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Trump's son met Russian lawyer after promise of information on Clinton - NY Times


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5 minutes ago, iReason said:



Jeez, you guys are so desperate.

While grasping at straws.


From the author of that "chart":

(who enjoys "observing communication patterns")


"Memes and tweets and YouTube videos spread quickly, they don’t take any effort to read, and people are convinced by them."


"I cite the fact that it has been shared over 20,000 times on Facebook (that I know of) and viewed 3 million times on Imgur as evidence that

I accomplished the goal of it being shareable."


"The fact that the chart is shareable does not necessarily make it TRUE."





Youse guys should be embarrassed...


The very same chart was linked, more than once, by posters opposing Trump, as support for their views regarding media sources. I do not recall it being denounced or belittled, and revisiting the "likes" given to such posts could be amusing.

Edited by Morch
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21 minutes ago, iReason said:


How do you know if you have never watched her?

You have already stated that you could not.


I did not say I have never watched her. You just like to argue.

Or to quote one of your favorites. You are just making stuff up :coffee1: 

I have seen enough of her to form this opinion,  I could watch her for a few mins if she actually had something to say.

Unfortunately, last time I tried that (Trumps tax return exclusive), She just droned on and on and on and on, seemingly for hours then came up with squat. :cheesy:


Edited by PattayaJames
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It does feel like we are being drip fed little bits of information.  I cannot really see the point of that.  Trump is guilty which is obvious to everyone not in denial but why not wait until there is enough evidence to impeach him?  There is an urgency to removing Trump as he continues to destroy Americas reputation and isolates the country by his bizarre actions.



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His agreement to partner with Putin on cyber security, though now retracted, would certainly add to the case for an Article 25 REMOVAL. trump is so damaging that this isn't funny anymore. I know many people voted for him just to be entertained by a CLOWN.  



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1 hour ago, LannaGuy said:

Don't assume it's just Trumpers who dislike CNN's coverage of politics. CNN has lost so much kudos over the last 2 years and can't stop making up stories from their 'sources' (whom they never reveal). Being pro-choice, pro-cannabis and pro-democracy I am in no way a Trumper but CNN has lost great credibility and falls into the 'better than nothing' box.



Why doesn't "ignore" function properly on my Thai Vias?

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5 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

Right, just as believable that Trump didn't know that 3 of his top lieutenants were having that meeting.  If you believe that, then you believe that none of the crooks around Trump told him about any important meetings they had with foreign agents.  


There are so many red flags in that NY Times story.  Here are a few.....


>>>  Neither Trump, nor Donald Jr. nor any of the other crooks around Trump have denied it.

>>>  Don Jr admits there was talk about Russian influence in the campaigns

>>>  Don Jr. says neither Manafort nor Kushner knew what the meeting was about before they showed up.  Here's the conversation, if we believe Don Jr's account, something like......

"Hey you guys (Manafort and Kushner).  I know we're all very busy billionaires, but there's this Russian chick that wants to meet with us.  Drop everything else you're doing and meet me at Trump Tower, ok.  No, I don't know her name, what she represents, or what she wants to talk about. Just be there."

>>>   None of Trump's honchos who were at the meeting said anything about a meeting for nearly a year.  NONE OF THEM MENTIONED IT ON SECURITY FORMS.  Trump has repeatedly said that no one he knows has met with Russians.  


             What do Trumpsters take Americans for?!?!   .....They must think we're the dumbest ding dongs in the history of mankind, to believe any piece of the piles of BS they're shoveling at us.

LOL who in their "right mind" would EVER believe anything 45 says? He is the ultimate liar. So damaging that the world knows the POTUS is a pathological liar. 

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All TV news outlets through the years have lost some credibility as they don't just report the news they try and analyze it through panels of talking heads- many who represent one side or the other side of an argument.  The New York Times; Washington Post; Los Angeles Times; BBC; Detsche Velle and many others media throughout the World are reporting much the same in regards to the Trump Administration and its relation to Russia. There is no way all these media outlets are fake news and only Fox is correct. Even Fox is starting to put on some staffers who are asking questions.


