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Trump lawyer suggests Secret Service vetted Don Jr.'s meeting


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Trump lawyer suggests Secret Service vetted Don Jr.'s meeting

By Arshad Mohammed and Howard Schneider



U.S. President Donald Trump waves as he departs the U.S. Women's Open golf tournament at Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, New Jersey, U.S., July 15, 2017. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - One of President Donald Trump's personal lawyers defended a meeting that the president's son had with Russian nationals during the 2016 campaign, suggesting that the meeting involving Donald Trump Jr. had been screened by the Secret Service.


"Well, I wonder why the Secret Service, if this was nefarious, why the Secret Service allowed these people in. The president had Secret Service protection at that point, and that raised a question with me," Jay Sekulow, a member of Trump's legal team, said on Sunday on the ABC news program "This Week."


In an emailed response to questions about Sekulow's comments, Secret Service spokesman Mason Brayman said that the younger Trump was not under Secret Service protection at the time of the June 2016 meeting that included Trump's son and two senior campaign officials.


"Donald Trump, Jr. was not a protectee of the USSS in June, 2016. Thus we would not have screened anyone he was meeting with at that time," the emailed statement said.


Donald Trump Jr. acknowledged meeting with a Russian lawyer in New York City during the 2016 presidential campaign after he was told she might have damaging information about his father's rival, Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton.


According to emails released by Trump Jr. last week, he eagerly agreed to meet the woman, who he was told was a Russian government lawyer. The woman, Natalia Veselnitskaya, has said she is a private lawyer and denies having Kremlin ties.


On Friday, NBC News reported that a lobbyist who was once a Soviet counter-intelligence officer participated in the meeting, which was also attended by Trump's son-in-law, Jared Kushner, and the president's former campaign manager, Paul Manafort.

Trump himself has said he was unaware of the meeting until a few days ago.


Sekulow's comments drew quick criticism, including from Frances Townsend, who advised Republican former president George W. Bush on homeland security.


"Ok let's try to deflect blame & throw those in @SecretService who protect @POTUS @realDonaldTrump @FLOTUS & family under the bus," she said on Twitter.


The Secret Service's mission is to provide physical protection for the U.S. president. The agency also protects major presidential candidates. But its role in vetting people who meet with a U.S. president or a candidates is limited to ensuring physical safety.


A federal special counsel and several congressional panels are investigating allegations by U.S. intelligence agencies that Russia meddled in the 2016 U.S. presidential election to hurt Clinton and help Trump. They are also investigating potential connections between Russian officials and the Trump campaign.


Moscow has denied any interference and the president and Trump Jr. have denied any collusion.


Senator Mark Warner, the top Democrat on one of the panels investigating the matter, the Senate Intelligence Committee, said he wanted to hear from everyone involved and questioned the credibility of Trump Jr. and others close to the president.


"The level of credibility from the senior level of this administration really is suspect," Warner told CNN, saying he wanted to hear from everyone who attended the June 2016 meeting though he acknowledged the Russians might not agree to speak.


"Whether we will be able to get the Russian nationals to come over and testify is an open question (but) those people that our committee has jurisdiction over, the Americans, I sure as heck want to talk to all of them," Warner said.


(Reporting By Caren Bohan, Arshad Mohammed and Howard Schneider; Editing by Andrea Ricci)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-07-17
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will they ever stop lying ??

U.S. Secret Service rejects suggestion it vetted Trump son's meeting

"Secret Service spokesman Mason Brayman said the younger Trump was not under Secret Service protection at the time of the meeting, which included Trump's son and two senior campaign officials.

"Donald Trump, Jr. was not a protectee of the USSS in June, 2016. Thus we would not have screened anyone he was meeting with at that time," the statement said. "


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Typical slime bag lawyer. Comes out with a highly leading rhetorical question, that he knows the answer to, but throws out there purely for the sake of stirring up the dumb cattle. If this is typical of his efforts, we can expect a litany of half truths, obfuscation of the facts and outright deceit to follow. The sort of lawyer you only employ when you are in very serious trouble.

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His lawyer is a piece of work too. Runs a charitable foundation based upon Christian right values and he has looted it by placing his family members in the foundation with huge salaries and benefits. This is the kind of guy I really hope Hell is waiting for.



