children were wearing bike helmets. Point being at any speed you can die when your bare head hits pavement. It doesn,t take a genius to drop the number of deaths by motorcycle in this country; Enforce helmet law, fine heavily those that jump red lights 3 seconds before changing to green, as well as the vehicles that accelerate to beat the yellow light before turning red. Enforce a new law that no more than 3 on a motorbike and all must wear helmets. No passengers in motorcycle side carts, enforce the law that all lights, turn signals and horns work, when they are stopped for any reason, if operators have no license or proof of insurance, impound the bike and put a 5000 baht fine to get it back. Start there and see where it goes in a year. Of course to enforce all that, Thailand will need to force all traffic police to actually do their jobs.

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Realistically there is little manufacturers can do to reduce these statistics, it's mainly up to the drivers. One thing they might do is to only manufacture motorcycles with headlights below the basket. It might help in some cases.

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"He said that 90 kilometers was too fast but if there was a cap on that speed as well as a campaign to slow motorcyclists down to 60 kilometers an hour that would have a dramatic effect on the figures.


"He suggested that arguments that motorcyclists need high speeds to overtake were groundless."


Before these yayhoos get to pass any new rules or laws, they need to spend at least six months riding motorbikes around Bangkok, making sure that they do not exceed 60KPH and always stay to the extreme left side of the roads, avoid flyovers, and stay off bridges prohibited to motorbikes, and etc. After those six months, maybe they can try riding a bike from Bangkok to Pattaya, or perhaps Kanchanaburi or up to Nakhon Sawan.


Do those things and then we can talk a bit about what laws need to be changed, and whether any new ones are required.

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4 hours ago, clockman said:

I knew they would be No1 at something!

Nr 1 in most deadly accidents in the world...

Nr 1 in teen age pegnancies...

Close to Nr 1 in corruption...

Close to Nr 1 in failing in education and educational system...

But...They like so much to be "Nr 1"...

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4 hours ago, dabhand said:

Not downplaying the horrendous motorcycle death toll in Thailand in any way but these 'experts' need to review their findings regarding which country is No.1


Even going back to 2011/2012 the figures for India show deaths at approx. 33k with 23.2%(2012) of 142k(2011) fatalities being 'two-wheeler' related.



Makes a good headline, but seems to be lacking in the facts department.

Are we talking per capita here or not. Must be put in proportion. 

How ever it is measured it is still too many and as most here agree, stupidity of the bike riders and all of the other morons traveling at speed is the root cause....

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An average of 5,500 dead motorcyclists per year.... Well well ! That must be the average of the last 300 years!!!

We all now, when the total number of deaths in traffic in Thailand now is at approx. 26,000 per year and a high percentage of those are motorcyclists, the real numbers are rather nearing 20,000 per year. And that's just the official numbers...

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7 minutes ago, featography said:

Typical to shift the  responsibility on to manufacturers, rather than man up and enforce existing laws. The last year I lived back home, there were 200 deaths of children falling off their bicycles due to head injuries. None of those children were wearing bike helmets. Point being at any speed you can die when your bare head hits pavement. It doesn,t take a genius to drop the number of deaths by motorcycle in this country; Enforce helmet law, fine heavily those that jump red lights 3 seconds before changing to green, as well as the vehicles that accelerate to beat the yellow light before turning red. Enforce a new law that no more than 3 on a motorbike and all must wear helmets. No passengers in motorcycle side carts, enforce the law that all lights, turn signals and horns work, when they are stopped for any reason, if operators have no license or proof of insurance, impound the bike and put a 5000 baht fine to get it back. Start there and see where it goes in a year. Of course to enforce all that, Thailand will need to force all traffic police to actually do their jobs.

"Thailand will need to force all traffic police to actually do their jobs."  Therein lays a crux of the problem.

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4 hours ago, ajarngreg said:

The experts have now called on manufacturers of bikes in Thailand to use available technology to limit speeds to 90 kilometers per hour.


Just falling on your head from a bicycle can kill you. Nothing makes any sense if people do not wear good helmets. Not the plastic crap ones. 


 The educational system is also at fault. Watch three kids driving to school on one bike and neither cops nor teachers do anything? 


  Would such a speed limit prevent accidents? I doubt it. 




Asking Thais to limit the numbers of people on a bike would be like asking Thais not to allow people in the back tray of a pick-up truck.

They would kick & scream, protest all day long... how can I get 3 kids to school at the same time etc etc

Maximum 2 people, both wear helmets, minimum rider age 15, after passing a test & riding instruction at an approved school.
Start to introduce a system where points are allocated to a licence for offences committed as well as fines.

When a set point limit is reached the licence is revoked for one year.

Same for car licences.

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motor bikes, young men, testosterone , no protection, excessive speed, little or no policing of road rules can only be one result......maybe show, when the get license some graphic photos and stories on the effect on those left behind.....seems such a waste !  Something needs to change....

Edited by Lucky mike
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Where do they get these idiots from, the place must be full of A class dumbos


In-force the law get bib to do some work and that means real work not putting cash in their own pockets.


Speed kills yes, but stupidity kills even more people, that must be why around here there are so many deaths

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5 hours ago, Misterwhisper said:

Yes, sure (yawn), it's solely speed that kills, not the non-existing driving skills among motorists and their total disregard for their own safety and that of others (yawn again).


A motorbike crash can be just as deadly at 40 kmh as at 60 or 90. Ask any expert. But not Thai "experts", of course, because they know s**t (as glaringly obvious from the OP). 

Don't blame the Thai experts! - Don't you know they have a cure for Ebola!

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Campaign leader Wanchai Meesiri said: "Everyone always points to the riders themselves but we also need to look closely at the vehicles and the roads"


Hoorah! An educated comment from a Thai commentator....probably for the first time ever in the history of Thai road safety.

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How many Thai parents wear basic helmets ? Amswer = Not many.  Cost <deleted> all of each helmet.  The helmet has No standards in safety especially as far as a basic helmet compared to western regulations!. Now the parents take 1yr old to 11year old as pillion passengers.  Guess what none of the children or very few have a basic head cover except the parents, (if your lucky to see that). That would be a good start at least to ensure ALL have a helmet .Thus improve from there and next restrict number of kids on the bike as pillion passengers. DAH F<deleted> how can i get a job running this insane motor registry Need an IQ of 40 plus? LOL LOS.I'll do it for next to nothing .But will accept tips/bribes like they all do

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Thai have no situational or physical awareness. They drift along in their own little bubbles. If your in the wrong place at the wrong time on a motorcycle you are going to get hurt. Wearing Helmets, reducing speed, staying sober will all help. But they cant walk on the footpaths and be aware of whats going on around them. Put them in a car or on another bike and its an accident waiting to happen.

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Yes the kids are young and dumb and invincable though quite good on a bike.

Get rid of the cars and there will be just a few accidents here and there.

Its the cars that kill the kids.

The rest get killed by taxi.

Just my thoughts on the matter.

Speed has nothing to do .90 is unsurvivable for most anyway.

Shoot 45 is probobly too much.

Poor kids

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