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Do you think Trump will be impeached or forced to resign?

Do you believe Trump will be impeached or forced to resign?  

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1 hour ago, Gulfsailor said:

Adultery is a crime in New York.

Penal Law 255.17 states that a person is guilty of adultery when he/she engages in sexual intercourse with another person at a time when he/she has a living spouse. Adultery is classified as a Class B misdemeanor.

But adultery isn't a crime in Nevada. I wasn't sure if NY law would apply.

But aside, infidelity might negate any prenuptial agreement (if proven) between Trump and Melanie. Might Melanie make an offer to Clifford to breach her nondisclosure agreement?


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12 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

I'm tired of the outrage against the odd politician that goes 'against the grain' -


Pretty sure it's not his going against the grain that's bringing on the outrage.

43 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

Will this thread 'will trump be impeached or forced to resign' continue for 4 years( edit, sorry - 3 more years)??

If he makes it past the 2018 midterms, the results of those midterms would likely impact on the interest and chances of impeachment or pressured resignation. If the republicans keep control of both houses of congress in the midterms, assuming the Mueller investigation will probably have concluded by then, I think it's reasonable to assume less interest in trump leaving and much more interest in replacing him in 2020. Other factors are unknown including the findings of the Mueller investigation, if he is not fired before he can make conclusions, which would also be a disruptive political event. 

So nobody can answer your question. 

49 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

Trump is an immediately, objectionable creature (IMO) - but he was elected as the 'ordinary' American voter in less wealthy communities were sick and tired of the status quo.


I suspect they saw Hilary as an extension of this, and Trump as a possible alternative.


So many people were sure Trump would be impeached/forced to resign within 3 months of his election - but it's still all talk....


Meanwhile, he's a typical loathsome president/politician, and still in office....


I'm tired of the outrage against the odd politician that goes 'against the grain' - regardless of how much I dislike this particular person.

He is anything but typical anything. He is grossly and bizarrely ATYPICAL. Sure many people have made the insanity of his presidency as normal because they've been worn down by it, but objectively it is not in any way normal. 


Tourism To U.S. Crashes Under Donald Trump , Costing $4.6 Billion And 40,000 Jobs


Trump promised to be the best President ever for jobs, but he might be hurting jobs more than he’s helping. One industry that’s getting hit hardest because of Trump is U.S. Tourism.


According to data from the National Travel and Tourism Office, there’s been a 3.3% drop in travel spending and a 4% drop in inbound travel. That might not seem like a lot, but the decline is costing the industry $4.6 billion and 40,00 jobs.



26 minutes ago, Skywalker69 said:

Trump promised to be the best President ever for jobs, <snip>

Trump claims all economic improvements are solely down to him personally, so he can take responsibility for underperforming...


Extract from Washington Post article - "That Trump economic boom? It's mostly hype"


The economy added just over 2 million jobs in 2017, which is the lowest since 2010, when we were still dragging ourselves out of the recession.

Of course, that’s not the story you hear from the president. He likes to argue in anecdotes: every time a corporation says it’s going to create some jobs, it’s proof that his stewardship is bringing spectacular results. But in an economy as enormous as ours, corporations are constantly adding jobs and cutting jobs, and the fact that a few thousand are being created here or there tells you nothing about how the entire economy is doing.



4 hours ago, EVENKEEL said:

Dow Jones passed 26,600. I don't know about most folks but my pocket book dictates my voting. So....my vote is for Trump. Beat the drums all you want but the fact is Trump is doing a decent job so far considering all the head wind he's encountered. Give him some wind off the stern and calm seas to see what he can really accomplish.

Thats not the economy, thats tulip bulb speculation on the value of shares. The companies behind the shares are not paying higher dividends. The economy is the companies making more money, profit, growth etc.

The only companies making more money are the ones speculating on the stock market themselves.


The driver behind the speculative market bubble is everyone knows trump wont do anything to stop it, control it etc, its a free for all. A "good job" would be monetary policy to slow a purely speculative market. Encourage people and business to make real money, not create money by speculative trading.


