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Trump ‘knows Republicans are stupid,’ Jared Kushner allegedly said to former editor


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Trump ‘knows Republicans are stupid,’ Jared Kushner allegedly said to former editor



One of the strategies Donald Trump employed as he began putting his name on the U.S. political map years ago was championing “birtherism,” the long-held conspiracy theory that President Barack Obama was born outside of the U.S. and hence should never have been elected.


He often chastised Obama and demanded the president produce his birth certificate, revving up an anti-Obama base that eventually helped put Trump in the White House.


Evidently, Trump may have been using the so-called birthers only as a means to an end.


His son-in-law, Jared Kushner, who is also a senior adviser to the president, allegedly told a former editor of the newspaper he once owned that the billionaire real-estate mogul didn’t believe his own “birtherism” claims, and only made them to charge up Republicans because they are “stupid,” GQ reported.


Full story: http://www.newsweek.com/kushner-trump-republicans-stupid-617850


-- Newsweek 2017-06-01

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This creates an interesting dilemna for Trump supporters. Trump feels that they are stupid and will believe any rubbish he tells them. Being told you are stupid and gullible should make you angry with the person that said it, so Trump should lose support. But failing to get angry and continuing to support Trump, will prove his opinion of them is totally correct.

Edited by darksidedog
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I agree with darksidedog and Trump should lose some support.  However, just to add, I have a feeling that a lot of Trump's base is rather stubborn.  Trump's so obviously out of his league as president; yet, he still gets double digit support.


From what I have gleaned, a number of Trump supporters want to clutch onto their candidate and not accept reality because it validates their strong beliefs and their dislike or even hatred of "liberals" or "foreigners" or whomever their bogeyman may be.  


I wonder how many Trump supporters think the OP's report about Jared is just more "fake news." 



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Stupid? Really? I'm shocked.



Republican Congressman Says God Will 'Take Care Of' Climate Change


A Republican congressman told his constituents that he believes God will "take care of" climate change if it proves to be a "real problem."

Michigan Rep. Tim Walberg said during a town hall in Coldwater, Mich., on Friday that while he believes climate change is real, it is not something for humans to solve.

He continued: "Why do I believe that? Well, as a Christian, I believe that there is a creator in God who is much bigger than us. And I'm confident that, if there's a real problem, he can take care of it."



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trump is a character.  he has said loads of funny stuff including how he would not go into politics because thats what stupid people do. he seems to be able to say anything and get away with it. that is a rare skill. going to be interesting to see what he is able to do with the rest of his 4 years. i genuinely believe america can not be saved from the slippery slope it is on. interest rates cant be lowered and there must be a limit to the stimulus spending. i just hear student debt alone is 1.3 trillion dollars. how do you save for a house when you can even get a decent job to pay of your student loan?

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if anyone in the Trump base even reads or hears about this.... which is unlikely because it isn't favorable to their narrative....


although it does make for a simple tweet or headline, we have to give it that...

it can VERY easily be dismissed.... 


this is a group within which many take the Best Possible Surrogate Story... which is so unbeatable all subsequent narratives, pretty much, have either branched off of it or directly incorporated it's main character into their own narrative, from the gitgo... and believe that that story is literally true. 100% true...so.....

that kind of folk... can easily be convinced a rich billionaire is also someone they can live vicariously through.... and as....

and anything they don't like is just simply rejected. 


Edited by maewang99
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if anyone in the Trump base even reads or hears about this


Meh. They'll probably thing he was talking about "someone else", or it's "fake news"?


His form of hucksterism (Art of the Deal), which still plays well in America after ~ 200 years, appeals to the angry, bitter, older, less-educated, disenfranchised.


Con-men know that "There's a sucker born every minute."





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Stupid? Really? I'm shocked.



Republican Congressman Says God Will 'Take Care Of' Climate Change


A Republican congressman told his constituents that he believes God will "take care of" climate change if it proves to be a "real problem."


Michigan Rep. Tim Walberg said during a town hall in Coldwater, Mich., on Friday that while he believes climate change is real, it is not something for humans to solve.


He continued: "Why do I believe that? Well, as a Christian, I believe that there is a creator in God who is much bigger than us. And I'm confident that, if there's a real problem, he can take care of it."



Another f.retarded Republican. Unbelievable!


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1 hour ago, helpisgood said:

I agree with darksidedog and Trump should lose some support.  However, just to add, I have a feeling that a lot of Trump's base is rather stubborn.  Trump's so obviously out of his league as president; yet, he still gets double digit support.


From what I have gleaned, a number of Trump supporters want to clutch onto their candidate and not accept reality because it validates their strong beliefs and their dislike or even hatred of "liberals" or "foreigners" or whomever their bogeyman may be.  


I wonder how many Trump supporters think the OP's report about Jared is just more "fake news." 



it was just announced that trump is returning to the Russians their Long Island compounds that Obama took away

for interfering in our elections!


Trump seems to just love the Russians?


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11 minutes ago, Konaboy1 said:

it was just announced that trump is returning to the Russians their Long Island compounds that Obama took away

for interfering in our elections!


