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Thai woman defends trespass at Yellowstone Park after online criticism


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19 minutes ago, cumgranosalus said:

"She said she did not think the area was dangerous because the warning sign was very small. "


A very Thai excuse?

Well i bet the Park authorities will place bigger signs after people really have died in that hole. Won't they?


So the signs are too small if it was really a dangerous place to be.


And the tourguide who posted this video just wants the asians to have guides as well...nothing wrong with that though.

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Well maybe someone from US Immigration will see this and put the whole lot of them on the persona non grata list, so no more visits to the USA. And good, decent Thai people wonder why it's so hard to get a tourist visa to the US look to these fools.

By the way, the Chinese are MUCH worse in their behavior everywhere. It's just the sanctimonious way the Thai's behave when someone misbehaves here, that rubs me the wrong way in this case.

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Get whatever you can, whenever you can, however you can, as quickly as you can. Taught from birth in this culture. Respect not heavily factored in. Mystery of why many things happen the way they do here, solved. Half Thai, half American, wholly accepting of  "no matter where you go, there you are"

carry on.

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5 hours ago, webfact said:

She said she did not think the area was dangerous because the warning sign was very small. 

"she did not think" Thai logic 4.0 in full swing! I vote for some kind of natural selection: Remove all warning signs from potentially dangerous sites, machines, electrical facilities, etc. and let karma do the rest. 

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4 hours ago, Credo said:

I went through Yellowstone and several other national parks, including the Grand Canyon last April...well before the tourist season was in full swing.   I didn't run into many Thais, but there were quite a few from Mainland China.   


Asians in general just don't seem to understand, or feel the need, to follow the rules.  They were constantly littering --throwing cigarette butts all over, driving very fast, and paying no attention to marked trails.    They tried to get dangerously close to large animals to take 'selfies'.   


At the Grand Canyon, it was even worse.  There were people from all over the world, but it was the Asians who were in areas clearly marked as off-limits.   One Chinese man had managed to catch a squirrel and other's were feeding them, although signs were posted in numerous languages (including Chinese).   


The Park Rangers do give you a small talk as you enter about dangers, staying on assigned trails etc.   


A friend from Thailand was along and he was truly horrified at the behavior of many of the people from Asia.   He even asked to go elsewhere because he said he was ashamed to be Asian, the way many were acting.   


This is probably because the rules in Asian countries are made by pompous morons for no reason other than an orderly society. The rules in America at least have a rational basis if not always a rational execution. It's style vs substance. 

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1 hour ago, canopus1969 said:

She said she did not think the area was dangerous because the warning sign was very small.


A bit like her brain  :bah:

Agreed.   Also eye problems too as someone else has posted pic of very large sign in multi languages.  Thai language sign not worthwhile because all Thais know that park rules never apply to Khun Thai.

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36 minutes ago, Thian said:

Well i bet the Park authorities will place bigger signs after people really have died in that hole. Won't they?


So the signs are too small if it was really a dangerous place to be.


And the tourguide who posted this video just wants the asians to have guides as well...nothing wrong with that though.

See post with big signs.

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5 hours ago, gk10002000 said:

haha. crazy but typical Thai rationalization. The sign was small so it couldn't have been dangerous.  Too funny

some thai's are very small . piss ants .

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5 hours ago, Dobredin Ghusputin said:

The sign in the video is small. But there are larger signs are all over the place that you cant possibly miss unless you have your head up your selfie-taking arse.






Is it also in Thai writing - otherwise for most Thais a problem to read it!  :smile:

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4 hours ago, Dobredin Ghusputin said:

The "didn't notice it" excuse doesn't cut it. Because, at 2:47 in the original video, that little runt cleary admits that he knows they are not supposed to go in there.


This is the scene in the video where the Thai man answers "Yes, I know" after being told that he went where he was not supposed to go:




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6 hours ago, gk10002000 said:

haha. crazy but typical Thai rationalization. The sign was small so it couldn't have been dangerous.  Too funny

If the sign is big enough to read then it should be big enough to obey !!!
The size of the sign is not in relation to the size of the danger!!


Maybe they should change the signs to the ones we use around our forest area to keep trespassers out...
one sign (small) containing one word.... SNAKES  !!!!

works a treat !

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22 minutes ago, ALFREDO said:

Is it also in Thai writing - otherwise for most Thais a problem to read it!  :smile:

How many languages in the world? The sign is posted in languages of the visitors most often seen. Perhaps tour guide to manage the members of group. Park Rangers are not at every site. 

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5 hours ago, Credo said:

One Chinese man had managed to catch a squirrel and other's were feeding them, although signs were posted in numerous languages (including Chinese).   

At least the Chinese weren't eating the squirrel.  This time.

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6 hours ago, Moonmoon said:

She is in the wrong and instead of just remaining quiet and let it blow away quietly, she has to not LOSE FACE and defend her stupidity for the whole world to see. 


Catch her and punish her accordingly to the Laws of the Country she broke. 


When Farangs break laws in this country, they always catch them in record time.

Yep - and so predictable.


"The rules don't apply to me, I'm special, I didn't know, it's not my fault due to some feeble excuse e.g. the warning sign was small (wonder how long it took them to think that one up 555 !). 


And then the classic get tough and demand from the little runt.


Mrs. BB's comment was that people with money think they can always have their own way. Everything else is wrong to them.


It's a pity the park police weren't their to nab them. Wonder if they'd have tried giving the police "a tip" to smooth it all over?



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Having visited Yellowstone on a couple of occassions, my take to the type and size of signage, is that major (big) signs are placed at the entrances to the areas of interest, and that the smaller signs are provided inside the areas as reminders. Why small signs, because the authorities do not want to blot the vista's (or your photographs) with huge signs - aesthetics for the visitor benifit.

In addition, pathways are clearly deliniated by stone or wood borders to the paths.

No excuse. Just ignorant Asian tourists.

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What a very stupid and ignorant woman, the fact that she is also Thai explains a lot. Thais fl;out any law/rule they do not like and then try to justify it.

Sorry is NOT in their vocabulary. So sad, ignorance is bliss as they say. Well losing  face she has accomplished that 100%.

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16 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:

Yep - and so predictable.


"The rules don't apply to me, I'm special, I didn't know, it's not my fault due to some feeble excuse e.g. the warning sign was small (wonder how long it took them to think that one up 555 !). 


And then the classic get tough and demand from the little runt.


Mrs. BB's comment was that people with money think they can always have their own way. Everything else is wrong to them.


It's a pity the park police weren't their to nab them. Wonder if they'd have tried giving the police "a tip" to smooth it all over?



I'd like to see a video of what happened if they tried that. 

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3 hours ago, cardinalblue said:

This seems to be a cultural difference between the 2 countries...She states she didn't break any rules b/c she wasn't warned/fined. It's a sad but self-righteous mentality I didn't get caught so I will do as I please and therefore I am in the right and not in the wrong.....


This is the same mentality one sees on the Thai roads whether running a red light, speeding, going the wrong way or turning from the middle lane..I didn't get caught so i will continue with this type of behavior.....I am convinced they truly believe it is not wrong behavior so this behavior persists... 

It's a common Thai mantra ...admit nothing, lie, claim ignorance...and definitely take/do what you want.

Edited by CanuckThai
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