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Time to evacuate Asia ?


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2 hours ago, jeab1980 said:

LA times is a rag as far as im concerned and again you seem to have missed the date 2014 hint 2017 now

A reporter writes a detailed and specific report and you can't refute any of it so instead you say the LA Times is a rag as far as you're concerned. Your concerns are clearly very shallow. As for it being 2017, I'd like to see the detailed protocols of those tests to see if they are an honest measure. We know the military has been deceptive about these tests in the recent past.,Why should we believe them now?

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Commercial opportunity for somebody:


"Pulowski: Nuclear protection on a budget"



"Pulowski Preservation shelters are coin-operated, one-person fallout shelters ... people would ostensibly use them as a last-minute resort in the event of a nuclear attack. The shelter itself is firmly secured to the ground, and ventilation piping is attached to the rear of the booth. Some models have luminous sign on the front of the shelter indicating whether or not it is occupied."




Hey, maybe I'll crowdfund a kickstarter project. Money to be made guys.

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5 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

A reporter writes a detailed and specific report and you can't refute any of it so instead you say the LA Times is a rag as far as you're concerned. Your concerns are clearly very shallow. As for it being 2017, I'd like to see the detailed protocols of those tests to see if they are an honest measure. We know the military has been deceptive about these tests in the recent past.,Why should we believe them now?

I can refute all of it as the report was in 2014 if you have an up to date report from the same rad ill read it if not jog on. Why should we belive a report in a rag written by a man who has no in depth knowledge of a system. In 2014.

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On ‎8‎/‎10‎/‎2017 at 7:36 PM, geriatrickid said:

Fallout from a  North Korean detonation over Seoul would drift back over North Korea and eventually to China.

Fallout from a  detonation over Pyongyang would drift back over North Korea  and into China. If in the  Northeast, then it could wipe out Vladivostok in Russia.

Any North Korean detonation over japan would have a fallout drift northward contaminating the ocean and wiping out marine life.

Fallout from anything hitting the west coast of the USA would drift northwest. However, it is to be expected that US interception efforts would be attempted  in the arctic or over Canada if the missile was launched using a polar route. the end result is that  much of Canada's north  its key western farming zones  contaminated damaging the Canadian economy and removing a large amount of the world's  key grain supplier causing a world famine. The Canadian oil industry could be wiped out as well which would destroy Canada. 


If a missile was fired at Guam and intercepted over the pacific, the world would see fish stock contaminated and countries who rely on  pacific fish stocks pushed into shortage. if it his Guam, then North Korea would be obliterated with a nuclear cloud poisoning China and causing a retaliation.


The bottom line is that the  madman must be stopped now. China and Russia must act and pull their puppet  in or kill him and his henchmen.


Kim doesn't need to expend a nuke to wipe out Seoul.  Much more than enough mobile artillery sited along the DMZ within range to take care of that, and sadly, very quickly so.  The death toll in Seoul will be enormous in the course of a single day or two.  


Kim has worked himself into a real corner.  He has enough conventional force in place to do a real job on the south (no nukes really needed, but they do serve to discourage outsiders like Japan from getting involved), but in the end his outdated military will succumb.  In the meantime concentrated bombing/missile attacks on the north will send streams of refugees across the border into China. So not a win for Kim, who'll probably find himself in some assassin's crosshairs or at the end of a rope.  And of course if he starts the party with a nuke, game over more quickly with the added cost for both sides of some nuclear contamination.  But he's been sanctioned now to the point where he has to do something, and as others have pointed out, it's all sort of past the talking point.  The backbiters should actually be thankful that it's only been a twitter war so far. 


China is kind of a wild card, but though traditional communist prostitutes for power & influence they're far more sane than Kim, and I doubt they see any benefit for themselves in escalating the situation into a global nuclear confrontation by intervening as they did the first time around.  I know the witless backbiters seem to think Trump has been itching to push the big red button at the drop of a hat ever since he took office, but the hat's already well dropped, he hasn't done it, and he certainly won't be the first one to do so.


So the ball is totally in Kim's court.  One could wish for the initiative to lie elsewhere, but that's where all recent years' dithering, appeasement, and apologies on bended knee have placed us.   'Sure hope THAAD and ABMD are getting a thorough tune-up...   (I have little doubt that there's a pretty frantic effort taking place.)



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On 8/11/2017 at 0:09 PM, mogandave said:



Exactly, negotiations that result in an agreement whereby Kim abandons his nuclear program are what we need.

Sanctions only hurt the NK people, and war helps no one.

We had none of this when Hillary was running the state department...



Really?  When do you think he was manufacturing his nuclear program?  

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Hmm, perhaps you have failed to observe that N Korea isn't the only country under threat. NATO are relentlessly moving closer to the Russian borders with troops and missiles, where on this planet could you live safely if those idiots trigger a nuclear war with Russia? It could be localized to just the removal of Europe or it could go global.


The Pivot to Asia is about pressuring China, so we also have another potential flash point there. Maybe move to Australia, ah no, we idiots are also threatening the Chinese (our no.1 trading partner) so if things go ugly they will no doubt also lob something our way.


