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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. And how many of those were bought in the last year, from the manufacturer, and have LFP chemistry? Which you paid more than ฿10k for, that wasn't designed to be a disposable item, since it would probably be upgraded and replaced before the battery even died. Lets keep the comparison to mangos & mangos, not blueberries & watermelons Buy better, and it last longer, as I got a lot of Chinese stuff, that's still flying, still taking photo, still using 10 yr old batteries (not LFPs). Don't penny pinch when buying electronics or the batteries to energize them
  2. Now I am offended .. ... I prefer, researching, intellectual, thrifty spender On topic (as always) ... daughter checked out the BYD Dolphin, and not impressed at all. Ordered the Atto 3 instead. Anyone want a POS Mazda 2 (2012 (?) with less the 200k kms on it, that occasionally turns itself off, for no reason that 2 Mazda dealers can't figure out. Only 100k baht, (what she got offered) well care for, except that little issue, if you can figure it out. She's in Krung Thep, act fast.
  3. If not planning on using the grid at night, then you need a battery, and that's going to jack the price up considerably. We use 6-8kWh overnight, 14 hrs of non solar production. Just the bedroom, AC (13k BTU), laptop & 65" TV, for 6 ish hours, then 8 hrs more of AC & the frigs of course. So unless running the meter backward, to supplement night time use, you'll need 10kWh of battery. Not exactly cheap.
  4. Installed for less that 150k is going to be a challenge. DIY, would be a lot cheaper. You need 10 to 20 panels, depending on quality (300w to 540w/ours), and inverter, and few other bits & bobs. DIY ... Panels would cost about ~50k, I think, and inverters, ~20k,. Don't think you can find cheaper than that. If you could get the panels installed on the cheap, by who you purchased them from, than most of the job is done. Someone posted on a thread, that they just bought, and seller had them installed.
  5. Before the end of May, if anything like last year, arriving a bit late. Nothing forecast to happen the next 10 days, and a slight 50% chance on the 10th day. No real surprises about that.
  6. You can get a 5kW system installed for about 150k baht, I think. Cheaper if DIY. That would easily handle most of you AC, provided the run fairly efficient, inverters hopefully. Ours draw very little once temperature is reached. Won't damage your electronics, and quite the opposite, providing steady current, unlike the fluctuating grid.
  7. Follow up, pick up by 'flash', and scanned into the system. Instantly showing as picked up / returned, and instantly showing up LAZ Wallet. Did have to download the app to my phone, for withdrawal from wallet. Put in withdrawal request with bank info (since COD), and instantly showed up in my bank account. All straight forward and way too easy. Mind boggling how others have so many problems.
  8. Obviously we're not getting the whole story. Not surprised. If a public road, they will supply water & electric, though it may cost him. And no, they will not run electric under ground to his land. But we did, from the pole to the house.
  9. How long are ICEV warranties, and how long do they last. Warranty for 5 yrs maybe, and what's the reason for that? I have products 3-5-10-20X their warranty periods. I have a dive watch 34 years old that had a 1 year warranty. I have drone batteries 10+ yrs old that had 1 year or less warranty. All my camera gear come with about 1 year warranty, and some are 6 years old, and yet to have to replace any lithium batteries that they came with. All gear works the same as day 1. Buy good, get good .... buy crap, get crap. You guys are really being silly with all your 'what if' scenarios. Give it rest and get a life.
  10. LFP battery ESS (which ours are) will probably last way longer than me, and probably the wife also. So not expecting to buy any to replace them. If anything, will add the EV's battery pack to the solar system, after the rest of the car craps out, in maybe 20 years or more. A possible 3000 cycles, of which we only use about 33% per night, so times that 20 years by 3. Pretty safe to say, we should be fine and not need to replace in our life time, since I'm 69, and wife is 47.
  11. Did that with my flip flops ... ... damn if she didn't find it
  12. Also a Xiaomi fan; phones, drone, air purifiers, action cameras, power bank, headphones, TDS meter. If having a choice, will usually pick Xiaomi product over other, if priced the same. Xiaomi usually less expensive anyway. All have functioned as described, and some years old, and still going strong.
  13. Ours cost ฿445k to be 'installed', and could easily be done for less, if DIY, and on the cheap if using different components. We're basically off grid, but still conx for ฿27 a month. They do know we have solar Our solar usage this month will be 1000+kWh, though we average 600-800kWh most of the year. A 1000kWh PEA bill is ~฿5000. So earliest ROI if using that amount would be about 7.4 years. BUT ... IF you factor in the additional savings of charging the EVs, with our excess solar, at ฿4600+ a month, then ROI could be as soon as 4 years. EV driving 20k kms a year, saves ฿55.5 a year, with 91 petrol price of ฿38.88, (last time I calculated).
  14. Where we are, all new construction gets digital meters. Got ours Aug 2022, about 2 weeks after the temp building meter from the main road was replaced with a temp meter on the new pole next to the house. So they didn't really have a chance to notice any usage drop since solar was installed a couple days after the temp meter was installed on the pole. 8 newer houses across the main road, and a few more locally also got new digital meters. Eventually all will be replaced, whether having solar (lower bills noticed) or not, IMHO
  15. Tried & failed in TH. I think most regret their conversions.
  16. Doesn't come close to "Swordfish", but OK time killer. He's looking good for being 70 yrs old.
  17. That's a bit more accurate, and we have different definitions of 'very fast' So if driving in the car, for 3+ hours, I might lose 20 kms range. So fast. So I get to only travel 240-260 kms, instead of 280 kms maybe. I guess turning on the AC in an ICEV, with that extra belt dragging on the engine doesn't burn any extra fuel. LET'S ASK MISS GOOGLE ... Would you like to tell me something I don't already know ... https://aseannow.com/topic/1276247-ev-owners-…-real-life-experience-help-thread/page/6/#comment-18100703
  18. Don't think the mail process can get any easier. What is the agent actually going to do for you, Drop it off at the post office for you.
  19. I know more than a few Trump supporters, and completely opposite of your description. Says more about you, (MSM brainwashed) than your thoughts on them. To the OP, I like him, because everyone hated him, especially the swamp (dems & reps), but, I don't want him as president. Good for the country, bad for me, as low COLA & exchange rate when he was president.
  20. Looks better than most, though could do with less black, though guess it adds contrast to the front, which not really a fan of. Actually the Toyota looks more practical, 2 door and longer bed. The Isuzu is a SUV with a bed for what ... grocery shopping. Something I hate about most trucks, the beds are so small. Just buy an SUV.
  21. No, it doesn't, but hey, ignorance is bliss ... enjoy it, as we need a chuckle
  22. I feel the same way about people buying ICEV. Or people still buying electric from utility companies. Oh well ... give your money away or spend it on yourself .. UP2U
  23. Guess I needed to get out more, as have only visited a few (below) on that list. Though just as many, in the Americas, Caribbean Islands, that didn't make the list. And more than a few states, that are as big or larger than some countries. Myanmar, Denmark & Sweden not making the list. Does spending way to many hours at the airport count, then I can add Germany, France & Japan. Especially Japan, as been there about 20 times, and spent 4-6 hours at the airport, killing time in the VIP lounge.
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