As an American, I want to know why so many of Trump's minions are involved with the Rissians and why did they not report it and what are their reasons for not addressing directly what was discussed. Putin can continue to say Russia was not involved in hacking but why should we believe him. Does anyone expect Putin to say- we did it. Really.


I want to know if there is any connection with the Trump campaign and the Russians and did the Russians have any influence on the election or the election results.  The American Intelligence agencies state that there is some involvement. I think I will believe the intell agencies before I believe Mr. Putin. I will also believe the Special Counsel- no matter what he finds. If he clears the Trump cabal- everyone can move on . However, if there is fire- the Special Counsel will present his evidence so we can all see it.


If Donald Trump and his minions have nothing to hide- support all the investigations going on and Trump should indicate that he has instructed his staff to co-operate. Continually hiding behind  the so called concept of fake news is absurd and counter-productive. Let's remember, it was the news media- that investigated the Watergate scandal and without them pursuing leads and finding out where the truth lay- Nixon would have never resigned. In addition, many people went to jail as a result.



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I think that although the House and Senate are being extremely tolerant of Trump (because of the Republican majority's), the straw that breaks the camels back is going to come from one of the 3 little piggies. Donald Jr and Eric do not have a brain cell between them, they make Forrest Gump look like a savant and they simply do not have the intelligence to understand the consequences of what they say. They will put Daddy and themselves in jail.  Roll on the good times.

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another thing has not come up yet

the actor if you could call him that/ Claude van dame

over many years was a frequent visitor to Putin as a best friend

who was trumps friend and campaigner for trump

there is so much muddy water in the trump camp a catfish couldn't live

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The Twitter from AUst. journalist, Chris Uhlmann, is 100% correct.

This clown is going to ensure the demise of the US in record time....from one of great power and strength, to 2nd or even 3rd place behind China and Russia.....and his family is nuts too!

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Damaging admission.:post-4641-1156694572:




Donald Trump Jr.’s stunning admission to the New York Times


Read that last part again: “the claims of potentially helpful information were a pretext for the meeting.”

Trump Jr. confirmed that he went into the meeting expecting to receive information from the Russian lawyer that could hurt Clinton. That is a breathtaking admission.

The rest of Trump Jr.’s statement is an attempt to minimize the value of what the lawyer actually told him. The outcome of the meeting and its effect on the presidential race is important, of course, yet it is kind of beside the point.

Trump Jr.’s attempt to obtain information from a Russian lawyer that could harm Clinton seems likely to alarm investigators, regardless of whether the effort proved successful.



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4 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


He's expressing his opinion.


Which judging by the unsavory activities the Clintons have been involved with in the past, may be a good one.


Or are you suggesting the Clintons are whiter than white and would never lie or be involved in shenanigans and cheating?

I'm suggesting that Putin hates Clinton for her strong opposition to his transgressions in Europe and the Mideast. So, why would he support her bid for the Presidency? Because he's a rugged he-man and wants the obstacle course to be even more difficult. Unless you have actual evidence, please don't offers appraisal of characters as substitutes for common sense.

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18 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

I'm suggesting that Putin hates Clinton for her strong opposition to his transgressions in Europe and the Mideast. So, why would he support her bid for the Presidency? Because he's a rugged he-man and wants the obstacle course to be even more difficult. Unless you have actual evidence, please don't offers appraisal of characters as substitutes for common sense.


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3 hours ago, ChrisY1 said:

The Twitter from AUst. journalist, Chris Uhlmann, is 100% correct.

This clown is going to ensure the demise of the US in record time....from one of great power and strength, to 2nd or even 3rd place behind China and Russia.....and his family is nuts too!