Trump seems to just love the Russians?


Got a link?

Nevermind. Reading WaPo. It says that the Trump administration is "moving toward" giving them back.

Seems that they are clueless on how this will look.

Edited by KarenBravo
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3 minutes ago, KarenBravo said:

Got a link?



I'm sure it's all above board.


I'm half-expecting Paige Jennings to be named WH Comms Dir.


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3 hours ago, darksidedog said:

This creates an interesting dilemna for Trump supporters. Trump feels that they are stupid and will believe any rubbish he tells them. Being told you are stupid and gullible should make you angry with the person that said it, so Trump should lose support. But failing to get angry and continuing to support Trump, will prove his opinion of them is totally correct.


John Cleese does a masterful job of explaining the reason why Trump supporters are incapable of grasping his deceptions.



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5 hours ago, darksidedog said:

This creates an interesting dilemna for Trump supporters. Trump feels that they are stupid and will believe any rubbish he tells them. Being told you are stupid and gullible should make you angry with the person that said it, so Trump should lose support. But failing to get angry and continuing to support Trump, will prove his opinion of them is totally correct.

His base supporters are trailer trash and so stupid it'll sail right over their heads.

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6 hours ago, darksidedog said:

This creates an interesting dilemna for Trump supporters. Trump feels that they are stupid and will believe any rubbish he tells them. Being told you are stupid and gullible should make you angry with the person that said it, so Trump should lose support. But failing to get angry and continuing to support Trump, will prove his opinion of them is totally correct.


Truth Trump



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4 hours ago, helpisgood said:

I wonder how many Trump supporters think the OP's report about Jared is just more "fake news." 


Fox News is the truth, and I'm waiting for the Cheeto faithful to pick up on RT, but otherwise all media outlets in the world are part of a vast web false information.  There is going to be at least one more "true news" station in the US in time for next year's midterms, and it is going to make Fox look like snowflakes -- the Walmart tunnels and beyond is more like it. 


There is a movie called A Face in the Crowd (1957), good flick, and I'm waiting for Cheeto to go through what happens to the main character at the end (spoiler, a fall from the graces of his fans).  But he has that hard 30-35% who fell for his yap the moment he dissed the Mexicans.  The champion of the poorly educated, bless his soul.

But yes, he is not a Republican, he only started behaving like one during Obama's time, like the article says.



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The average voter on either side of the democrat/republican divide are equally gullible.  Believing that picking a side makes a difference and that a two party system where global corporations heavily fund the campaigns (often both sides) is representative of democracy.


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Wasn't Jared responsible for the research that drove the targeted messaging of socioeconomic demographics for the Trump campaign? From memory the same basics as this OP has previously mentioned by senior members of the Trump campaign, tell them anything, they will believe it.

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The reason Trump was elected was not due to stupidity of the electorate but out of desperation- Trump offered hope- Clinton offered the status quo. However, those who voted for Trump are not and will not get the hope they so desperately need because Trump has no real ability to deliver anything that people really need like jobs and a redistribution of wealth away from the 1% to the 99%.


Trump played on American desperation by blaming everyone except the people who actually caused the problem and this the greedy wealthy business sector and the military-industrial complex. He blamed the illegal immigrants -just deport them and the jobs will be there; He blamed the Muslims- just ban them and America will be safe; He blamed other countries- unfair trade- just elect him and the trade barriers will come down and the money will flown in.


He can't deliver because none of his agenda is what America really needs. America doesn't need to spend $20Billion on a useless border wall or deport millions of hardworking illegals; America doesn't need to increase a military budget which at $632 Billion is the largest in the World. He wants a $54 Billion increase paid for by cuts in Healthcare and social services to the poor and elderly. America doesn't need to ban Muslims and use them as the bogeyman that will make America safe. America doesn't need more billions spent on 17 different intelligence agencies.


What America needs is universal healthcare for every American no matter where they live- a single payer system which will get rid of greedy insurance companies and force Big Pharma to reduce its prices so people can live; America needs tuition free university or technical schools-instead of keeping students who graduate in servitude to the State while trying to find a good paying job to actually repay their loans from greedy banks that act as agent of the Government; America needs a Trillion Dollar infrastructure bill so as to put the country firmly into the 21st Century and create millions of jobs; America needs a real Immigration policy that legitimizes the millions of migrants who have poured into the US to take low paying jobs that Americans refuse to do; America needs a reduced military budget as well as a reduced intelligence apparatus and a withdrawal from the Middle East as well as negotiations with allies and potential enemies based upon mutual respect not lectures.


Instead of any of the above- we have a President who denigrates anyone who might disagree with him; wastes his time on Twitter sending out silly messages; and because he can't deliver on what  will really make America great- is trying to convince Americans that all media criticism is fake and only he is right.


Guess what- it's not going to work. Eventually, even his supporters will wake up and find that none of what he promised is happening and most of what he says is an exaggeration or to be exact- just a bunch of bullxxxx.