Edited by tonray
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1 hour ago, webfact said:

"Well, I wonder why the Secret Service, if this was nefarious, why the Secret Service allowed these people in. The president had Secret Service protection at that point, and that raised a question with me," Jay Sekulow, a member of Trump's legal team, said on Sunday on the ABC news program "This Week."

Well, I wonder how a obviously nefarious lawyer got on the legal team of the President. I just stopped wondering.

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Count on the Trump family to hire the sleaziest of sleazy lawyers.  Similar to how they are bosom buddies with sleazebag Goldstone who was the go-between between Trumpsters (rhymes with gangsters) ....and Kremlin agents.  You can judge a person by the company he/she keeps.

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Trump family are like bear bait.   If you're out camping in a remote forest, you might want to take some of the rankest food scraps and hang them a quarter mile from your campsite - to attract bears away from where you're sleeping.   Trump family attract the lowest of the low.

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2 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

Trump family are like bear bait.   If you're out camping in a remote forest, you might want to take some of the rankest food scraps and hang them a quarter mile from your campsite - to attract bears away from where you're sleeping.   Trump family attract the lowest of the low.

My favorite is Trump is promoting "Buy American" week now. Except that all of Ivanka's products are manufactured overseas as well as 80% of Trump corp stuff....what a piece of you know what.

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Role of Secret Service is to protect the person assigned to, nothing to do with deciding who can or can't see them. Do they vet the hookers that come to see certain VIPs? Heck no. More craziness from a desperate gang

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The Secret Service vetted Don Jr.'s meeting that was all a "hoax" and "fake news"? :laugh:


"The president had Secret Service protection at that point, and that raised a question with me," Jay Sekulow, a member of Trump's legal team"


"Secret Service spokesman Mason Brayman said the younger Trump was not under Secret Service protection at the time of the meeting, which included Trump's son and two senior campaign officials."


Jeez, this guy is just as uninformed as the Trumpeteers on this forum.  And just making stuff up.


Boy, these fools are are just flailing in the wind.

Like a fish on a hook.



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1 hour ago, Emster23 said:

Role of Secret Service is to protect the person assigned to, nothing to do with deciding who can or can't see them. Do they vet the hookers that come to see certain VIPs? Heck no. More craziness from a desperate gang

Yeap.  I think this Senator had the best response....


"Dear dumb as a rock @JaySekulow: Secret Service job is not to deter violations of Fed Election Campaign Act. That's the job of prosecutors."




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4 hours ago, Emster23 said:

Role of Secret Service is to protect the person assigned to, nothing to do with deciding who can or can't see them. Do they vet the hookers that come to see certain VIPs? Heck no. More craziness from a desperate gang

Next, Trump Jr. will complain about a bad quality bunch of sidewalk drugs he scored - saying the SS should have pre-tested it before he bought it.  


Note;  During the Watergate imbroglio, I resided in Wash DC.  I was around 19 then, and driving downtown in my pick-up truck.  I saw Halderman (one of Nixon's two closest co-conspirators) a few blocks from the WH.  It was a section of 16th St. where hookers and heroin are easily accessible.  I'm not saying Halderman was scoring drugs or sex from a sidewalk huckster, but..........

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Even Fox news which supports Trump has recently started questioning the lies coming out from the WH.  It is amazing how often Trump Jr' story changes- he appears to not even know how many people were in the room with him and also what he heard while there. And taking a meeting with Russians when they know this will look highly suspect is the either the height of stupidity or arrogance.

Trump, his family, his lawyers and minions speak in riddles and  spi out nonsense. he only fake news is coming out of the WH. If the Trump lan has nothing to hide they should have reported each and every Russian contact and welcome a complete investigation of what took place.


I wonder how long if will be before we see the tapes from Russia of Trumps golden shower- of course he will deny it is him- must be an actor and fake news.


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If this Presidency was written as a work of fiction it wouldn't get published because the publishers would say that nobody is gullible enough to believe such rubbish.  It is now being reported that Trump asked British Prime Minister May to "fix" the press and protesters or he wasn't going to come to the UK.  Now before all the Trumpsters on here start shouting "fake news!" I should say that  this is coming from a tabloid newspaper which is owned by Murdoch who owns the massively biased Fox News.

