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I bought sex, politician admits


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I bought sex, politician admits




Deputy national police chief Srivara Ransibrahmanakul, left, talks to Chuchat Poungchin, black shirt, second right, a member of the Tambon Ban Mai Admini-strative Organisation arrested yesterday for allegedly buying sex from a minor.


Confession by Ban Mai politician is latest twist in Mae Hong Son underage prostitution case.


THE MAE HONG SON forced-prostitution ring scandal, that had landed numerous policemen and a provincial governor in hot water, took another turn yesterday.


A Nonthaburi local politician was arrested and reportedly confessed to buying sex services from a minor last September and also misrepresenting himself as the governor of Mae Hong Son.


As the scandal has unfolded, nine policemen have been dismissed from civil service and seven civilians have been taken into custody. The then governor of Mae Hong Son, Suebsak Iamwichan, who is accused of buying sexual services from a minor despite his claims of innocence, was transferred on May 2 to an inactive post until the investigation was complete. 

Chuchat Poungchin, a 56-year-old member of the Tambon Ban Mai Administrative Organisation in Nonthaburi’s Bang Yai district, was arrested yesterday morning for allegedly buying sexual services from a minor under 18. He was taken into custody by investigators from Provincial Police Region 5 led by deputy national police chief Srivara Ransibrahmanakul. 


Investigators said Chuchat confessed to paying for sex with a minor, but initially denied that he drunkenly claimed to be the governor of Mae Hong Son. However, while police was talking to reporters following the arrest, Chuchat confessed that he had bought sex services from an underage girl and also admitted he claimed to be the governor. 


“The girl saw my picture in uniform on my cellphone and asked me what I do for a living so I said provincial governor,” he said, adding that he apologised for the damage caused to Seubsak. Three more Ban Mai politicians, accused of buying underage sex services, also met police at the Bang Mae Nang precinct to give testimony and were temporarily released. 


The latest developments backed Suebsak’s claim of innocence and followed the statement by Srivara on Thursday that the ex-governor and several policemen were cleared of involvement in the case. 


Suebsak yesterday also showed photo evidence that he was attending an Interior Ministry seminar in Bangkok from September 22 to 28 last year.


The results of the fact-finding committee’s probe against Suebsak, led by deputy permanent secretary Prayoon Rattanasenee and submitted to Interior Minister Anupong Paochinda yesterday, also found no grounds of the alleged wrongdoing by Suebsak, Anupong said.


After the Interior Ministry investigation cleared his name, Governor Suebsak said he had no plan to pursue legal action against those who had made the allegation against him. 


“No, I consider this case has already ended,” Suebsak said, “What I want to do now is to solve problems in Mae Hong Son, particularly human-trafficking issues”.


Meanwhile, Federation of Assistant District Chiefs of Thailand chairman Boonyarit Nipawanit said that the mother of the teenage girl who reportedly provided sex services to a senior official had claimed she had been asked not to pursue charges against the accused official. She was told that it was for the sake of country’s reputation, he said. 


Boonyarit said the Tambon Ban Mai Administrative Organisation president would request that the Department of Special Investigation (DSI) take up the investigation into the scandal to ensure justice for all sides. 


He added that Provincial Police Region 5 investigators seem to be rushing to close the case involving Ban Mai politicians.


Boonyarit claimed that the ring reportedly sent four girls to provide sex services at a resort on September 22 last year and sent three girls to provide sex services on September 23.


However, lawyer Kerdpol Kaewkerd, representing the teenage victim’s mother who first exposed the ring and another three alleged victims of the ring, said he did not know about Boonyarit’s phone conversation with his client.


Kerdpol also said that the accusation against Suebsak stemmed from a claim by one girl, whom he did not represent, that the man using the sex services resembled the governor. He said it was within Suebsak’s right to sue for defamation but they insisted the accusation came from damaged persons.


He said the damaged persons he represented were content with the result of the police probe that led to punishment of a policeman running the ring and others procuring girls for the ring.


Meanwhile, 20 rights advocates led by Angkhana Inthasa, head of the Women and Men Progressive Movement Foundation’s gender equality promotion, submitted a complaint to deputy police spokesman Pol Maj-General Songpol Wattanachai at the Rights and Liberties Protection Department to pass on to Srivara. 


The complaint came after Provincial Police Region 5 officers showed names and faces of the Mae Hong Son investigation witnesses and interviewed them in front of the media on May 11. 


The witnesses in human trafficking cases must be protected, and police should not identify them.


They urged that the DSI take over the case to ensure justice and prevent criticism, as policemen were involved in the scandal.


Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/news/national/30315737


-- © Copyright The Nation 2017-05-20
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'A Nonthaburi local politician was arrested and reportedly confessed to buying sex services from a minor last September and also misrepresenting himself as the governor of Mae Hong Son' - We don't care that you had sex with children ha ha! We just need to know it wasn't someone influential doing it. 


