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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. My woman will be growing it to use the leaves in her cooking. Any flowers will be discarded.
  2. Biden is like your senile demented old granddad. You still love him, but you wouldn't let him drive you or your kids home.
  3. But includes all countries that don't provide welfare to single moms. Let's face it, our home governments pay our women not to have sex with us.
  4. Illegal in the same sense as not wearing a mc helmet, prostitution, and selling booze out of hours IMHO. 200bht fine, cash in their hand as usual.
  5. Depends where the pain is ....... gallstones are often missed. Symptoms, burning sensation in upper stomach like acid reflux, often worse in evening or when you lie down at night. Identified using an utlrasound scan of the area above the appendix, just below your lowest rib.
  6. How about poor foreigners with a Thai family? I just paid 7kbht for the school uniforms of a village kid I just took in. And another 7kbht for the school uniforms for my kid (government school).
  7. Me too! I've varied from 2hrs to 2 weeks between moving one out and moving the next one in. No need to be sad when a LTR ends, just start banging the next one.
  8. From the other thread stating nearly all cannabis crimes will be pardoned/freed this month, it appears there will no longer be much in the way of enforcement for cannabis smokers, no matter what the stated official rules. Obviously best not to be caught holding a 1Kg brick of the stuff.
  9. This ....... If someone spots a croc, there'll be 20 Thai guys with their mini crossbows there next day.
  10. Don't include me matey, I've never paid an exorbitant fee in my life.
  11. You have to be 18 to get a car driving license. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Driving_licence_in_Thailand#:~:text=Driving licence in Thailand is,drive a motorcycle is 15. "The minimum age to drive a motor vehicle is 18, and to drive a motorcycle is 15"
  12. You never asked to see any documentation? Never put cash in a woman's open hand, unless for services rendered .......... one born every minute. One lady I lived with didn't pay her mortgage either. The bank came round to ask why and I negotiated to pay them direct. No woman can be trusted not after 5 years, not after 30 years. Find a new gf, this one lost you 300kbht no matter how you look at it.
  13. I bought some electric hair clippers in BigC for 250bht, 10 years back. They still work, assuming 6 cuts a year, so far that's cost me 4bht a haircut.
  14. You're right, can't hear myself think for all the birds tweeting. Not to mention the buffalo splashing in the klong just over my garden wall.
  15. My internet in rural Chiang Mai is waaaay faster than my internet was in rural Cornwall.
  16. Huay Tung Tao lake in Chiang Mai. My Thai family pay 20bht each, I pay nothing because I'm over 60 (foreigners under 60 pay 50bht). That's the sort of dual pricing I like.
  17. I rarely use air conditioning. My last winter in the UK I paid 500 pounds for a tank full of heating oil, lasted 2 months (2009). My total PEA fuel bill in Thailand is 200-250bht/month ........ under 80 pounds a year. As for the OP, I'm happy to live anywhere that has a fast internet connection and a few booze shops.
  18. Agree, I don't really care about Chinese killing Chinese, or East Europeans killing East Europeans. I wouldn't do anything about it even if I could, it's not my business.
  19. My lawyer always told me to only say what he scripted. Anything else, I wasn't sure or couldn't remember.
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