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Do you give money to beggars on the street?


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3 hours ago, hawker9000 said:

"I just feel it must be a sad world you inhabit in your mind."


Oh get off your high horse already.   Nobody's saying you can't give - to whomever whenever howevermuch you want - or believe whatever you want about it.   And FYI - it's certainly possible to reject the idea of dropping cash on street beggars in the belief that you're only subsidizing some out-of-sight mafia scam that exploits people.  '... and yet be extraordinarily generous in giving to legitimate charities, not to mention contribute your time and effort to countless worthy causes.  For those with brains, it's a question of where you really want your donated resources to go, and how much you want people to actually be helped.  Everyone's entitled to comment, whether you approve of their POV or not.  No need to preach at everybody else with your oh-what-a-good-boy-am-I attitude.



Top ripoff big charities i know it's in the states.  It's the same here in Thailand though.  I've worked with a couple here.  No thanks.. http://www.alternet.org/activism/25-americas-worst-charities-plus-tips-how-avoid-getting-scammed

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8 minutes ago, jeab1980 said:

Struck a chord did it. Charities are  bigger scammers than those on the Street.  So look very carefully as to whom should climb down of ones high moral high horse. I unlike some I preach to no one. "Good boy attitude? For those with brains" how pathetic your response is.

Yep... http://www.alternet.org/activism/25-americas-worst-charities-plus-tips-how-avoid-getting-scammed

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3 hours ago, ericthai said:

I do too, but not everyone just the ones that I feel are getting more for themselves.  I do know there are mafia controlled beggers, guys will buys kids in then get them on the streets begging.  I typically see an old blind lady and blind guy in tow singing that I usually give them something

It was disheartening to see my burnt up guy and the one arm guy talking about hustling the other day.  I was saying earlier.  I gave him 2o bhat as we slowly walked away he was pointing to his body, smiling said "you see my body that's why people give me a lot."  My GF translated...

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Altruism and charity aside, we understand the core message,

... look what happened to me, this could be you, thank your God(s) or lucky stars.


I always give and have no illusion it may be a scam.

Missing limbs and gross deformity is hard to fake and one can only imagine the life they're consigned to.


Change that would other wise go in the ash tray for the maid may help slightly and will not be missed.

As I walk away the quiet refrain in my mind,  "that poor sod, glad I'm not him".




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10 minutes ago, cobra said:

Altruism and charity aside, we understand the core message,

... look what happened to me, this could be you, thank your God(s) or lucky stars.


I always give and have no illusion it may be a scam.

Missing limbs and gross deformity is hard to fake and one can only imagine the life they're consigned to.


Change that would other wise go in the ash tray for the maid may help slightly and will not be missed.

As I walk away the quiet refrain in my mind,  "that poor sod, glad I'm not him".




Yeah that nails it...

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On 7/8/2017 at 4:55 PM, Swiss1960 said:

My Thai wife says NEVER give. Majority of beggers are not Thai and are brought in daily with busses for begging, including the women with the small kids that mostly are not their own. Giving money means feeding mafia

Sent from my HTC 10 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

I afraid she's about 99% correct...

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14 hours ago, joeyg said:

Well I guess you are one of those  people who  " give money mostly so they can feel good about good about themselves. "See what I swell guy I am, I'm so generous," etc." - Budright


Not really.  I understand.  I tend to be soft hearted and generous.  Often taken advantage of.  Thank God I can afford it... :biggrin:

Check out the big brain on Brad. 

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20 hours ago, dick dasterdly said:


You misunderstand.


I'm one of the 'softest touches' imaginable!  The couple I've seen with 'boom boxes'/playing instruments extremely badly on the 'sidewalk' in front of a market weren't blind - unless they had superhuman abilities enabling them to see Westerners and reach out for money - whilst not behaving the same way towards Thais...... :laugh:

Don't feel bad about it. Just say you're rewarding their talent.