Well, ladies and gentleman, that is that. Wrapped up very nicely with time for a celebratory drink and pat on the back. Moral of the day: important people don't do bad things. Scapegoats do. 


Thailand's morality is safe once again. Get on with your lives, people. Well, until there's another cover-up. 

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One moment he's telling the media he didn't claim to be MHS Governor, the next he says he did.


I wouldn't want to speculate on what might have caused the change of heart.

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I very much doubt that all of the guilty have been uncovered, and that there are more than a few people out there who have used their position and power to avoid prosecution.

One can only hope that those who have been revealed to be involved are prosecuted heavily and that it becomes understood nationwide, that this sort of thing is wholly unacceptable.

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Buying sex in Thailand is akin to buying a glass of beer in Germany

or a hotdog in NY, and who's among us is to cast the first stone?

but is sound completely more sinister when it comes to the Hi-so

and the leaders of this country.....


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6 minutes ago, darksidedog said:

I very much doubt that all of the guilty have been uncovered, and that there are more than a few people out there who have used their position and power to avoid prosecution.

One can only hope that those who have been revealed to be involved are prosecuted heavily and that it becomes understood nationwide, that this sort of thing is wholly unacceptable.


Well I have some hope that Deputy national police chief Srivara Ransibrahmanakul, will continue his no nonsense quick and structured approach as seen with this event and several others recently.


As an aside, he's much more active and more focused than the actual national RTP chief.


Time for job rotation.

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8 minutes ago, ezzra said:

Buying sex in Thailand is akin to buying a glass of beer in Germany

or a hotdog in NY, and who's among us is to cast the first stone?

but is sound completely more sinister when it comes to the Hi-so

and the leaders of this country.....


Buying sex in Germany and NY is akin to buying a bowl of noodles in Thailand. Never saw so many sex palaces in Germany. Whole districts in most cities were red light.

And the police and politicians in every country in the world take kickbacks to overlook it. There have also been prosecutions in all countries about paedophiles.

Hell there are still investigations in Aust about the involvement of Catholic and C of E. priests leading right up to coverups from a now Cardinal in Rome. 

Trafficking of Asians to western countries is rife.

While in Vancouver Island a few years ago, a huge underage sex ring, run by parents of the children was uncovered. Police and politicians were implicated as users of the services.

It is a disgusting trade and it exists everywhere. Not just Thailand.

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22 minutes ago, ezzra said:

Buying sex in Thailand is akin to buying a glass of beer in Germany

or a hotdog in NY, and who's among us is to cast the first stone?

but is sound completely more sinister when it comes to the Hi-so

and the leaders of this country.....


Don't forget "involving underage girls forced into the trade against their will."


Hand me the first stone and I'd gladly cast it.  Jesus would approve...

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21 minutes ago, ezzra said:

Buying sex in Thailand is akin to buying a glass of beer in Germany

or a hotdog in NY, and who's among us is to cast the first stone?

but is sound completely more sinister when it comes to the Hi-so

and the leaders of this country.....


We are talking about sex with under aged and trafficked minors here.


Keep your totally misplaced beer and hot dog analogies to yourself.

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59 minutes ago, rooster59 said:

As the scandal has unfolded, nine policemen have been dismissed from civil service and seven civilians have been taken into custody. The then governor of Mae Hong Son, Suebsak Iamwichan, who is accused of buying sexual services from a minor despite his claims of innocence, was transferred on May 2 to an inactive post until the investigation was complete. 

So if your Police or a Governor you will be dismissed or transferred but if your a civilian you will be taken in to custody.  At least there is no double standards there!!


I am quite sure in most countries all would be taken in to custody, named as being a paedophile, prosecuted and if found guilty a lengthy sentence in her majesties no star motel.  Sex with a minor is just disgraceful. 

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9 minutes ago, spiderorchid said:

Buying sex in Germany and NY is akin to buying a bowl of noodles in Thailand. Never saw so many sex palaces in Germany. Whole districts in most cities were red light.

And the police and politicians in every country in the world take kickbacks to overlook it. There have also been prosecutions in all countries about paedophiles.

Hell there are still investigations in Aust about the involvement of Catholic and C of E. priests leading right up to coverups from a now Cardinal in Rome. 

Trafficking of Asians to western countries is rife.

While in Vancouver Island a few years ago, a huge underage sex ring, run by parents of the children was uncovered. Police and politicians were implicated as users of the services.

It is a disgusting trade and it exists everywhere. Not just Thailand.


Thirty years back a scandal broke in Sydney involving a gang of lawyers all engaged in sex with underage teens both M and F., and passing these kids around their circle.


Turned out several of the kids who had been molested by this gang (all kids from broken homes, no education, no resources, no hope in life) who had become too old to be attractive by their age were employed and paid to be the procurers, because they lived with runaway kids etc., therefore had quick access to kids who desperately needed a few dollars to survive. 