Best to sit back and enjoy life, all those that fretted during the cold war just ended up wasting their time.

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Really?  When do you think he was manufacturing his nuclear program?  

Probably Rice. I don't care what he's got, I only care what he uses. That the orange buffoon is trying to goad him into a war he could well win I find appalling.

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kim jong uaan is probably a fan of old classic sci-fi...

 - take Dimension 5 as an example, where a similar scenario about the bad guys threatening US territory with nukes 

(goto about the 13 min mark) 



or was it 'Master of the World', where KJ uaan takes the side against the 'world police' man Mr Rober, (who was trying to stop anyone from waging war)


...did Jules Verne know something?.....

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18 minutes ago, Rancid said:

Hmm, perhaps you have failed to observe that N Korea isn't the only country under threat. NATO are relentlessly moving closer to the Russian borders with troops and missiles, where on this planet could you live safely if those idiots trigger a nuclear war with Russia? It could be localized to just the removal of Europe or it could go global.


The Pivot to Asia is about pressuring China, so we also have another potential flash point there. Maybe move to Australia, ah no, we idiots are also threatening the Chinese (our no.1 trading partner) so if things go ugly they will no doubt also lob something our way.


Best to sit back and enjoy life, all those that fretted during the cold war just ended up wasting their time.

I think it is true to say that it is China that the USA fears with both the NK & South China Sea problems  and both situations unwinnable by dialect or military action . Difficult to predict the outcome but with Trump appearing to be losing international support he may well back off and get back to concentrate on the golf course . Alternatively the whole area could become a war zone but having said that , he may have enough weaponry to deal with NK to hand but  China , no chance ..  Now if KJ does utter one more threat against the USA  will Trump carry out his promise of action against NK with China stating they will intervene ?   

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2 hours ago, Rancid said:

Hmm, perhaps you have failed to observe that N Korea isn't the only country under threat. NATO are relentlessly moving closer to the Russian borders with troops and missiles, where on this planet could you live safely if those idiots trigger a nuclear war with Russia? It could be localized to just the removal of Europe or it could go global.


The Pivot to Asia is about pressuring China, so we also have another potential flash point there. Maybe move to Australia, ah no, we idiots are also threatening the Chinese (our no.1 trading partner) so if things go ugly they will no doubt also lob something our way.


Best to sit back and enjoy life, all those that fretted during the cold war just ended up wasting their time.

So on one hand we have the Trump haters saying its all his fault,  now its Nato on another Flank who is the oppressor god it makes me laugh. Tell you what disband all the armies of Nato and let the greenpiece/tree huggers/make love not war not in my name brigade, sort it out! Young educated in Switzerland Kim would love that he would  rule the world in 2 months. Then the above mentioned Brigade would be crying into there camp fires pleading for Nato to help them. My response to them would be ! Not in my name.

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2 hours ago, Canuckabroad said:

Thailand is probably one of the safest countries to be if the US/NK go hot.  At least it is if your other options are North America or elsewhere in Asia.  And if you can afford the price spikes.

It's not going to matter where you are. The world will be thrown into financial ruin within a day. World stock markets will cease to exist. There will be no transfer of money to and from banks internationally. I don't know if Thailand will start to expell expats for having no funds. There will be no international flights. All aircraft will be a suspected threat. So, I'm not sure where you would go. So all this BS about who starts what isn't going to matter in the long run. While the nukes are flying, it will probably be an excuse to lob a few at some other countries. Like Syria or Iran.

  The fallout will be unimaginable.

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16 minutes ago, habanero said:

It's not going to matter where you are. The world will be thrown into financial ruin within a day. World stock markets will cease to exist. There will be no transfer of money to and from banks internationally. I don't know if Thailand will start to expell expats for having no funds. There will be no international flights. All aircraft will be a suspected threat. So, I'm not sure where you would go. So all this BS about who starts what isn't going to matter in the long run. While the nukes are flying, it will probably be an excuse to lob a few at some other countries. Like Syria or Iran.

  The fallout will be unimaginable.

Well iff theres no international flights you cant be expelled. As borders would be closed. For presuming all this would happen if NK was nuked?

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The US has many agreements from WW2 and the Vietnam and Korean conflicts that it must abide to.


The first is that it has agreed to assist in the defence of many of the countries that KJU is threatening.


In the event that the North moved or started any equipment near the DMZ the South Koreans and Americans have enough power to match shot for shot.  


China during the Korean conflict or police action ( My dad did not see many cops there)  China was not interested in playing in the game.  They just did not want the US on their border.


If a land was was started by KJN then it would be met with force from the south.  There would be no support from China.  China can live with South Korea on his door and once North Korean is wiped out there is no longer a need for the US military to be there.  What China will do is line the border with infantry and artillery.  The purpose is not to fight but to keep all the  refugees out of China.


If KJN decides that he wants to push the button then I think the Chinese may have a plan (person) in place for that.


