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How cops earn their daily bread....poster shows up corrupt Surin police


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3 hours ago, ezzra said:

For anyone that lived in Thailand more than 1 day, than the answer is a resounding YES....

Why scratsing the pic and name on the driverslicence when the name is full on the ticket ? Fake news !!

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3 hours ago, ezzra said:

For anyone that lived in Thailand more than 1 day, than the answer is a resounding YES....

I'll always prefer supporting a less corrupt police officer's salary at a hundred baht a pop over that of the much higher paid revenue collecting members of sunshine clubs where I came from, most of whom are simply better trained at pretending to serve or protect while covering each others asses.

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1 hour ago, 4MyEgo said:

You have valid points, if people are prepared to swallow the pill or piss and moan and grown as they are doing here.


The SOLUTION here would be to perhaps have the government create a system like in other countries, I can only talk for Australia, i.e. ticket issued on the spot, you pay within 21 days, fail to pay the ticket, you will not be able to renew your licence, car registration and insurance, drive without a license, registration or insurance because you have failed to pay the ticket is jail time and heft fines and further suspension of your license.


For those unlicensed at the time if being caught, off to the police station until someone pays a hefty fine for them, that or jail time, and court with further suspension of license.


As for all the revenue from tickets being collected by the government department, there is a trail, it would ensure no tea money for the police, just pay rises so that their income is adequate for the work they do, naturally the more tickets they write, promotions, higher pay etc etc like in other countries, but no one will admit it, but its a fact and it reduces deaths, and keeps the roads safer for people to drive.


I call it fair.

That sounds too logical 

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4 hours ago, Prbkk said:

This must rate as the least surprising bit of "news" of 2017. Corruption is endemic, as we all know. There is not the will to do much about it, particularly when the mega-corrupt are the very ones in leadership positions in many sectors. The police corruption is very small beer ( that is not to say it shouldn't be dealt with).

Police corruption is not small beer.


What you have to realise is without an effective and corrupt free (relatively) police force nobody is safe. Nothing can ever change because enforcement is a commercial decision by the police not a legal decision.


In short corruption at the top and through the entire police force means it is a free for all, the wealthy survive and get away with almost anything and the poor face the music for anything they do wrong unless they can cough up tea money. its a disgrace and the Thai people should be ashamed.


The police is the first thing they should fix. once the police force is fixed then enforcement can happen and they can prosecute the corrupt in power elsewhere.


It all starts and ends with firm law, order and justice, without it this country has nothing, no stability, no safety, no long term future.

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5 hours ago, Prbkk said:

This must rate as the least surprising bit of "news" of 2017. Corruption is endemic, as we all know. There is not the will to do much about it, particularly when the mega-corrupt are the very ones in leadership positions in many sectors. The police corruption is very small beer ( that is not to say it shouldn't be dealt with).

Yes no one would be surprised at this.

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Roadblocks are setup to collect Tea Money not to reduce death especially during the day. At night checking for DUI

may prevent some accidents and death, but they still collect some Tea Money. That's the way RTP has operated for the 

past 50 years!

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1 hour ago, mikebell said:

70 people a day die on Thai roads!  Your 10 years = 3650 days not including Leap Years = 255,500 corpses and you feel safe? Any police force doing its job would have cut these figures by 80%.

This is a stupid answer. The police do their job but the politicans not. If you drive without a helmet or driving license or red light or ... and they stop you, you get a ticket. They can't do more. This are the RULES and the LAW.

And it don't give enough police to catch everyone who break the traffic law. Just think about how powerful YOU are if you stay 3h in the full sunshine and take care the traffic. It's a complete sh** job!!! But they MUST do it for just 11.000 - 15.000 THB the month.

The onliest way is to make harder rules. But this is not in the hand of the police. This the politicans and the Land & Transport Minister have to do. 

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Guess it gets down to cost benefit analysis. And then tie or Thai that to you? Throw in TIT and it's up to you. Still fairly new here. So I guess one has to way the pluses and minuses and costs?  I am still confused at 64 as to what is RIGHT or acceptable.  

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Slow news day. Like Bangkok in the rain.


In more than 10 years, I've never paid any tea money. I've been stopped, but a combination of factors put them off, so they wave me on. You just have to know how to play them at their own game.

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46 minutes ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

i pay the fee by choice. i could cancel if i wanted to so it is not bribery or blackmail. it is good peace of mind knowing a high up cop and having his phone number.

i am not in the bar business however. that is a different. cant have a work permit for that and generally includes some level of prostitution which we all know is illegal. i would advise foreigners to stay away from owning bars.


