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Trump says NATO not obsolete, reversing campaign stance


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Trump says NATO not obsolete, reversing campaign stance




During a news conference with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, U.S. President Donald Trump says "we must ensure NATO members meet their financial obligations and pay what they owe. Many have not been doing that." Rough Cut (no reporter narration).


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Wednesday that NATO is not obsolete, as he had declared on the campaign trail last year, but said NATO members still need to pay their fair share for the European security umbrella.


At a news conference with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, Trump thanked NATO members for their support of his decision last Thursday to launch 59 cruise missiles at a Syrian airfield in retaliation for a chemical weapons attack on civilians and said it was time to end Syria's civil war.


"I said it was obsolete. It's no longer obsolete," Trump said, adding that the Transatlantic alliance was adapting to the broader mission against Islamic militants that he had urged.


Stoltenberg said he had an excellent and productive meeting in the Oval Office with Trump.


(Reporting by Steve Holland; Editing by James Dalgleish)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-04-13
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Can anyone name a policy statement which Trump has not reversed?


He's done it on. . . . . .


>>>>> punishing women for seeking abortions
>>>>> supporting going to war in Iraq II

>>>>> staying out of overseas conflicts (remember "America First"?)

>>>>> Saying "No one respects women more than me" and then going out in the evening to grab pussy

>>>>> Equating the CIA with Nazis and then, days later, lavishing praise on the CIA

>>>>> Acting friendly with Obama, and then equating him with McCarthy, and calling him names.

>>>>> The Wall, and getting Mexico to pay for it.

>>>>> Hating Obama Care, but then admitting it's the best comparative policy available.

>>>>> Not firing Flynn for 19 days, all the while knowing he lied to Pence, was a paid Turkish agent, and worse.

>>>>> Pilloring Hillary for using an unofficial internet server, and then (Trump) doing much worse with Russian connections.

>>>>> Supposedly against money laundering, yet he himself launders money for Russian oligarchs. 

>>>>> Skewering HRC for using an unofficial internet server, and doing/saying nothing about Pence who did the same 

>>>>> Saying he always hires the best people, and then going out and hiring the worst.

>>>>> Dissing Cruz and others for involvement with Goldman Sachs, and then (Trump) hiring 6 GS execs

>>>>> Saying he is an outsider, when he's as inside as insulation glued within a mobile home

>>>>> Saying he will drain the swamp - when he is the #1 Swamp Thing.

>>>>> Taking an oath to uphold the laws of the land, yet hoping the ACA will fail

>>>>>  Trash talking Obama for taking breaks to play golf, yet Trump spends more time and taxpayer money playing golf in one month, than Obama spent in any year.

>>>>>  Projected: Trump will spend more on his personal travel to and from FL in 2017 alone, than Obama spent on personal travel in his entire 8 years.

>>>>>  Claiming to be "The best Jobs President in History" yet often hoping, out loud, that major newspapers go broke.

>>>>>  Saying jobs data was false when it made Obama's policies look good, but claiming jobs data true when it made Trump look good.

>>>>>  Always quoting polls which inflated his numbers, but saying polls were all false when they showed his numbers sagging.

>>>>>  Admitting he used fake names to self-promote, but then denying it later

>>>>>  Claiming the election was rigged in HRC's favor.  He was half right.  The election was rigged, but in his favor ....by the Russians and FBI's Comey.





Edited by boomerangutang
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18 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

Can anyone name a policy statement which Trump has not reversed?


He's done it on. . . . . .


>>>>> punishing women for seeking abortions
>>>>> supporting going to war in Iraq II

>>>>> staying out of overseas conflicts (remember "America First"?)

>>>>> Saying "No one respects women more than me" and then going out in the evening to grab pussy

>>>>> Equating the CIA with Nazis and then, days later, lavishing praise on the CIA

>>>>> Acting friendly with Obama, and then equating him with McCarthy, and calling him names.

>>>>> The Wall, and getting Mexico to pay for it.

>>>>> Hating Obama Care, but then admitting it's the best comparative policy available.

>>>>> Not firing Flynn for 19 days, all the while knowing he lied to Pence, was a paid Turkish agent, and worse.