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I.knew a guy in Canada

His body was badly twisted

And if one could staighten it out

He may have met 4 feet tall

He could not move 3 feet without the help of 2 canes

However he made a fortune

Begging as he got pretty large donations from businessmen who

Normally would have given nothing

He stayed in top of the line hotels

Ate better than. Most

And his passion  was a.poker game

With a 3k minimum to play

I watched hin.lose a lot oNE night

When I asked how he could afford it

He explined that he would probably

Make it back tomorrow and over a year

Probably broke about even

But he had a good tone doing oNE of the few things he was able to do

And after a few months he would move to a new city so people dId not get tired of him... think his donations started to drop

So I hold no malice for his begging and lIving large as no amount of money

Could ever compensate for his disabilities


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23 hours ago, dick dasterdly said:

Know exactly what you mean about obviously extremely poor people, and the best way to help them out in some small way.


There's an obviously poor man who rides his samlor here every few days to fish (edit - and another on a bicycle), and I've often thought about leaving a 1,000 bht note in the 'basket' of their 'bikes.  Problem is that it would be obvious the money came from me - as I'm pretty much the only person living in the area.

Tough call.  Don't want them to confuse generosity as stupidity.  Maybe if you could find out where his route tends to be you could drop off in a place not local to you when nobody is looking (the things people do when there is no overseer are a much better measure of someones character).

There's a local samlaw rider here in Udon.  His name is Moon to anyone familiar with the city centre area. I think there's only perhaps 3 left, now that they all have skylab tuk tuks, whose father was American so he is fluent and has an obvious skill to offer.  He rides it even without customers  -scouting - as he enjoys his job and it keeps him very fit.  I normally offer him a beer at destination (I'd rather walk to be honest, but his needs are greater than mine) and one day he said "I appreciate you buying me a drink, but could I ask you for money instead as I've only made 20 baht today and my wife and children are why I work".  Of course he got a beer (which I think he drinks only out of politeness) and a good chunk of cash as well.  Valuable people abound, we just need good filters to distinguish the difference between contributors and sponges.

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"Tough call.  Don't want them to confuse generosity as stupidity."


Its not that, its because I don't want them to know it is 'charity' :sad:.


One of them helped me out when I was in a 'bad' situation ('bike fell over on top of me, and he picked up the 'bike and walked it to my home) and I offered him 100 bht as a 'thank you'.  He refused it and was clearly horrified that I'd offered him money for helping me out.

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9 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

"Tough call.  Don't want them to confuse generosity as stupidity."


Its not that, its because I don't want them to know it is 'charity' :sad:.


One of them helped me out when I was in a 'bad' situation ('bike fell over on top of me, and he picked up the 'bike and walked it to my home) and I offered him 100 bht as a 'thank you'.  He refused it and was clearly horrified that I'd offered him money for helping me out.

Sometimes Thailand surprises you !...against all expectations...!?!? and you meet a wonderful person !!

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33 minutes ago, off road pat said:

Sometimes Thailand surprises you !...against all expectations...!?!? and you meet a wonderful person !!

Surprises me most days.  If you go out only looking for the bad and only expecting the bad. Then you will never see the good that goes on around you.

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49 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

"Tough call.  Don't want them to confuse generosity as stupidity."


Its not that, its because I don't want them to know it is 'charity' :sad:.


One of them helped me out when I was in a 'bad' situation ('bike fell over on top of me, and he picked up the 'bike and walked it to my home) and I offered him 100 bht as a 'thank you'.  He refused it and was clearly horrified that I'd offered him money for helping me out.


I tip my hat to you.  I had one run in with a fellow english person a few years ago.  He was/is a sociopath if not a full on psychopath.  Nobody I was with wanted anything to do with him and so moved tables (a 'mom & pop shop'), so I bought him a drink and said I was going to the toilet then I was going to sit with my friends.  As I got up to go to the toilet I got a whack on the ear/cheek bone, and next thing I was aware of was the world had rotated 90 degrees and I was on the concrete.  There were 5 Thai guys at a nearby table who didn't waste any time taking the opportunity to kick the  sh1t out of him.  I continued to the toilet and cleaned up, came back and the guy was gone, everyone seated and chatting away.  Next time I saw the Thai guys I tried to buy them a bottle of what they were drinking, but they would have none of it.  An Irish friend said 'do nothing.  You're insulting them by implying that they can't take care of themselves'.

