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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. I guess you can't read the post above ... no deception, but please, keep repeating it. Though don't expect any further replies.
  2. Plan ... really ... While on the road ... Honey, I got to 'P', or I'm hungry ... OK, where's the next PTT EV station this side of the road. Other side if having to P that bad. That's some tough planning, don't know how we do it. I know, you guys just use a bottle while driving on the road for 6 hours. Oh wait, you have a Celerio .... please stop talking to me. In case you didn't see my other post, on our latest O&A, cost was about ฿2000 vs ฿6000 for petrol is using our ICE version of same car. No real planning, and doing the exact same, as if owning an ICEV when out & about. AND ... it's more fun to drive, and more comfortable.
  3. blatantly lied ... as I suspected BYE BYE Use better apps, get better info FYI ... Chonburi screenshot is for charging station that use this plug (only one filtered), which is for fast charging: Again, this is what's available, using that plug, so please point out the deception: this is what's on the PlugShare app, and usually not current: To add, just the fast charge plugs at PEA: I don't have EV Station app on my phone, but here's a not up to date from Gmap, and usually located at PTT staions: : CAN'T FIND A FAST CHARGER ... YOU'RE NOT LOOKING VERY HARD
  4. If having a model 3, why would you make a silly statement, it takes 1-2 hrs to charge. And the car doesn't dictate anything, we simply charge while we are doing things. We pull into the PTT Parks to 'P', walk the dog, and get a munch while on the road, and while there, top up the car. Or if convenient, top up the car while at a restaurant, options abound;
  5. Should be no problem, and will plug into a normal wall socket as ours only puts out 2.3kWh, not much more than a higher powered microwave or oven. It's call the 'emergency or granny' charger, and what we use 99% of time, unless we are out of town. Our charging time is limited, as we use solar, but so far, never an issue charging, unless a week of crap overcast & rain. Then we might use the supplied/installed by dealer, wall charger, but very rare. As we have an E-Motorcycle also, so never without something to drive. Should easily charge up 50% overnight and more than enough to get back to 100%, if limited driving during the day. Our MG ZS has a 50.3kWh battery (46.3kWh usable), and here's info on that:
  6. You certainly don't own or know much about EVs. Ours goes from 30% to 95% in <40 mins, or the time it takes for the wife & myself to 'P', walk the dog, and get a munch. Car is usually done (@90-95%) before or about same time we are, or we'll let it keep going, if nobody is waiting to plug in. The last 5% does take about 20 mins, so we usually never bother waiting, unless actually doing something. Frankly, I think you're an idiot if taking your EV to 20-25%, or lower, while O&A. For us, that's 3+ hrs on the road anyway, using 60-65%, so a break is welcomed, if we even last that long. Any intelligent person doesn't take it below 25%, and the largest battery (affordable) in TH is 82kWh, I think, most in the 50-60kWh range, so rarely more than 1 hr, unless very low, and topping up to 100%, and as stated, why bother with the last 5%, that's silly long for little benefit. BYE BYE
  7. Hmm ... buy one of those, or a house, let me think a sec... ... a house seems a bit more practical, and every house I've owned cost less, and appreciated. I don't do car show, so couldn't tell you. Only shop when ready to buy something, as looking at cars, doesn't do much for me. The lasses wouldn't be too hard on the eyes to peek at though. I do prefer a more natural look, without the applied coverings & exaggerated features.
