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Who has been poisoning the dogs - 40 stray mutts die at Chumphon institute


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I need a 22 short rifle,,, better than poisoning which is inhumane 

Unfortunately you're not allowed to shoot them either....you are only allowed to feed them,because maybe they are a long lost uncle who of course always wanted to be reincarnated as as scabby soi dog.
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57 minutes ago, johng said:

Unfortunately you're not allowed to shoot them either....you are only allowed to feed them,because maybe they are a long lost uncle who of course always wanted to be reincarnated as as scabby soi dog.

don't tell me people actually believe that???

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12 hours ago, steven100 said:

I just don't get you.   These are pests who bite kids in their own street.

they chase the elderly and they carry rabbies.



So what category do you belong to ? Kids or elderly ? Doubt that you go out very often.

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7 hours ago, johng said:

In another thread the

"soi dog foundation" estimates there are over 8 million stray dogs roam Thailand..every means possible should be used to drastically reduce that number.





He has been for some attitude adjustment since he posted that

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15 hours ago, Rhys said:

This happened at I school I used to work at back in the day... The grounds staff poisoned the dogs and cats.... under the blinking eyes of the Administration.


If I'd have been the Administration, I'd have welcomed this action. The last thing you want on school premises are stray cats and dogs. They're a real health risk, they are strays and almost certainly un-wanted and, more than anything, they simply shouldn't be there. Thailand will get its priorities right . . . one day!

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19 hours ago, johng said:

In another thread the

"soi dog foundation" estimates there are over 8 million stray dogs roam Thailand..every means possible should be used to drastically reduce that number.





Yes, but not by poisoning them and leaving them to die a painful death.

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On 9/8/2017 at 6:48 AM, Ridge said:

Burn the bastard who did it alive. Thanks.

I have lost count of the times i have had a pack of dogs chase me in this country, on both a push bike and a motorbike.


Although i have not done anything about it YET, i sure understand the issue. As you would if it ever happened to you.

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12 hours ago, Ridge said:

You forgot to answer the question. Have you noticed that ?

you mean the kids or elderly question ..... I am neither ... middle.

and the health question ....  well, not sure but if i keep going the way i am i'll probably won't see another year.

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6 hours ago, steven100 said:

you mean the kids or elderly question ..... I am neither ... middle.

and the health question ....  well, not sure but if i keep going the way i am i'll probably won't see another year.

That's why you should not enjoy the death of a living being. It will come to all of us. I have seen it..a dieing dog being attacked by 6 others. I chased them off and sat around. In the blistering sun. Told him he would not have to go alone. He howled, calling his "mates" but none showed up. Nor did the owner. Anyways....45 minutes later he was gone. Picked some flowers, wished him a good journey and hoped his owner would digg a grave. Hope you get the picture. I can tell about other experiences but it does not make a happy read.

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10 hours ago, Ridge said:

That's why you should not enjoy the death of a living being. It will come to all of us. I have seen it..a dieing dog being attacked by 6 others. I chased them off and sat around. In the blistering sun. Told him he would not have to go alone. He howled, calling his "mates" but none showed up. Nor did the owner. Anyways....45 minutes later he was gone. Picked some flowers, wished him a good journey and hoped his owner would digg a grave. Hope you get the picture. I can tell about other experiences but it does not make a happy read.

Dont bother yourself

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11 hours ago, Ridge said:

That's why you should not enjoy the death of a living being. It will come to all of us. I have seen it..a dieing dog being attacked by 6 others. I chased them off and sat around. In the blistering sun. Told him he would not have to go alone. He howled, calling his "mates" but none showed up. Nor did the owner. Anyways....45 minutes later he was gone. Picked some flowers, wished him a good journey and hoped his owner would digg a grave. Hope you get the picture. I can tell about other experiences but it does not make a happy read.

You watched as an injured stray dog slowly died in agony in the blazing sun.. howling in pain and suffering for nearly an hour?


Then you go and pick flowers for it and leave its body to rot in the sun in a public place?


