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More Americans support Donald Trump's impeachment than approve of his presidency, new polls find


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More Americans support Donald Trump's impeachment than approve of his presidency, new polls find

Mythili Sampathkumar New York 


Polls show a decline in job approval rating since the US withdrawal from the Paris Agreement


NEW YORK: -- New polls find that more Americans support impeaching Donald Trump than approve of his job performance in the White House. 


Just 36 per cent of voters polled approve of the job Mr Trump is doing compared to 43 per cent who support beginning the impeachment process. 


A Gallup poll daily tracking poll conducted on a nationwide random sample of 1,500 registered voters showed the President's job approval rating had dropped from 42 per cent since he withdrew the US from the Paris Agreement on climate change and increased scrutiny of his campaign team's alleged ties to Russia. 


Full story: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-impeachment-poll-favourability-job-approval-more-american-support-removal-latest-a7775781.html


-- INDEPENDENT 2017-06-07

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Yer-- If that's what the polls say , I would have to go with it----there usually spot on.........:coffee1:



"There is not enough cheese in the entire world to go with her whine."

A Clinton aid commentating  on Hillary….(not knowing the Mike was left turned on)




Edited by oxo1947
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41 minutes ago, webfact said:

Just 36 per cent of voters polled approve of the job Mr Trump is doing compared to 43 per cent who support beginning the impeachment process. 

I dont want to come as a Trump supporter--- because mainly on the Abortion issue, its pandering to the Christian right & winding the clock back especially for women. As an Oz.Brit I dont have a dog in the race---But one would have to be concerned on the level of reporting in America. I have never seen it so bad. 

Take the poll that is being quoted ---the 2 lines above --one who just scans over it would think that it was a 36--43% that want him impeached --but that's not what it says. 43% want him impeached, what percent dont want him impeached ??  That , obviously a just small item in the debate , isn't anywhere in the news report. To quote a figure that want to take him down---then not quote the figure that want him to remain.


That's unbiased reporting..????


Yes the figure that want him to remain is higher--as quoted in pegmans post.

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42 minutes ago, oxo1947 said:

Yer-- If that's what the polls say , I would have to go with it----there usually spot on.........:coffee1:



"There is not enough cheese in the entire world to go with her whine."

A Clinton aid commentating  on Hillary….(not knowing the Mike was left turned on)




Actually, they are.

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1 minute ago, lovelomsak said:

I think this would have to be a separate poll. Cannot poll to things in one poll.

The American people --Can not chew gum and walk...?


It's one question lovelomsak----Do you want him impeached or not??


But they decided to ask 2 questions on 2 differant subjects---



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1 minute ago, ilostmypassword said:

Actually, they are.

Yes us Brits found that out--with Brexit and in the last few weeks How Mrs May will romp home with a hugh lead......................:coffee1:

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2 minutes ago, oxo1947 said:

The American people --Can not chew gum and walk...?


It's one question lovelomsak----Do you want him impeached or not??


But they decided to ask 2 questions on 2 differant subjects---



No they didn't. 2 different polls.

"A Gallup poll daily tracking poll conducted on a nationwide random sample of 1,500 registered voters showed the President's job approval rating had dropped from 42 per cent since he withdrew the US from the Paris Agreement on climate change and increased scrutiny of his campaign team's alleged ties to Russia


A separate poll carried out by Politico/Morning Consult of nearly 2,000 registered voters across the country showed that the percentage who supported Mr Trump's impeachment had gone up from the previous poll in which the question was asked. "

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"More Americans support Donald Trump's impeachment than approve of his presidency, new polls find"----OP headline



I dont want to get into semantics  with you  ILMpassort...but if that is 1 question...then they are giving two results (one from a question not asked) The result of one of a different poll --and the result of their one, to create this headline.


Seriously take aside any support factor dont you feel (as a lot of us non franchised people feel) that the American Media on the trump question is far from being what it once was.

One side you have Fox telling us he can walk on water--the other 80% side .... I dont want to use the fake news word... so questionable quotes when referring to him. It's not what I grew up thinking of the American Media.

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1 hour ago, dcutman said:

For all the Libtards out there waiting/wishing President Trump gets impeached. There is as much of a chance of that happening than crooked Hillary ever being elected as president.



There is a far greater chance for Trump to be impeached and eventually jailed than for HRC being elected. The only questions remains is whether he will be impeached for obstruction of justice, or for colluding with the Russians, or for money laundering.  The only thing that will save him from impeachment is if either the Republicans come to their senses and remove him for gross incompetency under the 25th Amendment.

