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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. Most married Brit couples that age don't have sex at all. (I know, I was one of them)
  2. Would partly disagree. My double vaccinated woman had COVID last week, 6 day flu symptoms. I (double vaccinated) didn't have it, or had no symptoms, even though sleeping with her. My 10yo son, unvaccinated, didn't have it, or had no symptoms, even though with her all the time. All masked when outside our home.
  3. Unlikely ........... 1. Admin aren't 'frontline workers'. 2. Doctors and Nurses are always labelled as such. First rules of tabloid journalism, 1. Big up the victims as much as possible. 2. Blacken the perps as much as you can. So hospital orderly or similar.
  4. I agree with Kenny, and disagree with you. All the Thai languages are primitive, leading to many 'misunderstandings' even between native speakers.
  5. You need to read the links ................. Banyan Veya is 9kbht/night. If I were a NHS hospital orderly, I wouldn't be booking there. "By now, Paul and I should have been decompressing at Banyan Tree Phuket’s new wellbeing sanctuary, Veya. On previous visits, I’d snapped into local time easily." All the info is there if you read it.
  6. Nah, your dog just needed a few more boosters. And the rabies would have been much more serious without the first three vaccinations.
  7. Update: Woman now tests negative, but complains of COVID leaving her with a severe headache in the morning. I've suggested she stops drinking the Lao Kao every night.
  8. As is 'hey, farang'. Personally I prefer the Philippines where they call me 'sir' or sometimes 'boss'.
  9. Never declared anything outside my pay packet, and they never asked. Did claim tax rebates 2 or 3 times recently, did that online as well.
  10. I'm not on holiday, I live here and only eat western food. Today, breakfast = tuna sandwich, lunch = Cumberland sausage and chips, tea = cheese sandwich. Best to eat out when staying at Thai resorts IMHO. 7-11 will deliver toasted cheese and ham sandwiches if you're locked in.
  11. Just binge watched all 5 episodes on HBO Go. All good, lots of deaths, and a few naked Japanese 'Hostess bar' girls.
  12. Never had one, never completed one, all my income tax, NI, state pension is done online through my Gateway account. You guys gotta move to the modern digital online age, not post bits of paper back and forth.
  13. There's nothing for you to file. You get an email telling you your tax code is changed, and your new tax code = your personal allowance - your state pension. The new and reduced tax code is used for your other incomes/pensions. Nothing gets deducted from your state pension. If your personal allowance is 12,000 GBP, and your state pension is 9,000 GBP, your tax code becomes 3,000 GBP. No need for you to even think.
  14. My misses turned the air-con on for 45 minutes this aft, first time this month. I'm hoping for less than 90 units on our bill.
  15. Sometimes I read these lists and think, that's the exact opposite of what I want in a woman.
  16. Known as drinky girls in PI. My pal and I would walk into a club or bar, 10 girls would rush towards us and we would loudly announce, "any girls not available to be bar fined can walk away now". There would usually be 4 or 5 left and we would select two to sit with. Nothing wrong with the 'drinky girls' as long as we knew up front. Some evenings we were happy to pay the 100 pesos for 30-45mins of cuddles and flirting. Cheap Charlie's in Barretto was 'drinky girls' only, nice place to drink in the afternoon and early evening..
  17. No sympathy from me either, you shouldn't have told them where you were.
  18. Completely filmed in the UK, all the scenery was fake.
  19. My standards are, under 35 years old, weighing less than 50Kg, and being a woman from birth.
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