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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. Lived with one in Thailand for nearly a year, almost killed me, in the end I had to run away and hide. One moved in with me while I was on holiday in the Philippines, that was really great. I doubt many men would want (or endure) one for more than a week or two.
  2. Disagree, It's derided by women because it's lowering the value of their product (less than a house), and loosening their control over men. It's derided by men because they are deluded into thinking it should be free.
  3. Move on, it's over. Next time rent don't buy.
  4. Many of the pork shops sell much fresher meat.
  5. I tried them when I first came to Thailand. Instant run to the toilet, never ate them again..
  6. Quite easy to have a loving relationship with a woman under the age of 20. But by the time they've reached 25, for them, it's all become transactional.
  7. I lived with my parents on Shoreham beach (1960). They always worried it would be flooded, but it never was. House is still there in 2022, beach is still there, sea is still the same distance from the house. It's never flooded. As I said earlier, Bezos and the Obamas don't seem worried either, and their beach side homes are really low-level, 6 inches would sink them. I always find it odd that the general public are scared by the pronouncements of doom uttered at the instruction of those that own and control everything, without looking at what their rulers are actually doing, rather than saying. The only problem I'd have living on the beach, would be finding the money needed to buy the property.
  8. Not if he was broke. Women (of any age) won't have sex with a guy over 40 for nothing. Briffault's Law. “the female, not the male, determines all the conditions of the animal family. Where the female can derive no benefit from association with the male, no such association takes place.”
  9. I prefer high THC cannabis. Grow lamp 5,000bht https://www.lazada.co.th/products/led-grow-light-hlg-samsung-lm301h-v3-120240320480600-watt-meanwell-driver-indoor-grow-light-i1541120030-s4105680284.html?&search=pdp_v2v A few feminised seeds $5-$10 https://www.cannabis-seeds-store.co.uk/ And a cupboard under the stairs ....... all very easy (so a friend tells me).
  10. Probably exactly the same (or even less?) as without the vaccine.
  11. Same for many older white men in the western world, and the numbers increasing every year. Odd thing, very few women in this situation. I'd have had a better life in the UK if I'd never bothered to work at all. I'd also have had a better life in the UK as a single man (or as a woman). Women and our governments have taken almost everything we had from us. They don't even want us to have the pensions we paid for all our lives.
  12. My inverter only charges the batteries from solar. Then the house power comes from 1st choice solar 2nd choice solar+ battery 3rd choice battery 4th and final choice grid.
  13. Sea level hasn't risen noticeably in the past 60 years, can't believe it'll rise much in the next 100 years. Bezos and Obama appear to agree with me, from seeing photos of their new multi-million beachfront homes.
  14. Can't believe anyone would pay 300kbht for a pool that small. Even if it had been installed properly. Maybe I'm just out of touch with reality!
  15. Don't know why, cells are fairly easy to obtain. If 1 (3.2V) in 16 (48V) goes wrong, it's very simple and cheap to replace. In some countries which have different night/day rates for electricity, it'd probably be worthwhile buying batteries to charge from the grid at cheap rate, then run your house in the day. No need to have solar panels.
  16. I applied in October (online), and was paid on the correct start date in January. About 10 weeks to process. Looks like the delay is only for those declaring themselves as living overseas.
  17. The county backed her decision. One she probably wouldn't have made without their backing. This sort of person never acts alone.
  18. I've got two. One for meat (mainly sausages), and one for chips. Too lazy to keep washing the same fryer, and I can cook sausages and chips at the same time. You need a big one for chips, if they're more than a couple of chips deep they aren't crisp. Don't forget to shake or turn at half time. This 5l one is perfect for chips ....... 1,100bht https://www.lazada.co.th/products/sotime-2022-5l-air-fryer-3-i357600815-s10528912764.html
  19. 100% wrong, I don't think there would be a single person in Thailand that thought Yingluck wasn't taking orders from Thaksin. That was why she was elected.
  20. Tinned 'Nautilus' Tuna in Soy oil ......... 47bht 7-11, 45bht in BigC, 180bht for 5 in Makro, that's a 25% saving. M&Ms .......... 26bht in 7-11, 25bht in BigC, 126bht for 6 in Makro, a saving of 20%. Mainland Vintage Cheddar ....... Lotus 200bht for 250gm, Makro 265bht for 500gm, 33% cheaper.
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