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1 hour ago, Canceraid said:

Trump is just one big disgrace in the History Of America and really is a big joke. When are Americans going to get up and redeem this mistake.

Trump's minority composed of a majority under-educated & keyboard warrior collection of  'guy at the end of the bar'   type supporters, plus filthy rich right wing hawks (who happily use the stooges & Trump to get further tax cuts, health care cuts, education cuts, environment protection reversals, etc, etc, etc, plus alienate our allies while embracing more lucrative profit-sharing 'friends' like Russia and Saudi's) will NEVER want to impeach. Also, Congress needs a 3/4 majority and the INCENTIVE to do so - which short of a video of Trump in a 3 way with Putin (and even then many supporters would cheer...) or a wipe-out in mid-term elections,  impeachment is not going to happen. There is ZERO shame in Trump's support base because in trade of making America the great laughing stock of the world,  all 'get something' from him, from 'permission' to be a red-neck bigot 'patriot', to tax cuts and then simply discard, deflect, or defend the rest of what this complete national and intnl embarrassment of a President says, does, or tweets.

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Out of 350,000,000 they take 1500.. Oh yea, that is probably a good representation of the entire country. It was probably from New York or California, the two most leftist states in the union. This is propaganda, from leftist cucks... 

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2 hours ago, sujoop said:

... which short of a video of Trump in a 3 way with Putin (and even then many supporters would cheer...)

He's already been shown to be in a 3 way with Putin.  They've worked their way through screwing the original 3rd participant, US democracy, and are expanding the orgy to bring in Europe, the Middle East, and ultimately the whole world.  And still the supporters cheer.

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Out of 350,000,000 they take 1500.. Oh yea, that is probably a good representation of the entire country. It was probably from New York or California, the two most leftist states in the union. This is propaganda, from leftist cucks... 

Cuck is an alt-right fantasy obsessed with huge black schlongs penetrating submissive wives. Then hubby goes in too clean up.

Sound familiar mcdiddly?
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26 minutes ago, mcdiddly said:

Out of 350,000,000 they take 1500.. Oh yea, that is probably a good representation of the entire country. It was probably from New York or California, the two most leftist states in the union. This is propaganda, from leftist cucks... 

You seem to be intentionally pushing a lie about scientific polling techniques. I can't really believe that you actually believe what you're charging which is why I say intentionally.

The use of the code word "cucks" is an alt-right thing, in other words, neo-fascist. In case anyone missed that. 

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More Fake News! No Impeachment because there is No Crime! Secondly, the Republicans Control the Senate! So Stop Dreaming

and enjoy life. Making America Great Again everyday of the year! Thanks President Trump!

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13 minutes ago, tomwct said:

More Fake News! No Impeachment because there is No Crime! Secondly, the Republicans Control the Senate! So Stop Dreaming

and enjoy life. Making America Great Again everyday of the year! Thanks President Trump!

It is not fake news. It is a legitimate scientific poll with a margin of error. 

You're likely right that for impeachment to happen a "high crime" would need to be proven and the democrats would need to take over congress in 2018.

Happy for you that you're enjoying trump being president.

Not happy for the country or the world though. 

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I think the Republicans are eyeing Pence and liking what they see compared to the Orange Don.

So, the Republicans might use their majority in a different way; a way that they know will get overwhelming support from across the aisle.

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Well all polls depend upon the people who are being polled and how representative they are of the general public.  If the poll is taken in the rust belt then Trump will get more support than he would in New England.  So putting that aside, the fact that Trump is fast losing  all support apart from the few hard core voters illustrates just how useless his presidency is proving to be. 


He really must be removed from office before he completely destroys all the good things that the USA is known for.  That seems to be the cry now from more and more Americans who are quite rightly fearful of what will happen if he is allowed to continue.

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7 hours ago, oxo1947 said:

Yer-- If that's what the polls say , I would have to go with it----there usually spot on.........:coffee1:



"There is not enough cheese in the entire world to go with her whine."

A Clinton aid commentating  on Hillary….(not knowing the Mike was left turned on)




Trump's approval rating in 2% more then Bill Clinton's was at this time after his first election ,but was elected again 4 years later so you nay sayers should not get your hopes up too soon.

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Just now, sanukjim said:

Trump's approval rating in 2% more then Bill Clinton's was at this time after his first election ,but was elected again 4 years later so you nay sayers should not get your hopes up too soon.

The difference is that Clinton learned from his mistakes and his approval ratings quickly went back up again. There is absolutely no evidence so far that Trump is able to learn from his errors. In fact, to learn from your mistakes, you first have to be able to accept that you've made them.  He doesn't seem capable of that.

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