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Secret Service shoots down Trump camp’s attempt to blame them for Russia meeting


The Secret Service has officially gone on the record to deny any involvement in Donald Trump Jr.'s meetings with Russian operatives before the election, refuting a claim made by Donald Trump's personal lawyer.



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4 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

If this Presidency was written as a work of fiction it wouldn't get published because the publishers would say that nobody is gullible enough to believe such rubbish.  It is now being reported that Trump asked British Prime Minister May to "fix" the press and protesters or he wasn't going to come to the UK.  Now before all the Trumpsters on here start shouting "fake news!" I should say that  this is coming from a tabloid newspaper which is owned by Murdoch who owns the massively biased Fox News.



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13 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

If this Presidency was written as a work of fiction it wouldn't get published because the publishers would say that nobody is gullible enough to believe such rubbish


If this presidency were suggested as a Twilight Zone episode, it would have been rejected as too outlandish.



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1 hour ago, Thakkar said:


If this presidency were suggested as a Twilight Zone episode, it would have been rejected as too outlandish.



....and simply not believable.  I mean, how can we possibly write a script where the President constantly lies and lies, yet, his nutty supporters still believe and trust him?  Nobody but nobody would believe that people can be that stupid.  It's not possible!

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23 minutes ago, Berkshire said:

how can we possibly write a script where the President constantly lies and lies, yet, his nutty supporters still believe and trust him?  Nobody but nobody would believe that people can be that stupid.  It's not possible!


People who believe the earth is 6,000 years old and that Noah was alive a full sixth of that time and saved all the animals (but not the dinosaurs—not even the smallest ones) from a global flood, will believe anything. Believing is the easy part. Valiantly defending even as your hero undermines your defense the next day with a tweet is what's hard.

Hence now we see the all-encompassing, nutrient-free "nothing burger" defense. Suitable for all occasions and all imaginable Trump flip flops, and requiring no facts or intellectual rigor. It's the ideal Trumpology.




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3 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

Next, Trump Jr. will complain about a bad quality bunch of sidewalk drugs he scored - saying the SS should have pre-tested it before he bought it.  


Note;  During the Watergate imbroglio, I resided in Wash DC.  I was around 19 then, and driving downtown in my pick-up truck.  I saw Halderman (one of Nixon's two closest co-conspirators) a few blocks from the WH.  It was a section of 16th St. where hookers and heroin are easily accessible.  I'm not saying Halderman was scoring drugs or sex from a sidewalk huckster, but..........

Since this thread is about a sideshow huckster do you think it was little Donnie? 

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2 hours ago, Skywalker69 said:

Secret Service shoots down Trump camp’s attempt to blame them for Russia meeting


The Secret Service has officially gone on the record to deny any involvement in Donald Trump Jr.'s meetings with Russian operatives before the election, refuting a claim made by Donald Trump's personal lawyer.



I wonder how quickly these guys would jump in front of a bullet? 

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5 hours ago, Thakkar said:


People who believe the earth is 6,000 years old and that Noah was alive a full sixth of that time and saved all the animals (but not the dinosaurs—not even the smallest ones) from a global flood, will believe anything. Believing is the easy part. Valiantly defending even as your hero undermines your defense the next day with a tweet is what's hard.

Hence now we see the all-encompassing, nutrient-free "nothing burger" defense. Suitable for all occasions and all imaginable Trump flip flops, and requiring no facts or intellectual rigor. It's the ideal Trumpology.




Religion is a whole another matter, but I see your point.  Doesn't excuse the Trump whackjobs, but I understand. 

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On 7/17/2017 at 8:08 AM, darksidedog said:

Typical slime bag lawyer. Comes out with a highly leading rhetorical question, that he knows the answer to, but throws out there purely for the sake of stirring up the dumb cattle. If this is typical of his efforts, we can expect a litany of half truths, obfuscation of the facts and outright deceit to follow. The sort of lawyer you only employ when you are in very serious trouble.

Or maybe the kind of lawyer you fire and replace when you hear this kind of thing.

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