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Is a Thai DL considered ID?


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Had to go to a couple banks today because the first one would not issue a bank draft to me. Her reason: They needed a passport or ID, and my Thai driver's license was a driver's license.


Was this lady being overly literal, or is a Thai driver's license (issued by the Thai DMV) truly not considered official identification in Thailand?

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For me it has depended on whether your Thai DL has passport number on or your Thai ID number on from your yellow house book.

That seems to be the case as l have found to be with most things but depends on what the contraction is.  

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1 hour ago, Hal65 said:

Was this lady being overly literal, or is a Thai driver's license (issued by the Thai DMV) truly not considered official identification in Thailand?

It is not really a valid ID.

A Thai would be asked to show their ID instead of a driver's license.

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I have used a Thai driving license as ID for bank withdrawals, but as always in LOS, it's whatever they want on the day. I even had a passport declined as I had a new passport and the bank computer showed the old number. Had to go to the main bank to change number to new passport.  

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2 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

It is not really a valid ID.

A Thai would be asked to show their ID instead of a driver's license.

ubonjoe.  What about the pink id that we are suppose to be able to get at our Amphur?  Think that would work in lieu of a passport for local id purposes?


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Perhaps they wanted to see your signature on your passport to see if it matched the signature for your banking business, esp. if you didn't present your bankbook, which does have your signature on the back page, visible under a black light.


This is a good reason to select your "home branch" to be actually close to your home and go in there frequently to get change and do other little tasks so they get to know you.  Then if you need a small favor they're more likely to cut you some slack because they know you.

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I've used it as ID on numerous domestic flights without any problems whatsoever. My bank is different and depends on what I need to do (DL for minor things seems to be OK). Weirdly, I needed my passport when renewing my car insurance by credit card rather than my driving licence. Go figure. Best to check beforehand. 

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2 hours ago, connda said:

ubonjoe.  What about the pink id that we are suppose to be able to get at our Amphur?  Think that would work in lieu of a passport for local id purposes?


There's wording (in Thai) on the back of my pink ID that says it's not the same as a Thai citizen's ID card, so it's not an ID. It's for "checking" only (whatever that means). Another item says we can't leave our local area without our passport. But we all know that a copy of your passport along with driver's license will suffice in most cases. I board domestic flights all the time with my DL, but airline staff won't accept my pink ID. I have shown only my pink ID at my local post office to pick up packages, etc.

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2 hours ago, connda said:

ubonjoe.  What about the pink id that we are suppose to be able to get at our Amphur?  Think that would work in lieu of a passport for local id purposes?


From my personal experience the pink ID card serves very little purpose because Thai's generally don't know what it is.

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49 minutes ago, Katia said:

I've used mine as ID, from getting into the Grand Palace to flying, and have never been told I needed anything else.  But, mine does have my passport number on it.

Great, what did you have for breakfast today? It's equally irrelevant to the discussion of banking ID as your comment so... 

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I linked my ID card to my bank account some time ago now i can use passport or ID card. As all my documents ie D/L ID card tax are now holding the yellow book Number. Seems to work fine all intigrated.

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10 minutes ago, csabo said:

Great, what did you have for breakfast today? It's equally irrelevant to the discussion of banking ID as your comment so... 

You read the title of the thread, right?  "Is a Thai DL considered ID?"  I answered the question.  The OP wasn't asking specifically about banking; they simply wanted to know because in one situation-- which happened to be banking-- they were told it wasn't ID.  In fact, the OP's specific question was:


is a Thai driver's license (issued by the Thai DMV) truly not considered official identification in Thailand?


And why not attack others who also referred to using their DL for things besides banking?

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My local bank (SCB) know me by sight as I am a signatory on accounts owned by the company I work for, as well as having a personal account at the same branch.


Every time I go in they photocopy my passport and ask me to sign. No exceptions and they won't accept anything else.


In the UK you often don't need ID in a bank anymore. To prove your identity you insert your bank card into the chip and pin reader and the bank asks you to input your pin number. If the machine approves your pin you are good to go.

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Nothing is set in concrete. I have had them happy with my Thai driving licence, and other times insisting on my passport. It appears the licence is good enough for some functions, but I have got into the habit of getting the passport out for the bank.