At the moment I would say the USA is running behind China, Russia and Germany/EU. Give it time though and you will be able to add to that list, if Trump stays as POTUS.  After the G20 Summit many of the countries there will sideline Trump and his lunacy.

Edited by dunroaming
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23 minutes ago, Becker said:

How about Uday and Qusay? 

Nah! The Trump boys would faint at the sight of blood. It's a hereditary thing. I imagine if a draft came up they would have bone spurs in a foot they can't remember also.

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5 hours ago, ChrisY1 said:

The Twitter from AUst. journalist, Chris Uhlmann, is 100% correct.

This clown is going to ensure the demise of the US in record time....from one of great power and strength, to 2nd or even 3rd place behind China and Russia.....and his family is nuts too!

while clearly more articulate than the trump bashers here, i found the video disingenuous and misleading….selectively edited, taking images of trump alone and making it look like he was a pariah on the world stage when nothing could be further from the truth. Fortunately the more astute can see throughout these machinations.

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35 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

while clearly more articulate than the trump bashers here, i found the video disingenuous and misleading….selectively edited, taking images of trump alone and making it look like he was a pariah on the world stage when nothing could be further from the truth. Fortunately the more astute can see throughout these machinations.


Screenshot 2017-07-10 11.06.08.png

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1 hour ago, JHolmesJr said:

Fortunately the more astute can see throughout these machinations.

Astute and fairly invisible it would seem.  I certainly can't find any of your Astute Brigade,  just the last few Trump apologists and astute they ain't! 

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2 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

while clearly more articulate than the trump bashers here, i found the video disingenuous and misleading….selectively edited, taking images of trump alone and making it look like he was a pariah on the world stage when nothing could be further from the truth. Fortunately the more astute can see throughout these machinations.

Did you see the Survey Thread where people from countries around the globe, other than Fascist Russia and Apartheid Israel, have a very, very low opinion of Trump?  These leaders would have to be pretty dumb to want to be seen as being chummy with Trump. 

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15 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

a bunch of overconfident democrats thought their candidate was a shoo-in to win the US prudential election.


especially since the challenger was painted as a brash, loud, obnoxious man who had zero chance of winning.


but they forgot how badly tainted and corrupt their own candidate was….people hated her so much they voted for the other guy


and he won.


so now they started to question the result by alleging all sorts of crazy stuff…..russians, wild russians, golden showers, more russians



So now Rip is up to speed.



Everything you posted is true. US has lost all respect.

 So other countries are turning away.  All thanks to you and your compadres. So go it alone.  

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4 hours ago, pegman said:

Did you see the Survey Thread where people from countries around the globe, other than Fascist Russia and Apartheid Israel, have a very, very low opinion of Trump?  These leaders would have to be pretty dumb to want to be seen as being chummy with Trump. 

You are possibly being a tad harsh. Mogabe from Zimbabwe has a high opinion of Trump.  So does Sudan and many other south African and south American states.   And of course Israel.  Whom would expect anything less. Some countries love him Some civilisations have reservations.   Pick your man, Russia/US and some scum countries, or civilisation under some form of demacracy

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8 hours ago, pegman said:

Did you see the Survey Thread where people from countries around the globe, other than Fascist Russia and Apartheid Israel, have a very, very low opinion of Trump?  These leaders would have to be pretty dumb to want to be seen as being chummy with Trump. 

Leading a country is not about being liked…its about  representing the interests of your country the best you can. Mr Trump is finally standing up for 

americans whose voices have been smothered by the collusion between politicians pushing g a globalist agenda.

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1 hour ago, JHolmesJr said:

Leading a country is not about being liked…its about  representing the interests of your country the best you can. Mr Trump is finally standing up for 

americans whose voices have been smothered by the collusion between politicians pushing g a globalist agenda.

Since when is Trump looking out for the interests of the USA? Did I miss something? Or do you mean that he is looking out for Vladimir's interest. Because that will make sence. Make Russia Great Again, with the help of the Trump familie in the house of cards, sorry, WH.

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