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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. Yes, I encountered that problem yesterday, when I started my test the BMS reported one cell always lower than the rest, and the copper terminal was warm to the touch. The bolt was a bit loose, another 1/2 turn and it cooled down at the same voltage as the other 3 cells. When the new cells arrived earlier I sanded down all the terminals and bus-bars. All shiny now!
  2. My Suoer 1kW inverter switches itself over from mains to battery when the grid goes off. With this 4 cell battery my entertainment corner will work for 8hrs without mains power. Once my new 5kW5 inverter arrives, and I've built my 16 cell 48V battery, my living room and bedrooms (sockets and lights) should have normal power for 48hrs without any mains or solar input. I'm currently planning on leaving the kitchen, showers and air-con powered by the grid. In a pinch we can survive with the gas hob and fans for the rooms.
  3. I think I'll get 5 x 340w panels, probably half cuts as they don't seem any more expensive. Back to my battery build ........... connected it to my 1kW UPS and pulled the mains plug out. Just been testing the first 4 ....... 260-350w load for 4 hours gave me 50% left. This was powering my computer, 65" LCD Tv, router, sound bar, 2x NAS playing music from YouTube. So that's around 1.2kWHr for 50% discharge which is more than I expected from s/h batteries. Didn't screenshot at the start but it was on around 97% @ 13.3V 4 hours later ........ Now charging. Doesn't look like I need active balance the Daly BMS matched the cells perfectly. Cells ended up at about 1c above ambient temp. Another 8 cells just arrived.
  4. Don't care what it was like before I came here in 2009. I couldn't manage any more sex than I've been getting in the past 13 years. I probably did it more than I really wanted, just because it was available..
  5. No, I tried that as well, and my GP had written to me within the last year. (Stomach cancer survey and test on all residents over a certain age) Tied it again using a space in the middle of the postcode and it worked. So no space .... didn't work ...... with a space ...... did work. But they want to post your number to you, at the address your GP has, so I didn't bother. So I'm still registered 13 years after leaving the UK.
  6. I had a look at her photos, and removed the 'not vaguely attractive' part before you quoted me. She's not that bad for an older 'post wall' white woman. But I'd still prefer someone a bit younger and not bigger than me. And I'd expect something more attractive for $38B.
  7. Sadly, I can't use the NHS app as I only have a UK landline. I also pay income tax, and until late last year (when I claimed my pension) NI payments.
  8. Jeff Bezos paid $38B for his 'free' sex ................ https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/mackenzie-scott-ex-wife-of-jeff-bezos-gives-4-2-billion-of-divorce-settlement-to-charity-xr85hdl07#:~:text=Skip to content-,MacKenzie Scott%2C ex-wife of Jeff Bezos%2C gives %244.2,of divorce settlement to charity&text=As the ex-wife of,on a lavish spending spree.
  9. I doubt there are any over 60 year olds in that group. Doubt there are many over 40 years olds getting free regular sex either.
  10. I consider it well worth 10,000bht for access to regular sex. Obviously some guys are happy to do it themselves.
  11. Are you claiming homeless people aren't entitled to use the NHS? How about people that live in shared housing? Or people living with their parents? None of those can show utility bills. PS. Still registered with my last GP, even though I haven't seen him since 2009.
  12. That would be a mistake ....... I would claim not to have a passport (I've never left the UK so why would I have a passport?), and just provide my NI number or D/L if asked. One of my relatives worked in this job "Overseas treatment manager" in London, the hospital she worked at only ever had her question people with non-British accents.
  13. This is a study of symptoms in patients 2 years after Dengue. It appears to fit your wife's symptoms. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1201971210025166#:~:text=Conclusions,the 2 years following infection. "Among 97 individuals included in the study, 67 were female and 30 were male. As shown in Table 2, the persistence of clinical manifestations 2 years after dengue infection was significantly more prevalent among women (65.7% in women compared to a 36.7% in men). By contrast, most males had nearly fully recovered from their illness (p = 0.008). There were no other statistically significant differences in the demographic characteristics of study participants with and without persistent symptoms."
  14. Dengue fever would fit the symptoms, but that doesn't last 2 years. And there's another similar disease around.
  15. There's very little money to be made in science, you can earn a lot more in finance/banking/management/entertainment. Off topic, But the average Thai that goes to University will be age 30 before they break even with a Thai that starts work for Tesco on 9k/month at age 16. Tesco worker, Earnings, 9k x12 x6 years = 648Kbht by age 22. University student, fees 32k x 4 years = -128Kbht by age 22 (cheapest university fees) I'll forget food/accommodation/other educational expenses for ease of calculation. So at age 22 the university graduate is already at least 776Kbht behind the Tesco worker. And would need to earn at least 8k/month more than the Tesco for the next 8 years just to break even.
  16. Half the rated power x 6hrs gives near enough the effective power generated in a day. So my panels 5 x 340W x6hr x 1/2 = 5KWhr/day (5 units = 20bht)
  17. Works for a medium sized company in Chiang Mai, selling processed food both in Thailand and internationally. Started working for them last year after graduating on 18K/month, now told it will be reduced to 11k/month (same cuts for all staff). Take it or leave, she's at a leaving do with her work pals who already decided to leave at this very moment. 6 years higher education for nothing, she could have been working in Tesco for 9k/month since age 16. With the government trying to raise minimum wage from 300 to 500bht/day and many business on the edge. My personal opinion is the poop is about to hit the fan generally in the Thai economy. I've told her to leave and move back home, I'll feed her. What do you all think?
  18. The enemy of middle class feminists has always been older (35+) middle class white men. They don't care about the privilege of the super rich, or the transgressions of the criminal poor, or the bad treatment of women by followers of Islam, they are only out to vilify and destroy middle class white men. It's a complete mystery to me, why they feel like that, it must be hard to live a life full of hate for the men you were biologically designed to mate with.
  19. I've been drinking the tap water in Chiang Mai for the past 9 years. No problems at all, my PPM meter tells me it's better than the water I was drinking in the UK.
  20. Maybe if America ceased starting wars, there would be less hate directed at it. Should I have called it 'peacekeeping operations in foreign countries' rather than wars?
  21. If you look in the 'next year' income tax section of your Gateway account, it will give you your exact pension income. You have complete control over your contact details through your Gateway account.
  22. How much of a loan were you thinking of giving? (asking for a friend)
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