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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. Can't say I really care about the UK punishing US citizens.
  2. I use it to remove my arthritis, my finger joints hurt every day and after 2 years had swollen to the point I could no longer wear a wedding ring. After 3 months of cannabis use the pain and the swelling had totally gone, 3 years later still no signs of the problem returning. 0.5gm of mainly Indica hybrid smoked every evening before bed. As a free bonus, I fall asleep instantly every night.
  3. Doesn't threaten me either, mainly because I don't live there.
  4. UK married 30 years. Thailand married 15 years. Both finished high school then went to university. How are you doing?
  5. That's pretty much the definition of consent in every country of the world. Some hold out for a house, some will give it up for dinner and a few drinks. If you have nothing they want, there will be no consent!
  6. Actually, I did, and most of my pals did. But it was mainly women's entitlement that drove our great escape.
  7. So even though you like him, you think he's prone to violence!
  8. Me too, and change and the bill in 7-11, I just don't look.
  9. It's not very reliable, Chinese server doesn't seem to work much in the day, early morning or evenings are best.
  10. It's nice not to have power cuts though!
  11. Don't think anything in Thailand will change for us. All the big nobs hate foreigners.
  12. Miscounting the votes or padding the postal votes is the way most countries fix it.
  13. I buy my muffins, crumpets and sausages there.
  14. You think life of hard work is smarter than living a life of leisure?
  15. It's to do with the Bell curve of IQ, men have a much wider spread than women, men are both more stupid and more intelligent.
  16. 30 years back everyone got drunk and drove around.
  17. Just started watching the X-Files again, the 720p full seasons BluRay (i_c) are really good quality. Can't believe they were recorded in 1993 ....... 30 years back. Bad Monkey (new series) eps 1 & 2 out, really beautiful Florida Key settings. Quite entertaining as well.
  18. It's from when you tell them ......... so don't.
  19. Yeah, but did you look at the size of them? I don't think they fit in cattle class seats. As for cremation costs, about 10kbht.
  20. "Why so many Asian Click-Bait Bikini Girls on my YT Feed?' It's because you keep clicking on them! My feed is full of Capybara, Marmot and rabbit videos for the same reason.
  21. I just completed this quiz. My Score 70/100 My Time 124 seconds  
  22. At age 68 I've decided death isn't far away ........ So I'm drinking more, smoking more and eating a lot more fried food so I don't waste any more of my remaining time.
  23. I don't define freedom as the ability to be shot dead in your car while out shopping.
  24. It's also got schools with metal detectors, teachers that have sex with pupils, doctors that only treat you if you can pay, Nazi scientists, nuclear weapons, and a military that invades other countries to steal their oil.

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