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Trump revealed intelligence secrets to Russians in Oval Office - officials


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17 minutes ago, heybruce said:

Damaging (destroying?) an intelligence sharing understanding with a nation able to get information about ISIS plans from deep inside ISIS is only drama? 

It seems that the clinton allied liberal media thinks it should be allowed to run the USA….Mr Trump needs to tell them everything he says to world leaders…and get their sign off…or its not ok.


I think a drama is what you're turning this into…if the intel on isis from this M.E. country was so hot, we should have gotten advance notice on a lot more ISIS action…..maybe the shootings in paris and brussels.


All this is is a storm in a teacup…..Trump will ride this out no problemo…..till he meets another world leader….only to be accused of having shady dealings with them…then y'all can start kvetching again.


I will bet that the next attack by ISIL will now be blamed on Trump too…..right……I mean he clearly angered the jordanians/turks or whoever so  they decided not to share any more intel of impending attacks…..yes its the presidents fault.

Edited by JHolmesJr
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47 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

                          You want change?!    If someone pumps carbon monoxide into your bedroom while you're sleeping - that's change.   If someone rapes your daughter, that's change.  Oh, silly me, Trump did actually articulate a bit during the campaign about what sort of changes he would enact.   Unfortunately, for Americans  (not just the dummies who voted for him), the changes he's gotten through thus far are debilitating to the USA.   Some examples:  aiming to knock people off health care,  despoiling the natural environment,  bringing the US closer to nuclear war, leaking sensitive secrets to Russian officials, alienating once-friendly governments, ....shall I go on?


It's going to be a very bumpy ride for 8 years.It's the price one has to pay for minimal government intrusion,less taxes,more jobs for American's, bringing company's back through corporate repatriation,  using America's natural resources to produce energy,calling Islamic terrorism for what it is., not being PC,stopping illegals from coming into the country.Most importantly draining the Washington Swamp of corruption and business as usual..I like the message he brings .After all so do millions of other American's. We won the Election.

Edited by riclag
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28 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

It seems that the clinton allied liberal media thinks it should be allowed to run the USA….Mr Trump needs to tell them everything he says to world leaders…and get their sign off…or its not ok.


I think a drama is what you're turning this into…if the intel on isis from this M.E. country was so hot, we should have gotten advance notice on a lot more ISIS action…..maybe the shootings in paris and brussels.


All this is is a storm in a teacup…..Trump will ride this out no problemo…..till he meets another world leader….only to be accused of having shady dealings with them…then y'all can start kvetching again.


I will bet that the next attack by ISIL will now be blamed on Trump too…..right……I mean he clearly angered the jordanians/turks or whoever so  they decided not to share any more intel of impending attacks…..yes its the presidents fault.

Your first paragraph--simple-minded, somewhat paranoid BS.


Second paragraph--you still can't or won't grasp the importance of allies in the Mideast who are better at collecting human intelligence in that region than we are, and have every right to expect intelligence sharing agreements be respected.  Also you, and Trump, clearly don't understand the importance of thinking things through before acting.


Third paragraph--Trump rides out one storm (clueless, irresponsible act) by creating a bigger storm.  Every time he makes liars of his staff, and appears increasingly unfit for office, by issuing tweets and statements that contradict everything his administration did and said in their attempts to cover for him.


Fourth paragraph--same as the first.


Summary:  Completely unconvincing defense of the indefensible, one that flies in the face of reality.  I'm sure we can expect more of the same from you.

Edited by heybruce
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Thaivisa, I hate you. I've got a lot of books, great books written by writers. They're on my Kindle - great device, the best ereader - everyone says so. However it is past midnight and I can't rip myself away from these Trump threads that a lot of good people post on.

I swear I am on the verge of posting something rude just to have Scott suspend me for a week or so...:biggrin:

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4 hours ago, TonyClifton said:

Logic is simplicity.  I can see why you might be having trouble with the concept.  

Actually, a fairly precise definition of logic is that it's reasoning conducted or assessed according to strict principles of validity. But since you're a Man-Child supporter I can see why you're having trouble with the concept.

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1 hour ago, JHolmesJr said:

It seems that the clinton allied liberal media thinks it should be allowed to run the USA….Mr Trump needs to tell them everything he says to world leaders…and get their sign off…or its not ok.




