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Feeding stray dogs, what is the point ?


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2 years ago was one of the coldest winters on record here in Chiang Mai. I watched a television news report of dogs living at a temple dying from hypothermia. Monks were wrapping shivering dogs in old cloth in an attempt to keep the dogs warm. It was one of the saddest things I had seen.


Something needs to be done to kerb the populations of unwanted dogs and this can only be archived by official projects and enforced laws sponsored by the local authorities. Well meaning do gooders and charities will not solve the problem, in fact their efforts can make matter worse. 


The problem is that stray and feral dogs are considered a low priority on the agendas of local authorities, it is easier to ignore the problem then to take action and ply resources into the problem. So I doubt we will witness any changes for the foreseeable future. 



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3 hours ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

bit like giving food to the monks every day. gives some people a good feeling in the short term. long term thought is not a strong point in thailand.

Really? The monks make their rounds so that people have an opportunity to begin their day doing a good deed... and they receive a blessing from the monks in return... As a result of this, the temples are brimming with food and anyone can go to the temple and the monks will feed them, thereby eliminating desperate poverty and hunger. 


An interesting system that it seems to me many Western countries that have rampant homelessness and people eating out of garbage cans could benefit from...


But, if you want to use a topic about the fact that some people have compassion and feed strays, to take a shot at Thai people and "long term thought" - I guess that is how it will be... 

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8 hours ago, jeab1980 said:

 Two are males the rest bitches so we took it upon our self's to relive the two males of there balls! Didn't cost a lot at least the bitches will be safe from pregnancy. question?

Male dogs will come from miles around when a bitch is on heat. The bitches are not safe from pregnancy. A better strategy would have been to spay the females.

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3 minutes ago, bazza73 said:

Male dogs will come from miles around when a bitch is on heat. The bitches are not safe from pregnancy. A better strategy would have been to spay the females.

Not quite as there is no other strays for miles around. Not like the soi's rural life?

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4 hours ago, Peterw42 said:

I have tried, but its a couple of young thai guys who just work for the organisation. I was hoping someone from one of the organisation would respond with an explanation.

These do - gooders are everywhere! They feed these filthy mutts with their usual sense of Karma and good luck, basically they believe that by doing this they buy themselves a place up front in the queue in paradise.


We have a few of the same idiots that perform the feeding karma right outside the school that my kid goes to, they come along on a motorbike sidecar combo, dump a pile of crap on the road, and drive off. Within 2 minutes there is about 20 filthy mangy dogs running all over the roads trying to get a feed, running in front of traffic, almost causing accidents, chasing kids as they come out of school etc. 


I am not averse to dogs and cats being kept as well looked after pets, but Thailand needs one major cull of these filthy vermin and then stiff penalties for people that encourage their existence. Why don't they go adopt a dog? Get the vermin off the streets, even cooking them is preferable to seeing thewm running around out on the roads.

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They all want them when they are puppies nice a cute, when they grow up and start shitting all over the place it is let them out and disowned them. These feeders do it to feel better about themselves thinking it makes up for all their wrong during the day. How I got that opinion from my neighbors all screw up, drink, beat their women, steal, cheat etc. of course just generalizing then they throw their leftover in the empty lot for the Soi dogs to eat. Go back home and do the same stuff all over again.

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10 hours ago, philliphn said:

It would be kind to provide birth control!

I actually think they do.  In Naiharn at least.  When I am surrounded by a group of soi dogs there I notice I am the only one still sporting berries.  Can't be coincidence.  Maybe I'm next :omfg:

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4 hours ago, paulsingle said:



Comparing African people to dogs is beyond my comprehension. People are not animals.



Really? I've observed a couple of people on TV who do their best to bridge the gap.

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I've five rescued soi dogs, all from a local dog shelter - they are my best friends, in fact they are my only friends. Give me Thai dogs any day over the poor quality of expats here. With the dogs, I know I'm loved, I get welcomed home when I go out and if I'm feeling unhappy all five do their furry best to comfort me.


They don't drink themselves stupid, they're not misogynists or abusers, they don't think Trump's the answer to the mess the world's in or lie about their activities when I'm not around. Perfect!

