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Gunfire erupts at Arkansas nightclub, 28 hurt


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Gunfire erupts at Arkansas nightclub, 28 hurt

By Alex Dobuzinskis




(Reuters) - Gunfire erupted at a hip-hop concert in a Little Rock, Arkansas nightclub early on Saturday morning, wounding 25 people and leading the governor to call for a fresh effort to reduce violent crime in the state capital.


Two of those wounded at the Power Ultra Lounge were in critical condition, Little Rock Police Chief Kenton Buckner told reporters at a press conference, while the rest of the victims suffered what he described as non-life-threatening injuries.


Three other people were hurt in a frantic rush to the exits. The ages of the wounded ranged from 16 to 35.


Buckner said no suspects had been taken into custody in connection with the melee, which may have stemmed from a dispute between rival groups. He said the general public was not believed to be at risk and that the incident was not related to terrorism.


"On a Fourth of July weekend, where we wish to anticipate having fun with our friends and family, this is certainly a terrible, terrible tragedy," Mayor Mark Stodola said at the news conference.


The shooting started at about 2:30 a.m. local time on Saturday, about 30 minutes after the downtown club's scheduled closing time, local media reported.


A bystander's video broadcast by local media showed the crowded club at the moment gunshots rang out, followed by the sound of people screaming in the dark.


After the shooting, the city revoked the Power Ultra Lounge's liquor license and the club would shut down, Stodola said.

"This activity downtown is going to cease," he said.


Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson said it was time for the state to do more to reverse what he described as an intensifying crime problem in the state capital.


"We are still gathering facts, but it is clear that we need to have a comprehensive enforcement strategy in place that helps take the violent threats off the streets," he said in a statement.


The club was hosting a concert by the hip-hop artist Finese 2Tymes on Friday night, according to the club's Facebook page.


A promotional page for the performance shows a young man looking down the sight of what appears to be a gun, with the barrel pointed at the viewer.


-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-07-02
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Tragic as it was, this is another example of why I, as a middle class guy who doesn't hang out in dodgy places, don't really worry too much about gun violence.  Outside of a tiny percentage of the land (mostly inner cities), the USA isn't dangerous at all.  (Edit;  Google the FBI stats on gun fatalities if you don't believe that)


Gang activity in a hip-hop club isn't going to affect anyone in my circle of friends and family, either.


I'm appalled by what happened, just like I am appalled when I hear about genocide in Sub-Saharan Africa.  But just like the genocide(s), there isn't a thing I can do about gang violence, and about the same chance it will affect me as the risk of being squashed by a chunk of blue ice falling out of an airliner.


(And for the wise guys about to comment on the doctor in the news, any society with 300+ million people is going to have a few with a screw loose.)




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27 minutes ago, impulse said:

Tragic as it was, this is another example of why I, as a middle class guy who doesn't hang out in dodgy places, don't really worry too much about gun violence.  Outside of a tiny percentage of the land (mostly inner cities), the USA isn't dangerous at all.  (Edit;  Google the FBI stats on gun fatalities if you don't believe that)


Gang activity in a hip-hop club isn't going to affect anyone in my circle of friends and family, either.


I'm appalled by what happened, just like I am appalled when I hear about genocide in Sub-Saharan Africa.  But just like the genocide(s), there isn't a thing I can do about gang violence, and about the same chance it will affect me as the risk of being squashed by a chunk of blue ice falling out of an airliner.


(And for the wise guys about to comment on the doctor in the news, any society with 300+ million people is going to have a few with a screw loose.)




These people with a screw loose would find it harder to carry out these atrosities if the US were to change their archaic gun laws and bring itself into line with the more civilised countries

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5 minutes ago, ResandePohm said:

These people with a screw loose would find it harder to carry out these atrosities if the US were to change their archaic gun laws and bring itself into line with the more civilised countries


Afraid Pandora's box is already open.   You figure a bunch of gang bangers are going to be good sports and turn in their stolen weapons?


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1 hour ago, impulse said:

I, as a middle class guy who doesn't hang out in dodgy places, don't really worry too much about gun violence.  Outside of a tiny percentage of the land (mostly inner cities), the USA isn't dangerous at all.

Most mass shootings have occurred at schools and workplaces. 



Even in "inner cities" many innocents are killed by gun violence. 