It's pretty telling that many in this thread would be against Trump even if he cured cancer. These same people were telling everyone to give Obama a chance, but now it's completely different? Now every week the WaPo or other liberal rag creates a non story for the sake of ratings and to continue with the narrative that Trump is illegitimate. Meanwhile McMaster says the WaPo is completely wrong, and some in this thread are siding with WaPo over our National Security Advisor. If only the democrats understood how irrelevant they are not only in the election, but as a political party. They really are desperate, and their childish actions concerning every little detail of the Presidents day to day activities and minute conversations are only driving people further away.

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12 minutes ago, Crowes said:



It's pretty telling that many in this thread would be against Trump even if he cured cancer. These same people were telling everyone to give Obama a chance, but now it's completely different? Now every week the WaPo or other liberal rag creates a non story for the sake of ratings and to continue with the narrative that Trump is illegitimate. Meanwhile McMaster says the WaPo is completely wrong, and some in this thread are siding with WaPo over our National Security Advisor. If only the democrats understood how irrelevant they are not only in the election, but as a political party. They really are desperate, and their childish actions concerning every little detail of the Presidents day to day activities and minute conversations are only driving people further away.

Your perception of reality has no relation to reality.

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16 hours ago, Berkshire said:

I saw Dershowitz really go off this morning, like he's never done.  I'm guessing that since he's Jewish, he may be thinking that the ally in question (source of the highly classified intel) was Israeli intelligence.  Those guys don't mess around.  If Israel doesn't trust Trump, they will withhold future intelligence....which would be extremely damaging for US national security. 

And, in fact... 

Screenshot 2017-05-16 12.12.10.png

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I am unable to hate the man because my own mother died from dementia so I know what a terrible illness it is...It is unfortunate that so many of my fellow Americans could not see the handwriting on the wall of his increasingly bizarre behavior through the entire election...The only hope now is that he will be removed from office before any serious damage is done...:sad:





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5 hours ago, riclag said:

It's going to be a very bumpy ride for 8 years.It's the price one has to pay for minimal government intrusion,less taxes,more jobs for American's, bringing company's back through corporate repatriation,  using America's natural resources to produce energy,calling Islamic terrorism for what it is., not being PC,stopping illegals from coming into the country.Most importantly draining the Washington Swamp of corruption and business as usual..I like the message he brings .After all so do millions of other American's. We won the Election.

Yup, huuuge tax cuts for billionaires. 24 million citizens with no health insurance when he is done. Asking the head of the FBI not to investigate that treasonous crook Flynn. 

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Comey Memo Says Trump Asked Him to End Flynn Investigation

President Trump asked the F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, to shut down the federal investigation into Mr. Trump’s former national security adviser, Michael T. Flynn, in an Oval Office meeting in February, according to a memo Mr. Comey wrote shortly after the meeting.

“I hope you can let this go,” the president told Mr. Comey, according to the memo.

The existence of Mr. Trump’s request is the clearest evidence that the president has tried to directly influence the Justice Department and F.B.I. investigation into links between Mr. Trump’s associates and Russia.


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5 hours ago, Crowes said:



It's pretty telling that many in this thread would be against Trump even if he cured cancer. These same people were telling everyone to give Obama a chance, but now it's completely different? Now every week the WaPo or other liberal rag creates a non story for the sake of ratings and to continue with the narrative that Trump is illegitimate. Meanwhile McMaster says the WaPo is completely wrong, and some in this thread are siding with WaPo over our National Security Advisor. If only the democrats understood how irrelevant they are not only in the election, but as a political party. They really are desperate, and their childish actions concerning every little detail of the Presidents day to day activities and minute conversations are only driving people further away.

Actually, Trump knows the cure to cancer and is just waiting for the right time to reveal it. But I have inside sources so I'm going to reveal it to the world right here: It's an extra scoop of ice cream. 

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23 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

Actually they issued a non-denial denial. They didn't deny that it happened. The just said that he didn't reveal the source or sources of the info nor did it reveal disposition of military assets.

Did they and other Trump team members PLEDGE loyalty to Trump like he seems to demand? This seems like a prerequisite to keeping a job under Republican Trump.

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2 minutes ago, selftaopath said:

Did they and other Trump team members PLEDGE loyalty to Trump like he seems to demand? This seems like a prerequisite to keeping a job under Republican Trump.