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17 minutes ago, buddhalady said:

I've five rescued soi dogs, all from a local dog shelter - they are my best friends, in fact they are my only friends. Give me Thai dogs any day over the poor quality of expats here. With the dogs, I know I'm loved, I get welcomed home when I go out and if I'm feeling unhappy all five do their furry best to comfort me.


They don't drink themselves stupid, they're not misogynists or abusers, they don't think Trump's the answer to the mess the world's in or lie about their activities when I'm not around. Perfect!

I know someone like you, he ended up with more than 70 dogs then prison then deported, you have to have perspective.

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Are these dogs dangerous ? Well fed dogs tend not to be out to bite people. If they have regular human interaction they will also be less vicious.

Also do you think the dogs will breed less if they are starving all the time ?

There is also the chance the dogs are being de sexed . They might well be taking a couple to the vets each week, go see if any of them have stitches on their back ends.

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Instead of doing the right thing which is either to neuter them or castrate,  they thing that giving food is like a "Tam boon" making merit. They have no idea that this is worse. They then ask questions when some poor kid is mauled to death by the pack. Totally brainless!!

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7 hours ago, jeab1980 said:

Not quite as there is no other strays for miles around. Not like the soi's rural life?


You cannot guarantee that and it only takes one male to impregnate all of them.


If you sterilise the bitches a thousand males are not a problem.




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3 hours ago, buddhalady said:

I've five rescued soi dogs, all from a local dog shelter - they are my best friends, in fact they are my only friends. Give me Thai dogs any day over the poor quality of expats here. With the dogs, I know I'm loved, I get welcomed home when I go out and if I'm feeling unhappy all five do their furry best to comfort me.


They don't drink themselves stupid, they're not misogynists or abusers, they don't think Trump's the answer to the mess the world's in or lie about their activities when I'm not around. Perfect!


Thanks for providing a first class profile of the social inadequate, who is incapable of forming safe emotional relationships with other worthwhile humans, and ends up focusing their "love" (need) on animals.


They, together with childless couples, are invariably the sort who indulge in this type of behaviour.


You sound like the men on TVF who keep on choosing dodgy Thai women as partners (because they themselves are so tragically flawed), get burned, and complain that all Thai women are evil because of that. 


There's your answers Peterw42.




Edited by Enoon
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1 hour ago, Enoon said:


Thanks for providing a first class profile of the social inadequate, who is incapable of forming safe emotional relationships with other worthwhile humans, and ends up focusing their "love" (need) on animals.


They, together with childless couples, are invariably the sort who indulge in this type of behaviour.


You sound like the men on TVF who keep on choosing dodgy Thai women as partners (because they themselves are so tragically flawed), get burned, and complain that all Thai women are evil because of that. 


There's your answers Peterw42.




While I agree with the content of your post, I can not say that I admire the subtlety of your words Enoon.











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Soi dogs can be very smart and a friend.  When I moved here, I lived on a really small soi in a room that faced the yard with my own entrance - 1 step and smal concrete area.  l became friends with a female soi dog who ended up being a self appointed guard dog for me at night. She would plant herself at the foot of my steps around 9PM to sleep, and if anyone came close to my entrance, she woruld  give a 1 bark warning, exception being someone that she knew visited me.  If I left the soi in daytime she would walk me to the end of the soi, when I came back would come greet me. If I went to the 7-11 late night, she would go with me.


Good reason to feed a soi dog

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5 hours ago, Enoon said:


Thanks for providing a first class profile of the social inadequate, who is incapable of forming safe emotional relationships with other worthwhile humans, and ends up focusing their "love" (need) on animals.


They, together with childless couples, are invariably the sort who indulge in this type of behaviour.


You sound like the men on TVF who keep on choosing dodgy Thai women as partners (because they themselves are so tragically flawed), get burned, and complain that all Thai women are evil because of that. 


There's your answers Peterw42.




555 made me laugh a complete load of buffalo poo but amusing never the less. There's a good shrink I know who can help you let me know I'll give you his number.

