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Do you think Trump will be impeached or forced to resign?

Do you believe Trump will be impeached or forced to resign?  

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7 hours ago, Watchful said:

And just who is going to run them out? The lying Clintons?


Just remember if Trump is impeached, Pence becomes president.


Pence would put forth far more conservative policies than Trump. Plus Pence has far better relationships with the Republican leaders in both houses, so that gives Pense a far better chance to get those policies through Congress. 


As for foreign policy, I see little change as most of Trump's senior advisors were selected by Pence.


The tired old, but, but, but Clinton nonsense again...



But I think you are starting to get it.


The hobbled GOP are/will pull a Julius Caesar on him. (Figuratively)

He is already isolated and surrounded by people he doesn't trust.

Unprecedented leaks are flying left and right from the White House itself.

And his paranoia shows.


Pence is a smiling jack of a snake just lying in wait.


The inept ones' true inevitable downfall will be because he has embarrassed and pissed off a good portion of the GOP.

And the majority of Americans.


This bumbling incompetent rookie will be benched. Or face the consequences of his actions with the law.



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6 hours ago, Chou Anou said:


Eerily reminiscent of Nixon blaming everyone else while hunkered down with H.R. Haldeman and Kissinger as the walls were closing in on his own devious deeds.


Except in this case the inept one is all alone...



"Multiple sources say the recusal is one of the top disappointments of his presidency so far and one the president has remained fixated on."


"Trump’s anger over the recusal has not diminished with time."


"Two sources close to the president say he has lashed out repeatedly at the attorney general in private meetings, blaming the recusal for the expansion of the Russia investigation, now overseen by Special Counsel and former FBI Director Robert Mueller."


7 hours ago, Watchful said:

And just who is going to run them out? The lying Clintons?


Now, I voted for Trump, but I'm not married to him. I prefer the far more conservative positions of Mike Pence.


Just remember if Trump is impeached, Pence becomes president. Liberals ought to be careful, as they just might get what they wise for.


Pence would put forth far more conservative policies than Trump. Plus Pence has far better relationships with the Republican leaders in both houses, so that gives Pense a far better chance to get those policies through Congress. 


As for foreign policy, I see little change as most of Trump's senior advisors were selected by Pence.



This has been discussed many times.  While a far-right Pence is a rather distasteful option, he'll do less damage to America than loonie Trump.  But you're forgetting that Trump has a loyal and devoted base who will blame Pence, as well as the Republicans, for Trump's demise.  They're not going to be singing kumbaya with the GOP any time soon.  Pence himself may be complicit in some of Trump's dealings, but then we'll be stuck with Ryan....which is another distasteful option.  When the Democrats win back the Congress in 2018, it may not matter.      

20 hours ago, stander said:

You can't just impeach a president because you don't like his policy decisions. 



30 minutes ago, Berkshire said:

This has been discussed many times.  While a far-right Pence is a rather distasteful option, he'll do less damage to America than loonie Trump.  But you're forgetting that Trump has a loyal and devoted base who will blame Pence, as well as the Republicans, for Trump's demise.  They're not going to be singing kumbaya with the GOP any time soon.  Pence himself may be complicit in some of Trump's dealings, but then we'll be stuck with Ryan....which is another distasteful option.  When the Democrats win back the Congress in 2018, it may not matter.      

The Aussie stockbroker for my super account says most world markets have already factored in  Pence as  president. Scary but true.

A total nutcase as opposed to a far right wing religious regressive. America, you voted all this in on yourselves.

The world is giggling at you behind a hand over the mouth.

The hand over the mouth is a wish that Trump could have a muzzle put on his mouth and parental control place on his computer and twitter account. 


WSJ editorial: Trump is his own most effective opponent


"In other words, in 140-character increments, Mr. Trump diminished his own standing by causing a minor international incident, demonstrated that the loyalty he demands of the people who work for him isn't reciprocal, set back his policy goals and wasted time that he could have devoted to health care, tax reform or 'infrastructure week."


"If this pattern continues, Mr. Trump may find himself running an Administration with no one but his family and the Breitbart staff."


"People of talent and integrity won't work for a boss who undermines them in public without thinking about the consequences."



The Buck Stops Everywhere Else



Yes. Get rid of this woefully unfit, incompetent occupier of the White House.



55 minutes ago, iReason said:

WSJ editorial: Trump is his own most effective opponent


"In other words, in 140-character increments, Mr. Trump diminished his own standing by causing a minor international incident, demonstrated that the loyalty he demands of the people who work for him isn't reciprocal, set back his policy goals and wasted time that he could have devoted to health care, tax reform or 'infrastructure week."


"If this pattern continues, Mr. Trump may find himself running an Administration with no one but his family and the Breitbart staff."


