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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Is that your personal experience or is that your theoretical explanation how the situation must be, because somehow your logic tells you so. Maybe talk to people who are in such relationships, and maybe you will discover that it's not as simple as you think it must be.
  2. When I started the relationship with my Thai gf she was under 18. She didn't ask her parents, and I didn't ask her parents. Her mother died early, and she walked away from her father when she was 14 or about that age. As far as I know her father didn't know about her living with me until she was maybe 20 years old. He didn't complain. And about girls or women changing their mind: I don't know if that is really an issue in Thailand. I never heard about a case that a guy had a relationship and sex and later she complained that x weeks or months or years ago she didn't really consent. On the other hand, in "the west" there are cases like with Julian Assange, where a woman had at least 3 times sex with him. According to her the 1st and 3rd time was consensual but the 2nd time it wasn't. Crazy! My personal advice: Don't run into a trap. Think twice what you do. But don't overthink all the things which possibly could go wrong. There are enough old women out there who accuse men of rape decades ago. The only way to avoid that is to have no sex at all or even better never meet a female alone.
  3. No Living with a girl who is 15 years younger makes it 100% sure that they are not same. It's not that both work and both do the homework and both this and that. That is a western feminist concept which obviously doesn't work. When he is considerably older then she is his young princess. He does lots of things which makes the young princess happy. And she is in the situation that she lives in (relative) luxury - most likely in very much better condition as if she would be together with a boy of her own age. Probably she doesn't have to work, gets many things which she wants (and he can afford), etc. And when the girl visits her parents, she is seen as the successful girl who was/is able to get and keep a farang husband who provides. Money, and the luxury money can buy, is part of it, but certainly not all of it.
  4. I come from Europe, when I met my Thai gf she was a teenager and 15 years younger than me. After many years, we are still together, mostly happy. One of the reasons why I am in Thailand is because back home I didn't find a girl/woman who I wanted to stay together with for a long time. Back then I was what some would call the prime for guys to find a suitable wife. I had a good job, money, slim and tall, and in general I am a nice guy (maybe that's a problem). I just didn't find a match over there, and that included women my own age. In Thailand it didn't take long to find girls who I liked and who liked to stay with me. I pay the bills, but I never had any arrangement with a girl that I give her x amount per month or something like that. IMHO Farangs and Thai girls who are many years younger than the guys are often a good match. She makes him happy, he makes her happy. Everybody is happy. Not always, but often it works just fine.
  5. Good that nothing could go wrong if she would be 30 or 40 or 50, correct? And obviously they would certainly be happy after if they both would be from the same country and culture, correct? Think again!
  6. Can you explain? As far as I know girls are not allowed to work in gogo-bar when they are under 20 for that reason. And in some areas, i.e. Nana, this is now enforced.
  7. A new health insurance means lots of questions about your medical history. It seems many companies ask without any time restriction like: Did you ever have this or that. And if you ever had this or that, and don't answer it correctly, then maybe you get the contract and you pay for it. But if they have to pay a big amount, then maybe they will find something which you didn't answer correctly. Then don't expect money from them. And that can happen years after you started paying.
  8. As far as I know there is some condition that the parents can complain, as far as I know if she is below 18. But maybe it is if she is below 20. Better check!
  9. As far as I know sex is legal. Prostitution is not legal under 20 - apart from the fact that it is anyhow illegal. So, whatever it is that draws her to him, make sure it can't be called prostitution. Personally, I would doublecheck why she is interested. Maybe she has problems with her parents, and she is happy with him. Possible. But maybe it's a setup to get money maybe sometime later. Be careful!
  10. Where? In Thailand? Apart from "eyebrow tats" I don't think I noticed anything like that.
  11. I am pretty sure often the police know what's going on and who is involved. The only question for them is if they get enough compensation to look the other way. After all, TiT.
  12. Do you really say that word all the time? I just don't let other people scam me. I don't think about being a victim or mention that word. I think that word is now severely overused. If someone was kidnapped, that person was a victim. Someone who paid 100B too much is something different.
  13. I don't know where you think I was born, but I can assure you we didn't have cars like that on the streets. When I started work in a small company, they described it like that: Drive along that road, and when you see lots of BMW parked in the street then you reached our office. That was an accurate description, so I parked my BMW near all the other BMW.
  14. Thanks Sheryl Do you have some samples for "something high in protein and containing some fat but no processed carbs"? I read those words before, but I don't know what kind of food contains what - and I don't really want to learn the details.
  15. How about those things? Did real people drive something like that in the USA?
  16. At that time my BMW 323i had 145HP or something in that 140 region. It was a lot of fun. I think the world is going crazy with all those absurd HP numbers. Who needs that? Who can handle it? As far as I see for 90% of drivers 100HP max is more than enough.
  17. There is more than one packet/bag/box of something edible on that table.
  18. I know many people wake up early up country. And as far as I know the first thing they do is prepare food and eat it. At least that is what happens in the home of my gf up country.
  19. He discovered "love". Or to be more precise he feels loved by some girl who is nice to him. And likely nobody was nice like that to him for a long time. If you want him back, then make sure he feels loved and appreciated by his family. Smile at him, ask him if you can bring him a beer and maybe some BBQ ribs.
  20. I didn't think about that one. But yes, that is a possibility.
  21. Good And is she happy with the nearest option? Or do you hear then something like: I want to eat yam-poo (or something else which is not easy to find)? Some food, any food, is often not good enough for my gf in such a situation.
  22. When I was younger, and living in Europe, I had a BMW. I had watched the movie Smokey and the Bandit, and I would have loved to have that Trans Am or something like that. Then I met an American soldier who had a Trans Am in America. He really wanted a BMW like my one. We both agreed we would like to swap our cars right away if we could. That was maybe 35 years ago, and it was an "I want that" situation. We never thought about really trying to ship our cars to another continent.
  23. Obviously, we all can get hungry and if we get very hungry, we are not in the best mood - I would call this normal. But it seems some people, including my gf recently, have an extreme version of this condition. When she wakes up in the morning, she is usually hungry - more of less independent on when she had something to eat the previous day. If she eats something maybe within the first 30 min after waking up, then it's ok. If she doesn't eat something maybe within an hour, she will be most likely in a bad mood, and whatever I say won't improve her mood. When she finally eats something, then she is a nice person again. She was a little bit like this since years. But recently she seems to be in a real bad mood real soon. And I don't think it's the weather. She sleeps (with me) in an AC room which is not hot. There is also always something to eat at home. Maybe not exactly what she wants in that moment, but enough not to be hungry anymore. I ask this here because somehow it would be strange to tell her to see a doctor about that condition. Please only serious answers. She is under no stress, she/we don't any problems, it seems it is really about her being in a bad mood because of no food right now. I spoke with other guys who confirm that they have similar experience with their Thai wife/gf. How about you? Do you know this condition? Is it maybe a real medical condition like lack of some vitamin or whatever?
  24. Anybody who rides a motorcycle, anywhere in this world, knows that we can die any day we ride. But most of us don't die because we avoid taking (high) risks. We obviously can't avoid that some idiot crashes into us etc. Riding with a bike straight into the back of a parking car can only happen if the rider doesn't pay attention. It is clearly his own fault. Good that he didn't kill or injure anybody else with his reckless behavior.
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