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More Americans support Donald Trump's impeachment than approve of his presidency, new polls find


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1 minute ago, KarenBravo said:

Bill Clinton's lowest point was 37%  approval during his entire eight year presidency. Trump's lowest is 35% on the 28th March and he hasn't been in office very long. Numbers are taken from Gallup.

Actually, Clinton's low point did come some time during the first half of his first year in office.

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5 minutes ago, KarenBravo said:

True, but, I think Trump's is going to head further south once Trumpcare happens.

If it weren't for the awful effect it would have on so many of the the poor dupes who voted for him and the non-complicit who didn't, I could almost wish for it to pass, just to seal his and the Republicans' doom.

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56 minutes ago, sanukjim said:
8 hours ago, oxo1947 said:

Yer-- If that's what the polls say , I would have to go with it----there usually spot on.........:coffee1:


Trump's approval rating in 2% more then Bill Clinton's was at this time after his first election ,but was elected again 4 years later so you nay sayers should not get your hopes up too soon.

the expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect.
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All of you folks that think Trump is so bad for America should be thanking those of us who could understand where the Obama/Clinton bus was heading.


If Trump hadn't been elected we would be that much closer to what England, Germany Sweden and France are facing now;  A majority Muslim population, Sharia Law, thousands of Islamic Mosques and more black burkas than you can shake a stick at.


Actually, the way the "left" is behaving I'm not at all sure which would be worse.


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7 hours ago, Canceraid said:

Trump is just one big disgrace in the History Of America and really is a big joke. When are Americans going to get up and redeem this mistake.

Aye, if Trump is the answer then it is a bloody silly question...

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Same poll taker that said Hilary was going to win by a landslide? Go ahead, impeach him and see if anything gets 'better' because of it. Leave the guy alone, suck it up and wait for the next election. Besides, he'll never be found guilty enough to kick out of office, just a show for the media owned by rich liberals.

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39 minutes ago, TGIR said:

All of you folks that think Trump is so bad for America should be thanking those of us who could understand where the Obama/Clinton bus was heading.


If Trump hadn't been elected we would be that much closer to what England, Germany Sweden and France are facing now;  A majority Muslim population, Sharia Law, thousands of Islamic Mosques and more black burkas than you can shake a stick at.


Actually, the way the "left" is behaving I'm not at all sure which would be worse.


Here we go again with the "left" as in "liberal" or "liberal lefties".  Please explain what you mean by these handles because I don't think that description matches many of the anti-Trump supporters I know?

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6 hours ago, sujoop said:

Trump's minority composed of a majority under-educated & keyboard warrior collection of  'guy at the end of the bar'   type supporters, plus filthy rich right wing hawks (who happily use the stooges & Trump to get further tax cuts, health care cuts, education cuts, environment protection reversals, etc, etc, etc, plus alienate our allies while embracing more lucrative profit-sharing 'friends' like Russia and Saudi's) will NEVER want to impeach. Also, Congress needs a 3/4 majority and the INCENTIVE to do so - which short of a video of Trump in a 3 way with Putin (and even then many supporters would cheer...) or a wipe-out in mid-term elections,  impeachment is not going to happen. There is ZERO shame in Trump's support base because in trade of making America the great laughing stock of the world,  all 'get something' from him, from 'permission' to be a red-neck bigot 'patriot', to tax cuts and then simply discard, deflect, or defend the rest of what this complete national and intnl embarrassment of a President says, does, or tweets.

Unfortunately sujoop, your comment is mostly right on the button.  And yet, I have a well educated but still not wealthy or even well off, Republican friend who cannot even tolerate any criticism of Republican presidents, once threatening to block me off his email for sending him a joke about Bush in his early presidency.  Of course, sending me jokes about Obama was OK  for him, more or less proving your point.  And none of the folks I know that still support Trump, cannot see anything wrong with his tweets and complete reversals of his own policies.  We may not have the ability to impeach Trump, but if he would keep off Twitter, the country would be better off and possibly the rest of the government might find the ability to function properly.  Getting rid of Trump might not be the best solution as then we would be saddled with Pence.  His views and stances on women's  and other minorities rights are too rigid and against societies norms these days.  Whatever Obama's faults - none compare to this man.  Trump, in IMHO, is nothing more than a hard-nosed company CEO who always wants his way and tolerates no opposition - this is not the way to run a government of any kind.


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Same poll taker that said Hilary was going to win by a landslide? Go ahead, impeach him and see if anything gets 'better' because of it. Leave the guy alone, suck it up and wait for the next election. Besides, he'll never be found guilty enough to kick out of office, just a show for the media owned by rich liberals.