>>>>> Pilloring Hillary for using an unofficial internet server, and then (Trump) doing much worse with Russian connections.

>>>>> Supposedly against money laundering, yet he himself launders money for Russian oligarchs. 

>>>>> Skewering HRC for using an unofficial internet server, and doing/saying nothing about Pence who did the same 

>>>>> Saying he always hires the best people, and then going out and hiring the worst.

>>>>> Dissing Cruz and others for involvement with Goldman Sachs, and then (Trump) hiring 6 GS execs

>>>>> Saying he is an outsider, when he's as inside as insulation glued within a mobile home

>>>>> Saying he will drain the swamp - when he is the #1 Swamp Thing.

>>>>> Taking an oath to uphold the laws of the land, yet hoping the ACA will fail

>>>>>  Trash talking Obama for taking breaks to play golf, yet Trump spends more time and taxpayer money playing golf in one month, than Obama spent in any year.

>>>>>  Projected: Trump will spend more on his personal travel to and from FL in 2017 alone, than Obama spent on personal travel in his entire 8 years.

>>>>>  Claiming to be "The best Jobs President in History" yet often hoping, out loud, that major newspapers go broke.

>>>>>  Saying jobs data was false when it made Obama's policies look good, but claiming jobs data true when it made Trump look good.

>>>>>  Always quoting polls which inflated his numbers, but saying polls were all false when they showed his numbers sagging.

>>>>>  Admitting he used fake names to self-promote, but then denying it later

>>>>>  Claiming the election was rigged in HRC's favor.  He was half right.  The election was rigged, but in his favor ....by the Russians and FBI's Comey.





I believe he still is sticking with "Grab them by the p---y,”  “You can do anything.”

Edited by tonray
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Surprise surprise. Another about face by Trump. What's it now, about 9 complete reversals in less than 90 days in power? Trump, the reigning king of flip flops. Can't predict him, can't believe him and surely can't trust him. And millions of Americans still think he's a hero President. Sheesh!

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But Germany have already stated they have no intentions of honoring their commitments and paying what they previously agreed to.


So, kick them out of NATO? Or just consign Germany to be the potential battle ground in any conflict with Putin?


Maybe Trump should look at sanctions on Germany and the others who haven't been paying until they pay all what they owe?

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14 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


16 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:

But Germany have already stated they have no intentions of honoring their commitments and paying what they previously agreed to.


So, kick them out of NATO? Or just consign Germany to be the potential battle ground in any conflict with Putin?


Maybe Trump should look at sanctions on Germany and the others who haven't been paying until they pay all what they owe?

:cheesy: A clown (Trump) makes demands for imaginary achievements to Germany. Very funny :cheesy:

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23 minutes ago, ujayujay said:

:cheesy: A clown (Trump) makes demands for imaginary achievements to Germany. Very funny :cheesy:


Do you ever read or watch the news?


If you did, you'd know that Germany, and some other NATO members, have for many years not fulfilled their contractual membership obligations regarding the amount they must spend on defense. 

Trump, unlike previous POTUS, hasn't ignored this. All he did, in this instance, was tell them to meet their previously agreed to commitments as the US would no longer bank role NATO, along with those other members, like the UK who do meet their commitments.


The only imaginary thing is that Germany thought they could simply avoid paying for ever as they've gotten away with it for so long.


So please tell us, in your opinion, is it o k for Germany to cheat and lie?

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52 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:

But Germany have already stated they have no intentions of honoring their commitments and paying what they previously agreed to.


So, kick them out of NATO? Or just consign Germany to be the potential battle ground in any conflict with Putin?


Maybe Trump should look at sanctions on Germany and the others who haven't been paying until they pay all what they owe?

You do realize that "payments" are not actually made to NATO,  don't you? NATO is an alliance not a funded stand alone organization like the UN (even Trump seems to not realize this). Each member pledges to spend at least 2% of GDP on defense and to provide various personnel and equipment to support the unified command structure.  


These pledges run into to serious domestic issues that hamper fulfilling the target 2%. This is especially true for countries that are under EU imposed budget constraints such has Spain,  and Italy and countries that do not have a large pro-military voter base due to a lack of a perceived  bordering enemy such has Canada,  Belgium,  Luxembourg,  etc.