Why would any business invent something, build a factory, manufacture stuff, create jobs etc, when they can just put money into the share market, wait 3 months and make more than the factory would have.

8 hours ago, ballpoint said:

Yes, her lips are sealed, but when she met a fool and his money they soon parted.

Indeed. With this lascivious fool, the Russians would’ve had to work pretty hard *NOT* to get kompromat on him.

4 hours ago, EVENKEEL said:

Dow Jones passed 26,600. I don't know about most folks but my pocket book dictates my voting. So....my vote is for Trump. Beat the drums all you want but the fact is Trump is doing a decent job so far considering all the head wind he's encountered. Give him some wind off the stern and calm seas to see what he can really accomplish.

He didn't campaign on a promise to keep the Obama recovery going.  He campaigned on a lot of other BS promises, most unkept.  With his cabinet, the "Drain the swamp" promise is arguably the most ridiculous.

1 minute ago, Thakkar said:


Putin’s bidding?

I think Putin saw him as a useful idiot.  However he proved to be more idiot than useful, leaving Putin disappointed, but still hopeful.


If Pakistan decides to close land and air routes to Afghanistan (likely, after Trump's suspension of aid) our Afghan strategy will be hostage to Russia.  Look at a map to understand why.

43 minutes ago, heybruce said:

I think Putin saw him as a useful idiot.  However he proved to be more idiot than useful, leaving Putin disappointed, but still hopeful.


If Pakistan decides to close land and air routes to Afghanistan (likely, after Trump's suspension of aid) our Afghan strategy will be hostage to Russia.  Look at a map to understand why.


Whether it is through his gross incompetence or by design, a lot of what the Trump administration has done has been as if they were doing Putin’s bidding:


Putin’s biggest bugbear was the Sate Dept. while the US military is formidable, when it comes to using it against Russia, it is more for show than use. It was the State dept that worked tirelessly to thwart Putin’s expansionist ambitions and promote anti-Putin’s movements within Russia and pry former Soviet allies away.


That State Dept has been neutered. Budgets cut, staff dismissed, a third of ambassadorships left vacant.


US support for NATO: from formerly enthusiastic, to now muted.


Trump has alienated allies and friends.


Support for Ukraine’s legitimate government against Russia-supported eastern separatists is now muted to none. The Crimea annexation has been defacto accepted under Trump.


Signed further Russia sanctions only when presented with a veto-proof bill, then failed to implement those sanctions.


Has not launched any official investigation into Russian meddling in US elections or introduced any counter measures to prevent future meddling.


Appointed a Friend of Russia as Sec of State. Then Publicy and repeatedly undermined of Sec of State.


Made partners Distrust American promises: Iran deal. Paris Climate accords, Trans Pacific Trade Partnership which was originally proposed and led by the US.


Fueled internal US Racial tensions.


Alienated allies and friends internationally through insults and cuts in aid.

Alienated NAFTA Trade partners.

Alienated southern neighbor with racist remarks.

Made allies reluctant to share intelligence by disclosing secrets to adversary.

Attacked and denigrated independent news media.


Can you think of more? I’m making a list.


4 hours ago, Peterw42 said:

Thats not the economy, thats tulip bulb speculation on the value of shares. The companies behind the shares are not paying higher dividends. The economy is the companies making more money, profit, growth etc.

The only companies making more money are the ones speculating on the stock market themselves.


The driver behind the speculative market bubble is everyone knows trump wont do anything to stop it, control it etc, its a free for all. A "good job" would be monetary policy to slow a purely speculative market. Encourage people and business to make real money, not create money by speculative trading.


Why would any business invent something, build a factory, manufacture stuff, create jobs etc, when they can just put money into the share market, wait 3 months and make more than the factory would have.

What it is...is money in my pocket like all the rest of middle America that has a 401 K or other form of retirement plan.

8 hours ago, dick dasterdly said:

Will this thread 'will trump be impeached or forced to resign' continue for 4 years( edit, sorry - 3 more years)??

No, not this one.   I'll close this and we will run a new poll.


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