But as for Trump being loyal to his team members...not so much. Except in the case of Mike Flynn. Which is kind of odd.

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An interesting perspective on this. 

Potentially a very big deal.





How likely is it that the Russians could trace the information to its source?

According to reports, the White House is taking seriously the threat that the information could be sourced. Thomas Bossert, Trump’s assistant for counterterrorism, alerted the CIA and the National Security Agency, and one of his subordinates said the information should be removed from internal summaries of Trump’s meeting.



Hugh Hewitt, the conservative radio host, said on Twitter: “This is very bad. Very, very bad.”




Read more: http://forward.com/news/breaking-news/372084/why-israel-is-worried-over-what-trump-told-the-russians/


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7 hours ago, baboon said:

I've got a lot of books, great books written by writers. They're on my Kindle - great device, the best ereader - everyone says so

baboon the funny thing is that line looks like it was written by Trump, but we know it wasn't because he doesn't read. Allegedly he thinks a Kindle is something you use for lighting fires.

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The thing now is that Netanyahu has got Trump over a barrel right before Trumps official visit to Israel. Netanyahu will say everything is cool between Israel and the USA and when Trump is in Israel Netanyahu will make sure he squeezes Trumps balls hard and ensures that Trump moves the embassy to Jerusalem !! Watch this space. This is a gift for Netanyahu to exploit. Welcome to the world of espionage Trump.

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7 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

The thing now is that Netanyahu has got Trump over a barrel right before Trumps official visit to Israel. Netanyahu will say everything is cool between Israel and the USA and when Trump is in Israel Netanyahu will make sure he squeezes Trumps balls hard and ensures that Trump moves the embassy to Jerusalem !! Watch this space. This is a gift for Netanyahu to exploit. Welcome to the world of espionage Trump.

I don't see what leverage Netanyahu has now that Trump's indiscretion has been disclosed.

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4 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

I don't see what leverage Netanyahu has now that Trump's indiscretion has been disclosed.


Key word: "now".


The Israelis have more Kompromat on Trump than the Russians do. That file is bursting at the seams and probably no need for further leverage.



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9 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

McConnell called it what it is.....drama...nothing else.....move on folks...sorry to disappoint the impeachment hopefuls. 

""I think we can do with a little less drama from the White House"


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46 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

baboon the funny thing is that line looks like it was written by Trump, but we know it wasn't because he doesn't read. Allegedly he thinks a Kindle is something you use for lighting fires.

Of course I read books. A whole load of smart books with a lot of the best words in them, folks...

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42 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

I don't see what leverage Netanyahu has now that Trump's indiscretion has been disclosed.

Netenyahu will forgive Trump his sins and will be sure to cash in the favour some time soon. I reckon an announcement during Trumps visit that the embassy will move :wink:

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11 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

It is pertinent because it points towards bezos letting his business interests get in the way of his paper's editorial integrity. 



And of course we all accept that Trump has separated the office of POTUS from his personal business interests because that is what he has claimed he has done.


Pretty darned impertinent IMHO.

Edited by NanLaew
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15 hours ago, riclag said:

 In response to I prefer people who weren't. Google ,Why do veterans not like Senator McCain.Most people don't know the other side of what you believe in just ask the Rolling Thunder founder.


That is one of the poorer attempts at deflection that I've seen lately. What could it possibly matter what the founder of Rolling Thunder thinks of McCain? Ray Manzo never served in Vietnam, was never a prisoner of war, was never tortured, and other than being a Marine (which is laudable in its own right), has never had to put his life on the line in the same way that McCain did. I am far from being a fan of John McCain, but for anyone to denigrate his service and sacrifice for his country is, in my opinion, an act of cowardice. Trump more than adequately fits that description. He was (and continues to be) a yellow-bellied coward who lacked either the strength of character or the sense of patriotic obligation to serve his country, preferring instead to hide behind 5 fake deferments for a phony medical condition that, for some miraculous reason, didn't keep him from playing college sports. As with most rich pricks, he played while real men died...or were tortured for serving their country. And before you bring up Bill Clinton or Obama, here's a news flash...this conversation isn't about either of those individuals, so don't use them to deflect from the complete lack of moral fiber of this so-called President, a man who demeans those who sacrificed.

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