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Republican Congressman Says God Will 'Take Care Of' Climate Change


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1 hour ago, darksidedog said:

Reverend, Reverend, the church is on fire. Shall I call the fire brigade?

No need to do that son, God will take care of it.

The flood came. A canoe came paddling by and the owner called to the man sitting on his front porch, "Get in, it's going to get a lot worse!" "I'm not worried. God will save me."

The waters rose and the man climbed to his second floor. A power boat came by and the owner called to the man, "Get in. It's going to get a lot worse!" "I'm not worried. God will save me."

The waters continue to rise and the man climbed onto his roof. A helicopter came by and over a bullhorn the rescuer cried, "Grab the rope! We'll pull you up!" "I'm not worried. God will save me."

The man drowned. At the Pearly Gates the man, somewhat irate, asked St. Peter, "I believed with all my heart that God would save me. Why didn't he?"

St. Peter just shook his head. "We sent you a canoe, a power boat, and a helicopter. We expected a little common sense on your part."

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When China, Russia and India actually shut down their coal fired power plants and factories, as well as

other countries, then  the world can pressure the USA to go to cleaner sources for their power plants and

factories.  Listening to the Democrats in the USA now, is shameful in the fear mongering that they are

now spouting about.  Especially John Carrie. what a joke.  The sky is falling!   Its Trumps fault!

Help.  Help..


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3 hours ago, mtls2005 said:


Well, Greg Gianforte, body-slammer extraordinaire, claims Noah didn't sit around claiming Social Security benefits. No clue why he didn't bring the dinosaurs?


Greg Gianforte: Retirement Isn’t Biblical Because Noah Didn’t Retire


Not satisfied with funding a creationist museum that argues humans and dinosaurs wandered the earth together and bankrolling anti-gay, anti-human organizations like the Montana Family Foundation, Republican all-but-declared candidate for governor Greg Gianforte also believes that collecting Social Security violates biblical principles. From the Huffington Post:


There’s nothing in the Bible that talks about retirement. And yet it’s been an accepted concept in our culture today,” he said. “Nowhere does it say, ‘Well, he was a good and faithful servant, so he went to the beach.’ It doesn’t say that anywhere.” “The example I think of is Noah,” he continued. “How old was Noah when he built the ark? 600. He wasn’t like, cashing Social Security checks, he wasn’t hanging out, he was working. So, I think we have an obligation to work. The role we have in work may change over time, but the concept of retirement is not biblical.


Perhaps Mr. Gianforte should do some research about Social Security, a worker-funded, fiscally responsible system for ensuring that the elderly in this country do not face unbearable hardship and poverty. Given that people with Gianforte’s income don’t pay their fair share into the system, it makes sense that he may not understand it, but a candidate for public office should probably understand an incredibly popular program that ensures a basic standard of living for thousands of Montanans.





The man is simply declaring his faith that ultimately God is in control. 


So why serve in Congress and pass legislation? Won't God just take care of everything? 







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2 hours ago, lovelomsak said:

You know what really gets me. Countries like China,Thailand etc still use coal a lot and nothing is said or done to address it.They care less about climate change just get trade and commerce and money. But if America says ok we will use coal too, then oh cannot have to consider the climate.. So China and Thailand be the exclusive users of coal without regard to climate change but America is restricted from using it.So what is being said is we tie up the hands of America so others can take advantage. Trump is calling this and bringing it to an end. Political correctness be damned get back to competing on a level field and if the climate is affected wait for China or Thailand or some other country to lead the way to stop it.Until they stop climate change will happen only America will suffer with job loss and trade loss until then unless they scrap all this effort to be stop climate change. Let the real polluters step forward and stop it or join them and send the earth to its last throes quicker but america will not be in poverty waiting for it as observers but as proactive participants.

 Coal is an example but if Asian polluters keep polluting it will come to America anyways by sea,air etc. So why allow them to pollute and end it well we suffer.Push back.till they address it.

Hey, I totally understand that it "really gets" you. Know what really gets me? Ill-informed, willfully ignorant know-nothings who come on this or any other forum and post comments that have zero facts in them, but they still feel qualified to chip in their two baht worth.