  8. filter <50kW (48 or 49). Still pretty fast, and since many EV, mine include, won't accept 100kW, then seems a bit senseless. MG ZS will accept 76kW. I usually only need about 30kW when topping up, if that, as will leave somewhere between 85-95%, or whenever we're done doing what we're doing. Actually made to 100% the other day, but don't think we start much below 45%, as needed a toilet break & a munch. Also, which I just realized the other day when planning, the PhugShare site & app, show vastly different number of chargers. For some reason, app show many more. Thought that a bit strange. Charge Loma app a bit better, but still not as good as the vendor apps, as current. Most of apps on wife's phone, so I just ask her to pick the next one/EV Station Pluz, when time to stop to 'P' & munch. My screenshot was probably from Charge Loma and are fast charger 49kw & up
  9. O&A the past 9 days, (Mar 17-26), PKK (municipality) to Betong, Yala. Down fairly direct route. Return, popped over to Andaman Sea side, and up through Phang Nga. Very nice outing. Total of 2254 kms, with 125 kms of those exploring 7 days on the road, average of 300 kms/3-4 hrs per day. 1st & last day, a bit longer. EV cost, appox ฿2000 If same with same car but ... ICEV, then cost would have been about ฿6000 We owned both version of the MG ZS No issues finding & using CS. Only 1 Q encountered, and while deciding where to go to next, all of 5 mins, they unplugged, so can't really say we experienced a Q at CS yet. That's traveling over one weekend also (2 Sundays, Friday & Saturday). 2 nights at Betong, only 1 night at other stops, as most repeat visits to the area, with exception of Hat Yai, spent 1 night, each direction there, for 2 nights. One of those visiting with our cousin & wife. Basically R&R away from home.
  10. A quick chimchi noodle soup w/eggs. Packaged chimchi from 7-11, the wife didn't finish while O&A, along with last 2 eggs in frig, and rice noodle. Quick & easy ... Wife makes good chimchi, but after a couple weeks of being ready, (she makes way too much), it's too sour for me, and she's stuck eating the rest, and usually in a soup, as a bit much for her also, I think.
  11. Testing variety .. but in the end ... 'till death do you part' ... .... that's a really long time Never had protected sex ... Knock on Wood, especially considering my time/years of my promiscuity, and some of the most unknown & dangerous decades. A few friends weren't so lucky, and picked up a life long bug, or one that ended them.
  12. My reference to TH ... as in place, but not enforced, after the few couple weeks in April 2020, I think. As we were O&A way more than usual. Never stopped or questioned, even the first week when out of province, when outer province travel was supposedly being frowned upon. Lots of shuttered business, most actually, in the international tourist catering areas. Pure BLISS for us, as Phuket and Ao Nang was never better, in the 20 years prior. And we got to travel during high season, on the cheap, 25% or more, discounted what they are now. Paying 600 baht w/brekkie buffet, at a couple on Phuket, where they want 3k this past Dec & Jan. Rural Thai towns and non-touristy areas were back to normal quite quick. Locally/PKK, only the surfside restaurants, that catered to the weekender or few intern'l tourist stay shut for shy of 2 yrs, till the sandboxes opened and they trickled back in. One street over, parallel to surfside, and you'd never know there was a pandemic
  13. Do the manufactures from CH even bother with that type of promoting vehicles? I always thought it was a bit degrading for the ladies, and an insult to my intelligence, if they thought I was that stupid, and thinking with the other head when making a purchase. I shop the specs, before even looking at, or hands on any vehicle purchase. Specs keep me from wasting my time at dealers.
  14. You obviously don't live in TH. EV cost the same as ICEVs. 500k to 1.6M & UP. As stated, how much more range do you need ? BYD Seal will get you 5 hrs of driving on Thai roads (WLTP 460 kms/5 hrs of 70 kph on average), and 70 kph is about average over 5 hrs, with a nice reserve or 100+ kms. I'm happy if I can manage 80 kph, and that's only possible on a few stretches of road, and only a few hours. I think the Seal only cost 1.6M, same as any quality ICE Import from JP, but performs so much better for less operating cost. Are you away from home that much during any week or month. Extensive charging network in TH, and few if any areas are now without. I've done the whole country (N, NE, E, S), almost, in our EV, w/low range, 250-275 kms/3+ hrs of driving usually, before charging, and no issues yet with charging station availability.
