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In shock move, Trump fires FBI Director Comey


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4 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:


Your request for verification is particularly laughable coming from you since you failed to do so in this thread.


Perhaps you can tell me why I am not allowed to ask for verification when someone quotes #FAKENEWS and portrays it as fact.  

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24 minutes ago, TonyClifton said:

Oh my, how convenient.  

I find you somewhat entertaining. Two simple questions for you personally.


1) Do you @TonyClifton want to have independent inquiry of possible treason by President Trump?

2) Would you @TonyClifton be at ease if Russia is indeed controlling USA and the country's president Trump?


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3 hours ago, KarenBravo said:

How about providing a link to show that the Russians DIDN'T interfere with the election........just one will do.


39 minutes ago, TonyClifton said:



You'll find the answer to your question in that Reuters article.  

 What on earth are talking about?


There is nothing in that article that even remotely addresses KarenBravo's question to you.

Did you even read the title?


You appear to be highly confused...

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Comey infuriated Trump with refusal to preview Senate testimony: aides


"The anger behind Donald Trump's firing of FBI Director James Comey on Tuesday had been building for months, but a turning point came when Comey refused to preview for top Trump aides his planned testimony to a Senate panel, White House officials said."


"Trump, Attorney General Jeff Sessions and deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein had wanted a heads-up from Comey about what he would say at a May 3 hearing about his handling of an investigation into former Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server."


"When Comey refused, Trump and his aides considered that an act of insubordination and it was one of the catalysts to Trump’s decision this week to fire the FBI director, the officials said."

The investigated wanted a heads up. :blink:
What an inept fool.
It's gonna be glorious when this clown goes down. :thumbsup:
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4 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Plenty of it on a certain tv station, but no point in using that as the mob will just attack the station instead of the message.

By using the words "may have" I don't have to prove anything to you.

"the mob will just attack the station instead of the message." 


Attacking the messenger and ignoring the message.  That's what all the posters crying "fake news" are doing. 


I assume you are referring to Fox News; why don't you present the evidence it provided and we promise to evaluate the evidence on its merits.

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1 hour ago, TonyClifton said:

I realize that people have short memories, but it has already been admitted by former Obama intelligence staffer.  


However, it may be too long for many of you, as I know you prefer your facts to be in little bite-sized pieces, however:




You'll find the answer to your question in that Reuters article.  

The article describes Rep Nunes, former head of the investigation by the House of Representatives of Russian interference in the election, making a fool of himself with unsubstantiated allegations.  He stepped down as head of the investigation because he of these farcical claims.   https://www.nytimes.com/2017/04/06/us/politics/devin-nunes-house-intelligence-committee-russia.html?_r=0

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1 hour ago, TonyClifton said:


Lost Angeles

San Fransicko


Washington DC

New York



and the list goes on. 


I think a low information ThaiVisa Denizen found some small town city run by Republicans that wasn't doing well, ignoring all the major cities in America all going to crap.



Are you referring to my post in which I suggested looking into Republican led Kansas?  Kansas is a state, not a small town city.  You do understand the difference, don't you?

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Deputy attorney general threatened to quit after being cast as impetus of Comey’s dismissal, source says

Rosenstein threatened to resign after the narrative emerging from the White House on Tuesday evening cast him as a prime mover of the decision to fire Comey and that the president acted only on his recommendation, said the person close to the White House, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the matter.



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34 minutes ago, ELVIS123456 said:

And that is why I long ago realised that arguing with Liberals on TV is like playing chess with a pigeon.

They just strut around and move pieces they cant and sheite all over the board - they understand nothing and have no logic.

No wonder Trump is having a ball - talk about a cat amongst the pigeons :clap2:




29 minutes ago, ELVIS123456 said:

Sums it up beautifully - their ability to draw irrelevent things together while ignoring the 'rules' is astounding.

chess pigeons.jpg

Neither of you could think of anything fact based and on-topic to post, or refute the fact based on-topic posts of others, could you?

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2 minutes ago, heybruce said:


Neither of you could think of anything fact based and on-topic to post, or refute the fact based on-topic posts of others, could you?

