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Thai women are they all tight wads with money?

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Okay ,

   so yesterday i am sitting at the local bar waiting for my girlfriend,we were going to her freinds house/bar,so she pulls up on her motorsai,i say we will take my car,she has food she already purchased,i say let me finish my beer and we go.

  So i get a heap of coins i have in my wallet to give the girl who serves a tip it amounted to 50 or so Baht,now this poor girl gets about 100/150 baht a day for working there,she is a freind of my girlfreind, well they know each other. So my girlfriend  parks the bike and comes back,she surveys the coins on the table ,promptly scoops them up into her handbag.

  "what are you doing 'i ask that was a tip for****"

 Her "cannot give tip like that" and throws 20 baht note on the table.

" there was more than 20 baht there " i say,"  God your bloody tight",she responds by throwing a hundred baht note down, "don't be ridicolous" just give the coins back" i say,putting the 100b back in her bag,she flings the coins back on the table,in a most impolite fashion,some skitter away onto the floor.I can feel my short fuse well and truly lit,  "what the hell" i say,  "you can go your freinds on your own" she flounces off and drives away. I finish my beer ,pay give the girl the tip,and leave.

  I sit in my car,mulling things over,forget it,go home ,go to her freinds, i then remember i have the original 20 baht note she flung on the table,unfortunately Bad Marko sneaks up on me,i decide i will go to her friends a 10 min drive and return it,so the good Marko is now subjugated,i drive out there,when i go in she is regaling her 5 or 6 freinds about the story,i calmly walk up to her hand her the 20 baht and say "it is not up to you who i tip,or how i tip them,it is not your buisiness ,Khaojai[understand],looking shocked she kind of nods,i turn on my heel,return to my car and go home.

  Now the thing here is she is well looked after by me,but for the sake of getting 30 baht ,she caused a confrontation,i texted her later to say i am not like some of her friends doormat under the thumb husbands,and also to remind her of how skint she was before she met me.

  So no reply of course,what is it with them,30 baht has now caused a completely unwanted arguement,and thoughts my fellow posters ?

  Note;i have attempted paragraphs here.

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I think i did this by driving out to her friends,and texting her later to tell her to mind her own buisness in such matters,and i was the Guv'nor not her,have not heard from her,to be honest not that bothered,i guess she lost face,and is stewing somewhere,mate she needs me far more than i her,that's the bottom line. But sometimes i think they have no memory retention,i have warned her before over other issue's but it seems to be forgotton in a matter of weeks.

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My wife budgets carefully & keeps a ledger of how everything is spent month to month.....If I ask about something we did or bought 2-3-4+ years ago she will have the answer in under 10 minutes....Even meals eaten out....

She's not once caused a scene like that but has sometimes asked about a tip amount once we're in the car....


We kind of got the reverse of what happened to you in Paris....It was toward the end of the trip & after the meal she counted out bills and also counted out the small change putting it with the bills to make use of it before our trip ended making sure to leave a nice tip....


Typical French waiter poof-ily offended/contempt yanked up the bills scattering the change across the table & haughtily strode away.....

My wife was totally taken aback - stunned she looked across the table to me and said almost hurt "that's good money".....I had to laugh it was so comical on both sides to watch....


I don't think I'd put up with the nonsense that you seem to.....


She actually manages money spent better than me....One daughter is like that too - the other is learning slowly....

Edited by pgrahmm
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In no way am I being derogatory with that I write, it is just what I have witnessed over the years.

A bird who has lassoed a farang in her mind and her chums mind think she have won the lottery, controlling said farang and in front of chums is the icing on the cake to show she is one up on the crowd...

Nip in the bud, if you don't your future may be bleak.....

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OP, I think its maybe more to do with the coins, not who you are tipping or how much. My wife is similar , with coins, even when it comes to paying with coins. Although the same monetary amount, a handful coins is often something you want to get rid of. Same as paying the phone bill with a bucket of coins, you wouldn't do it unless you wanted to piss off the phone company.

Edited by Peterw42
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2 hours ago, Peterw42 said:

OP, I think its maybe more to do with the coins, not who you are tipping or how much. My wife is similar , with coins, even when it comes to paying with coins. Although the same monetary amount, a handful coins is often something you want to get rid of. Same as paying the phone bill with a bucket of coins, you wouldn't do it unless you wanted to piss off the phone company.

No it was about 59 baht in coins vs the 20 baht note she slung on the table ,profit 39 baht.

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4 hours ago, transam said:

In no way am I being derogatory with that I write, it is just what I have witnessed over the years.

A bird who has lassoed a farang in her mind and her chums mind think she have won the lottery, controlling said farang and in front of chums is the icing on the cake to show she is one up on the crowd...

Nip in the bud, if you don't your future may be bleak.....