  15. They're simply time killers now when bored, and most fail at that minor task. Really can't remember a movie recently I'd recommend as thought provoking or just entertaining, let alone one I'd watch again. Some of the Oscar winners & blockbuster at the bottom of the list, and that's pretty sad.
  16. As much as I enjoyed being single, in between relationships, all the kooties floating around out there, makes me also appreciate those relationships. Although with single in USA, did have a few special like minded friends, and always there for each other. Oh yea, to add, a relationship, does not allow one to cheat on them, as kind of defeats the purpose, and why bother, if going to betray their trust. Adding them up, 4 marriages & 2 live ins+, totals about 33 yrs of monogamous relationships, present at 18 yrs. Leaves about 20+ yr of being single. A blessed life.
  17. We make our own Kefir, and way better than yogurt. Drinkable or after a few hours in the frig, sets up, same as yogurt, and I actually use it in place of ice cream at the house, adding corn flakes & blueberries to it. I nice healthy desert vs ice cream. Kefer vs yogurt ...
  18. There were lockdowns before I read people were required to wear masks, and did so
  19. I notice I broke the 13 kWh/100 km and high 12s, when going from Hat Yai to Betong, on hwy #410, as lots of winding road & hills, allowing for lots of regen. Usually at 14 kWh/100 +/- at highway speeds of 95+/- when possible. 120 kph only available when above HH, when heading to/from BKK to visit daughter, and only feel comfortable driving about 110 kph. Thai road aren't the best for higher speeds.
  20. Well stated. For me, and reinforced when we are O&A, such as last 9 ish days, it's the savings & performance of the EV vs ICEV. Petrol, 91, back to 38.16 yesterday in the South (BKK 37.68). So that 320 kms WLTP range, which we usually get at highway speeds 95 kph +/-, only cost ฿370 vs ฿872. Our most expensive hotel during that O&A was ฿1000, and only 2 nights, most were ฿5-700 a night. So nicely 'discounted' hotel stays that whole O&A We usually stay rural. Performance wise, a good example was an alternate route to hwy # 41, which is slow going, with truck traffic and construction past Surat Thani airport (Surat Thani to Chumphon), so we took a parallel road. Which means a couple things, 2 way traffic, no longer 4 lanes & divide, but with the EV's performance, passing isn't a problem, and we actually save time or takes the same time, but gain kms to the range, when driving aggressive, as the regen kicks in, and send energy back to the battery. I passed many times, when ICEV couldn't, as simply didn't have the performance to do so. MG ZS far from a performance model, but way more powerful than the ICE version, and really fun to drive, when pushing it. We stopped for meal, and I noticed battery was at 50%, and still had 173 kms of range, exceeded our usual 320 kms range when on the main roads. Another plus of back roads, no speed camera, as I found myself at 90+ kph, breaking 100 more than a few times, when safe to do so. Driving aggressive actually gained about 8% range on a full charge, if consistent. Times 2 for 100% = 346 kms vs usual 320 range for full charge. Knocking around town we get 360 kms, so even more savings.
  21. Lack of whole real foods nutrition & exercise to keep the immune system prime to fight cancers. Everyone seems to take the easy route to food consumption, and failure to read the labels, what little info is actually provided. The conglomerates have taken control of most aspects of life, along with giving out bad advice, then selling you pharmaceuticals that may or may not correct that bad advice. Either way, they don't care, as making profits on all the misinformation they feed you from their controlled media. Seems common sense has stopped and people just listen & comply to whatever they are told to do now. Damn embarrassing actually ...
  22. When investing 10s or 100s of millions of $$$, you can't risk offending the snowflakes ... ... and if the forum is any gauge of the snowflake demographics worldwide ... nuff said.
  23. Why would they care or even know about what you receive in AU, as Thai RD only cares about what you bring in. Thought that was fairly obvious through out the thread. There easy ways to avoid the Thai tax, but that would fall under 'tax avoidance', and not to be discussed.
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