"People of talent and integrity won't work for a boss who undermines them in public without thinking about the consequences."



The Buck Stops Everywhere Else



Yes. Get rid of this woefully unfit, incompetent occupier of the White House.



I just finished reading the download you provided. I have always rubbished Trump. It is evident that most government agencies, top law firms and.. well nearly everyone that has some influence also rubbishes him. His downfall is certain if the "Post" is to be relied on. The articles on the Russian influence on Trump is "overwhelming. This is just the tip of the iceberg"

 When Trump falls the markets will fall drastically. Save some money now and invest in solid companies that will drop in value for a short time before they bounce up.

Make some quick money out of the Trump fiasco. PS, do not invest in abortion clinics. Pence will outlaw that. Conservatives have an unhealthy attitude to a womens womb and your bedroom. Remember, you voted all this in. 

I just finished reading the download you provided. I have always rubbished Trump. It is evident that most government agencies, top law firms and.. well nearly everyone that has some influence also rubbishes him. His downfall is certain if the "Post" is to be relied on. The articles on the Russian influence on Trump is "overwhelming. This is just the tip of the iceberg"
 When Trump falls the markets will fall drastically. Save some money now and invest in solid companies that will drop in value for a short time before they bounce up.
Make some quick money out of the Trump fiasco. PS, do not invest in abortion clinics. Pence will outlaw that. Conservatives have an unhealthy attitude to a womens womb and your bedroom. Remember, you voted all this in. 

I see the US markets getting a bump when this buffoon is impeached or better incarcerated.

This talk of impeachment is rather cruel to members of the "resistance" who still do not want to accept Trump is president.  Like the recount, the embarrassing emotional appeal to the electoral college (Hillary lost more votes than Trump), and the Russian hacking fantasy, the impeachment fantasy gives the resistance members false hope.


The best thing would be for these people to accept that Trump is president and get on with their lives.

11 minutes ago, mesquite said:

This talk of impeachment is rather cruel to members of the "resistance" who still do not want to accept Trump is president.  Like the recount, the embarrassing emotional appeal to the electoral college (Hillary lost more votes than Trump), and the Russian hacking fantasy, the impeachment fantasy gives the resistance members false hope.


The best thing would be for these people to accept that Trump is president and get on with their lives.

We accept Trump is president...that IS the problem. He has so far been an ineffectual and clownish figure diminishing America's perception at home and abroad. When he actually stops acting like a 12 year old and gets something positive done for America, perhaps he will gain some respect. For anyone to support him, scandals aside, is laughable in light of the fact he has shown nothing but buffoonery to us and the world.

32 minutes ago, tonray said:

We accept Trump is president...that IS the problem. He has so far been an ineffectual and clownish figure diminishing America's perception at home and abroad. When he actually stops acting like a 12 year old and gets something positive done for America, perhaps he will gain some respect. For anyone to support him, scandals aside, is laughable in light of the fact he has shown nothing but buffoonery to us and the world.

And you pretty much prove my point.  Ineffectual, "clownish," acting like a 12 year old....not true, but if they were, not impeachable offenses.  Time to get over it and move on.

And you pretty much prove my point.  Ineffectual, "clownish," acting like a 12 year old....not true, but if they were, not impeachable offenses.  Time to get over it and move on.

The countdown has started!!!!

Impeachment proceedings will start by the end of the month.
3 hours ago, mogandave said:


I see the US markets getting a bump when this buffoon is impeached or better incarcerated.


Stock Market has done quite well with Trump in office. The bump came when he took office.

Stock Market has done quite well with Trump in office. The bump came when he took office.

And we'll see another nice bump when he is put out of office and that POC Pence takes over.

" Gotta make hay while the sun shines"

Time to double down

33 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

I think he's an idiot. Don't know if he lies to the press…they seem to have no problem reporting whatever angle they want to.

                                  The mainstream press have done an exemplary job.  In past months.  The only time Trumpsters are forced to agree to something they've otherwise been denying, is when the press corps comes out with proof.   Trump and his anti-American crowd have been putting up roadblocks in every one of the thousands of steps showing he's a Russian agent.   Yet, nearly every day, Trump and his treasonous bunch have to concede the truth, because the press are doing such a good job of uncovering evidence and connecting the dots.  Perhaps the FBI and Congress are also uncovering evidence and connecting dots, but it's hard to see any progression in past months.   Most of what we, the public, are seeing is Republican congresspeople dragging their feet, and asking the wrong questions.


                           The Press Corps are the true Americans - asking tough questions, seeking truth, finding out who has been breaking laws, and to what degree.    Republican politicians have been doing the opposite.