It's the same guy though ......

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5 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

...the security agencies that may have been illegally spying on political opponents of Obama...


Please share some data or links that brought you to that opinion.


Is it merely a hunch?


Or are you just making things up?

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If you didnt know Trump was a narcicistic bully and mentally unfit to hold office you do now.


Next to go will be his poor little press guy that has to front the media. Sean Spicer I think is his name is looks like a rabbit caught in the headlights.


Imagine having Trump as you boss.


Conservatives are now saying that Trump has a 60% chance of being impeached and replaced and its rising daily

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Neither of you could think of anything fact based and on-topic to post, or refute the fact based on-topic posts of others, could you?

Exactly, never any facts, only name calling and posturing.

It have been proven time and again to anyone paying attention that Trump colluded with Putin both to steal the presidency and line his pockets.

He fires anyone he has to to crush the opposition. I only wish the press would get on this and quit giving him a pass. We should have more than just the Daily Show to provide real facts and honest reporting.
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After reports that Rosenstein threated to quit because the White House was making his report the principle reason that Trump fired Comey, the Trump administration has altered its story: I guess it wouldn't look too good for the White House if Rosenstein had quit just a few weeks into his job.

White House: Trump, not Rosenstein, first raised questions about Comey

President Donald Trump was already inclined to dismiss FBI Director James Comey when he met on Monday with the top two officials from the Department of Justice, deputy White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Thursday, a somewhat different timeline of events than the Trump administration first presented.

In the immediate hours following Comey’s firing, White House officials said the FBI director had been dismissed based solely on the unprompted recommendation of Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, delivered in the form of a two-page memo to the president. But Thursday morning, Sanders did not dispute reports from multiple media outlets that it was Trump who first raised the issue of dismissing Comey, although she insisted that the arguments laid out by Rosenstein were his own.


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The esteemed New York Times explains why this is really a BIG deal.

So the question now is -- is this the beginning of the end of trump as president?

Quite possibly. 







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Country over party!

Word is already half a dozen REPUBLICAN senators are making noise about this.

That's a good start!







Trump Is Insulting Our Intelligence

It’s all just too much. We need an independent investigator. I don’t trust anything — anything! — coming out of this White House, and I don’t trust this feckless Congress to constrain Trump.

This is not about partisanship, but patriotism. We must protect this country from moral corrosion, at best, and actual destruction, at worst.

If this doesn’t stink to you, your nose is broken.


Is your nose broken?


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Something tells me that the acting chief of the FBI may soon be following Comey into forced retirement.

Acting F.B.I. director contradicts White House.

Mr. McCabe rejected the White House’s assertion that Mr. Comey had lost the backing of rank-and-file agents, a pointed rebuke of what had been one of the president’s main defenses for the move.

“Director Comey enjoyed broad support within the F.B.I. and still does to this day,” Mr. McCabe said at the hearing.

“The vast majority of FBI employees enjoyed a deep and positive connection to Director Comey,” he added.


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Both some Americans and many non-Americans may not understand that the FBI is intended to be an INDEPENDENT, non-partisan, agency. If it's there to take orders from any president, from any party, the integrity of American institutions checks and balances, are threatened. trump is out to control the FBI in a partisan way. The people need to fight back now, patriots of all parties, or we're sunk.  We don't want no stinkin' DICTATOR!

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9 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Something tells me that the acting chief of the FBI may soon be following Comey into forced retirement.

Acting F.B.I. director contradicts White House.

Mr. McCabe rejected the White House’s assertion that Mr. Comey had lost the backing of rank-and-file agents, a pointed rebuke of what had been one of the president’s main defenses for the move.

“Director Comey enjoyed broad support within the F.B.I. and still does to this day,” Mr. McCabe said at the hearing.

“The vast majority of FBI employees enjoyed a deep and positive connection to Director Comey,” he added.


And here's fox news' headline about his testimony:


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54 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:
1 hour ago, mogandave said:


Exactly, never any facts, only name calling and posturing.

It have been proven time and again to anyone paying attention that Trump colluded with Putin both to steal the presidency and line his pockets.