So damned if you do and damned if you don't.  I'm still an absolute beginner despite all I've learnt.

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2 hours ago, off road pat said:

Sometimes Thailand surprises you !...against all expectations...!?!? and you meet a wonderful person !!

My expectations are always positive.....

I can count on less than my fingers the actual less than good experiences here over the years....


(Watching other driver's thoughtless exhibitions doesn't count) ....

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2 hours ago, off road pat said:

Sometimes Thailand surprises you !...against all expectations...!?!? and you meet a wonderful person !!

What a patronising comment,  I would be more surprised by unconditional kindness from a farang.

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I give 500baht monthly to a very old couple who pick up mountains of trash on the converted bikes. They are about 70+
I feel so sorry for them, they seem to work hard, I found out the also support their grandchild who mum abandoned to them. No one helps them. They always rest near where i work in the evenings. 

I do not give to beggars as I have heard of the same stories from many of my Thai friends (one of whom actually assists repatriating these beggars to their home country). The stories are true but do not apply to everyone but I do not know who is who so choose to give to people I know a little more like the 2 old people. 

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Guy at Pranburi a  few  weeks  back started  talking to me in a  7/11 when I walked outside he said he had  no  money for  food.................no problem, I walked over to my pick up and handed him one of the about 500  pineapples id  just picked on our  land ...................he wasnt impressed:cheesy:, give  them nothing "generously" is what Ive always done.

Edited by kannot
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2 hours ago, Tilacme said:

What a patronising comment,  I would be more surprised by unconditional kindness from a farang.

being as its  60  million Thais to at best a few hundred  thousand farang excluding Burmese thats understandable

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A friend of mine on a surf trip to the west coast of Mexico told me a story of a beggar on the streets of a small fishing village. He saw her sign saying she needed food and anything would help. He reached down into his knapsack and pulled out some fresh fruit and gave it to the woman. She looked at the fruit and then spit on my friend. Needless to say he no longer gives anything to beggars. In my opinion it is similar to feeding pigeons, it only encourages a behavior.

Edited by Ahab
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4 hours ago, jeab1980 said:

Surprises me most days.  If you go out only looking for the bad and only expecting the bad. Then you will never see the good that goes on around you.

or  go out  looking for neither good/bad see what comes and base your response to Thailand on that, which is what many people I guess  would do

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5 hours ago, off road pat said:

Sometimes Thailand surprises you !...against all expectations...!?!? and you meet a wonderful person !!

My expectations are always positive.....

I can count on less than my fingers the actual less than good experiences here over the years....


(Watching other driver's thoughtless exhibitions doesn't count) ....

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When I worked in Monterey I use to stop for breakfast...There was a man pushing a shopping cart with his worldly possessions in it....I'd give him breakfast food & I always received a "God bless you" in return.....

He actually looked like the depictions we see of Christ physically....

At Christmas he had a little pine tree in the infant seat of his shopping cart - his Christmas tree -and it tugged at my heart....

He got food + money at that time from me and I received the smile and the gentle "God bless you".....

Even though I had the same daily routine, I never saw him again after that like the previous 6 months....All I could hope is that things were better for him....


I still wonder & hope for him until this day....

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1 hour ago, crazyfalang said:

The guy you mentioned who is burnt and bald,well i saw him today not far from Tuk Com. The other guy with one arm was also there, I have seen the one armed guy go to the side street and get on his motorbike,plus he has a mobile as well..

Yeah I kinda sorta figured.  When we overheard the burnt guy gloating about his haul.  To bad.  I am glad I know though now.

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