We had two in Patts for 5 years. The money that a poster said was 20k every month. We paid nothing like that, in fact, it was a paltry sum.The bar number's were on his phone. Over the years he saved us from having to pay protection from the Soi gang that tried to intimidate us. He stopped us being bothered by phony licence sellers, telling us that we needed a television licence, a new type of music licence, and a few other tricksters that would appear from time to time. although we never had it kick off in the bars, by felangs, It came close one night when 6 German guys refused to leave the bar, after closing time, due to the match between Germany and Italy, i believe.They were pissed up and getting very noisy,demanding more beer. There wasn't much i could do on my own. We closed the doors and my wife flashed our number to him.He appeared in 10 minutes, and the attitude changed like the wind.They left the bar like sheep, leaving good tips for the girls.Now, for what i was paying, i thought it was well worth while.

But furthermore, what pisses me off is when people complain about corruption, but use it for their own ends.

Eg, Guy gets a  year's bann, in say, the UK, for being caught, drunk driving. His insurance rockets, he loses his licence, cant rent a car, is fined 100 quid, and is inconvenienced no little.

Comes here. Gets a Thai licence, no problem, gets insurance, no problem. Gets pissed up and gets rolled over by plod. He simply slips him 4000 b and he's away. No court case, no ban, insurance stays the same, doesn't lose his licence, and can hire a car from anyone who will rent it to hm. No 1000 quid fine.Whats better UK justice, or Thai police corruption? Unfortunately,the next time he might kill someone, and that will cost him plenty. .

Corruption is a double edged sword

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36 minutes ago, kamahele said:

I would think if the police wages were raised, education standards of the police raised and more money put into adequate equipment, this problem would be reduced. Just a thought

Only if they did not have to pay for their promotions which should be merit based.

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16 minutes ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

We had two in Patts for 5 years. The money that a poster said was 20k every month. We paid nothing like that, in fact, it was a paltry sum.The bar number's were on his phone. Over the years he saved us from having to pay protection from the Soi gang that tried to intimidate us. He stopped us being bothered by phony licence sellers, telling us that we needed a television licence, a new type of music licence, and a few other tricksters that would appear from time to time. although we never had it kick off in the bars, by felangs, It came close one night when 6 German guys refused to leave the bar, after closing time, due to the match between Germany and Italy, i believe.They were pissed up and getting very noisy,demanding more beer. There wasn't much i could do on my own. We closed the doors and my wife flashed our number to him.He appeared in 10 minutes, and the attitude changed like the wind.They left the bar like sheep, leaving good tips for the girls.Now, for what i was paying, i thought it was well worth while.

But furthermore, what pisses me off is when people complain about corruption, but use it for their own ends.

Eg, Guy gets a  year's bann, in say, the UK, for being caught, drunk driving. His insurance rockets, he loses his licence, cant rent a car, is fined 100 quid, and is inconvenienced no little.

Comes here. Gets a Thai licence, no problem, gets insurance, no problem. Gets pissed up and gets rolled over by plod. He simply slips him 4000 b and he's away. No court case, no ban, insurance stays the same, doesn't lose his licence, and can hire a car from anyone who will rent it to hm. No 1000 quid fine.Whats better UK justice, or Thai police corruption? Unfortunately,the next time he might kill someone, and that will cost him plenty. .

Corruption is a double edged sword

the majority of people dont understand the system and how well it works, at least to some extent. better to pay the cops a set fee and not have to worry about the unregulated crooks. same with the road fines. last one i got i had to pay at the police station. 2 hour inconvenience. why not just hand the money to the cop. it ends up in the same place and often you get a discount.

there is a choice to be made live happy within the system or go live some where else. it is not going to change.

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5 hours ago, wakeupplease said:

Now who can say these guys are not corrupt?

I don't think there was a single solitary person who ever denied they were Not corrupt? :shock1:

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2 minutes ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

the majority of people dont understand the system and how well it works, at least to some extent. better to pay the cops a set fee and not have to worry about the unregulated crooks. same with the road fines. last one i got i had to pay at the police station. 2 hour inconvenience. why not just hand the money to the cop. it ends up in the same place and often you get a discount.

there is a choice to be made live happy within the system or go live some where else. it is not going to change.

Amen to that. Thai ways are not our ways, so if you choose to live here, you have to accept their ways.Its not always agreeable and sometimes it grates. But it is what it is, so we live with it, and no! It 'aint gonna change.

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