Trump will not provoke the war it would be a loss all the way around for the US.  I would suggest that his actions will be to shoot down the missiles or to eliminate Korean ship somewhere.   

I am ex military and SSF Canadian military. 


The best thing that could come of this is for the US/Russia and China to form a TRIAD force that would remove or persuade countries to remove or safeguard their missiles.


Can to countries that are batsh!t crazy co=exist with nukes.  Yeah just look at Pakistan and India.  They can !itch at each other threaten each other but every night in Lahore you can go to the WAGA border crossing and see a pageant on the basis of a changing of the guard involving both countries.

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On 8/13/2017 at 4:50 AM, jeab1980 said:

I can refute all of it as the report was in 2014 if you have an up to date report from the same rad ill read it if not jog on. Why should we belive a report in a rag written by a man who has no in depth knowledge of a system. In 2014.

From July 14, 2016

U.S. missile defense system is ‘simply unable to protect the public,’ report says

The report notes that in “heavily scripted” flight tests that are “set up for success,” GMD interceptors have often failed to hit mock enemy warheads. In the seven most recent tests, interceptors destroyed their targets just three times, the report says — a finding consistent with conclusions of the Pentagon’s operational test and evaluation office.

Personnel conducting the tests know the speed, location and trajectory of the target ahead of time, as well as when it will be launched – information they would not have in a real attack.

The report relies extensively on articles published over the last two years by the Los Angeles Times, along with a National Academy of Sciences report and the findings of federal auditors and the Pentagon test office.


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2 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

From July 14, 2016

U.S. missile defense system is ‘simply unable to protect the public,’ report says

The report notes that in “heavily scripted” flight tests that are “set up for success,” GMD interceptors have often failed to hit mock enemy warheads. In the seven most recent tests, interceptors destroyed their targets just three times, the report says — a finding consistent with conclusions of the Pentagon’s operational test and evaluation office.

Personnel conducting the tests know the speed, location and trajectory of the target ahead of time, as well as when it will be launched – information they would not have in a real attack.

The report relies extensively on articles published over the last two years by the Los Angeles Times, along with a National Academy of Sciences report and the findings of federal auditors and the Pentagon test office.


Its now August 2017 keep fishing. A year is a long long time in software terms

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38 minutes ago, jeab1980 said:

Its now August 2017 keep fishing. A year is a long long time in software terms

So you know it's a software problem? That's funny because it was identified as a component problem  of the thrusters. But not to worry. New missiles will have an improved version of that component. And the old missiles will also have the improved version of that component installed. Because to leave that old component in there would be crazy, right?

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I doubt that there will be a war. But it is an interesting topic. What effect would a war in Korea, particularly one using nuclear weapons, have on Thailand. I have no idea at this point, but I would like to know.

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2 hours ago, Dan5 said:

I doubt that there will be a war. But it is an interesting topic. What effect would a war in Korea, particularly one using nuclear weapons, have on Thailand. I have no idea at this point, but I would like to know.


There are some 100,000 Thais in Korea (and over 200,000 Americans). A large percentage of those would be dead in matter of days. Especially those in Seoul. 


South Korea is a major contributor to the world wide economy.  There is a huge investment in manufacturing facilities by S. Korean companies in Thailand.  


Like the rest of the world, Thailand would likely suffer a devastating loss of life and severe depression if war was break out on the Korean pensulia. 


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2 hours ago, thaihome said:


There are some 100,000 Thais in Korea (and over 200,000 Americans). A large percentage of those would be dead in matter of days. Especially those in Seoul. 


South Korea is a major contributor to the world wide economy.  There is a huge investment in manufacturing facilities by S. Korean companies in Thailand.  


Like the rest of the world, Thailand would likely suffer a devastating loss of life and severe depression if war was break out on the Korean pensulia. 


Thank you. I really doubt the rest of the world would suffer that much. South Korea just isn't that large a part of the world economy. But I can certainly see what you are saying about the fate of Thailand.if war were to break out.

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5 hours ago, Dan5 said:

Thank you. I really doubt the rest of the world would suffer that much. South Korea just isn't that large a part of the world economy. But I can certainly see what you are saying about the fate of Thailand.if war were to break out.

South Korea is the 11th largest economy in the world.  The economic impact to world would be profound in several sectors and take years to recover. The loss of life alone would be unprecedented since WWII.  Can you imagine what the reaction would be to likely 100,000 US citizens being killed to say nothing of a couple million S. Koreans ?




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South Korea is the 11th largest economy in the world.  The economic impact to world would be profound in several sectors and take years to recover. The loss of life alone would be unprecedented since WWII.  Can you imagine what the reaction would be to likely 100,000 US citizens being killed to say nothing of a couple million S. Koreans ?

While 11th sounds significant, what does that represent as a percentage of the world economy? Something under 2%?

I am not claiming economic impact would not be significant, the idea that world markets would be teetering on disaster might be a stretch. There would be winners and losers.

I think the useless loss of life and humanity would be the larger tragedy.
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