That sounds like animal cruelty / neglect.  Why did you not rescue it.. take it to a vets, or call someone to help?!  


The least you could have done was put the poor thing out of its misery with a blow to the head.  





Edited by jak2002003
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On ‎08‎/‎09‎/‎2017 at 6:10 AM, hawker9000 said:

Consider the position of a homeowner concerned for his own safety and the safety of his family, perhaps including young children

Right on the mark with that statement, this especially as it happened to me.
Six-year-old daughter came running home crying because a large black dog at the end of the soi had "attacked" her and it wasn't the first time because this same dog had chased me when I was on my scooter and almost knocked me off of it.
Being the good citizen I am, I went round to see the lady owner who was standing outside of her gate holding onto the dog and I pointed to it and whether she understood me or not I don't know, but I had a large pipe in my hand and I pointed to it and the dog and also motioned with my fingers as if shooting a gun at the dog. I think she got the point.
I thought so, but obviously not because the next day it attacked me on my motorbike, so I devised a little treat for it, stuffing a large sausage with all sorts of nasties and as I went past the dog I threw it into the bushes and the dog chased after it and I saw it devouring it with gusto.
Never did see that dog again.
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2 hours ago, xylophone said:
Right on the mark with that statement, this especially as it happened to me.
Six-year-old daughter came running home crying because a large black dog at the end of the soi had "attacked" her and it wasn't the first time because this same dog had chased me when I was on my scooter and almost knocked me off of it.
Being the good citizen I am, I went round to see the lady owner who was standing outside of her gate holding onto the dog and I pointed to it and whether she understood me or not I don't know, but I had a large pipe in my hand and I pointed to it and the dog and also motioned with my fingers as if shooting a gun at the dog. I think she got the point.
I thought so, but obviously not because the next day it attacked me on my motorbike, so I devised a little treat for it, stuffing a large sausage with all sorts of nasties and as I went past the dog I threw it into the bushes and the dog chased after it and I saw it devouring it with gusto.
Never did see that dog again.

Doggone . . . order me 100kg of those porkies, will you?

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  • 1 month later...

I can only show my respect to person who cleaned university from pack of stray dogs. At least children will be safe now. This woman who feed stray dogs in university should be fired and prosecuted. She is not the person who can take care of children properly.

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Beavis and Butthead captured a soi dog. ฺBeavis injected with syringe 300 grams of petrol A91 into dog .

- Hey Butthead you see i put 300 grams of fuel inside that dog, it should run on it at least two miles.

Dog walked few metrs and after that fall dead.

- Hey Beavis, I told you you need to put more fuel inside that dog to let it going, let's carry it to fuel station:)

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Ok I think it is cruel to kill animals this way. But in my village a guy across the soi has 4 dogs Small ones and plus all the other dogs bark all night. They must be deaf those people or they dont give  a damm or they like the sound of dogs barking Since Thailand has no dog catchers by the looks of it something has to be done soon You can love your dogs but this is just plain overboard.

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On 9/7/2017 at 8:07 PM, makecoldplayhistory said:

Whenever this sick individual is caught, I hope their identity is published (along with contact details and rates).

Desperate rather than sick, probably driven half crazy by the constant yapping or could have had a child attacked bu one of the disease ridden menaces. Thailand will always look like a third world slum until they do something about stray dogs

Millions of soi dogs is a problem getting worse every year, no need to list why again and foundations to rescue them and spay them is like peeing in the wind, just tokens. Mass culling is what is needed and this person made a good start.

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On 10/25/2017 at 6:34 AM, Happyman58 said:

Ok I think it is cruel to kill animals this way. But in my village a guy across the soi has 4 dogs Small ones and plus all the other dogs bark all night. They must be deaf those people or they dont give  a damm or they like the sound of dogs barking Since Thailand has no dog catchers by the looks of it something has to be done soon You can love your dogs but this is just plain overboard.

Don't bother complaining he will just never talk to you again at best and you will still have the problem. You could try one of those ultra sonic silencers but they don't work on all dogs

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