I agree with you. However in 10 or 20 years time I think it will be proven that Donald J. Trump was the most corrupt president in US history.
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6 minutes ago, alanrchase said:


I agree with you. However in 10 or 20 years time I think it will be proven that Donald J. Trump was the most corrupt president in US history.


You appear to have spelled weeks wrong.

Edited by Peterw42
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2 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

The difference is that Clinton learned from his mistakes and his approval ratings quickly went back up again. There is absolutely no evidence so far that Trump is able to learn from his errors. In fact, to learn from your mistakes, you first have to be able to accept that you've made them.  He doesn't seem capable of that.

Yeah he doesn't,  rather like mrs may in the UK!

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2 minutes ago, uchibenkei said:

Is this poll from the same pollsters who had Hillary winning the election?

Irrelevant. She almost did win the election. She won the popular vote by almost 3 million votes and the only reason she lost the electoral college was because of FOUR states where the clown won with very thin margins. So the polls were off, but not that far off. 

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10 hours ago, oxo1947 said:


"More Americans support Donald Trump's impeachment than approve of his presidency, new polls find"----OP headline



I dont want to get into semantics  with you  ILMpassort...but if that is 1 question...then they are giving two results (one from a question not asked) The result of one of a different poll --and the result of their one, to create this headline.


Seriously take aside any support factor dont you feel (as a lot of us non franchised people feel) that the American Media on the trump question is far from being what it once was.

One side you have Fox telling us he can walk on water--the other 80% side .... I dont want to use the fake news word... so questionable quotes when referring to him. It's not what I grew up thinking of the American Media.

Actually, if you read the headline carefully, you will get the answer to your question. "...new polls (plural, indicating that the results are from more than one poll asking more than one question)". Granted, the headline was not constructed very carefully and can easily be read to mistakenly infer something other than what actually happened. No, the press are not above doing something like this deliberately. However, was it deliberate? Only the author of the article knows. However, to the original question...the figures quoted are obviously from two different polls, one dealing with his approval, and one asking if the respondent believes impeachment proceedings should begin.


As to your question about how the media are treating Trump...his treatment is, in large measure, due to the overtly hostile attitude he has displayed, beginning from his original announcement of his candidacy. His treatment of both institutions like the Washington Post, New York Times, CNN, and any journalist or organization that has had the "audacity" to say something, anything, that he deems negative (whether it actually was or not) has resulted in an adversarial relationship of his own creation. He has presented this attitude since the very beginning...except with those media figures who have been flattering and supportive. Them he loves. So, no, I don't regard the media as treating him "unfairly". If anything, I think they have been way too deferential to his rudeness, hostility, stupidity, vulgarity, and complete lack of class. But, again, he has only himself to blame for whatever manner in which the media handles him. Don't expect flowers and candy when you refer to the media as "scum" (http://thehill.com/blogs/ballot-box/presidential-races/258057-trump-the-media-is-scum) and "an enemy of the people" (https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2017/02/24/donald-trump-cpac-media-enemy-of-the-people/98347970/).

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5 hours ago, tomwct said:

More Fake News! No Impeachment because there is No Crime! Secondly, the Republicans Control the Senate! So Stop Dreaming

and enjoy life. Making America Great Again everyday of the year! Thanks President Trump!

Here's a little something for you to chew on while you are celebrating...


Pence would LOVE to take over. Tillerson isn't all that happy with Trump, nor is Sessions, who recently floated his potential resignation. Mattis isn't overly fond of him. All he needs to do is to continue falling in the polls and pose a threat to the GOP majorities for his "allies" to start taking a closer look at the 25th Amendment. Given Trump's consistently erratic behavior, it would be a slam-dunk for them to assert his mental incompetency, and, VOILA, President Pence is being sworn in...not that that would be a good thing. 


The other very real possibility is resignation. Perhaps the investigation doesn't uncover treason or obstruction...but does uncover money laundering, influence peddling, involvement with organized crime...or a laundry list of other potentially humiliating activities that would, by association, sink the GOP in the mid-terms. You can bet your orange tinted lips that McConnell, Ryan, et al would be camped out in the Oval Office demanding Trump's resignation in exchange for not holding impeachment hearings. They don't have to impeach him. They just have to threaten to do so, and his vanity would never permit that to happen.


Thanks, so-called President Trump!

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11 hours ago, Canceraid said:

Trump is just one big disgrace in the History Of America and really is a big joke. When are Americans going to get up and redeem this mistake.

 American's will vote in 2018 for Senate midterm seats if the GOP cleans up  and wins a majority, it will be a even better indication that President Trump will win in 2020. American's can vote again in the 2020 Presidential vote.