China's use of coal declines for third straight year: https://cleantechnica.com/2017/03/14/china-coal-consumption-declines-despite-increasing-energy-consumption/

China cancels 103 coal power plants: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/01/18/world/asia/china-coal-power-plants-pollution.html?_r=0

Coal industry in permanent decline: https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/trumps-plan-wont-reverse-coals-decline/


And, yes, doing nothing and allowing the environment be totally destroyed so that we don't lose jobs is a brilliant solution to the problem. My kids and grandkids might not agree with you, but hey, at least they'll still be able to say, "Hi, welcome to Walmart" or "Would you like fries with that?" through their gas masks.


Acting irresponsibly as a response to irresponsible behavior has never been shown to be the best approach to any problem that threatens all of us.

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Just now, fvw53 said:

I always found the story of Noah and the Arch fascinating : I think of the lions or tigers smiling at the antilopes or  zebras next to them...and then the tons of excrement those animals must have produced...the stench must have been terrible


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3 hours ago, lovelomsak said:

You know what really gets me. Countries like China,Thailand etc still use coal a lot and nothing is said or done to address it.They care less about climate change just get trade and commerce and money.

Perhaps you should read the following article regrading China and clean energy. It hardly be said that 'nothing is said or done to address this'. 




And the pie chart shows that only 21% of Thailand's energy comes from coal.

Thailand Energy.png

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13 minutes ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

When China, Russia and India actually shut down their coal fired power plants and factories, as well as

other countries, then  the world can pressure the USA to go to cleaner sources for their power plants and

factories.  Listening to the Democrats in the USA now, is shameful in the fear mongering that they are

now spouting about.  Especially John Carrie. what a joke.  The sky is falling!   Its Trumps fault!

Help.  Help..


More inane ignorance. It was mildly amusing way back when, but now it is just pathetic.


India reducing carbon emissions: http://www.worldwatch.org/node/6278

Russia has already committed to reducing its carbon emissions by up to 70% (likely overly optimistic, but still they are working on it) by 2030:https://www.rbth.com/news/2015/12/10/russia-prepared-to-cut-greenhouse-gas-emissions-to-70-by-2030_549469

As for China, see my post above.


What head-in-the-sand science illiterates consistently demonstrate is a complete ignorance of the opportunities presented by moving to renewable energy. At present in the U. S., the renewable energy sector is creating jobs 12 times faster than the economy at large. A serious commitment by this vacuum-headed pretend President and his so-called administration to encouraging the development of renewable energy through research grants and subsidies would spur such job creation to a much higher level, thus helping the orange dufus to actually fulfill his signature campaign promise of job creation, rather than having to rely on taking credit for jobs he had nothing to do with.


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47 minutes ago, Traveler19491 said:

Hey, I totally understand that it "really gets" you. Know what really gets me? Ill-informed, willfully ignorant know-nothings who come on this or any other forum and post comments that have zero facts in them, but they still feel qualified to chip in their two baht worth.


China's use of coal declines for third straight year: https://cleantechnica.com/2017/03/14/china-coal-consumption-declines-despite-increasing-energy-consumption/

China cancels 103 coal power plants: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/01/18/world/asia/china-coal-power-plants-pollution.html?_r=0

Coal industry in permanent decline: https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/trumps-plan-wont-reverse-coals-decline/


And, yes, doing nothing and allowing the environment to be totally destroyed so that we don't lose jobs is a brilliant solution to the problem. My kids and grandkids might not agree with you, but hey, at least they'll still be able to say, "Hi, welcome to Walmart" or "Would you like fries with that?" through their gas masks.


Acting irresponsibly as a response to irresponsible behavior has never been shown to be the best approach to any problem that threatens all of us.



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5 hours ago, canuckamuck said:

People will be in a tizzy about this, but it would be illogical for someone to be a Christian and not believe God has control of the universe He created. The man is simply expressing his faith. Nothing wrong with that.

Cue the haters.