Indeed i think i have,massive loss of face for her when i delivered the 20 baht note in front of her gang of freinds,i ain't calling her or texting,if that's that so be it,after all you cant live under the sky without seeing a few clouds.

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5 hours ago, marko kok prong said:

have not heard from her,to be honest not that bothered,

Well done 


your money is your money not hers 


It will only get worse


I am not one of the cynical ones, very happily married to lovely caring loving and honest Thai lady, , ten yrs so far so good


Good luck

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Hmmm, I ran into a slightly different take from tipping. I had been told that many places, if you leave the tip in the bill folio, the tip is shared by all the wait staff. If you give it directly to the server, they get to keep it themselves. Well, ...my ex wife was the jealous type and when I handed the girl the tip directly ... obviously, it meant I wanted to be with the waitress. It was made clear. I was not to go back to that restaurant again. Yes, to keep peace...I folded. In the end ... again, she is an ex, although for different  reasons. 555 Hold on my GF now tells me she wants to see me happy and is not jealous! Now ... well, why is she not jealous? Can't win...

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Now the thing here is she is well looked after by me


there is a whole wonderful world out there in thailand where you dont have to pay someone to be your friend/girlfriend/boyfriend, there are polite, educated, attractive people with good jobs and interesting lives who make great friends/girlfriends/boyfriends.


get out of the bars, away from locals who hang around bars and stop paying people to be with you, then your life in the kingdom will be enriched.

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5 hours ago, transam said:

In no way am I being derogatory with that I write, it is just what I have witnessed over the years.

A bird who has lassoed a farang in her mind and her chums mind think she have won the lottery, controlling said farang and in front of chums is the icing on the cake to show she is one up on the crowd...

Nip in the bud, if you don't your future may be bleak.....

Agreed .... put the foot down ... women need to know where the limit is, just like kids

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2 hours ago, marko kok prong said:

No it was about 59 baht in coins vs the 20 baht note she slung on the table ,profit 39 baht.


2 hours ago, marko kok prong said:

No it was about 59 baht in coins vs the 20 baht note she slung on the table ,profit 39 baht.

There seems to be some kind of a misunderstanding between your girlfriend and you re the money left as a tip. Let me try and explain.....


as as far as the Thais are concerned, giving anyone a tip of any amount should be done with paper money (20 baht and up) and never with coins as, in their opinions, you give beggars in the street coins and it someone who has done a good job for you such as a waiter, doorman, etc. this, in Thailand, is considered to be a very rude gesture and is very unlike our own take on it that money is money. Even after being here for over 20yrs I will still leave, or give, a tip in change if I have no notes but my wife will then check her purse and see if she has any small notes. If she has, she'll simply give the notes and put the change in her purse. If not, she will issue an apology to the person receiving the tip, which then elicits a comment from me as to why we have to apologize for giving someone a tip. Strange idea but it's true. Maybe your girlfriend just couldn't find the words to explain why she was doing what she did...

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I tipped $HK600 by accident a few years back in Hong Kong and my wife didnt say a thing until we got back to the hotel. Then she asked me how much and what was the exchange rate. Once i worked it out I realised the blunder, so now she tips.Nice meal, but it wasnt worth the tip.

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Any male response to your story unless it is from a trained psychiatrist with many years of study on the subject of the idiosyncrasies of a woman can only be interpreted as "A very uneducated opinion". And as for most women reading this they will not attempt to answer as they know that most of us guys would not understand if they explained it to us so why bother.

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8 hours ago, marko kok prong said:

I think i did this by driving out to her friends,and texting her later to tell her to mind her own buisness in such matters,and i was the Guv'nor not her,have not heard from her,to be honest not that bothered,i guess she lost face,and is stewing somewhere,mate she needs me far more than i her,that's the bottom line. But sometimes i think they have no memory retention,i have warned her before over other issue's but it seems to be forgotton in a matter of weeks.

The tail should never wag the dog.   As nearly everything in life, whoever cares less, wins.  She will realize that she needs you far more than her saving face and her pouting routine.   Just be steadfast in what you do and how you do it.  Explain as you would to a small child, that it is your money, not hers.  When she goes out she can leave or not leave a tip, however, when you go out you will be the one to decide and you will NOT ALLOW her to make you lose face by acting the way she did.


There are two types of Thai ladies.  Those who are extremely frugal and those who spend every baht they and you have.  It is far better to be with the former rather than the later.     It is up to you to set the parameters.

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2 hours ago, samsensam said:

Now the thing here is she is well looked after by me


there is a whole wonderful world out there in thailand where you dont have to pay someone to be your friend/girlfriend/boyfriend, there are polite, educated, attractive people with good jobs and interesting lives who make great friends/girlfriends/boyfriends.


get out of the bars, away from locals who hang around bars and stop paying people to be with you, then your life in the kingdom will be enriched.