He fires anyone he has to to crush the opposition. I only wish the press would get on this and quit giving him a pass. We should have more than just the Daily Show to provide real facts and honest reporting.


Had it been proven, presumably impeachment procedings would be on the way.  Your trolling is transparent and obvious. You should at least get yourself a different avatar if you want to continue in this vein.

Have you lost your marbles?


Mogandave has it pretty much spot on.


The first line is in reply to a poster on here who was name calling and trolling.


Second line is exactly as we have discussed on here for months. Putin gifted Trump the White house, even you have acknowledged that and there has been enough crap flying around on all MSM to show that Trump has been in the middle of some very dodgy financial deals with Russians. As it is all part of an FBI investigation then nothing will be revealed until the investigation is over. The House are not going to impeach the President just on what Racheal Maddow and Kieth Olbermann tell us - they will wait for the conclusions of an official investigation.


The last line - I am totally confused as to why you would disagree with this. Have you got an evil twin who just got access to your computer? It seems so as your post is almost polar opposite to your normal comments.

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15 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

When you don't have a good defense of the clown dictator, divert to Hillary Clinton, and flaming personal attacks. Same old, same old. 

I just saw Sebastian Gorka, deputy assistant in the Trump administration, Breitbart alumni, member of the Nazi-linked Order of Vetiz and holder of a questionable Hungarian PhD, interviewed on BBC and he was doing his best to make everything about Hillary's emails. 


The Trump administration is full of one-trick-ponies, whenever in trouble they try to turn the conversation to the emails.

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Just now, heybruce said:

I just saw Sebastian Gorka, deputy assistant in the Trump administration, Breitbart alumni, and nazi fan with a questionable Hungarian PhD, interviewed on BBC and he was doing his best to make everything about Hillary's emails. 


The Trump administration is full of one-trick-ponies, whenever in trouble they try to turn the conversation to the emails.

At least they shut up now about Bengazi!

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36 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Both some Americans and many non-Americans may not understand that the FBI is intended to be an INDEPENDENT, non-partisan, agency. If it's there to take orders from any president, from any party, the integrity of American institutions checks and balances, are threatened. trump is out to control the FBI in a partisan way. The people need to fight back now, patriots of all parties, or we're sunk.  We don't want no stinkin' DICTATOR!

Of course Comey's unprofessional press conference where he enumerates her breaking of national security laws and then recommends non-prosecution (against the intent of the laws) is INDEPENDENT and non-partisan. And, of course, does not deserve his being fired.


Do you have inside information on how the rank and file FBI members have felt about their dearly departed director after his unprofessional actions (holding press conferences exposing sensitive investigatory info on an individual and overstepping his authority in not recommending prosecution for her crimes)?

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26 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

Have you lost your marbles?


Mogandave has it pretty much spot on.


The first line is in reply to a poster on here who was name calling and trolling.


Second line is exactly as we have discussed on here for months. Putin gifted Trump the White house, even you have acknowledged that and there has been enough crap flying around on all MSM to show that Trump has been in the middle of some very dodgy financial deals with Russians. As it is all part of an FBI investigation then nothing will be revealed until the investigation is over. The House are not going to impeach the President just on what Racheal Maddow and Kieth Olbermann tell us - they will wait for the conclusions of an official investigation.


The last line - I am totally confused as to why you would disagree with this. Have you got an evil twin who just got access to your computer? It seems so as your post is almost polar opposite to your normal comments.

Because I know the history of his opinions and the over-the-top statements he's making now directly contradict his previous views. It's way too strong to say it's proven. But it's just the kind of thing someone would do to in the hopes of getting them to endorse his foolish statements. There's definitely lots of suggestive evidence out there about Trump's ties to Putin, but nothing as yet has risen to the level of proof.

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1 hour ago, mogandave said:

This moron is not going to stop until he eliminates every Obama appointee.

He needs to be stopped!

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

Why does he need to be stopped?


Are you afraid he's going to use up the entire supply of "Obama appointees"?


Relax - I believe there are plenty of them and what he's done so far doesn't even qualify as a "good start", in my view.

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