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New doctors object to harsh military-style training course

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7 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

Pointless policy.

Not really, it is making the point that Thailand is very militilistic, and it is. Authority is drummed into young Thais at an early age, and they grow up loving to have that authority over people, you can see it everywhere you go from the whistle blowing security guys in the car parks, to the Lt Gens, Lt Cols and Major Gens in the Police force with all these medals and coloured ribbons. The way the bosses in Banks, Immigration Offices etc, all make up their own rules and their staff have to dance to their tunes, all these different visas that keep changing all the time, and we have to dance to their tunes. This is not Thai bashing or complaining, I can't help laughing at some of them. I just find it funny to see them all so full of themselves.

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3 hours ago, MrMo said:

And so they should complain.   Can you imagine the fuss and uproar the generals would make should it be suggested that they attend an intelligence course ?


And if it was administered by one of these doctors........

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8 hours ago, rooster59 said:

The Public Health Ministry, however, has maintained that there is nothing wrong about such training, as it encourages discipline, harmony, and endurance.

Sounds like the time one spends waiting for the next election.

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8 hours ago, mtls2005 said:



Seems like one way to reduce the number of excess nurses?

What number of excess nurses is that? My understanding was that they are suffering a shortage because they refuse to pay nurses a living wage. But it's true this kind of "training" has been around for  long time. I read about it 40 years ago in an autobiographical account of a guy who came from a poor country area to Bangkok as a kid and worked his way up through the civil service to a province governorship. In his description of the orientation training for a new nai amphoe, he described training for parachute jumping, hardly something most nai amphoes do in the normal course of their duties.

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3 hours ago, Moti24 said:

" ...military-style training exercises, such as running through a blaze, night jungle trekking and crawling under barbed wire."


Is that the blaze they are complaining about in the picture!  ****in pussies!  I've had bigger bar-b-q flames!

Can you just imagine a few live rounds, a bit of teargas and a couple of stun grenades to top off the training ?

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7 hours ago, Artisi said:

Definitely o/t, but some of  the precious little darlings need toughening up so they understand what the real world is and what many people face in real life. 

O please how many people run thru flames, you need to get a life

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10 hours ago, smedly said:

what a complete load of ?????, who dreams this stuff up


This is the sort of thing I would expect to see in N Korea 


These people are training to be civilian doctors and medical workers not marines 


Weren't they already required to serve in the military?

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10 hours ago, smedly said:

what a complete load of ?????, who dreams this stuff up


This is the sort of thing I would expect to see in N Korea 


These people are training to be civilian doctors and medical workers not marines 


Wait until a potential surgeon injures his/her priceless hands  

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4 hours ago, tonywillo said:

So when will the election be held? Think we have had enough if the clown general and his cronies ideologies 

Election !   do you also still believe in Father Christmas.

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Now that the DI have run out of recruits, they turn on their own medical professionals.   Following a regulation or policy blindly, makes you a good soldier?   Scared straight does not work on the Thai Psyche.... Professionalism?  If the powers at be are so concerned about discipline, honor, duty and physical fitness... start with those problem vocational schools, oh that would mean effort, and this group would most likely not comply...  Good try powers at be, now work on the on-going flooding issues in BKK....


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conform, obey.......taught from birth starts with the Wai, many  gullible Thais really believe it even on this forum.its going in one  direction and it aint going to end nicely..theyre going to need all those doctors  soon enuff

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What a load of crap. There is no need for this type of training. They will scrap it as soon as the injuries list gets long enough. Thailand is not even at war. Even if it was Doctors knowledge and skilled hands need all the protection they can get, and not be exposed to possible injuries just to satisfy the idiots at the top.  

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7 hours ago, wvavin said:

Seriously, it just looks stupid to me.

and they called us bad names , insulted us ......i say buy those subs asap , the ones with retractable wheels......  army aint shxt .....

Edited by mikiea
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19 hours ago, Artisi said:

Definitely o/t, but some of  the precious little darlings need toughening up so they understand what the real world is and what many people face in real life. 

Leave that to the jarheads.  Let the doctors and nurses challenge their intellects, and let the soldiers challenge their bodies in the simple way that they do.

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19 hours ago, Artisi said:

Definitely o/t, but some of  the precious little darlings need toughening up so they understand what the real world is and what many people face in real life. 

Leave that to the jarheads.  Let the doctors and nurses challenge their intellects, and let the soldiers challenge their bodies in the simple way that they do.

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