I think some of us want a real Thai woman, not a wanna-be westerner from Bangkok. If we wanted that we would stay in Bangkok.


Why not just date 'polite, educated, attractive people with good jobs and interesting lives who make great friends/girlfriends/boyfriends' in our own countries if there is no difference? 

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3 hours ago, samsensam said:

Now the thing here is she is well looked after by me


there is a whole wonderful world out there in thailand where you dont have to pay someone to be your friend/girlfriend/boyfriend, there are polite, educated, attractive people with good jobs and interesting lives who make great friends/girlfriends/boyfriends.


get out of the bars, away from locals who hang around bars and stop paying people to be with you, then your life in the kingdom will be enriched.

No, I say leave him to his chosen lifestyle choices.

I can't ever imagine being in a situation like that for more than five minutes. Even worse is to ask about it in a public forum! Please judge me and my life ROFL 


What a plonker! I hope his missus made a decent profit putting up with him. Good luck to her - she wouldn't even have got a free bowl of noodles out of me.

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3 hours ago, samsensam said:

Now the thing here is she is well looked after by me


there is a whole wonderful world out there in thailand where you dont have to pay someone to be your friend/girlfriend/boyfriend, there are polite, educated, attractive people with good jobs and interesting lives who make great friends/girlfriends/boyfriends.


get out of the bars, away from locals who hang around bars and stop paying people to be with you, then your life in the kingdom will be enriched.

If you are a helluva good looking guy and you are a helluva 'lucky' guy, you can have your outlook.........

Most farangs coming to Thailand aren't that lucky or good looking and wind up with 'Bar girls'.....

I am 77 years old and happily married to a Thai lady in the US for 21 years. The same time I met her in the US I met a girl in Thailand who has become a 'Mia-Noi' for the same 21 years. I have spent almost half those years in Thailand and Half in the US...... Back and forth almost monthly...... and I have found a general opinion of Thai wives (after seeing many, many farang friends) is that they are selfish because they never had anything of value in their lives...... Now they have a farang they think they have won the 'lotto' and have a 'bundle in the bag' and don't want to go back to those days when she had nothing........It is hard to blame them for it but they are using a very limited education, and tend to become greedy...... And when they see money going out of 'your and her union'..... she feels it necessary to teach you 'her beliefs'........ If you feel that she is more 'worldly' and 'smarter' than you.... Then you should let her take 'full charge'......

On the other hand if you don't want to be controlled by a woman with much less knowledge of your beliefs about tipping or spending YOUR money........... Then it is up to you to maintain the 'driver's seat'..........

Think it over for a moment......... Your Thai wife................ If she has 2 choices ONLY......... let you be the BOSS, or the second choice, go back to the bar (or where ever) (at her present age) OR allow you to be the boss........... If she opts for a divorce, you are lucky as hell....... the other option is you STAY in control and live happily ever after.............. If she opts for divorce (never happens) the same thing happens.......... You live happily ever after with another with another Thai lady who appreciates the stupidity of your former Thai Wife.............

If you are not sure of what I said.............. re-read it a couple times.......... 

30 years of observing my friends and their Thai wives...............

Best regards......................

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Please don't make generalizations such as "Thai women" (referring to the title of your thread) when, as is clearly obvious in your OP, you're talking about sex workers, which I suspect is the only type of women in Thailand you've been around. Nothing against sex workers, mind you--they're just doing a job--but they and their specific subculture does NOT represent all "Thai women."  Imagine if a foreigner came to your country, and spent all his time interacting with sex workers?  He would be far from qualified to make generalizations about the behavior of "all UK women," "all US women," "all German women," etc.

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Well done for attempting paragraphs.


Try to remember "i before e except after c" (usually).


The incident you describe in your OP sounds like the sort of thing that might play out between two insecure/jealous teenagers (or emotionally cracked/stunted adults).  Has that been the story of all your relationships?


Well you did ask for "thoughts".


That's what you get for going public.



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10 hours ago, samsensam said:

Now the thing here is she is well looked after by me


there is a whole wonderful world out there in thailand where you dont have to pay someone to be your friend/girlfriend/boyfriend, there are polite, educated, attractive people with good jobs and interesting lives who make great friends/girlfriends/boyfriends.


get out of the bars, away from locals who hang around bars and stop paying people to be with you, then your life in the kingdom will be enriched.

my friends who tried this ended up loosing a lot of money and houses. better stick to the bargirls and just give them a salary and stick to it come hell or high water. better yet stay single. you could have got out of that situation just by handing the tip to the person you wanted to tip. hopefully you read this and handle the situation better next time. for christs sake if something like this happens again dont go round to her house the same day, leave her for at least a few days to cool down. sounds like you have already ruined your girl so best to cut her free and move onto the next one, or better yet stay single.

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