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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Never had a problem with, at TWL beach, or any Thai beach.
  2. The TH/AU tax agreement will tell you what's taxable or exempt, if anything, And this thread has links to what you can expect to pay if necessary in TH. Kind of easy actually. What else would you need ? Suggest an Aussie/Thai tax/finance advisor to do your taxes if you can't figure it out.
  3. Hmm ... that's actually making more sense than battery being too warm. TBH, can't really say I've ever paid any attention to any boot up process.
  4. Car 'starts' and all accessible (accessories; AC, etc), but when engage 'drive'... NO On MG, has pop in odometer/info area, states 'READY' , but instead, states battery bla bla bla, or something, but not 'ready' and drive or reverse won't engage. wait <5 mins and all is fine. We've used PEA at least 20 times prior, and no issues. No issues with any other vendors; MG, EV Station Pluz, Elexa
  5. Yea, I beat the sh!t out of mine, and surprisingly, it took it with no problem. Actually kind of impressed, and a fun car to drive, though weight distribution was way off, and would fishtail around itself, by simply turning the wheel and punching it from dead stop. Aside from that, handled great. Although now, realize how low tech and little power it had, after driving an EV. Though compared to my brother's 'worked 55/56 Chevys', it was crap, but not bad for a stock, off the line car.
  6. Heads up ... MG ZS & PEA Volta, don't seem to be playing nice. Have used PEA many times, no issues, but last 2 times, car wasn't ready to drive, and had to wait for it to 'reset', which is no big deal, and only took a few minutes. MG dealer said 'drive' won't initiate if battery is warmer than usual. Issue if someone is waiting to plug in, as Q'd and now have to wait a couple more minutes. My issue is, heat not the best friend of batteries, so will only be using as last resort, pretty much never, in the future. Any other MGs or other make/models having the same issue ?
  7. Up to ... Another number pulled from a mysterious orifice
  8. I'm boycotting the UK, though I don't think they'll notice
  9. That new math I heard about. Different from the stuff I was taught. I grew up in mixed neighborhood, 2 of 4 neighbors were black, actually 2 of 3, as factory across the street, and alley behind the house was border of whites/blacks, and all black beyond. Only 1 black kid at high school, my neighbor, and we used to hang out of course, earning me the N-Lover title, which I enjoyed. After high school, (15+ yrs old and onward) my cousin/Jew, neighbor/black, and my honky A$$ would go to local bar, get 6'ers of Michelob & doobies, and ponder the world's problems. Wouldn't want to be raised in any other neighborhood, or to parents that weren't bigots. Living on the other side of the tracks shows the character of those thinking they are better. Sadly A-hole rarely realize their true self or the world, and raise A-holes. Why the world is such a sh!thole ... Remember when MLK Jr got bumped off, my father put a rifle on the coffee table, and I'm like ... ... W T F ... they're going to riot, we have to be prepared ... you mean all my friends and their family are going to attack us ? Mind boggling mentality. Stop watching TV pop.
  10. In my world, that would mean a lot of flat tires. If happened following week, a lot of punctured tires, if again, some broke windshields. Yea ... raised to respect others, not sh!t on them
  11. I didn't care for Ban Saphans, thought quite some time ago, but beach wise, guess that doesn't make much difference. If anything, better then, as not as developed. Ao Manao, Ban Krut & Thung Wua Laen are the only ones I would bother with swimming in. Or even just hanging out on. HH is OK to look at, but that's about it, and only the southern part. Some folks say there's a couple just south, on other side of Khao Takiab, but I thought they were crap.
  12. Had to resign from being Grand Wizard, and turn in my hood. They just couldn't accept me and the Asian/Thai wife existence. Somehow being bisexual and sleeping with blacks didn't set them off, but that yellow fever ... was the last straw apparently.
  13. Or I just ignore most of his/EOW drivel. Bias hated with little knowledge of, and even less experience with EV, or any aspect of them.
  14. Same, and part of the reason I left ... as seems invade & occupy isn't restricted to the Palestinian zones. How many UN resolutions do they / Israel have to ignore before the world boycotts them, and stops supporting them. They control the majority of all MSM & just about everything else that is influential ...
  15. They hated everyone, so yea, they were Jew haters, even the ones in our family. The one bi-atch made my brother get rid of his dog, because it knock down her son that was throwing stones at her. We'll never forgive her for that. Growing up with bigoted parents, showed me their screwed up thinking, and I'm the complete opposite. I love everyone, until given reason not to. But stand by my original statement, that would be hell, as that is one snooty society, and I've yet to be proven wrong, aside from the bi-atch's son, and my favorite cousin. Of course it was always my fault when we got in trouble I tire of their weekly, monthly or 10-20 movies a year reminding everyone else how oppressed they are. Just wished they nuke each other and be done with it. They truly are their worst enemies and hard to tell which is worst, Hamas or Zionist. Seems many of their own citizens are strongly against their own policies ... nuff said
  16. That would be pure hell, a whole community thinking they're the chosen ones and so much better than you. Good GOD, shoot me now 😎
  17. The Abyss is good, ending a bit cheesy, but overall a good watch. They shot a lot of it in an old nuke cooling tower.
  18. Yes, I saw that routing, but then I'd need an exit stamp and getting that, timewise, would defeat the purpose. People not on long term visa should definitely get multi entry visa, if still the same price as when I used to get them. Same if wanting to hit lower Pattani & Narathiwat, although not exactly pet friendly, as couldn't find hotel that takes dogs, though didn't look very hard. One province I can't say I stayed in or even been to, Narathiwat, oh well. I feel so incomplete
  19. Yep ... they're made for each other. Wish they'd nuke each other, so the rest of the world could move on ...
  20. I quite enjoyed many happy hours, knockin' around Philly, PA, USA, and a local brewery at Germantown, TN, USA (Memphis area). Had some fine ales, and a favorite was be Brit pub in Philly. Few places interested my in last 23 yrs here in TH, except when out on the prowl.
  21. As silly as Swayze's hair never seem to get messed up. That's a lot of gel & hairspray. Original was as much chickie movie as fight scenes (terrible by the way).
  22. EVs rare, and getting rarer, especially BEVs, and if you maintain you ICEV, you really shouldn't have a worry.
  23. I seem to have lost all interest in drinking alcohol. They stopped making my beer of choice 'Kopper Craft', tasty and great value, 490ml @ 55 baht @ 7-11. Cheaper by the slab @ Makro I rarely opened a 2nd one when sipping. Never was a fan of bars, and only purpose for myself, was 'meat market', or planned chit chat with friends.
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