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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. Dress like everyone else and nobody will know your religion. (Or sexuality). It's that easy!
  2. It's usually poor, weak, underfed people with bad hygiene habits that spread disease.
  3. The first 2/3 was amazing, then it became complete poop at the end.
  4. The direct bus isn't too bad, why drive yourself?
  5. I always search my email for the order. Easier to search than Lazada.
  6. I hate to be the one to tell you .........but these aren't girls!
  7. Just tried my first Dairy Rich purchase (222bht from YoK), 240ml of water + 40gm milk powder (6:1 as advised on the packet). No need to whisk, it dissolved right in taking under 60 seconds, no residue on top or bottom. Tasted fine in my tea, handed a glass to my misses and son (they didn't know it was made from powder), "does this milk taste odd?" And they both agreed it tasted totally normal ..........
  8. Disagree, not rude, just curious. Most Thais living around me can't quite understand how I can live here and nobody in the house has a job. Thais generally admire wealthy criminals.
  9. Disagree, I enjoy most of Bob's posts, but I can't remember reading anything worthwhile from you.
  10. Actually the alternative is Cambodia or the Philippines, both of which are warm and cheap. Never understand the people who think Thailand is the only Asian country worth living in.
  11. It's actually the Thai elites country, I don't think the locals are entitled to much of anything.
  12. We're retired, why would we want to speak with Thais? Or any other foreigners for that matter.
  13. Can't say I speak with any Thais, even the ones trying to talk in English, I just say sorry, I can't understand, smile and walk away.
  14. I don't think I've ever encountered a local that knows we have to have a VISA. Sounds like you made this up Bob.
  15. They are generally a bit more expensive in Barretto This penthouse apt in Baloy Long Beach was 1500peso/night. Assume 50% more than the same in Pattaya. If you're a drinker overall monthly expenses would work out much the same. Everyone keeps saying Subic, but the girly action was all in the next resort Barretto, 25 nightclubs/bars employing 600 ladies. Don't know what it's like today, used to go there 3-4x a year before COVID then the airfares increased x4 so never went again.
  16. Watched the video, didn't see any kicks. The fat guy was a bit rude, but he's probably fed up chasing drunk women off his property all the time. Meanwhile the Thai university lecturer who deliberately ran me down in October, after I accidentally touched his pickup, breaking many of my bones and scarring my legs is unpunished despite the police tracing him and him admitting the attempted murder.
  17. Are you claiming to represent the forum SIMPS?
  18. I think most likely he just pushed her away from his property, but she chose to make a thing of it because as a doctor she's special. If there was blood on the ground the police wouldn't have just suggested they just apologise to each other and walk away. This forum is full of members that hate other male expats, but worship all women and all doctors, so the responses are usually extremely biased, and the poorly written articles, lack of details, and exaggerated headlines encourage that point of view.
  19. The Thai police are quite happy to stand by while she packs her stuff, drive her to the bus station and even pay for her ticket. But they'll only do it once!
  20. They all started when vaccinations became widespread, although I'm sure that's just a coincidence.
  21. I'd like to hear what the 'assault' involved. Assault could range from pushing her away to beating her unconscious.
  22. I'm guessing his story is he used reasonable force to remove a trespasser from his property. Which seems quite reasonable to me.
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