4 hours ago, tonray said:

We accept Trump is president...that IS the problem. He has so far been an ineffectual and clownish figure diminishing America's perception at home and abroad. When he actually stops acting like a 12 year old and gets something positive done for America, perhaps he will gain some respect. For anyone to support him, scandals aside, is laughable in light of the fact he has shown nothing but buffoonery to us and the world.

"......acting like a 12 year old"  ???!!?


                               That's too complimentary of Trump, and denigrating to 12 year olds.   I know 12 year olds who are mature, think before they talk, are polite, and seek to increase their knowledge of the world.


                        Trump is more like a bratty and spoiled 7 year old who has never been disciplined, and who gets a kick out of being the perpetual naughty boy.  Not much different than NK's Kim.   The squeaky wheel gets the most oil.   Both Kim and Trump are squeaky wheels.  One squeaks from rust, the other because he's a square axle in a round hole.  I'll let you figure which is which.


                      We should send them both to the moon with all their N missiles and let them go at it.

1 hour ago, mogandave said:


The countdown has started!!!!

Impeachment proceedings will start by the end of the month.


It's a long process and it's still early; end of the year maybe. Next year sometime would be a better estimate.

2 minutes ago, Rob13 said:

It's a long process and it's still early; end of the year maybe. Next year sometime would be a better estimate.

                    There will have to be a Dem majority in Congress (at least in the House) before impeachment can plausibly get going.   As long as Reps have majorities, it will be nothing more than an exercise in futility.  Republicans would keep Dracula as boss of the blood bank if Dracula was a Republican.   Republicans can only show allegiance to party - over doing what's right for the country.


                            Hopefully, the process will start in January 2019.  Or better yet, Trump will wax reasonable, and resign.  

1 hour ago, boomerangutang said:

        Hopefully, the process will start in January 2019.  Or better yet, Trump will wax reasonable, and resign.  


I'm hoping some kind of definitive evidence surfacing that would speed things up.

39 minutes ago, thehelmsman said:

When Trump starts his second term, counselling will be made available...again.... to the liberal front. Make your appointments now.

And that will be paid through Obamacare, I presume?

35 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

How's the dollar doing since Trump took office?

I'm assuming you mean in relation to the BHT. With tunnel vision one can put Trump to blame, but it also means the Thai economy is doing well.

9 hours ago, mesquite said:

The best thing would be for these people to accept that Trump is president and get on with their lives.

The argument of a tyrant.  Those same words could have been said about Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin and Pol Pot.

On ‎05‎.‎06‎.‎2017 at 9:37 PM, ilostmypassword said:

Are you aware that Hillary Clinton got 2 percent more of the popular vote than Donald Trump.  I don't think even Breitbart denies that.  What bizarre sources do you get your news from?

Majority of the electoral college votes. Individual votes don't count in the US presidential election.


Future trump quote?


My impeachment hearings have the best ratings.


My high crime and misdemeanors are the highest crimes and misdemeanors anyone ever saw.



People never saw impeachment hearings like mine.


People say they are the biggest impeachment hearings in the history of the world.





2 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Majority of the electoral college votes. Individual votes don't count in the US presidential election.

I should be charging you for remedial reading tutelage.

Here is what preceded my comments:


'Assuming that is your wish. Obviously a nightmare for the majority of Americans.'


"Why the majority?  The majority voted The Donald as President.  And doing a mighty fine job in the eyes of the electorate. 

The minority can kiss his ..."


"Are you aware that Hillary Clinton got 2 percent more of the popular vote than Donald Trump.  I don't think even Breitbart denies that.  What bizarre sources do you get your news from?"


"You can still kiss his .."


5 hours ago, thehelmsman said:

When Trump starts his second term, counselling will be made available...again.... to the liberal front. Make your appointments now.

                          Personally, I'll be ok, even if Trump starts unleashing N-bombs hither and thither.  I'm concerned for non-millionaire Americans and for the natural environment - both of which are already getting kicked hard in the groin by Trumpsters - and worse is coming.  I'm also concerned that Putin now has a green light (from Trump) to bring former Soviet states back in the bosom of mother Russia.  Does it have anything to do with Trump marrying 2 (out of 3) women with ties to Russia?  Either way, a reconstituted USSR is troubling.


5 hours ago, Rob13 said:

I'm hoping some kind of definitive evidence surfacing that would speed things up.

I hear ya.  There has been lots of evidence thus far, but Republican congresspeople are determined to drag their feet - come hell or high water.  Today, the Republican head of the Senate Intel Committee cut a Dem Senator's questions short (he openly curtailed her questioning) ....because the questions to the Security heads were getting too tough to answer.  Yet more proof, if any were needed, that Republicans are doing all they can to shield Trump, while stifling the truth.

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