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A quick addition:


After I was gone for 6 months, I came back to the soi ad was greeted by her, jumping up and down, tail wagging at jet speed, barking, and the only time she ever jumped on me.  My landlord told me she guarded my old room for about 2 weeks and she had to explain to people looking at the room why she ( soi dog ) ran to the room when she showed the room to other people.

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Has the OP thought of contacting Soi Dogs?  I know they went to one of the islands a few months ago to do a neutering campaign on all the dogs and cats.  They do this in my area _ Kata.


A quick check to see if a dog/bitch has been neutered is to look in their ears - Soi Dogs put a dot tattoo in them to show they have been neutered.


With regards to Enoon making generalisations about childless people - just think - they too may have been neutered so as not to expand the proliferation of the human race.

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On 4/24/2017 at 10:26 AM, jeab1980 said:

Don't have the op problem as we live rural but we have 3 of our own dogs all well looked after can't get out of our land. However at 4pm daily this number is increased to 10 all sat nicely outside the gate waiting for it to be cracked open so they can enter. We feed them yes we also wash and de flea/tick them at least once a week. They have no owners I've already checked. Two are males the rest bitches so we took it upon our self's to relive the two males of there balls! Didn't cost a lot at least the bitches will be safe from pregnancy. They dissappear well I say dissappear in reality they go about 200 yes up the lane to a shelter they found an old workers Hut. Right or wrong in others eyes I don't care one jot. They are good guard dogs (ours aren't LOL mummies pets would maybe lick you to death). Anyone coming up our Lane we have at least 2 min warning. But never once have any of them chased or confronted any of our visitors on foot/bike/car. Have tried to keep them in the confines of our land but the howling choir soon sends me to the gate.

Back to your question why don't you go and have a word with the people who come to feed them and ask them the question?

Hello?  You  sterilized  the  two  males and  now  the   remaining   bitches   are  safe??? 

Can understand  it  was  the  cheaper  option  but  it  will  have  a  very   failed  outcome! A  bitch  on heat   will  attract a  dog  from   many  kilometres  away downwind ! Nature   will  win !

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Just now, Dumbastheycome said:

Hello?  You  sterilized  the  two  males and  now  the   remaining   bitches   are  safe??? 

Can understand  it  was  the  cheaper  option  but  it  will  have  a  very   failed  outcome! A  bitch  on heat   will  attract a  dog  from   many  kilometres  away downwind ! Nature   will  win !

Not explaining it again read back.

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Enoon2,  apart from thanking you for giving the perfect illustration of the type of CM expat to which, (not whom, definitely WHICH!) I was referring in my post - there are certain things you clearly don't understand as you have no knowledge of them 


Firstly, to my post sounding like the men on TVF - please, please remember that I am female, and have never, ever, sounded like or been mistaken for a male in my long, interesting life.


Secondly,  I'm not childless, and thirdly, I was widowed late in 2015, a fact which led me to value the companionship of my five dogs still more. As regards 'social inadequate' - words almost, but not quite, fail me as to how you can evaluate my personality without even having met me. Such amazing talent you must have....I envy your no doubt huge crowd of crawling sycophants.


Of course, you won't choose to believe me when I say I'm perfectly capable of forming successful relationships with other humans - the problem, exacerbated by your post, is actually finding any in CM and especially on this forum. 

Edited by buddhalady
got the wrong name for the poster to whom I was replying.- sorry!
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5 minutes ago, buddhalady said:

Enoon2,  apart from thanking you for giving the perfect illustration of the type of CM expat to which, (not whom, definitely WHICH!) I was referring in my post - there are certain things you clearly don't understand as you have no knowledge of them 


Firstly, to my post sounding like the men on TVF - please, please remember that I am female, and have never, ever, sounded like or been mistaken for a male in my long, interesting life.


Secondly,  I'm not childless, and thirdly, I was widowed late in 2015, a fact which led me to value the companionship of my five dogs still more. As regards 'social inadequate' - words almost, but not quite, fail me as to how you can evaluate my personality without even having met me. Such amazing talent you must have....I envy your no doubt huge crowd of crawling sycophants.


Of course, you won't choose to believe me when I say I'm perfectly capable of forming successful relationships with other humans - the problem, exacerbated by your post, is actually finding any in CM and especially on this forum. 

Wonderful ! Really.

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