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You didn't have to be stupid to support Trump.  Many good people voted for him because Clinton was a worse bet for them and they wanted change.  Reality then kicks in when they see what a total disaster he has turned out to be and they now just shake their heads and hope the misery will end soon.  Apart from them there are the handful of people who still believe in Trump and they are the ones wearing their stupidity as a badge of honour!


Making a mistake is something we all do, especially at election times.  The stupid people are they ones who cannot admit the mistake and move on.

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I didn't vote for Trump but after the election I accepted the fact that he won and hoped he would actually bring a big change that would bring jobs and income to many struggling Americans.  There were millions of people adversely affected by the 2008/9 Great Recession that lost everything to include their home and feel betrayed by Government and Business.  These are the consistency that Trump played to.


Unfortunately, Trump's campaign profile which played upon bogeymen; subtle racism and ethnocentricity still continues as President.  Frankly, I am surprised and somewhat shocked that the legislation that is being proposed is so draconian in its attack on the poor; the elderly; and those most vulnerable in society. Even Republicans are starting to realize that this is not what the American people voted for. What Americans want is what Bernie Sanders ran his campaign on- redistribution of wealth and programs away from the 1% and targeted for the 99%. Without this goal- nothing changes- the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. And that's not fake news- it's fact.

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7 hours ago, Traveler19491 said:


John Cleese does a masterful job of explaining the reason why Trump supporters are incapable of grasping his deceptions.



I truly wonder if it's stupidity or more a/b bigotry and racism? Hate to harp on this view but I believe this is the basic issue. 

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4 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

I didn't vote for Trump but after the election I accepted the fact that he won and hoped he would actually bring a big change that would bring jobs and income to many struggling Americans.  There were millions of people adversely affected by the 2008/9 Great Recession that lost everything to include their home and feel betrayed by Government and Business.  These are the consistency that Trump played to.


Unfortunately, Trump's campaign profile which played upon bogeymen; subtle racism and ethnocentricity still continues as President.  Frankly, I am surprised and somewhat shocked that the legislation that is being proposed is so draconian in its attack on the poor; the elderly; and those most vulnerable in society. Even Republicans are starting to realize that this is not what the American people voted for. What Americans want is what Bernie Sanders ran his campaign on- redistribution of wealth and programs away from the 1% and targeted for the 99%. Without this goal- nothing changes- the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. And that's not fake news- it's fact.

Then they should have elected Bernie.

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3 hours ago, Thaidream said:

The reason Trump was elected was not due to stupidity of the electorate but out of desperation- Trump offered hope- Clinton offered the status quo. However, those who voted for Trump are not and will not get the hope they so desperately need because Trump has no real ability to deliver anything that people really need like jobs and a redistribution of wealth away from the 1% to the 99%.


Trump played on American desperation by blaming everyone except the people who actually caused the problem and this the greedy wealthy business sector and the military-industrial complex. He blamed the illegal immigrants -just deport them and the jobs will be there; He blamed the Muslims- just ban them and America will be safe; He blamed other countries- unfair trade- just elect him and the trade barriers will come down and the money will flown in.


He can't deliver because none of his agenda is what America really needs. America doesn't need to spend $20Billion on a useless border wall or deport millions of hardworking illegals; America doesn't need to increase a military budget which at $632 Billion is the largest in the World. He wants a $54 Billion increase paid for by cuts in Healthcare and social services to the poor and elderly. America doesn't need to ban Muslims and use them as the bogeyman that will make America safe. America doesn't need more billions spent on 17 different intelligence agencies.


What America needs is universal healthcare for every American no matter where they live- a single payer system which will get rid of greedy insurance companies and force Big Pharma to reduce its prices so people can live; America needs tuition free university or technical schools-instead of keeping students who graduate in servitude to the State while trying to find a good paying job to actually repay their loans from greedy banks that act as agent of the Government; America needs a Trillion Dollar infrastructure bill so as to put the country firmly into the 21st Century and create millions of jobs; America needs a real Immigration policy that legitimizes the millions of migrants who have poured into the US to take low paying jobs that Americans refuse to do; America needs a reduced military budget as well as a reduced intelligence apparatus and a withdrawal from the Middle East as well as negotiations with allies and potential enemies based upon mutual respect not lectures.


Instead of any of the above- we have a President who denigrates anyone who might disagree with him; wastes his time on Twitter sending out silly messages; and because he can't deliver on what  will really make America great- is trying to convince Americans that all media criticism is fake and only he is right.


Guess what- it's not going to work. Eventually, even his supporters will wake up and find that none of what he promised is happening and most of what he says is an exaggeration or to be exact- just a bunch of bullxxxx.

Great post, but, many Americans would say that it smacks of Socialism.

And Socialism is just another name for Communism. That's why many Americans in the lower economic bands keep voting against their own interests.

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8 hours ago, Konaboy1 said:

it was just announced that trump is returning to the Russians their Long Island compounds that Obama took away

for interfering in our elections!


Trump seems to just love the Russians?


I suggest you google "Kara sea Tillerson" 


It stands to make some people as rich as they claim to be.


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