"Since 1932, only once has a party held the White House for less than eight years: the administration of Democrat Jimmy Carter from 1976 to 1980".according to a report by the U.S.News World Report as of May/2017,Trump Will Likely Win Reelection in 2020




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Sure if you believe a bunch of liberal polls. The same polls said trump would never be elected. Notice no positive articles about trump in liberal thai visa.


Notice no article about the play in NYC that shows trump being stabbed to death. If it was Obama. Mr web fact would be in an uproar.



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9 minutes ago, riclag said:

 American's will vote in 2018 for Senate midterm seats if the GOP cleans up  and wins a majority this will be a even better indication that President Trump will win in 2020. American's can vote again in the 2020 Presidential vote.


"Since 1932, only once has a party held the White House for less than eight years: the administration of Democrat Jimmy Carter from 1976 to 1980".according to a report by the U.S.News World Report as of May/2017,Trump Will Likely Win Reelection in 2020




you believe the liberal MSM? What's gotten into you?

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Unfortunately there are a lot of morons in the US. That is obvious because Obama was re-elected and then they wanted to elect Hillary for president. This says it all.

Edited by Gary A
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3 hours ago, TGIR said:

All of you folks that think Trump is so bad for America should be thanking those of us who could understand where the Obama/Clinton bus was heading.


If Trump hadn't been elected we would be that much closer to what England, Germany Sweden and France are facing now;  A majority Muslim population, Sharia Law, thousands of Islamic Mosques and more black burkas than you can shake a stick at.


Actually, the way the "left" is behaving I'm not at all sure which would be worse.


There is a lot of truth to what you say.May I add that President Trump was a slap in the face to the establishment, left and right. Fortunately,according to some report's he has a strong chance to be reelected.



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6 hours ago, tomwct said:

More Fake News! No Impeachment because there is No Crime! Secondly, the Republicans Control the Senate! So Stop Dreaming

and enjoy life. Making America Great Again everyday of the year! Thanks President Trump!


Making America great again?!? In my lifetime, regardless of which party occupied the White House, regardless of the individual sitting as President, the President of the United States was always regarded as the leader of the free world.  Donald Trump has abdicated that position. How you can imagine that the US is greater today than before Trump is mind-boggling and shows a complete lack of situational awareness. It doesn't bother me so much regarding TV posters, but I find that Trump's military advisors, like Mattis and McMasters, and their willingness to see this strategic weakening of the USA to be highly disturbing.

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21 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

you believe the liberal MSM? What's gotten into you?

Surprising ! And I didn't have to go through 5 or 6 pages of google to find this. It was the  first of 17 million results "who will win 2020 presidential election".

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Surprising ! And I didn't have to go through 5 or 6 pages of google to find this. It was the  first of 17 million results "who will win 2020 presidential election".

Yes normally incumbents have an edge but the clown if he even makes it to 2020 would be a most abnormal incumbent. He did not even experience a honeymoon period which is also a normal expectation.
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8 hours ago, dunroaming said:

Here we go again with the "left" as in "liberal" or "liberal lefties".  Please explain what you mean by these handles because I don't think that description matches many of the anti-Trump supporters I know?

I will try again one more time.  The Trumpsters on TV all have their standardised response of referring to anyone who is anti Trump as being a "liberal" or "leftie" or even "leftie liberal".  However none of them can clarify what they mean by that?  Are you all clueless as to the meaning of the words?

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7 hours ago, Rhys said:

45 is like herpes, never goes away.

Your wrong. The moving vans have already been booked. Impeachment is a given. The question isn't even about whether there will be jail time but how much.

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Riclag said:

There is a lot of truth to what you say.May I add that President Trump was a slap in the face to the establishment, left and right. Fortunately,according to some report's he has a strong chance to be reelected.


Think you might have that twisted.  Trump's election was a slap in the face to the majority (by more than 3 million) of Americans.  That proves the flaw in the electoral system which was designed in the 1700's or early 1800's and needs to be eliminated or updated to the 21st Century.  He might have been able to learn to lead the country but his constant reversals, lies, and ridiculous tweets will do him in.  How any of his supporters can still see him as anything other than a detriment to this country is beyond me especially that whenever he makes a speech about anything, he slaps himself on the back for ten minutes and then spends the same amount of time blaming all problems on the Obama presidency, especially about the ACA.  BTW, I have never seen anyone ask in the  White House press briefings if the Insurance companies have ever been checked out as to whether they are colluding to split the pie or all leave one area of the country, just to raise health care rates.  We all know insurance companies are only concerned about two things - their bottom line and the huge salaries that their CEO's come home with.    But then, there are people who cannot see past, or should I say, see around, a Republican candidate for anything.  Having said that, there are a lot of Dems that think the same way - unfortunately.  People should vote for whom they think is best, not just because they belong to one party or another.

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