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16 hours ago, Hal65 said:

Had to go to a couple banks today because the first one would not issue a bank draft to me. Her reason: They needed a passport or ID, and my Thai driver's license was a driver's license.


Was this lady being overly literal, or is a Thai driver's license (issued by the Thai DMV) truly not considered official identification in Thailand?


What does it says?.

It says Drivers License not Identification Card.

So a drivers license is not an ID card and will not be considered as one.

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Both banks and hospitals accept my Thai DL as ID (but I also stand out like dog's balls, so they remember me). I only ever take my passport out of the house when I go to the Immigration Office. 

Don't really need to show any ID in other places I go to.  

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The bank clerks (like most other customer service handlers) more often than not lack common sense and play it safe by the book. If the book says "ID" then it is ID and absolutely nothing else. 

The driving license in this country is issued based on a pile of paper and serves perfectly well as an ID - provided you're not slamming into Khun Complicated ;-) 

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Biggest problem with D/L according to our bank is. There are so many fake D/L's out there fake as in your picture and name yes. But you can get them with any address on them. Whereas passports are safe and reliable. They are now accepting Pink ID cards. But not D/L

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18 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

It is not really a valid ID.

A Thai would be asked to show their ID instead of a driver's license.


Depends. One bank branch I go to prefer the Thai Driving Licence - the ladies say "it's better because it's Thai". 


Also had some other places that require ID accept the DL. 


On the whole I guestimate 89-90%, in my experience, accept the DL. 


Having said that there are some bank transactions where they like to see the passport and check the passport number and a signature against the bank computer record.

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Some fundamentals about ID in Thailand.


A passport has your name in English script and "does not" have an address.

A DL has your name in English script and has an address (address maybe out of date, not official residence)

A yellow book and pink ID has your name "in Thai script" and your official residence address.


If you open a bank account etc using a passport/DL then the account name is in English script, English script ID required.


If you open a bank account etc using yellow book/pink ID then the account name is in Thai script, Thai script ID required.


its not much use presenting an english script ID for a bank account, airline booking etc, if the original was done in Thai scrpt, and vica versa.



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For banks you will need to show passport or ID, even for Thais. Driver license is not valid ID that is approved by banks, as sometimes they need to enter your ID number into the system depending what you are doing. But also depending what you are doing at the bank, DL works sometimes if they just want to see ID but not enter into the system or need a copy of ID.

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2 hours ago, Peterw42 said:

Some fundamentals about ID in Thailand.


A passport has your name in English script and "does not" have an address.

A DL has your name in English script and has an address (address maybe out of date, not official residence)

A yellow book and pink ID has your name "in Thai script" and your official residence address.


If you open a bank account etc using a passport/DL then the account name is in English script, English script ID required.


If you open a bank account etc using yellow book/pink ID then the account name is in Thai script, Thai script ID required.


its not much use presenting an english script ID for a bank account, airline booking etc, if the original was done in Thai scrpt, and vica versa.



Not so have book many internal  flights and hotels in roman script the used ID in thai script never a problem. 

Bank account is in roman script again as ive linked my Thai ID card to it no problem.

As a foot note (i wanted to test what the threads about DL being a form of ID) went to major BBK bank today to get some £ and $. Showed DL no good need passport. Showed Thai pink ID no problem. So NO DL not proof of ID to them.

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On 8/1/2017 at 1:35 PM, jeab1980 said:

Not so have book many internal  flights and hotels in roman script the used ID in thai script never a problem. 

Bank account is in roman script again as ive linked my Thai ID card to it no problem.

As a foot note (i wanted to test what the threads about DL being a form of ID) went to major BBK bank today to get some £ and $. Showed DL no good need passport. Showed Thai pink ID no problem. So NO DL not proof of ID to them.


 '...them...' - is this a them and us approach?



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On 8/1/2017 at 10:56 AM, mike324 said:

For banks you will need to show passport or ID, even for Thais. Driver license is not valid ID that is approved by banks, as sometimes they need to enter your ID number into the system depending what you are doing. But also depending what you are doing at the bank, DL works sometimes if they just want to see ID but not enter into the system or need a copy of ID.


I asked some of my masters students, 'Thai DL or Thai ID card, which one is easier to get a fake card.


Consensus response was:


- You can get fake both, but DL much easier, but maybe depends on where your located. Comment could of course apply to many countries. 


Fake passports (any country) are also available for a fee. 

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