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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. Been on many lifesaving courses .... don't enter deep water is the No. 1 rule. Reach, throw, wade, row .... but don't go.
  2. Very easy to understand, the choice was Boris or Teresa ............. so no choice at all really. Same as the USA whose choice was Trump or Hillary ....... another no choice decision.
  3. Doesn't look awesome to me, this is awesome .........
  4. Easy .......... It's your money so she doesn't care how much it costs. In some cases they actually negotiate to increase the price. I once caught my Thai wife saying, "Farang pays, double the price and give me 50% of the extra as 'cash back'"
  5. It may be a good idea to have a different doctor check your insides. If your current one is an idiot, he won't understand any of the test results.
  6. Never let anyone have the opportunity to 'get you'. My recipe for a happy life.
  7. Not that valid an opinion then. I've had a Thai specialist doctor suggest appendix removal for constipation (on my 5yo son).
  8. I can't say I give a flying one about the vendors state of mind. Obviously I don't want anyone's loose face to fall off, and would suggest they have a plastic surgeon attach it more securely.
  9. Nationality of doctor? It makes a big difference IMHO, Thai doctors often totally incompetent.
  10. Agree, something bad happens, laugh and move on. Angry Thai, buy them a beer and you're their new best friend.
  11. Your fault for doing business with someone in Thailand. No sympathy. You have 2 choices. 1. forget it. 2. pay someone to kill him. I lost 30,000 pounds before I knew better, and chose to forget it.
  12. if you can turn your pickup over at lights, you're probably driving too fast.
  13. Next time book a 500bht hotel. Then you will have 3,500bht left, enough to pay for breakfast, beer, a toothbrush ........ and a young woman to serve you in your room all night.
  14. Solar has reduced my total consumption, as I follow the woman and kids around turning off stuff. Then I tell them not to watch TV as we don't have enough battery left. Reduction around 20% because of this.
  15. My one is still white, it's the women's two toilets that have gone yellow ....... one of them looks like yellow footprints.
  16. I just bought 2 plastic ones, 166bht each with free delivery. The old ones have gone a nasty yellow colour, all the pollution in CM seems to do that to white plastic. PS. Are you sure 554bht isn't the price for just the hinges?
  17. As a local, you should know the way in that doesn't pass the ticket booth.
  18. I use it as my second SIM, then chuck it after a year. On my 3rd one now, my real phone number is DTAC, had the same SIM for 10 years.
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