While I may be safe, sometimes, during lulls in the reverie of my peaceful life, I like to spare a thought, ever so briefly, for those whose lives are not as safe, and who have no escape.



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31 minutes ago, Thakkar said:

Most mass shootings have occurred at schools and workplaces. 



Even in "inner cities" many innocents are killed by gun violence. 


While I may be safe, sometimes, during lulls in the reverie of my peaceful life, I like to spare a thought, ever so briefly, for those whose lives are not as safe, and who have no escape.


In 2016, one person in every 5 million people of the USA were killed in mass shootings (according to your link).   (Edit:  and if you go back 10 years, it's one person out of 10 million each year- 2016 was skewed by one really bad incident)   What they don't (and can't) say is how many homes weren't burglarized, with all the devastation that can bring, because the bad guys were afraid one of their victims may be armed.  Crimes that don't happen don't seem to ever make the press.


And that doesn't even consider one of the main drivers behind the 2nd Amendment- the right of the people to defend themselves against governments.  Both foreign, and our own if need be.  We learned that lesson in the 1700's, the 1800's and again by watching what happened in Germany in the 1930's.


Is it all good?  No.  But on balance, I'll take my chances of being one in 5 million if it means I maintain the right and the duty to protect myself and my loved ones.  Lord knows the police can't be everywhere.


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3 hours ago, tonray said:

And people wonder why I want to stay in Thailand....

The retard rapper in question had a shooting at his last concert in Memphis, and boasted afterward saying he "made the news". 


This is a recent advert/flyer for his concert. Doubt he's a paid up member of the NRA.




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36 minutes ago, impulse said:


In 2016, one person in every 5 million people of the USA were killed in mass shootings (according to your link).   (Edit:  and if you go back 10 years, it's one person out of 10 million each year- 2016 was skewed by one really bad incident)   What they don't (and can't) say is how many homes weren't burglarized, with all the devastation that can bring, because the bad guys were afraid one of their victims may be armed.  Crimes that don't happen don't seem to ever make the press.


And that doesn't even consider one of the main drivers behind the 2nd Amendment- the right of the people to defend themselves against governments.  Both foreign, and our own if need be.  We learned that lesson in the 1700's, the 1800's and again by watching what happened in Germany in the 1930's.


Is it all good?  No.  But on balance, I'll take my chances of being one in 5 million if it means I maintain the right and the duty to protect myself and my loved ones.  Lord knows the police can't be everywhere.


Only in a bizarre alternate universe can policy be based on things that didn't happen.


Based on one FAILED attempt at a shoe bomb, everyone at American airports have to take their shoes off. Based on 3 dozen school shootings since Columbine, gun laws haven't been touched.


Gun advocates claim that if more people have guns then there will be less crime.  The evidence is quite the opposite: more guns results in more homicides and suicides. 


Death and injury data: http://www.cdc.gov/injury/wisqars/index.html


Correlate above with Gun ownership data: http://www.cdc.gov/brfss/ (much digging around required)


Another problem with tens of millions of households having guns is that EVERY YEAR (on average) a quarter of a million guns are stolen in household burglaries. Those stolen guns aren't going to be used for good or to protect true patriots from a tyrannical government. (http://www.bjs.gov/content/pub/pdf/fshbopc0510.pdf)


Most of the pro gun arguments make no sense. Here's a comedian who expresses that much better than I can ( and, yes, I've posted this before, so sue me):









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Tragic as it was, this is another example of why I, as a middle class guy who doesn't hang out in dodgy places, don't really worry too much about gun violence.  Outside of a tiny percentage of the land (mostly inner cities), the USA isn't dangerous at all.  (Edit;  Google the FBI stats on gun fatalities if you don't believe that)
Gang activity in a hip-hop club isn't going to affect anyone in my circle of friends and family, either.
I'm appalled by what happened, just like I am appalled when I hear about genocide in Sub-Saharan Africa.  But just like the genocide(s), there isn't a thing I can do about gang violence, and about the same chance it will affect me as the risk of being squashed by a chunk of blue ice falling out of an airliner.
(And for the wise guys about to comment on the doctor in the news, any society with 300+ million people is going to have a few with a screw loose.)

It's not just hip hop. There is a massacre every week. Even in cinemas! It's so common that it's hardly newsworthy these days.