What's wrong with it is that plenty of others who share his faith (and even more who don't) recognise climate change as a man-made problem that has to be dealt with, and now ... if God gave man free will ... that also meant the free will to destroy the planet! The man's a loon. You'd think that God may have stepped in to halt the gas chambers in the 1940's ... maybe he was out to lunch?

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Republican Congressman Says God Will 'Take Care Of' Climate Change



Highly intelligent persons in the US Congress. What a pity that this man will not be alive a hundred years later when he needs a canoe to go to the Congress ..... on the mountain. He would deserve it.


Maybe these kind of primitive people believe that God will clean the dirty earth, air and waters.

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5 hours ago, Chris Lawrence said:

"He continued: "Why do I believe that? Well, as a Christian, I believe that there is a creator in God who is much bigger than us. And I'm confident that, if there's a real problem, he can take care of it."


Tamborine banger? Isn't it about taxes and concessions?

Humnnnnnn didn't I read/hear something a/b separation of church and state? The statement in question seems asinine on so many levels. I guess this elected official would also endorse parents who let their children die w/out modern medical intervention b/c god can heal them? 

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1 hour ago, puck2 said:

Republican Congressman Says God Will 'Take Care Of' Climate Change



Highly intelligent persons in the US Congress. What a pity that this man will not be alive a hundred years later when he needs a canoe to go to the Congress ..... on the mountain. He would deserve it.


Maybe these kind of primitive people believe that God will clean the dirty earth, air and waters.

Yes, such officials are the Christian American version of the Taliban. Sadly, the man that is quite likely to replace the perverted clown president mr. trump is one of them! Mike Pence, radical extremist far right wing Christian fundamentalist. That's OK for private people but in positions of power, a disaster.


It's so tragic. 

Edited by Jingthing
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3 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Yes, such officials are the Christian American version of the Taliban. Sadly, the man that is quite likely to replace the perverted clown president mr. trump is one of them! Mike Pence, radical extremist far right wing Christian fundamentalist. That's OK for private people but in positions of power, a disaster.


It's so tragic. 

fundamentalists whether they be Christian or whatever scare the shit out of me i must say and I'm quite sure most of them would not think a lot about pushing the button as it's 'God's Will'  


just reincarnations of the inquisition 

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Yes, God will sort it out.

however, God may care for the whole Universe, but Humans are only a very small part of that Universe.

And in God's universe, there are more species of insects on earth than  humans, if that means anything.


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Gee, Republican, I'm so inspired by your example of taking responsibility, one of your core principles? 

Oh, that's for other people to embrace, not you... that's convenient...

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9 hours ago, canuckamuck said:

People will be in a tizzy about this, but it would be illogical for someone to be a Christian and not believe God has control of the universe He created. The man is simply expressing his faith. Nothing wrong with that.

Cue the haters.

Actually I agree with that and everyone has the right to follow their faith.  Of course everyone will laugh at the lunacy but hey! Lunacy seems to be the order of the day right now

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7 hours ago, jobwolf said:

Yep, the country seems to be run by people like him.

The future looks bleak across  the Atlantic. Not much to gain there.

It is time to look east, it can only get better there for Europe.

Honestly... I wouldn't be upset if all religions were outlawed. :-) Although don't Hindus say something like "the more the merrier" re: gods?  These religious zelots "kill me" how often do we hear warring factions utter "god's on our side." ????? lol HUH??? I know people who claim everybody is wrong if they don't believe like us. ??????? Geezeus lol 

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The level of ignorance at the top of America politics is staggering......


God created the earth in 6 days!  On the last day he turned on the light! So he made earth in the dark? Any smart being would have turned the light on, the first day, so she could see what the f......she is doing......

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11 hours ago, canuckamuck said:

Good attempt at building a straw man, but I did not say any of that. The man is simply declaring his faith that ultimately God is in control.  He would be a hypocrite if he felt differently.  He also allowed that others would not agree with him. The man shows character, nothing less.

The man shows ignorance, nothing more

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Why is God therefore allowing the progressive destruction of the earth? Why is God allowing wars and despicable ISIS to flourish or exist? Why are so many blinded by religion, including this fool of a politician.



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