Several lawyers were disbarred and went to jail.

Edited by scorecard
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"A Nonthaburi local politician was arrested and reportedly confessed to buying sex services..."


Must have been a low level politician. Anyone with pull, would only have to promise a favor to the family, or make a threat in exchange for free sex. Unfortunately, for too many families (1 is too many), the age of their female child does not matter. 

Edited by jaltsc
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Anyone who has any doubts about the abhorrent offence of using or trafficking in minors for sexual purposes would do well to watch the 3 one hour drama, documentary "Three Girls" which was shown over 3 consecutive nights on BBC this week. This was a harrowing account of the abuse of young girls in the Rochdale UK area which took place over several years. In all there were hundreds of victims, and terrible failures by the authorities to stop this terrible crime.

Sent from my Lenovo A3000-H using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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1 hour ago, rooster59 said:

Provincial Police Region 5 officers showed names and faces of the Mae Hong Son investigation witnesses and interviewed them in front of the media on May 11. 

The witnesses in human trafficking cases must be protected, and police should not identify them.


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5 minutes ago, IamNoone88 said:

Sex with a minor, with or without mutual consent, in any other country is statutory rape.

It should be. But you need to define "minor". When in Europe on holiday a few years back, I was told that many Europe countries had an age of consent of 14 years.

My best friends mother was married at 15 and had 6 children. Both parents are in their late 80"s and have a hoard of grandchildren and great grandchildren.

I am not excusing sex with minors. It is that attitudes have changed over the decades since the 1900's and before.

The thing with sex with forced child trafficking, is more than indecent assault. It is something that I doubt the children can ever recover from.

Long time jail terms may let the users contemplate their crimes and perhaps deter others from even thinking about it.

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Most of these girls and their families are also guilty. Most know exactly what they are doing and what for....It is not rare or unusual for Young Thai girls to willingly sell or provide sexual services for the right money.?

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1 hour ago, graemeaylward said:

Anyone who has any doubts about the abhorrent offence of using or trafficking in minors for sexual purposes would do well to watch the 3 one hour drama, documentary "Three Girls" which was shown over 3 consecutive nights on BBC this week. This was a harrowing account of the abuse of young girls in the Rochdale UK area which took place over several years. In all there were hundreds of victims, and terrible failures by the authorities to stop this terrible crime.

Sent from my Lenovo A3000-H using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

Terrible failures? You mean police telling victims not to mention that Asian males were the perps? Or in Rotherham the local MP being told by Ken Livinstone to drop it in a bid to protect another Asian gang . These people are as guilty as those that commit the crimes.

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1 hour ago, scorecard said:


Thirty years back a scandal broke in Sydney involving a gang of lawyers all engaged in sex with underage teens both M and F., and passing these kids around their circle.


Turned out several of the kids who had been molested by this gang (all kids from broken homes, no education, no resources, no hope in life) who had become too old to be attractive by their age were employed and paid to be the procurers, because they lived with runaway kids etc., therefore had quick access to kids who desperately needed a few dollars to survive. 


Several lawyers were disbarred and went to jail.


And we don't want to let Ted Heath, a previous UK Prime Minister, not have a mention for his long term abuse of young boys.



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2 hours ago, ezzra said:

Buying sex in Thailand is akin to buying a glass of beer in Germany

or a hotdog in NY, and who's among us is to cast the first stone?

but is sound completely more sinister when it comes to the Hi-so

and the leaders of this country.....


It is not about buying sex per se (it happens throughout the world) but buying involving a minor!  Can you understand the difference? :whistling:

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1 hour ago, Mickmouse1 said:

Most of these girls and their families are also guilty. Most know exactly what they are doing and what for....It is not rare or unusual for Young Thai girls to willingly sell or provide sexual services for the right money.?


Your way too quick to say these girls (some just 12 years old) are also guilty.


Parents I agree, poverty probably somewhere in the picture. Quite possible the parents are just copying what they saw / experienced when they were the same age.


Perhaps still an attitude upcountry (and in the city) that men have the right to take /use girls and women as they please.  Ultimately of course not acceptable in a civil society.



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2 hours ago, rkidlad said:

'A Nonthaburi local politician was arrested and reportedly confessed to buying sex services from a minor last September and also misrepresenting himself as the governor of Mae Hong Son' - We don't care that you had sex with children ha ha! We just need to know it wasn't someone influential doing it. 


Well, ladies and gentleman, that is that. Wrapped up very nicely with time for a celebratory drink and pat on the back. Moral of the day: important people don't do bad things. Scapegoats do. 


Thailand's morality is safe once again. Get on with your lives, people. Well, until there's another cover-up. 

Yew tree anyone? Rotherham teen sex scandal ?

Sex scandals and high ranking government officials have been around since adam was a boy.

Some on here still wish to imply ' only in thailand'.

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