Makes thailand look like Disney land in comparison!!
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3 minutes ago, InMyShadow said:

It's not just hip hop. There is a massacre every week. Even in cinemas! It's so common that it's hardly newsworthy these days.

Makes thailand look like Disney land in comparison!!



There were 44 mass shootings between 2007 and 2016.  That's 4.4 per year.  Total of 380 deaths- about one person in 9 million each year.


Thakkar's link:     http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2012/12/mass-shootings-mother-jones-full-data/


Thailand's gun fatality rate is more than double the US rate per capita.


But you're entitled to an opinion.  No matter how wrong your facts are.


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There were 44 mass shootings between 2007 and 2016.  That's 4.4 per year.  Total of 380 deaths- about one person in 9 million each year.
Thakkar's link:     http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2012/12/mass-shootings-mother-jones-full-data/
Thailand's gun fatality rate is more than double the US rate per capita.
But you're entitled to an opinion.  No matter how wrong your facts are.

How many farang killed in Thailand.
Now who is having fantasies??
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5 minutes ago, InMyShadow said:

How many farang killed in Thailand.
Now who is having fantasies??


You tell me...


With 7.48 registered violent gun deaths per 100,000 people, the rate in Thailand is actually twice as high as that of the US, which had 3.55 deaths per 100,000 people.

This “fervent gun culture” has even been confirmed by Thailand’s Interior Ministry, which says that there are more than six million registered guns in the country, meaning that about one in 10 people in Thailand legally own a gun.




Thailand has one gun per 10 people.  America has one gun per 1.3 people (270 million guns), yet Thailand's violent gun death rate is 2 x the USA's.


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You tell me...
With 7.48 registered violent gun deaths per 100,000 people, the rate in Thailand is actually twice as high as that of the US, which had 3.55 deaths per 100,000 people.

This “fervent gun culture” has even been confirmed by Thailand’s Interior Ministry, which says that there are more than six million registered guns in the country, meaning that about one in 10 people in Thailand legally own a gun.
Thailand has one gun per 10 people.  America has one gun per 1.3 people (270 million guns), yet Thailand's violent gun death rate is 2 x the USA's.

Let me help you out because you appear to be in denial. Ready?

How many massacres have been committed in Thailand targeting farang in the last ten years?

Eg when was the last massacre in lower Sukhumvit or Pattaya targeting farangs

You don't appear to come accros as completely stupid so take your time.

Now this is a farang forum. If you want to discuss the latest thai on Thai shootings in some redneck kareok bar in Nakhon nowhere then please go to a thai forum.. Plenty around

Looking forward to your reply on farang massacre [emoji16][emoji16][emoji16]
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4 hours ago, soalbundy said:

''Let's go to a night club and have some fun''

''good idea, have you got your gun with you''?


"Are you ready for school yet?".

"Make sure you check your schoolbag to see you have your lunch and handgun"

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1 hour ago, impulse said:


With all that going on, can you understand why I feel a little safer in my home with properly secured gun?  (actually, several)


The problems isn't the gun culture, it's the gangsta rap culture.  But that's a whole 'nother discussion about poverty and hopelessness- one that's only getting worse as the wealth inequality increases and decent, living wage jobs get scarcer and scarcer for native people.


As with many of these social/political arguments, I'm in the middle, which is where solutions are typically found. 


I understand and agree with the views of legal/responsible gun owners re: home/family protection, hunting, etc.   I was a member of that category when I lived in the US.  My guns are still there, but I live in LoS. 


I also see the pure logic of banning all firearms, which I have no doubt would, over time, reduce gun violence significantly.  It wouldn't be eradicated, of course, so that is pounced upon by the opposition to dismiss it entirely.  A willfully obtuse, defeatist reaction.


Laws are typically put in place due to the actions or intent of the 1% among us.  It's also true that the law abiding 99% can, at times, temporarily, act like the 1% - often due to alcohol/drugs/passion/emotion, etc.  It ought to be common sense to not drive when your drunk off your arse and can't see straight, but otherwise good people do dumb stuff all the time.  Laws and punishment, ideally, cause most of us to modify our behavior, in effect, protecting us from ourselves as much as others from us.


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1 hour ago, InMyShadow said:

Let me help you out because you appear to be in denial. Ready?

How many massacres have been committed in Thailand targeting farang in the last ten years?

Eg when was the last massacre in lower Sukhumvit or Pattaya targeting farangs

You don't appear to come accros as completely stupid so take your time.

