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US comedian Kathy Griffin apologises for 'beheaded Trump' photo


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Very bad taste but the right outcome: the public determined that she had gone too far, regardless of political affiliation. At least in the US you still have the freedom to make a point, engage in a protest, have your say...without being shut down or thrown in jail. Only a modest (and declining) number of places left where that applies.

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11 hours ago, mamypoko said:

Come on Kathy, that's the sort of joke Trump would make. No need to sink that low. You can do better.

Yeah like embarrassing Andy Pandy on NYE, by pretending to go down on him.

She's as crass as they come, not a comedian.

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12 hours ago, mamypoko said:

Come on Kathy, that's the sort of joke Trump would make. No need to sink that low. You can do better.

Well, my experience in watching her 'comedy' is that she cannot do better. Her form of humor is making a joke out of everything around her. Downs syndrome, fat men (or women), just whatever suits her fancy. I quit watching her, Tina Fey and Stephen Colbert. They respect nothing, especially others feelings.


True, Trump ran an election that was pretty low, but he has acted mostly Presidential. It's to bad that he's not afford the respect the rest of those liars, crooks, cheaters and thieves that filled the office have been given.

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2 hours ago, AgMech Cowboy said:

Well, my experience in watching her 'comedy' is that she cannot do better. Her form of humor is making a joke out of everything around her. Downs syndrome, fat men (or women), just whatever suits her fancy. I quit watching her, Tina Fey and Stephen Colbert. They respect nothing, especially others feelings.


True, Trump ran an election that was pretty low, but he has acted mostly Presidential. It's to bad that he's not afford the respect the rest of those liars, crooks, cheaters and thieves that filled the office have been given.

trump's campaign was just pretty low? 

trump has acted mostly presidential?

Now, that is comedy gold. :partytime2:


A sample of Griffin's style. Not for everyone, sure, but to suggest that it's fair to define her comedy and entire career from the bloody trump head thing is just massively STUPID.




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40 minutes ago, MaxYakov said:

ADT to Pull Ads from CNN due to Kathy Griffin 'Beheading' Photo - Breitbart [link]


"ADT’s announcement comes as the Route 66 Hotel and Casino in Albuquerque, NM has canceled Griffin’s scheduled performance."


Freedom of expression does not mean freedom from consequences.


28 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

A leaker's fate. I hope to see more of them go down.

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SADLY, SHE pushed it, but it is what a some  Americans would like to see...  yet still in poor form...  Just after 45 made a Buffon out of the presidency, now he has this to fall back on, to take the place for the grilling... Sadly the GOP has given up... you are in dereliction of your duty... Sad... Well, at least the police know where to find her....

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I usually get up every morning at around 0200 and watch US sports.  Right now there isn't anything live so I switch on CNN, make a pot of coffee and watch the new political sit com,  don't Know what the name is but I call it "White House Down".  It's actually better than House of Cards with Kevin Spacey.  After the caffeine sets in I realize that it's actually live reporting of today's happenings in  America and I wonder how all of this can be happening in real time.  If it were a sit com at least it could be cancelled mid season!

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15 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

That makes no sense in the context of this story. 

Why am I not surprised with your reply?


A leaker's fate (or less than deserved), regardless of his actual complicity, which will probably never be determined.


From your submitted The Wrap article [link]:


"Bush was fired from NBC’s “Today” show for his role in the video."


What was his role, exactly? If Bush had made the recording, doesn't he bear the ultimate responsibility for its dissemination? Did Trump know he was being recorded?

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Freedom of speech is one of those messy, nasty "rights".


"Artistic" freedom is similarly vexing.


Hate speech, like what Trump and his minions spout daily, seems to sometime go over the edge, especially when it results in violence. Some of the signs, and language, at Trump rallies, depiciting President Obama were downright creepy.


What Ms. Griffin did, while shocking to Eric, Donald Jr. and Barron evidently, was not even close to the edge, IMO.


I support her right to voice her opinions.



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The ability or right to say or do something does not equal the obligation to do so, especially when it is something in very poor taste.  This applies across the board socioeconomically, politically, religiously etc.   Showing examples from different ends of the political spectrum doesn't justify any of those actions; it's a self-defeating argument and a sad attempt to make two 'wrongs' equal one 'right'.   Rise above people.  You're engaging in that which you are condemning.

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10 hours ago, oby said:

you really are confused, he was talking to you.

think about it!!

My my, I have thought about it. Certainly the woman who perpetrated this despicable act displays those three traits, but so does Trump. He is ignorant, at least for the workings of government and diplomacy; he is selfish in that with all his money he refused to reimburse those who indebted themselves to his "fake" university; and he is bigoted as has been noted by the several court rulings against his immigration ban. 

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The terrible thing about this incident for Cheeto is that the people are talking about Kathy Griffin, not him.

His prerogative, in life and his presidency, is to be the center of attention.  



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20 hours ago, Jingthing said:

No, it isn't gone. 

She's got a loyal fan base.

Trust me. 

On top of that, even though this was definitely a big mistake, she gets much more name recognition now and the chance build an even bigger fan base.

No, I'm not suggesting she did this stunt on purpose for it to backfire and get massive publicity but the result will be the same. Of course, she will lose any random trumpists that happened to be in her fan base. One or two confused people.


May the covfefe be with you! 



PMSL - of course this whole thing was a publicity stunt.


You'd have to be pretty naive to think otherwise. 

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Freedom of speech, particularly political speech is a core principle of American values. Hanging public figures, especially politicians, in effigy or doing otherwise with their image is traditional. I don't see what the big hullabaloo is--or the desperate attempt to bring in Ted Nugent or other political demonstrators protests of Obama.  All well and good on both sides. What sort of pansies can't take this type political expression?

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12 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Humnnnnn.... maybe she tapped into the thinking/fantasies of many many people.  I suspect 45 is rapidly becoming the most hated man in the world. This would be the only time he'd get my vote. 

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