Edited by thaihome
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... plus not at all taking into account development-/foreign-aid which does a lot more for keeping peace than obviously NATO achieves.

Germany second after USA (21 & 31 bn USD as of 2015), therefore comparatively 'over represented'. But i understand that's where it gets sort of complicated to grasp ... 


Whatever, i believe something Trump also wants to cut into (or at least said he would ... sic!) - of course as it doesn't further their military-industry that much, does it ... 

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The only thing Trump is consistent about is in seeking the limelight.  He'll talk BS and reversing 'policy' without hesitation if it keeps him in the news.  What's amazing is the number of people who still haven't seen through this.


Edit:  Upon reflection I realize the above is incomplete.  Trump has also consistently ignored ethics standards  Refusing to release tax returns, refusing to put his financial interests in a blind trust, giving family members positions of influence in the White House without requiring them to put their financial interests into blind trusts, announcing Mar-a-Lago is the winter White House then doubling membership fees, etc.

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With so many "reversals" I wonder how the Trumpsters here are coping with theirs.  After all they all defended Trump and agreed with the rhetoric often attacking the Trump critics.  Do they now agree with the U-turns or are they  thinking that Trump has got it all wrong.  I guess their heads must be spinning trying to keep up with their hero! 

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1 hour ago, dunroaming said:

With so many "reversals" I wonder how the Trumpsters here are coping with theirs.  After all they all defended Trump and agreed with the rhetoric often attacking the Trump critics.  Do they now agree with the U-turns or are they  thinking that Trump has got it all wrong.  I guess their heads must be spinning trying to keep up with their hero! 

They are not a group that relies on facts or critical thinking to make decisions. They are largely a group of less educated folks who live at the margins and hope for a superhero to save their assembly line job instead of going back to school to gain further skills and better themselves. The other half is the alt-right who think Trump is the messenger to bring on the deconstruction of government, the only problem is while he talks a good game, he is not competent enough to accomplish much. There you have it a bunch of uneducated rubes coupled with a group of anarchists. Not likely to fold support for Donny.

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...Promising to label China a currency manipulator....now that he has been schooled by the Chinese leader about how the real world works...not gonna happen.



In 100 days the biggest phony our country has ever seen

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9 hours ago, Somtamnication said:


.....and a dangerous one.


                I grew up in the US and Europe, half half.  Nearly all the rednecks I've ever known, came from the US.  There are many there who are studiously dumb and instantly aggressive at the slightest provocation or slight.    There must be a lot of them in the US, because those are who got him the winning # of electoral college votes.   They're still there, and they ain't getting any smarter.

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2 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

.....and a dangerous one.


                I grew up in the US and Europe, half half.  Nearly all the rednecks I've ever known, came from the US.  There are many there who are studiously dumb and instantly aggressive at the slightest provocation or slight.    There must be a lot of them in the US, because those are who got him the winning # of electoral college votes.   They're still there, and they ain't getting any smarter.

They may not be getting any smarter, but we can hope they don't get any dumber.   We will know with the next election.   

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16 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


Do you ever read or watch the news?


If you did, you'd know that Germany, and some other NATO members, have for many years not fulfilled their contractual membership obligations regarding the amount they must spend on defense. 

Trump, unlike previous POTUS, hasn't ignored this. All he did, in this instance, was tell them to meet their previously agreed to commitments as the US would no longer bank role NATO, along with those other members, like the UK who do meet their commitments.


The only imaginary thing is that Germany thought they could simply avoid paying for ever as they've gotten away with it for so long.


So please tell us, in your opinion, is it o k for Germany to cheat and lie?

Look up the definition of Obsolete. Paying or not paying for it does not change it's status.
Not Ok for anyone to cheat and lie. 


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6 hours ago, Credo said:

They may not be getting any smarter, but we can hope they don't get any dumber.   We will know with the next election.   

Democrats need to get a lot smarter too.  Trotting out Hilary to give anti Trump speeches is certainly a great way to give him another 4 years.  In fact, if they cannot regain control of the Congress in 2018, I think the Democrats are  finished as a functioning party

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