Now this is a farang forum. If you want to discuss the latest thai on Thai shootings in some redneck kareok bar in Nakhon nowhere then please go to a thai forum.. Plenty around

Looking forward to your reply on farang massacre 


Ridiculous questions for $1,000, Alex.


Here's another:


When was the last massacre of Thai people in the USA?






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  Ridiculous questions for $1,000, Alex.


Here's another:


When was the last massacre of Thai people in the USA?







Who cares. Fact is farang are Infinitely safer in Thailand.


You replied to a post where I indicated farang are less safe in the USA and twisted into a thai on Thai violence.. Bizarre to say the least!!!


If you want to continue the argument go to a thailand forum where thais discuss killing each other


Your digging a big hole for yourself I'm embarrassed for you, but be my guest, knock yourself out [emoji16][emoji16]




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12 hours ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

all the staff at night clubs need to be armed to take out active shooters. the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. should be compulsory for good guys to be armed. anyone know a good test for goodness?

Its hard to tell where the shot came from especially in a building, so you hear the shooting pull your gun and scan your surroundings then shoot the guy you see with the gun, only to find out he was a good guy doing the same. Nice plan.  Or maybe you could ask him first huh. I don't want to be in any building with guys carrying guns, surely not a bar or club.

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9 hours ago, impulse said:



There were 44 mass shootings between 2007 and 2016.  That's 4.4 per year.  Total of 380 deaths- about one person in 9 million each year.


Thakkar's link:     http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2012/12/mass-shootings-mother-jones-full-data/


Thailand's gun fatality rate is more than double the US rate per capita.


But you're entitled to an opinion.  No matter how wrong your facts are.


Are you comparing mass shootings in the US to all shootings in Thailand or mass shootings in Thailand?

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"Cowboy and samurai - sense their faults and their virtues and you have practically and comparatively

psychoanalysed two nations".


Walt Sheldon, from "Enjoy Japan"

9 hours ago, impulse said:



There were 44 mass shootings between 2007 and 2016.  That's 4.4 per year.  Total of 380 deaths- about one person in 9 million each year.


Thakkar's link:     http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2012/12/mass-shootings-mother-jones-full-data/


Thailand's gun fatality rate is more than double the US rate per capita.


But you're entitled to an opinion.  No matter how wrong your facts are.


And exactly how many mass shootings occur in Thailand each year?

You have cherry picked your data. You are talking about mass killings,

and suggesting that only 4.4 people die every year. 

US has more deaths every year than anyone else - excluding mass murders.

But you are entitled to your opinion, time to go buy another gun hombre.

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This topic is not about Thailand.   If you wish to compare and contrast, that is one thing, but suggesting that farang lives are more important than Thai lives is not going to cut it.  


For the poster that asked about the last time there was a mass shooting Thais in the US, I believe that would have been the Buddhist temple in Phoenix, AZ.   It was committed by a Thai national -- Jonathan Doody, born in Nakon Nayok, Thailand.


Now please stick to the topic.  

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7 hours ago, Grubster said:

Its hard to tell where the shot came from especially in a building, so you hear the shooting pull your gun and scan your surroundings then shoot the guy you see with the gun, only to find out he was a good guy doing the same. Nice plan.  Or maybe you could ask him first huh. I don't want to be in any building with guys carrying guns, surely not a bar or club.

was a joke. better to limit the number of people who can own firearms to those who pass strict vetting. then dont allow people to carry unless they are hunting or going to the range. nz has a good balance.

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17 hours ago, impulse said:



There were 44 mass shootings between 2007 and 2016.  That's 4.4 per year.  Total of 380 deaths- about one person in 9 million each year.


Thakkar's link:     http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2012/12/mass-shootings-mother-jones-full-data/


Thailand's gun fatality rate is more than double the US rate per capita.


But you're entitled to an opinion.  No matter how wrong your facts are.


Now compare the gun fatality rate in the US to that of say the UK. Not fair you say because the UK has strict gun regulation  , well isnt that the point ?

Ok I will be generous , lets compare the overall murder rates of the US and the Uk , pretty much the same diferential , how odd.

So whats the problem ; Perhaps the UK has no inner city poverty , no gang strife , no immigrants , no nutcases . Well none of thats true so why are you about 15 times more likely to get murdered in the USA , its a huge mystery !

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